Saturday 22 July 2017

The Three Weeks - The Curses Continues

The laptop catastrophe reported on last week, the first catastrophe of The Three Weeks, it turned out to be a catastrophic hard disk failure. This was after the hard disk previously gave no warning whatsoever of any impending failure, it was working perfectly up until that fateful day last Sunday, and it's not like I dropped the laptop or anything!!!! So in one sense needing to replace a $100 hard disk is far better than needing to fix or even replace a $1000 laptop. However, it is the data on the hard disk, now totally and utterly lost, that is infinitely more valuable and cannot be replaced!! These includes my cartoons that I share, my photos, and all of my projects - all utterly gone. All my projects now terminated never to be resurrected. I basically lost a large portion of my online life. This I will never get over. This is why there won't be any cartoons for the foreseeable future, nor regular updates. I am so shattered, I need time to process this. The curse of The Three Weeks is indeed meant to destroy us, just as the Temples were destroyed. The first Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, then it was rebuilt only to be destroyed again by the Romans, and there hasn't been a 3rd Temple since. So just as the Temples were destroyed forever, my data, projects and indeed my online life has been destroyed forever. Even if by some miracle and the $800 fee for someone to try recovered my data, the projects will not be resurrected. The pain of losing them was too intense, I could not take it the 2nd time. I will eventually come up with $100 to replace the hard disk, which will be sometimes after my Cancun trip, depending on other factors, meanwhile I just have my tablet and my PC stick, both with not much space for data storage so am very limited.

Anyway there has been further catastrophes and near-catastrophes happening since that fateful day as we now into the 2nd week of The Three Weeks.

The next morning after the hard disk catastrophe, I walked to the train station to catch the morning train to work. But when I arrived at the station I saw on the electronic display that the next train was not due for a long time. So I thought, train delays for some reason. So I turned around and began walking back home so to take the car. However as I was walking back home I heard the boom gates, meaning, there was the train afterall!!!! So I raced back to the station and managed to get on the train just in time. It turned out my train did run normally and was on time!!!! The electronic display was wrong!!!! Then the internet at work was out of action for the morning!!!!

The next day as I made my way to work on the train, one of my water bottles in my back pack had a catastrophic leak, the water leaked onto the back of me, making me very cold and wet. When I arrived at work I had to dry the contents of my back pack in front of the heater, and I also had to dry myself out in front of the heater. It turned out the leak was caused by a faulty screw cap which again was perfectly fine up until now. I use the steel water bottles with the superior caps which normally doesn't leak!!!! So once again the curse of The Three Weeks strikes again.

So now with the New Moon tomorrow, we will enter into the more intense "Nine Days of Av", this being the first nine days of the month of Av, being the last nine days of The Three Weeks. More intense catastrophes normally occur during these nine days of Av. So this is a game of survival...... will I survive these last nine days???? Or will there be more intense catastrophes than the loss of my hard disk and the data??

Meanwhile life goes on..........

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