Monday 31 July 2017

The Three Weeks - Horror Weekend

Sundown this evening marks the start of Tisha B'Av which falls August 1 this year, that is tonight and tomorrow!!!! Tisha B'Av is the day when both Jewish Temples were destroyed, first by the Babylonians, then the 2nd Temple by the Romans. This also marks the end of "The Three Weeks", so hopefully things will ease up after tomorrow, especially by the joyous festival of Tu B'Av next Monday on the Full Moon.

Meanwhile this past weekend, the last weekend of The Three Weeks, indeed the weekend during the Nine Days of Av, was a horror weekend of high anxiety. We Virgos are such anxious creatures to begin with, indeed anxiety is hard wired into our DNA, nevertheless, this was the weekend I almost didn't survive.

It all started on Friday night when I was on my way to church. I suddenly noticed the temperature gauge in the car rise to critical for a few seconds before the emergency backup system kicked in and the temp dropped down again to normal. This few seconds however basically wrecked the rest of my evening as it brought back horrific memories of December last year when I had all this trouble with the cooling system in the midst of moving house, throwing my plans into chaos, and having to spend over $1000 to basically replace the whole system!!

So as I sat in church all I can think of is the car and what in Hell's name could be going on with the cooling system!!! Ironically, as if the universe was trying to tell me something, that evening's message was about anxiety and how NOT to be anxious!!!! However I said in my mind, don't you know it's in the DNA of Virgos to be anxious!!!!

Now I try to think rationally, another Virgoan trait, a better one!!!! The radiator, thermostat, head gasket, pretty well all of the major components of the cooling system were all replaced just last December, only 7 months ago!!!! So if anything went wrong with those it ought to be covered by warranty, at least for the parts if not the labour. The other possibility was that one of the hoses has sprung a leak, or a leak elsewhere.

Several things however were weighing on my mind. First the Cancun trip now only two months away. The last thing I needed was to have to spend money on the car, that would take away from money set aside for my Cancun trip since I am basically saving all my spare cash after spending on the essentials - rent, bills and food. And even if the components were under warranty, other things will cost me money, such as probably the labour which is usually not covered under warranty when it comes to car repairs. So I was thinking how could I make my car last for two months until at least my Cancun trip?? Maybe just not use the car until then??

Then there's the other thing. My need to empty out my storage unit, currently an ongoing job which is likely to take me until the end of this year due to my bower bird wife collecting and hoarding items, furniture I don't need, etc. Clearing out my storage unit will save my hundreds of dollars in rental, indeed a few month's rental would be enough to pay for the air tickets to Peru for 2018. And I NEED my car to complete the job of clearing out my storage unit. If necessary I could live without a car AFTER finishing clearing out the storage unit, but meanwhile I NEED my car. If for any reason I find myself without a car, such as, repair job being too expensive, then I be left with my storage unit forever with no means to clean it out.

Now if it is a leak, then where is the leak? How bad is the leak? If it is only a small leak then I could just keep it topped up and hope it lasts until I finish clearing out my storage unit. But if a major leak then it is going to need repairs, which would not happen until AFTER my Cancun trip, and seems destined to throw into chaos my plans to clear out my storage unit.

So as we Virgos would do, all these scenarios and then some continued to rush through my head!!! We Virgos tends to think of all scenarios, including those in parallel universe, and dwell on the worst of these!!!!

My plan for the next morning, after the engine have cooled down, to check the water level in the radiator before I go for my walk. And so after a sleepless night I got up, and after getting ready for my walk, I checked the water level and indeed found it was very low!!!! The system has lost water - or coolant as the case may be!!!! Fortunately I had a bottle of water in the trunk just for such a moment, and it needed nearly THREE litres!!!! That's a lot of water to be lost!!!!

OK it is true that I hadn't checked the water level since December last year. So that is seven months since last checking the water level. So it was possible that the three litres were lost over a period of seven months. But then my Virgoan mind thinks of the other scenario, that is, the leak was more recent, meaning a bad leak, and it lost three litres over a much shorter time.

Well after filling up the radiator, I drove to the Post Office to collect my mail then went for my walk, and there was no evidence of overheating, the temp gauge behaved itself exactly!!! I kept an eagle eye on the gauge, being an anxious Virgo that I am!!!

