Sunday 10 June 2018

Taygeta Not Just Yet

Last Friday, the day of the Goddess, was D-Day for me, when I was due to get my biopsy results for that nasty little mole that was removed. Is an early return back to Taygeta in my future? Well it seems, not yet. The result was an all clear, no cancer cells. The mole was definitely changing but it hadn't turned nasty, it seems we got it out in time, this after probably ten years since I last had my mole scan check. So my feelings to get back to having my moles checked did turn out to be correct. I was worried I had perhaps left it too late. It was near the beginning of the year when I first gotten this feeling..... then things happened, and then I went to Mexico. Then my Heart Specialist appointments came up due, so had to deal with that for the month....... it was after that I booked my mole scan appointment..... and well am glad to say it wasn't too late. Needless to say I will now have my moles checked each year!!!!

Now I can get on with life..... and my calling on this planet since evidently I am to remain here for at least a little while yet. Meanwhile continuing on with the setup of my aquarium. Yesterday I gotten some more gravel because of my insistence on having natural plants. The aquarium came with plastic plants which I don't want, I much prefer natural live plants. The aquarium didn't come with much gravel for this reason, it only had plastic plants. So needed more gravel for the roots to take hold for the plants. And I came across some black quartz gravel, which I thought was intriguing. Quartz is a well known crystal for us weird types, and I do love my crystals, so I thought it be awesome to have some black quartz crystals in my aquarium. That gravel was more expensive than normal gravel, and they only had it in the 10 kg bags, more than I needed, but I wanted it so much, so I got it. Then I began the task of land scaping the aquarium, placing the rocks in and setting them up in my own creative ways. Then I discovered I needed an air hose and diffuser as that didn't come with the aquarium, so that will be my next task for next weekend.

This week on Thursday is a very momentous and intense New Moon. This marks the catastrophic month of Tammuz, the month when the dreaded "The Three Weeks" begins, connected with the destruction of the Jewish Temples, and when catastrophes often befalls the Jews - and those of us who had spent past lifetimes as Jews - that is me!!!! The first day of Tammuz falls this Thursday with the New Moon. The start of "The Three Weeks" is the 17th day of Tammuz, known as Tzom Tammuz, and this year falls on June 30. Hence this year "The Three Weeks" falls the first three weeks of July.

In addition of the curse of The Three Weeks, we also have to contend with the Chiron Effect, and Chiron's square with Saturn that peaks through July and August, including the time of The Three Weeks. The year 2017 was such a catastrophic year due to the Chiron Saturn squares happening three times. This year in 2018 the Chiron Saturn square happens only once, but it coincides around "The Three Weeks". It is likely when I will lose my car to mechanical faults that will cost more to fix than the car is worth, and there is likely to be further catastrophes happening around that time. The catastrophes are most like to involve money and material possessions (hence my car) since Chiron is now in Aries my 2nd House. The previous transit of Chiron in Aries from 1968 coincided with the 8 years of poverty.

Therefore my plans to begin Yoga classes will be put on hold for the next couple of months. I was hoping to begin Yoga classes after my mole scan, indeed I even had the group and venue lined up, even the fee budgeted for. But it was when they found that suspect mole which delayed things, and well by the time all this chaos was over and done with, well we find ourselves at the dawn of the month of Tammuz. Starting anything new during "The Three Weeks" will end in chaos and catastrophe, and even more so when combined with the Chiron Saturn square, so basically the next two months or so. Chiron is in my 2nd House while Saturn is in my 11th House which deals with cosmic overview, community and friends - which would include the spiritual community and Yoga groups. I will continue with my dance classes which is due to run for three more weeks. After that I will be laying low, I also won't be starting any new dance classes until after these two months of catastrophes.

Some of the catastrophes is likely to revolve around my job with the changes from the two recent resignations. It seems there will be just one replacement. Meanwhile the boss took the opportunity to reorganise the duties of each position, and with that Saturn Complex in my chart, I will come off the worst in this reshuffle. Once the new person arrives, some of my duties will be taken off me and given to him, this after all the hard work of setting up systems and getting things organised for the 2nd Semester. But that is part of the Saturn Complex in my chart, my hard work often goes without reward and coming to nothing. One would think he be happy to have less duties while being paid the same wages!! But I am a Virgo, I like to be kept busy, I don't like just sitting around doing nothing. My actual position is secure and I will still be paid the same, but with less duties - the public servant's dream, but a nightmare for me cos I don't like sitting there doing nothing!!!! Oh that cursed chart of mine!!!!

And so continues the very difficult life of a Virgo...........

The effects of the Saturn Complex in one's chart while also dealing with the Chiron Effect......
The perils of dating during Chiron Saturn squares.....

More effects of the Chiron Effect in the 2nd House and the Chiron Saturn square

Why fairy tales would never work out in the 21st Century

The Australian Dollar......
Meanwhile in a public hospital in Perth......
....and at a govt department in Perth.....

The story of my life with that Saturn Complex......

Job duties changes at my work place......

Signs of the times.......
Meanwhile at a restaurant in Perth.....

Just my dark sense of humor......

Not good enough!!!!!
With the Chiron Effect, Chiron transit of Aries my 2nd House, the next 8 years will be a matter of survival......

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