Monday 4 June 2018

Born In The USA

Here today is a public holiday..... Foundation Day..... or nowadays known as "W.A. Day" so to avoid offending the natives..... either way, it is when Perth was established..... whether it was a good idea or not, that is another matter..... For hundreds of years, the French, Dutch and probably others came by this way, but didn't settle cos it was too remote, too desolate, too dry, etc..... only the British were crazy enough to settle here!! And one has to be crazy to live here..... well being born here was not a good start..... but I am here..... I tried to get away a few times, but failed......

Like back in 1998 when I married my wife in America..... and at first the plan was for me to stay with her in America. I thought, great opportunity to finally get away from Perth!! Of course this was not why I married her!!! In fact I had no intention of marrying anyone when I went to America. But well it was a case of opportunity just presenting itself, and well since I married her, I thought I might be able to get a green card and so stay with her. But on visiting the immigration office we discovered that my wife needed to have a job or at least an income to be able to support me, and well she didn't have a job, she was on some kind of pension, not enough to support me. Then she tried to find someone who would sponsor me, who would employ me, but that came up with dead ends. Of course the rest is history..... she ended up coming back with me.... back to Perth!!! The very place I wanted to get away from!!!!

And it looks like history is fixing to repeat itself all over again..... my Twin Flame, also in America, is wanting me to move out to America to live with her..... As with my wife, she also doesn't have a job and is on some kind of pension, so a green card is out of the question. So now she is trying to find me a job, someone to sponsor me and employ me.

These days however I am far more circumspect. Back in 1998 I was far more brash, it was my first trip to America, and I had always wanted to live in America, and would have done anything to do so. Also I was pissed off with my family, especially my Mother, for holding me back in life and making life more difficult for me. And Perth holds a lot of bad memories for me, and just so wanted to get away from there. I had spent six months in America and was not homesick at all, I would have been perfectly happy to stay there.

Nowadays I am older and wiser, and my family has been something of a war of attrition with members falling off this planet and returning back to the higher realms!! All I have really in Perth as far as family goes is my sister, my aunty and uncle, and well my half brother. I still have plenty of reasons to be pissed off at them for my past, but things are different now. And I am in at least a relatively secure job, not likely to be retrenched anytime soon even given the govt cutbacks. While jobs in America doesn't pay as well, and doesn't get as much vacation time. True enough things are cheaper in America, nevertheless, I would need to make sure the job pays enough to continue to enable me to go on my travels - though of course it be cheaper to travel to Mexico from America, being next door neighbors, and Peru is not much further away. Indeed even the UK and Europe are relatively close by. Not isolated like in Perth. Job security will also be an issue, America doesn't have laws like in Australia that gives us more rights in regards to retrenchments, and well once I leave my job here, I can't very well come back to it. Though there could be scope for taking unpaid leave for a year, allowing me to work in America, to see how things work out, and well I should know within a year whether things will work out in any jobs there, at least I will have a job to come back to here. Last but not least, my debt situation, in particular the debt for my wife's medical expenses. It will be a long time before that is paid off, unless I win lotto!! LOL!! I don't want to be carrying any debt if I was to start a new life in America, I would want to get things wrapped up totally here, so nothing would come back to haunt me!!

This is a case of be careful what you wish for!! For a long time, since virtually my childhood, I had always wanted to live in America. The place just so fascinated me, all those famous places like Hawaii, California, New York, Arizona, Florida..... well pretty well everywhere!! All those legendary spots!! Australia seemed positively mundane in comparison. Just the way of life in America so fascinated me..... everything!!!! Of course since then I have visited many of these places, from California to New York and pretty well everywhere inbetween. I've been all along the west coast from California, Arizona and New Mexico to Washington State, Idaho, the legendary Yellowstone, and also to Hawaii, the north eastern states, New England, and the central regions, Minneapolis, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee,.... and of course Texas where I met my wife!!!! Ironically my Twin Flame lives in the part of America where I haven't yet been - the south eastern region. Well I've been to Florida, Alabama and Georgia, but never been to the Carolinas - North or South - my Twin Flame lives in South Carolina - nor to Virginia or anywhere else in the vicinity. And I do plan to go visit her early next year, when my vacation allocation for 2019 kicks in!!!

Of course to even contemplate the idea of living in America, I first have to survive for at least a wee bit longer on planet Earth....... this Friday is D-Day, when I will find out my fate, when I visit the mole scan clinic to have my stitches removed and to learn of the biopsy results. All signs seems to point to a benign result. My twin flame who is a witch predicts a benign result, then there's the distinct lack of cancer in my family line, many of us being knocked off by other causes but not cancer, and well various other signs from the universe.

I must say I was kinda relieved when I went to the clinic last week and the mole was removed. It was a quick and painless procedure aside from the slight sting from the anaesthesia needle which lasted for only a second or so. On my way home from the clinic I passed by a hearse. My first thought was, Oh SHIT!!!! I hope this is not an omen!!!!..... then I noticed there was no coffin inside the hearse!! So I thought.... OK perhaps this is a sign from the universe!! That for better or for worse I will be on this planet for a while yet.

Today I planned on working on my aquarium, adding the gravel to the tank only to find I am going to need more gravel if to accommodate my plants. The gravel barely covers the bottom. The aquarium came with artificial plants, and well I don't like artificial plants. I always had real plants. So in addition to an air pump, I will also need to purchase some extra gravel. This will have to wait a bit due to the Chiron Effect in my 2nd House (finances). My visits to the mole scan clinic has been more costly than I expected. The visit for the mole scan check which took less than 10 minutes costs about half as much again as a general visit to my GP, that is, about 50% more, yet the Medicare treats it as just a general visit, so didn't get any more back than for my GP visit. My GP doesn't bulk bill to begin with. Then last week for the mole removal, it was more expensive still, but still only gotten the standard GP rebate from Medicare, they evidently don't cover for minor surgery, at least not for mole removal. I guess with skin cancer being so common in Australia, indeed with the highest rate of skin cancer on the planet, it would cost Medicare a fortune if it covered for such surgery!!! And well who knows how much it will cost to have the stitches removed on Friday. That will decide whether I will get the items for my aquarium next weekend, or wait until the following weekend after payday. Such is the Chiron Effect wreaking havoc on my savings plan. My savings plan had taken a hit during May due to my visits to the Heart Specialist. But I did manage to make a gain this week despite my two visits to the mole scan clinic, however, my Virgoan determination dictates that I must continue on with my gains. The Chiron Saturn square coming into effect through June to September, there are certain to be more catastrophes affecting my savings plan, so I do need to take control, as we Virgos are normally good at, this is why we manage to get to where we are now, but there can be no let up. With Saturn around, the very hard work must continue.

Uh well at least the Maggies are winning...... and I still remain on track for the boobie prize for being in last position in the tipping competition..... oh the Chiron Effect !!!!!!

At the mole scan clinic after they discovered alien DNA in the biopsy result......

Hopefully NOT!!!!!!..... when I get my biopsy results......

When looking forward to Friday at the clinic......

My upcoming trip to America when the Chiron Effect kicks in.....

They probably wouldn't let my spirit animals in.......

Dating in Perth......

ET abductions......

Those pesky adverts......

Should not have skipped those classes back on Taygeta !!!!!!

Meanwhile back in Perth......

The Australian government.....

What the food companies would like to put on their labels......

;) hehe....

After failing the Saturn Complex test, that is, my monthly weigh-in.....

Meanwhile back at my work place.......

Meanwhile here on planet Earth......

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