After getting back from my walk, and driving back home, I would wait for the engine to cool, and before going to the convenience store in the evening, I will check the water level again.

So when I checked again before going to the convenience store, I found I needed to put more water into it!!! Not as much, indeed a little over a litre, nevertheless, it seemed it has lost MORE water!!!!! OMG!!!! It has sprung a leak more recently!!!! Now it is possible that since originally the water level was so low in the radiator, it would have been also low inside the engine. And when I filled up the radiator the first time, it filled up only the radiator and not inside the engine. It would be only when the car was being used again, when I went to the Post Office, that the water inside the engine became filled, hence needed the extra water in the radiator. And when I went to the convenience store, I parked undercover where it was well lit and dry, and when I looked under the car I could not see any water dripping out. And when I drove back out from the parking lot, I did not see any puddle of water in the vicinity of where my car was parked. This tended to support this hypothesis. However being a Virgo I was still worried and anxious!!!!!

So another very anxious night worrying about the car....... until Sunday when I was due to embark on my shopping expedition. With much trepidation I checked the water level again before I went to the shops, and much to my surprise, I found there was virtually no drop in the water level !!!!!! Oh the relief I felt was palpable!!!!!!!

As I usually do when grocery shopping I went to several different shops, and each time I checked for water dripping and puddles under the car, and each time there was no evidence of either. So by the time I finished my grocery shopping I was feeling a lot better.

And then today when I checked the water level again, there was virtually no water loss evident. So it seems all is fine.

The verdict....... if there is indeed a leak, it is only a very small leak that becomes evident only when not checking the water level for seven months!!!!! On a day to day basis there is virtually no leak. So just have to check the water level a wee bit more often than seven months!!!!!!!

Thank my Goddesses for that!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 22 July 2017

The Three Weeks - The Curses Continues

The laptop catastrophe reported on last week, the first catastrophe of The Three Weeks, it turned out to be a catastrophic hard disk failure. This was after the hard disk previously gave no warning whatsoever of any impending failure, it was working perfectly up until that fateful day last Sunday, and it's not like I dropped the laptop or anything!!!! So in one sense needing to replace a $100 hard disk is far better than needing to fix or even replace a $1000 laptop. However, it is the data on the hard disk, now totally and utterly lost, that is infinitely more valuable and cannot be replaced!! These includes my cartoons that I share, my photos, and all of my projects - all utterly gone. All my projects now terminated never to be resurrected. I basically lost a large portion of my online life. This I will never get over. This is why there won't be any cartoons for the foreseeable future, nor regular updates. I am so shattered, I need time to process this. The curse of The Three Weeks is indeed meant to destroy us, just as the Temples were destroyed. The first Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, then it was rebuilt only to be destroyed again by the Romans, and there hasn't been a 3rd Temple since. So just as the Temples were destroyed forever, my data, projects and indeed my online life has been destroyed forever. Even if by some miracle and the $800 fee for someone to try recovered my data, the projects will not be resurrected. The pain of losing them was too intense, I could not take it the 2nd time. I will eventually come up with $100 to replace the hard disk, which will be sometimes after my Cancun trip, depending on other factors, meanwhile I just have my tablet and my PC stick, both with not much space for data storage so am very limited.

Anyway there has been further catastrophes and near-catastrophes happening since that fateful day as we now into the 2nd week of The Three Weeks.

The next morning after the hard disk catastrophe, I walked to the train station to catch the morning train to work. But when I arrived at the station I saw on the electronic display that the next train was not due for a long time. So I thought, train delays for some reason. So I turned around and began walking back home so to take the car. However as I was walking back home I heard the boom gates, meaning, there was the train afterall!!!! So I raced back to the station and managed to get on the train just in time. It turned out my train did run normally and was on time!!!! The electronic display was wrong!!!! Then the internet at work was out of action for the morning!!!!

The next day as I made my way to work on the train, one of my water bottles in my back pack had a catastrophic leak, the water leaked onto the back of me, making me very cold and wet. When I arrived at work I had to dry the contents of my back pack in front of the heater, and I also had to dry myself out in front of the heater. It turned out the leak was caused by a faulty screw cap which again was perfectly fine up until now. I use the steel water bottles with the superior caps which normally doesn't leak!!!! So once again the curse of The Three Weeks strikes again.

