Sunday 13 May 2018

The Chiron Effect and Mother's Day

Today being Mother's Day I went for my walk at Mother's favourite walking spot, around a lake in the southern area close to where she used to live. She would walk around that lake each morning until she got too sick to do any walking. It was my Mother who inspired me to take up walking soon after my wife's death. Of course this is one manifestation of the Chiron Effect. Mother's death happened near the start of Chiron's transit of Pisces, and her 2nd husband's death, the step-father, happened just last month near the end of Chiron's transit of Pisces, forming an interesting twin Chiron Effect manifestations.

Another casualty of the Chiron Effect, the football tipping competition. I had stopped winning prize money when Chiron was in transit through Pisces beginning with Mother's death. Now with Chiron into Aries, it looks like I will win prize money again albeit for the wrong reasons. I remain very firmly fixed in last position, putting me in the box seat for the boobie prize. You actually win $10 for finishing the season in last position!!! As for the Maggies, well..... no comment..... and those infernal Weevils, this has to be a parallel universe!!!! If they end up winning the Premiership I think I will adopt another football code!!!

And yet another casualty of the Chiron Effect - my car. With the Chiron Saturn square now 7 degrees away, mechanical issues with the car is slowly but surely waxing worse. My prediction remains on track, that during the peak of the Chiron Saturn square during July and August, my car will give up the ghost, thus marking the start of life without a car. I will not go into debt for a replacement car, I prefer to invest my resources in my overseas trips. The three Chiron Saturn squares during 2017 is what made it such a catastrophic year. During 2017 Chiron was in Pisces my Ascendant so the catastrophes centered around instances of heartbreak and being taken advantage of due to my personality. Now that Chiron is in Aries my 2nd house, dealing with finances and material possessions, the catastrophes will be centered around those aspects - hence my most significant current possession, my car, being a major target of the catastrophes. Of course the last transit of Chiron of Aries, 1968-1976, manifested as the 8 years of poverty - back then I didn't have a car, I'd be lucky to have even gotten a dinky toy car!!! Actually during one memorable incident during those poverty years, Mother had saved up to get me a car racing set for Xmas only to find it was faulty and she had to take it back to the shop, she bought me a small train set as a replacement!! It looks like I will be spending more time on the trains from July/August 2018, probably the reason why my abode is just around the corner from the train station!!!!

Now my followup appointment with the Heart Specialist last Friday, and it seems I have recovered at least physically from the Chiron Effect, the catastrophic year of 2017, the year without a fridge, when my health took a nose dive. My Stress Test result, that is, the treadmill test, not the stress involved in paying the very high gap payment after the event, was much improved this year compared to the catastrophic year 2017. Indeed I am apparently fit enough to be a copper, to join the army or the navy, but just half a point short from being an airline's pilot. Apparently airline pilots requires the highest level of fitness, higher than in the armed forces!!!! I am not sure if that's a good sign of things, given I am a relatively frequent traveller!!! I probably still prefer being the passenger rather than the pilot, preferring to put my life in the hands of the apparently very fit pilots for up to 15 hours or more at a time!!!!

Aside from the stress test result, my blood test results were also much improved, and indeed back to normal ranges, legacy of the dietary changes being made possible by the acquisition of a fridge. Back in catastrophic 2017 my blood sugar was high, legacy of my dependence on fast foods and convenience meals. So for better or for worse, it looks like I will be on this planet for at least a while longer..... though pending the result of facing up to another demon of the curse of old age......

The 23rd will be my next day of reckoning, that is my appointment at the skin clinic for my mole scan. With several suspect moles on my body, I seemed destined to have some of my moles cut out for a biopsy. It has been several years since my last mole scan, and I had moles cut out before for biopsy but has returned negative each time. Will my luck hold out several years later? It remains to be seen. There are it seems three forms of skin cancer, the two most common forms are non-lethal and can be treated. The least common form is also the deadly form, melanoma. Once you get melanoma your fate is sealed. Even if they manage to cut out the suspect moles bearing melanoma, it is likely there be some of those nasty cells having leaked into the blood stream, and it takes only one such cell for your fate to be sealed. Once in the blood stream, the cancer cells could turn up pretty well anywhere else in your body, in any organ whatsoever, and pretty well impossible to treat. It would ensure that the trip back to Taygeta will come sooner rather than later!! So remains to be seen what will transpire on that fateful day of May 23rd.

Now last Monday's ecstatic dance session which emphasised the base chakra, one of seven chakras or energy points in the body. It is these chakras that affects one's health in certain areas of the body. For example it was my very out of balance heart chakra that led to the heart attack back in 2015. The base chackra is located at the end of the spine, and aside from health issues in that area of the body, it also points to our ancestors and our connection to planet Earth, so mainly the indigenous ancestors. We were all indigenous at some point if we trace our ancestry back far enough, that is, being more at one with the Earth as the indigenous tribes tends to be. So during the dance we were led on a shamanic journey to our indigenous past. In my instance it was my past lifetime as Native American (Indians) and the Mayans. I seem to be transported from one to the other. After the dance we did our mandala drawings, and well here is mine, more complicated but referring to my ultimate ancestry - back on Taygeta.

This week, tomorrow night, we focus on the Sacral Chakra, that is located at our belly button. This chakra centers on feminine energy. We all have feminine energy, both men and women. I probably have more feminine energy than the normal guy, I was always drawn to females. And of course last week I was once again the only guy at the dance group, and I did not mind at all, I am loving being around dancing among all these Goddesses. There is a core group of us who attends each week, having paid up front, then the casuals who comes at any time, so remains to be seen if among the casuals another guy turns up tomorrow night.

21st Century Relationship Issues.....

In Perth you need to be a millionaire to enable this to be achieved !!!!

Useful inheritance??

Virgo musings.....
A valid point !!!!!!

I wish !!!!!! Preferably someone who is not a Virgo !!!!!!

During my childhood I never liked going under water, because during another lifetime, on Atlantis, I indeed did end up in a shoreless sea - when Atlantis fell into the sea, causing me to drown!!!!
Here with two of my colleagues resigning and leaving us in the past month.......

During Chiron's transit of Aries my 2nd house.....
Dealing with the Saturn Complex in my life.......
More Virgo musings......

How I feel when dealing with old photographs of myself !!!!!

There are advantages to being a ghost..... hehe.....

When I use astrology and the Chiron Effect to explain why I feel so depressed.......

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