Sunday 15 July 2018

The Three Weeks - The Final Stretch

We are into the final week of "The Three Weeks", having survived the first two weeks, as the curse of being a Jew in my past life threatens to come back to haunt me. "The Three Weeks" ends next Sunday, the day of "Tisha B'Av", when both Temples were destroyed, the first by the Babylonians, the second by the Romans.

However there hasn't been any more catastrophes since the catastrophic incidence Sunday two weeks ago, the start of "The Three Weeks" when due to a computer glitch I was overcharged at the grocery store by over $40, and had destroyed my docket in an unconscious act of self sabotage, consequence of The Chiron Effect, before I had the chance to get the money back. Money lost is money that will never be replaced. Any money I may get in the future to "make up" for the loss is money I would have received anyway, such as tax breaks and savings. So it is yet another loss, another in the very long line of financial losses due to the Chiron Effect that I will have to wear.

Due to this catastrophe and the usual rise in the taxes and charges that comes with July, I had expected my savings plan to be shattered, seriously affecting the viability of my intended trip to the USA next year. So with much trepidation I did my savings plan review last week as I do prior to each payday...... and found I actually made a GAIN in my savings plan. I checked the figures again just to make sure..... and there was no mistake, I did actually make a GAIN. It was a small but significant gain. How I managed to pull this trick despite the catastrophes I will never know, but it means my trip to the USA remains on track for early next year. Catastrophe number 2, the catastrophic loss in my savings plan, did not come to pass.

Next in line, my taxes, as I once again deal with Australia's very high taxes and my ever shrinking tax refund check, barely enough for a Happy Meal at Maccas. Well maybe not quite that meagre, well not yet anyway. I do my taxes online, all with computers, so there won't be any errors...... oh yes of course there can be errors with computers, as the incidence at the grocery store proves. But we're talking about the tax office here. There won't be any errors except for errors that favours the tax office. So in other words, I wouldn't accidentally get a higher refund check, the tax office will make sure of that, while if there be any errors, it will manifest in an even smaller refund check than originally expected. So I was utterly surprised when I saw that I am due to received a BIGGER tax refund check than last year!! This can't be an error, so I thought.... wow!!!! This will really give my savings plan an unexpected boost. Catastrophe number 3 averted!!

I soon worked out why I am receiving a larger tax refund check. When I received my wage rise last year, it was back dated almost six months. So I received a lump sum payment worth six months worth of wage rises. Certain kinds of lump sum payments are taxed at a much higher rate, so all lump sum payments are automatically taxed at this higher rate. It wasn't until I would do my taxes and they determined that the lump sum payments was simply a consequence of the wage rise being back dated therefore doesn't attract the higher tax rate, the tax difference was effectively refunded back to me. Hence the significantly larger than expected tax refund check.

So despite the Chiron Effect it seems my finances are in pretty good shape with my savings plan remaining intact. However I am not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot. There is still the final week of The Three Weeks. Then another month of the peak of the Chiron Saturn square, with Chiron in my 2nd House, the House it resided back during my poverty years in my childhood.

The expected demise of my car hasn't yet manifested. My car it seems is still running well, indeed for some reason it seems to be running better than it has been in recent time. Perhaps the premium petrol that I have been feeding my car with, more expensive than the normal petrol, but it earns me extra frequent flyers points which will help me with my trips.

Virgo reality check! I know however that I am sitting on a time bomb. The car is overdue for a service, which hopefully I will be able to get done shortly once I dealt with my usual July bills for the new tax year. The service seems destined to result in higher repair bills, my feeling is the brakes will need to be done, which is destined to put a dent in my savings plan. The bigger issue however is the cracked heads which will cost more to fix than what the car is worth. So far the leakage in the cooling system from the cracked heads is manageable, needing to be topped up only once per month. This cost me a fortune in coolant fluid, but better than getting it fixed, which not only will wipe out my savings but send me deep into debt. I was quoted up to $5000 for the repair bill. The car is worth less than $1000 and that's an optimistic estimate. Therefore when the leak becomes unmanageable, I will simply cut my losses and sell the car to the wreckers, kissing it goodbye for ever..... and hello to the trains and Uber. So trying to keep repair bills to a minimum, doing only what is absolutely essential, until the car finally gives up the ghost. Unfortunately I think the brakes will be one of them, my feeling is they will need to be done, and it will be expensive. This I will have to face up to over the next month or so as the Chiron Effect kicks in, the Chiron Saturn square peaking at less than a degree from exact for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Despite it being The Three Weeks when I normally keep a low profile and become even more of a tiny little hermit, I have been going out a lot..... well it is a lot for this tiny little introverted hermit who usually abides by the rule of not doing anything new during The Three Weeks nor Chiron Saturn squares. The 9-week Chakra Dance course proved to be my inspiration. Last week I was at the 7/7 Activation Ceremony for the 7th day of the 7th month - the 7th of July. Then last Friday I was at another Activation Ceremony for the solar eclipse that took place last Friday on Friday the 13th - my lucky day. Friday the 13th is a very lucky day. Friday is the day of the Goddess, so it is always a good day. And 13 is the number of the Goddess, it is a Goddess number. So putting those two together, Friday the 13th becomes a very lucky day. The superstition that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day is a Christian conspiracy, cos Christians doesn't like Goddess worship so they will do everything to make us afraid of anything to do with Goddesses. Hence they say Friday was the day Adam and Eve ate that apple which made us to be such mean and nasty creatures who are going to Hell, and also the day Jesus died.... and 13 is said to be unlucky cos Jesus and the disciples made up to 13 people, and one of them ended up betraying Jesus, so had to choose a 13th disciple to replace Judah the betrayer. All this effectively to suppress honouring the Goddesses.

So last Friday on my luckiest day, I was at the Solar Eclipse Activation Ceremony. Then last night I was at the Cacao Ceremony and Ecstatic Dance session, this was truly epic. My next outing will be to the Lunar Eclipse Activation Ceremony on the 28th, then the day session with Chakra Dance on Sunday the 29th.

Oh wait..... there has been a catastrophe today!!!! A total and utter, truly Earth shaking catastrophe tearing at the very fabric of time and space....... the Weevils beat the Maggies. A massive fail of the Weevil voodoo dolls. It would not have mattered if the Maggies lost to the Bombers, or to Richmond, or Melbourne, or GWS....... but the bloody Weevils!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrgh!!!!!!!!! This I will never live down..................

Speaking of allegedly "unlucky" days and that original sin........

When the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House kicks in........

Family lessons......

When I take my car in for a much overdue service during the Chiron Saturn square......

When the Saturn Complex in my chart manifests.......

My new diet..... until the Saturn Complex kicks in.......
The lament of a Virgo.......

I wonder if they will call in at Baskins and Robbins.......

When Chiron entered my 3rd House back in 1977......

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