So now with the New Moon tomorrow, we will enter into the more intense "Nine Days of Av", this being the first nine days of the month of Av, being the last nine days of The Three Weeks. More intense catastrophes normally occur during these nine days of Av. So this is a game of survival...... will I survive these last nine days???? Or will there be more intense catastrophes than the loss of my hard disk and the data??

Meanwhile life goes on..........

Saturday 15 July 2017

The Three Weeks - First Major Catastrophe

This morning my laptop has totally fucked itself for no apparent reason. Therefore I no longer have a laptop. Much of my data, such as my cartoons and other things, were on the laptop has now been lost forever. This is going to take me a while to adjust. So for the foreseeable future there won't be any more regular blogs or other updates. This is a major catastrophe from which I will never recover.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Football - Higher Scores When Not Picking Magpies

Well last week proved that one gets better results when not picking the Magpies, especially when my Weevil voodoo doll is also working!!! I actually gotten 8 correct picks, my highest weekly score this year. It was the Tigers who let me down.

Now let's see if I can build on this result or whether the curse of Chiron will kick in again......

First up on the Friday we have the Saints and the Bombers. Would like to think that the Bombers can win this one, indeed they CAN win this one especially being fresh from a Magpie meal. But will they win or will the Saint's divine guidance prove too much........??

Next the Cats and the Hawks. Question is, will the Cat's claws dig deeper than the Hawk's talons? The Cats may prove to be a little more nimble.......

The Power at home should prove to be a bit too powerful for the Kangaroos

And the Magpies will most likely wilt under the intense heat of the Suns.

Now the all-Sydney match seems destined to be a titanic struggle. Will the Swans prevail, or will the Giants rise to the occasion? This is the case of who will be the better team on the day.

The Demons and the Crows, both dark entities, the Crows may prove to be a little darker and send the Demons back to Hell.

Now on the day of the Sun, and hopefully the Tigers won't let me down this time, surely they could beat them Lions.

The Blues and the Dogs..... hmmmmm....... perhaps the Blues unless the Dogs becomes a bit more leaner and meaner.

Last but not least the Derby..... Dockers and Weevils, and I am betting that my Weevil voodoo doll will once again perform its job.

Some comic relief for an intense but mostly good thus far week..........

This is true...... !!!!!!

I guess that is how they figure out how weird I am...... !!!!

When ETs comes to visit planet Earth ;)

One way to escape the high cost of housing in Perth......

Now I know why Adam ate that apple !!! ;) ;)

When Virgos discusses relationships.......

Dealing with karmic relationships........

My darkest secrets....... ;)

Pedestrian crossings in Perth.......

Virgo dating experiences...... doomed even before the start!!!!!

Sunday 9 July 2017

Cancun Trip Falling Into Place

I finally taken another major step towards fulfilling my Cancun trip. I've booked my lodging. This was one thing that this anxious little Virgo was very anxious about. Lodging in Cancun is expensive, well being in a tourist town and on the Caribbean coast. I knew I needed more time to save my pennies for the lodging after paying for my air ticket, but being of Virgoan energies I was also worried about leaving it too late, that if I don't book early enough then it be more difficult to find especially the cheaper lodgings.

So I decided that I am going to somehow find a place to stay in Cancun and to book it. There was no way I was going to stay in a hostel, not after my Hawaiian experience where lodgings there were also expensive. I vowed nomatter how expensive private lodgings are, I will never again stay in a hostel. Must be me getting old but a private room with a private bathroom is something I will not compromise on even if it means paying a premium for it and wiping out the rest of my vacation budget.

It turns out I was about to enjoy the benefits of loyalty. For my trips I have been using one particular website to book my air tickets and lodgings as the site was able to find the cheapest lodgings available. And I'd get points when I book through them. Well it turns out I had enough points for quite significant discounts on my lodgings in Cancun, and furthermore, I would get up to 30% off due to me having used the site before. So was able to find a nice cosy little lodging in Cancun, it was still expensive but I had discounts amounting to several hundreds of dollars, so I ended up scoring a great deal on the lodging which made it a lot more affordable for my budget.

