Sunday 27 May 2018

Early Trip Back To Taygeta

Here these past few days I have been confronting the frailty of my mortality and a very real possibility of an early trip back to Taygeta!! The heart attack of July 2015 was the last time I came face to face with such issues, and in some ways this current episode is far more intense. At least with heart disease the condition can be managed. I may have been literally a heartbeat away from a sudden return trip back to Taygeta, but once I gotten into hospital, my life had literally been saved, and my heart condition is being successfully managed allowing me to lead a near normal life, and as long as I do the right things, take my pills, and have my heart functions checked on a regular basis, I could potentially live to a ripe old age.

Cancer on the other hand, or more specifically skin cancer, is a whole different and very nasty creature. Once cancer get into your system, your fate is sealed, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Last week I went to the mole scan clinic to have my skin checked, for the first time in nearly 10 years. My wife would send me to the clinic each year until she got too sick, and since then I neglected to keep up with the checks...... until recently this year I felt I needed to go back there. I fully expected for some of my moles to be removed for biopsy.

And my fear was confirmed, albeit just one mole that was deemed to be suspect. I expected it to be more than one mole, but unfortunately it takes only one mole to wreak havoc on my body and send me back to Taygeta!!!! It's not that I mind going back to Taygeta, but with so much promise in my at least immediate future, I was kinda counting on being on this planet for at least a little while longer!!!!

So the appointment was made for this Tuesday to have the mole removed and sent away for a biopsy. It was after I made this appointment that the reality really hit me!! We Virgos are very anxious creatures to begin with, and it doesn't take much for me to get anxious. So as one can imagine, the mere possibility of harbouring skin cancer on my skin is enough to send my anxiety off the scale!!! Also knowing that it takes only one cancer cell to enter the blood stream or lymph system to wreak havoc on your system and basically seal your fate. For the last few days my life has been put on hold, and am basically preparing for my own death, pending the biopsy result.

And being ten years since I last had my mole scan, hell knows how long this mole has been festering on my skin. The damage could already have been done, and I have just been lucky so far. Sometime it takes years for the cancer to show up elsewhere, but once it does, it is goodbye planet Earth. Ten years ago I had a number of moles cut out, and the biopsies all returned the results as benign, that is, there was no cancer. And back then I was not worried at all. Of course I was still a Virgo - obviously!!!! And indeed I was worried and anxious about many other things, but the possibility of getting skin cancer was not one of them!!!!! This time is different, I am anxious about the possible results.

Now trying to gauge the possibility of actually being afflicted with skin cancer, as futile as this exercise appears to be. One of the first things they asked me at the skin clinic is whether there is a family history of skin cancer? As far as I know, there is no family history. My Mother never had skin cancer despite her years of laying out in the sun at the beach and during our vacation times. Back in my childhood I would lay in the sun with her, hence my array of what seems to be mostly benign skin moles. It was not cancer that killed her. None of my other blood family members, most who are even more older than me, seems to be dealing with any cancer issues. If anything they seem to be in very good health!! And indeed it has been confirmed there are no family history of cancer. So while genetics have dealt me a very bad hand with my very early onset baldness and my very short stature, at least I do have an Ace in the hand - the not being susceptible to cancer!!!! The universe indeed does bring a balance!!!!

My Twin Flame does not share my anxiety over the possibility of having skin cancer. She seems certain that my biopsy result will return a benign result. Well afterall she is a witch, and she claims to be accurate in her predictions. On the other hand, I am also 100% accurate in my predictions which tends to be more like premonitions of catastrophes, and well I am interpreting my anxiety as premonition of the catastrophe of skin cancer. So either she is correct or I am correct!!!!

