Sunday 9 July 2017

Cancun Trip Falling Into Place

I finally taken another major step towards fulfilling my Cancun trip. I've booked my lodging. This was one thing that this anxious little Virgo was very anxious about. Lodging in Cancun is expensive, well being in a tourist town and on the Caribbean coast. I knew I needed more time to save my pennies for the lodging after paying for my air ticket, but being of Virgoan energies I was also worried about leaving it too late, that if I don't book early enough then it be more difficult to find especially the cheaper lodgings.

So I decided that I am going to somehow find a place to stay in Cancun and to book it. There was no way I was going to stay in a hostel, not after my Hawaiian experience where lodgings there were also expensive. I vowed nomatter how expensive private lodgings are, I will never again stay in a hostel. Must be me getting old but a private room with a private bathroom is something I will not compromise on even if it means paying a premium for it and wiping out the rest of my vacation budget.

It turns out I was about to enjoy the benefits of loyalty. For my trips I have been using one particular website to book my air tickets and lodgings as the site was able to find the cheapest lodgings available. And I'd get points when I book through them. Well it turns out I had enough points for quite significant discounts on my lodgings in Cancun, and furthermore, I would get up to 30% off due to me having used the site before. So was able to find a nice cosy little lodging in Cancun, it was still expensive but I had discounts amounting to several hundreds of dollars, so I ended up scoring a great deal on the lodging which made it a lot more affordable for my budget.

It's rated 3-star which was higher than my Bali lodging which had a 1-star rating. The Cancun lodging at what is called the Suites Rosas, sounds quite exotic, must be the Spanish influence. I think Mexico has Spanish influence if my memory serves me correctly. And it seems a cosy little place with only five apartments. And it has free wi fi!!!! That is the most important thing after the private room and bathroom!!! Nevermind about the separate dinning and kitchen area with fridge, microwave, stove, TV with cable channels, king size bed, and a balcony\patio!!! Actually this apartment will be positively spacious compared to where I would normally stayed during my trips. Because I always go for the cheapest apartments, it would always be just a single room with bathroom attached, no kitchen facilities though the ones in America would always have a fridge albeit a tiny little bar fridge and a TV, and no separate areas for dinning. It would almost like being back in my own apartment though with fridge added!!!! As we all know I don't have a fridge in my apartment. And this cosy little spot in Cancun is located downtown which means it will be close to shops, supermarkets, etc, and not far from the beach. It seems Cancun is not a big place so pretty well everywhere would be close to the beach, within walking distance from most places, certainly from downtown area. And this hotel offers 24 hours airport transfers, so they will pick me up from the airport, and when the end of my Caribbean vacation comes to an end, they will drop me back at the airport.

So I now have the essentials of the trip all booked and paid for, that is, the air tickets to and from Cancun, somewhere to stay in Cancun, and transportation between the airport and the hotel. Now am much happier. We Virgos do get so anxious about things, so feeling a lot better about having these most important - and most expensive - parts of the trip all taken care of.

Now just the incidentals. The tours to the Mayan sites, whether I go on tours or excursions, or whether there are just the transportation available. Cancun is a tourist area so almost certainly be several options available for visiting these Mayan sites. The hotel should be able to advise me on this. And of course other incidentals such as food. I don't think there is any food or room service at the hotel which is why it is relatively cheap, but being downtown in a tourist town, there is sure to be plenty of options available, and with kitchen facilities in my apartment, it be just going to the supermarket for grocery shopping. And being not in Perth it is sure to be cheaper. Everywhere is cheaper for food and most other things than in Perth.

With the major accomplishments completed for my Cancun trip, here are my very accurate card readings for this week.......

My cards for another momentous week with Tzom Tammuz and the Helical Rise of Sirius happening.

-Queen of Pentacles - Determination - A person of intense determination and goal orientated. She is willing to help anyone she considers worthy of her investment. A realistic, capable, determined woman. A sense of responsibility will win her over.

-6 of Wands - Victory - A successful conclusion to overcoming a large challenge. Well deserved sense of accomplishment. The battle won in spite of obstacles. Time to be proud.

-13 - Power Of Attraction - Time to conceive, create and embark on the process of transformation. Have recently completed a cycle of manifestation and now ready to embark on the next level. Positive and constructive energy is unfolding now. I will attract whatever is needed to complete this work.

Two of the cards seems to confirm an important accomplishment in relation to my Cancun trip, that is, I have completed the booking of my lodging in Cancun. Therefore the critical aspects, indeed the two largest expenses associated with any trip, the air tickets and the lodging, are now confirmed and paid for. It has been a battle to achieve this with my savings plan, with many setbacks such as the catastrophic month of May, however the victory has finally been achieved. My vacation is basically now booked and paid for.