It's rated 3-star which was higher than my Bali lodging which had a 1-star rating. The Cancun lodging at what is called the Suites Rosas, sounds quite exotic, must be the Spanish influence. I think Mexico has Spanish influence if my memory serves me correctly. And it seems a cosy little place with only five apartments. And it has free wi fi!!!! That is the most important thing after the private room and bathroom!!! Nevermind about the separate dinning and kitchen area with fridge, microwave, stove, TV with cable channels, king size bed, and a balcony\patio!!! Actually this apartment will be positively spacious compared to where I would normally stayed during my trips. Because I always go for the cheapest apartments, it would always be just a single room with bathroom attached, no kitchen facilities though the ones in America would always have a fridge albeit a tiny little bar fridge and a TV, and no separate areas for dinning. It would almost like being back in my own apartment though with fridge added!!!! As we all know I don't have a fridge in my apartment. And this cosy little spot in Cancun is located downtown which means it will be close to shops, supermarkets, etc, and not far from the beach. It seems Cancun is not a big place so pretty well everywhere would be close to the beach, within walking distance from most places, certainly from downtown area. And this hotel offers 24 hours airport transfers, so they will pick me up from the airport, and when the end of my Caribbean vacation comes to an end, they will drop me back at the airport.

So I now have the essentials of the trip all booked and paid for, that is, the air tickets to and from Cancun, somewhere to stay in Cancun, and transportation between the airport and the hotel. Now am much happier. We Virgos do get so anxious about things, so feeling a lot better about having these most important - and most expensive - parts of the trip all taken care of.

Now just the incidentals. The tours to the Mayan sites, whether I go on tours or excursions, or whether there are just the transportation available. Cancun is a tourist area so almost certainly be several options available for visiting these Mayan sites. The hotel should be able to advise me on this. And of course other incidentals such as food. I don't think there is any food or room service at the hotel which is why it is relatively cheap, but being downtown in a tourist town, there is sure to be plenty of options available, and with kitchen facilities in my apartment, it be just going to the supermarket for grocery shopping. And being not in Perth it is sure to be cheaper. Everywhere is cheaper for food and most other things than in Perth.

With the major accomplishments completed for my Cancun trip, here are my very accurate card readings for this week.......

My cards for another momentous week with Tzom Tammuz and the Helical Rise of Sirius happening.

-Queen of Pentacles - Determination - A person of intense determination and goal orientated. She is willing to help anyone she considers worthy of her investment. A realistic, capable, determined woman. A sense of responsibility will win her over.

-6 of Wands - Victory - A successful conclusion to overcoming a large challenge. Well deserved sense of accomplishment. The battle won in spite of obstacles. Time to be proud.

-13 - Power Of Attraction - Time to conceive, create and embark on the process of transformation. Have recently completed a cycle of manifestation and now ready to embark on the next level. Positive and constructive energy is unfolding now. I will attract whatever is needed to complete this work.

Two of the cards seems to confirm an important accomplishment in relation to my Cancun trip, that is, I have completed the booking of my lodging in Cancun. Therefore the critical aspects, indeed the two largest expenses associated with any trip, the air tickets and the lodging, are now confirmed and paid for. It has been a battle to achieve this with my savings plan, with many setbacks such as the catastrophic month of May, however the victory has finally been achieved. My vacation is basically now booked and paid for.

The Queen of Pentacles may refer literally to a woman who may help me with my plans though I have no idea who she may be. More likely this is figuratively referring to my Goddess spirits, that they will help me achieve my goals as long as I take responsibility and don't blame my problems on the planetary alignments or lunar dates.

The Oracle concludes that I am well set up for the next stage of saving and preparation for my Cancun trip, that is, saving the funds necessary for expenses associated with visiting the Mayan sites and whatever else I am called to do while in Cancun. Either any organised tours or just transportation, entrance fees, etc associated with the attractions. And of course spending money, food, and the other incidentals that comes with being on vacation in a foreign country. Also the travel insurance that will need to be organised. The Oracle assures me that I will attract the resources necessary to accomplish these goals, and that all will be in place for my trip in due time.