Next the Astrology - my chart. There are no planets nor aspects in my 6th House - the house of "health" - which coincides with Leo on my particular chart. This tends to suggest no underlying issues with my health. According to Mother I was a sick little creature back in my early childhood, being forever sent to the hospital, getting to know that hospital like the back of my hand!!!! I was always sick from something!!!! This is more likely to be due to my attempts to adapt to life on this very dense 3D planet after being on 8D Taygeta. Since then I have had only four major surgeries, being my four major stints in the hospitals. Aside from this I have been a healthy and fit little creature. The first of the surgery was around age 7 or so when I had my "lazy eye" rectified through surgery on the affected eye. My next stay would happen at age 16 when I had my appendix removed. I would not see an inside of a hospital, at least not from a residential viewpoint, until about ten years ago when I had a hernia corrected. And of course we all know of my last stay in hospital - my very out of balance heart chakra, manifesting as a heart attack!!! I had four stents inserted in around my heart!!!

Aside from that I am generally a very fit and healthy little creature. I hardly even get the common cold. I never get the flu jab, I never needed it, I never get the flu. The only other issue of note is high cholesterol  which does run in my family - my Mother, my Auntie and indeed my cousin had/have high cholesterol despite their very healthy diets and lifestyles. It was my high cholesterol that led to my heart attack, and I am now forever on statins to keep my cholesterol in check.

OK what about the current planetary alignments with my 6th House? The North Node is currently in transit through Leo my 6th House. The North Node is where the Moon moves from the south  through the plane of the Earth's solar orbit. Astrologically the North Node speaks of one's destiny and future life, or perhaps, our next lifetime. I suppose it seems fitting that this would coincide with my mole scan designed to prevent future issues with skin cancer.

Current North Node aspects - 6th House (Health)

The North Node is currently at 8 degrees of Leo, and as it moves backwards through the Zodiac, it is on its way out, indeed due to exit Leo and my 6th House by November this year.

Chiron - Oh yes the first pesky planet I looked at is Chiron, the planet that often precipitates catastrophes in my life!!!  Indeed Chiron at 1 degree of Aries is close to a trine with the North Node. "Trines" are normally not catastrophic, that kind of aspect is often seen as "harmonious". The trine is set to become exact near the end of November while Chiron is in retrograde. Aspects involving Chiron always makes me nervous, but I would like to think that being a "trine", Chiron would more likely highlight the need for healing not through catastrophes as what happens with squares, conjunctions and opposition, but more through dialogue and the urging of the need to deal with issues for my healing - hence the mole scan and mitigating against cancer.

Uranus - Currently within the first degree of Taurus, this revolutionary planet that often compels us to make changes, is heading towards a square with the North Node. "Squares" are more forceful, however, Uranus is not normally associated with catastrophes. Nevertheless, the planet can cause chaos if change needs to be forced upon us. This is perhaps the source of my anxiety. Aside from the upcoming biopsy, this is perhaps why I am being compelled to take up Yoga and getting more involved with ecstatic dancing, and adding to my exercise and walking regime. The biopsy is perhaps just a wake up call to take my health more seriously.

Mars - At 3 degrees of Aquarius this masculine planet of affirmative action is close to an opposition with the North Node. This is perhaps why I had been feeling compelled, even to the point of urgency, to visit the mole scan clinic.

Sun - Last but not least, the Sun at 4 degrees of Gemini is close to a sextile with the North Node. Sextiles also tends to be harmonious. The Sun adds light to issues, the changes not yet made. Perhaps the need to go back to regular checkups of my moles after having left it for so many years, especially after the death of my wife.

So it seems no catastrophic aspects here. This doesn't make me feel any better! My anxiety is very real, indeed palpable!!!! I think Uranus could be the main cause here, the planet of surprises!! You never know what Uranus will come up with!!!!

Facing the possible reality of skin cancer.....

Probably be ME when I start taking up yoga?.....

During Chiron's transit of Aries my 2nd House.....

When she notices his chart containing an upcoming Chiron transit of his 2nd House.....
The new religion.......
Virgo reality check !!!!

Meanwhile in the Perth CBD....
When the Saturn Complex affects one's effort to lose weight.....

On another street corner in the Perth CBD.....

When the Saturn Complex kicks in......

When my energy is very low......

Virgo reality check !!!!

What I need !!!!!!!!!!!

When I receive new add requests on my Facebook profile.......

When asking her for a favour.... hehe.....

The life of a Virgo during Chiron's transit of Aries......

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