The Queen of Pentacles may refer literally to a woman who may help me with my plans though I have no idea who she may be. More likely this is figuratively referring to my Goddess spirits, that they will help me achieve my goals as long as I take responsibility and don't blame my problems on the planetary alignments or lunar dates.

The Oracle concludes that I am well set up for the next stage of saving and preparation for my Cancun trip, that is, saving the funds necessary for expenses associated with visiting the Mayan sites and whatever else I am called to do while in Cancun. Either any organised tours or just transportation, entrance fees, etc associated with the attractions. And of course spending money, food, and the other incidentals that comes with being on vacation in a foreign country. Also the travel insurance that will need to be organised. The Oracle assures me that I will attract the resources necessary to accomplish these goals, and that all will be in place for my trip in due time.

Another reason why it's a good thing I have finalised the essential aspects of my trip before now. The dreaded "The Three Weeks" begins this Tuesday on Tzom Tammuz. As we know, The Three Weeks is when calamities often befalls the Jews, and those who were Jews in past lives - ME!!!!! This is the period of mourning for the destruction of the Jewish Temples. Tzom Tammuz, which falls the 17th day of Tammuz, this Tuesday, was when the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem in AD70. The destruction of the 2nd Temple happened three weeks later, hence "The Three Weeks" inbetween the invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple. It turned out the Babylonians destroyed the 1st Temple 500 years earlier on exactly the same date on the lunar calendar - Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of Av. So as in previous years, I will be keeping updates on any calamities that may befall me during these next three weeks!!!! At least I won't need to be doing anything else for my trip, except continue on with my savings plan, until much closer to the trip in October.

There is another event happening now at this time, which relates to another of my past lives, and may help mitigate against the effects of The Three Weeks. That is the Siriun New Year which was celebrated in ancient Egypt. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and also where I was during at least one of my past lives. Indeed one of my four Goddesses spirits in my apartment is from Sirius. The Egyptians were visited by Siriun ETs many thousands of years ago, the "cat people". The domestic cats today are indeed Siriun hybrids, which is why the Egyptians used to worship them.

The helical rise of Sirius each July heralded the flooding of the Nile, essential for the agricultural cycle thus the supply of food. So Sirius was seen as an important God who provided for the Egyptians. Sirius is actually a 3-star system though visible as only one star from Earth. The 2nd and 3rd stars were discovered only in more recent times with powerful telescopes and computers. However the ancient Egyptians knew about the three stars and they didn't have telescopes or computers back then. How did they know? The Siriun ETs, the cat people, who came to visit them, and were worshipped as gods. The 3-star Sirius system is indeed the origin of the Trinity doctrine in Christianity - three Gods as being one God. We have the Triple Goddess in Paganism, and other Pagan trinity beliefs.

Now the Siriun New Year cycle began with the Sirius and Sun conjunction, that is, the Sun passed in front of Sirius. That happened last Friday. Next is the helical rise of Sirius, when the star moves out from the glare of the Sun and becomes visible again just prior to dawn. This happens this week on Thursday. This was when the ancient Egyptians marked the New Year, when Sirius became visible again, and was seen from inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, and coincided with the flooding of the Nile thus the start of the agricultural cycle. So was seen as a time of good fortunes and new starts in life.

So since one of my past lives was spent in the Siriun system, indeed around the 3rd star, I am hoping this event will mitigate against the effects of The Three Weeks. Indeed it seemed to have sparked my good fortune in being able to book my Cancun lodging. Last Thursday, the Sirius Sun conjunction, was also payday, so was able to deposit funds into my various accounts as part of my Cancun savings plan. Then when the funds cleared, I was on Saturday night able to book my lodging, and with the discounts I had just enough funds in the account used for the air tickets and lodgings to cover the payment for my hotel booking.

Oh yes I now have a website for my Cancun trip.........

Cancun Mexico Trip

Now lets see how this week will pan out.........

My sleep patterns........

A valid question !!!!

Yes always a pizza !!!!!!!!

The women in my life back then seemed to have whole storage units of baggage !!!!!!

Story of my love life !! ;)

These annoying questionnaires after purchasing items online.......

Ancient technology ;)

Now in the 21st century.......

What hippies and star seeds says instead of "praying" ;) ;)

My bower bird wife..... hence my very full storage unit !!!!!!

Not as bad as being a Virgo !!!!!

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