Another reason why it's a good thing I have finalised the essential aspects of my trip before now. The dreaded "The Three Weeks" begins this Tuesday on Tzom Tammuz. As we know, The Three Weeks is when calamities often befalls the Jews, and those who were Jews in past lives - ME!!!!! This is the period of mourning for the destruction of the Jewish Temples. Tzom Tammuz, which falls the 17th day of Tammuz, this Tuesday, was when the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem in AD70. The destruction of the 2nd Temple happened three weeks later, hence "The Three Weeks" inbetween the invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple. It turned out the Babylonians destroyed the 1st Temple 500 years earlier on exactly the same date on the lunar calendar - Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of Av. So as in previous years, I will be keeping updates on any calamities that may befall me during these next three weeks!!!! At least I won't need to be doing anything else for my trip, except continue on with my savings plan, until much closer to the trip in October.

There is another event happening now at this time, which relates to another of my past lives, and may help mitigate against the effects of The Three Weeks. That is the Siriun New Year which was celebrated in ancient Egypt. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and also where I was during at least one of my past lives. Indeed one of my four Goddesses spirits in my apartment is from Sirius. The Egyptians were visited by Siriun ETs many thousands of years ago, the "cat people". The domestic cats today are indeed Siriun hybrids, which is why the Egyptians used to worship them.

The helical rise of Sirius each July heralded the flooding of the Nile, essential for the agricultural cycle thus the supply of food. So Sirius was seen as an important God who provided for the Egyptians. Sirius is actually a 3-star system though visible as only one star from Earth. The 2nd and 3rd stars were discovered only in more recent times with powerful telescopes and computers. However the ancient Egyptians knew about the three stars and they didn't have telescopes or computers back then. How did they know? The Siriun ETs, the cat people, who came to visit them, and were worshipped as gods. The 3-star Sirius system is indeed the origin of the Trinity doctrine in Christianity - three Gods as being one God. We have the Triple Goddess in Paganism, and other Pagan trinity beliefs.

Now the Siriun New Year cycle began with the Sirius and Sun conjunction, that is, the Sun passed in front of Sirius. That happened last Friday. Next is the helical rise of Sirius, when the star moves out from the glare of the Sun and becomes visible again just prior to dawn. This happens this week on Thursday. This was when the ancient Egyptians marked the New Year, when Sirius became visible again, and was seen from inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, and coincided with the flooding of the Nile thus the start of the agricultural cycle. So was seen as a time of good fortunes and new starts in life.

So since one of my past lives was spent in the Siriun system, indeed around the 3rd star, I am hoping this event will mitigate against the effects of The Three Weeks. Indeed it seemed to have sparked my good fortune in being able to book my Cancun lodging. Last Thursday, the Sirius Sun conjunction, was also payday, so was able to deposit funds into my various accounts as part of my Cancun savings plan. Then when the funds cleared, I was on Saturday night able to book my lodging, and with the discounts I had just enough funds in the account used for the air tickets and lodgings to cover the payment for my hotel booking.

Oh yes I now have a website for my Cancun trip.........

Cancun Mexico Trip

Now lets see how this week will pan out.........

My sleep patterns........

A valid question !!!!

Yes always a pizza !!!!!!!!

The women in my life back then seemed to have whole storage units of baggage !!!!!!

Story of my love life !! ;)

These annoying questionnaires after purchasing items online.......

Ancient technology ;)

Now in the 21st century.......

What hippies and star seeds says instead of "praying" ;) ;)

My bower bird wife..... hence my very full storage unit !!!!!!

Not as bad as being a Virgo !!!!!

Thursday 6 July 2017

Football - Weevil Voodoo Doll Fail !!!!!!

Time to refine my Weevil voodoo doll!!!! What a fail!!! Here I was thinking, the Weevils lost the previous week right on their home territory at the Domain. So I was thinking, they this time would have to travel all the way to Melbourne, and Weevils does not like to travel, and indeed they can't win in Melbourne cos umpires in Melbourne are more difficult to bribe. OK Carlton is down the ladder a bit while due to some extreme manipulations of the dimensional scale the Weevils actually manages to be in the Top Eight!! Well I suppose one could say they didn't win by much, only 7 points, but they bloody won!!! That means my Voodoo Doll didn't work this time!!!!! OK have to tweak it somehow for this week's match back on Weevil home territory, against the Power who won the same number of matches as the Weevils, though the Power doesn't bribe umpires!!! So my refurbished voodoo doll should do the trick here.

However my rule to never pick the Maggies did nevertheless pay off. Though I had only six correct picks I did manage to jump three spots in the office rankings to 7th spot, probably cos everyone else expected the Magpies to win. This time they play the Bombers, and the Bombers should be able to win that one!! One of their best chances for a win, so they should make the most of it!!!!

So let's see how the other matches will pan out. The Crows at home to the Bulldogs tomorrow night (Friday), the Crows on home territory advantage.

Saturday.... the Giants should prevail over the Hawks even though they beat the Maggies but then anyone can beat the Maggies, such as the Bombers on the same day.

Then the Sydney Swans shouldn't have much trouble in the Sun. Meanwhile the Cats will cut their bigger cousins the Lions down to size. And if they pray hard enough the Saints should do well against the Tigers.

Sunday..... the Kangaroos should jump over the Dockers. A coin toss between the Blues and the Demons, probably heads to the Blues if I had to pick one. Just hopefully my Weevil voodoo doll will be more effective on this day with a few Power zaps roasting Weevils.

Now for some comic relief........

Dealing with insurance companies in Australia......

Meanwhile at an Australian government department......

Social media secrets......

And the training comes free with me ;) ;)

Hopefully this won't happen on any of my three flights to Cancun !!!!!!

True..... hehe......

Those airport layovers where time indeed seems to stand still...... a part of life when travelling from Perth.....

I can relate to this..... me with the Pluto influence in my sign ;) ;) hehe

Life as a star seed on Planet Earth.....

Unicorn logic....... ;) ;)

Sunday 2 July 2017

Cancun Planning and Virgo Anxiety

This past week has been another hectic week with planning for my Cancun trip. I now have the air tickets to Cancun in my hot little hands, or at least as e-tickets on my hot little devices!! That is how the airlines do things these days, instead of getting a physical ticket in the mail or via an agent, you now get an e-ticket virtually instantaneously delivered to your email address as soon as the payment has been received. The advantage is you get the confirmation immediately rather than having to wait for weeks for it, what anxious Virgos does not like to do!! However it means you need to make the full payment of the air ticket immediately. Back in 1998 when I went to America I could book my air tickets long before I needed to make any payments, you just need to pay for it prior to getting the ticket sent to you which is about a month before departure. I booked three months in advance and being a Virgo I was rather anxious about getting the ticket, worried it be lost in the mail, and being only a month prior to departure, if anything happens to the ticket there is not much time to do anything about it. Anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos. However now we get the e-ticket emailed to you almost immediately upon payment, this cut out all this anxiety. One needs to pay for the ticket immediately, however, you get the e-ticket immediately, and more still, you can get on the airline website and using the seating map of the aircraft you can pick and choose your seat from the seats still available. So I always choose a window seat cos I like to see what is going on outside, and if there are any UFOs around, I'd like to be there to see them!!!!

My flight details...... I depart from this isolated little city on October 1 at 10:55PM, arriving in Sydney some 4  hours later at 6:05AM local time, now October 2nd. After cooling me heels within the now familiar confines of Sydney Airport for 4 1/2 hours, I brace myself for the very long flight all the way to LA, arriving some 13 1/2 hours later at 6:05AM local time - same time as Sydney, indeed the SAME DAY!!!! Hows that for a dimensional shift!!! Like going through a worm hole and ending up in a parallel universe - or it's one of the quirks of flying across the International Date Line from west to east!!!! There I will spend nearly six hours in the also familiar confines of the famous LA International Airport (reminds me of a famous song from the 1960s!!!!) before embarking on the last leg, the flight back down to Cancun, arriving some 4 1/2 hours later at 6:25PM local time. This makes it a total of about 32 1/2 hours from first stepping onto a plane at Perth and getting off the plane at Cancun - or closer to 36 hours if you count getting to the airport from my abode for the 3 hours checkin time before departure!!! Yes you know you're in the most isolated city on Earth when you travel overseas!!!! Everything is so far away from here!!!!!

Now I have those e-tickets, do you think that's the end of my anxieties????? No way!!!!! Remember I am a VIRGO and anxiety is hard wired into the DNA of Virgos!!!! It's one thing to get to Cancun, it's quite another thing to figure out what's in Hell's name I am going to do once I get to Cancun!!! Yes sure it is my intention to visit the Mayan sites on the Yucatan peninsula. But HOW will this be accomplished in a foreign country - Mexico - where English is not the first language!!!??? I mean, my ET powers hasn't kicked in yet, it's not like I could simply teleport to those sites!!! And then the niggly reality of needing to find somewhere to stay, and needing to get transportation between the airport and the motel!!! Then the travel documents, the travel insurance (an absolute necessity for anxious Virgos!!!), currency exchange, food,..... and well there are plenty of reasons for anxious Virgos to be even more anxious!!!!!

So have been bugging my nephew at the travel agency, though not too much...... we Virgos are very mindful about being a pain in the arse to people, hence why we don't seek help even if we need it..... but in this instance, I needed to seek help, so I did it a little bit at a time so not to overwhelm him. OK he may be PAID to deal with anxious travellers, even Virgoan travellers, but it doesn't mean I am obligated to make him earn his full keep!!!!

Firstly the logistics of getting to those Mayan sites scattered all over the Yucatan area up to a couple of hundreds kms from Cancun. Evidently there are sites even within the Cancun area but there are others further away. So I thought first will see if there are any tours available, firstly the multi-day tours. My Virgoan logic being, the price of these tours includes everything, the transportation, lodgings, food, entrance fees to the sites, and etc. Less things for anxious Virgos to worry about!!!! Alas!!! According to my nephew there are none available that fits within my stay. I am in Cancun for 14 days not counting arrival and departure days but none of the tours fits within those days. So OK how about the day tours. Well there are the day tours but they seem rather structured and included things that I wasn't so interested in. I wanted a bit more flexibility. So my nephew concluded that I be better off waiting until I arrive in Cancun and ask the locals!!!! Eek!!!! Not what this anxious little Virgo wanted to hear!!!! I like to have everything planned BEFORE the event!!!! Uh well..... it's not the first time I was in this predicament!!!! It was the same when I went to Bali. I had no idea of the logistics of my plans once I get to Bali, I only knew my flights, the arranged transportation to the motel, and checking into my room. For anything else it was ask the locals, in this instance, the staff at the motel - and from there everything fell into place as it should, and I gotten to see all of the sites I wanted to see and then some!!!! So I suppose it be similar kind of thing at Cancun, wait until I get there and ask at the motel I am staying at!!!!!

Now that issue out the way and too unresolved for this Virgoan liking..... next thing the travel documents!!! Back to my nephew. My passport expires in April 2018 and they don't allow you to travel when your passport is less than six months from expiry, which means October - when I am due to go to Cancun!!!! So I ran this by my nephew, my passport expires on April 21, and the total duration of my trip is from October 1-19. So it turns out this falls just outside of the six months rule, so I will indeed be able to travel on my current passport. But I will need to renew it before I go on any more trips!!!! Then will I need a visa to get into Mexico?? The answer..... no!!!!! Awesome!! Us Aussies doesn't need a visa to get into Mexico, so that is one less thing for me to worry about!!!!!

And...... that is all I have resolved right now....... I haven't even booked my motel room yet!!!! Arrrgh!!!! I probably should do this as my next thing. But will probably go online to do that. My thought is my nephew is working for a dying breed. Travel agencies are becoming obsolete these days since we can now do everything online from the comfort of my abode. Back in 1998 when the internet was not so well developed, I did go to a travel agency to book my air tickets to America. Back in those days, you could get air tickets cheaper from a travel agency than direct from the airline, you often get discounts at travel agencies back then. It just meant having to physically visit a travel agency and get the tickets from them. These days however, you can get good deals on air ticket just by going online on any of a number of websites specifically designed to find the cheapest tickets, even via the smartphone or tablet. And even my nephew admitted that the travel agency can only give $1 discount on the cheapest air ticket found online. So I am beginning to think, why have travel agencies?? Well I suppose even in 2017 nor everyone has access to the internet. And travel agencies DO make all of the arrangements from air tickets to tours, insurance, lodgings, etc, but only on their terms as I discovered. For example, they offer tours but the tours are often rigidly scheduled and doesn't offer the flexibility that I very much prefer despite being a Virgo!!!! I maybe a Virgo but I do have adventurous Uranus in my star sign, Uranus is the adventurous planet that does things outside of the rigid schedules. So ironically it looks like I am going to end up doing most of the planning myself anyway, cos you can do everything online. I am a member of some websites that not only finds the cheapest air tickets but also the cheapest motels, my minimum requirement being a private room with a private bathroom, I don't do hostels or any other form of shared accommodation. I value my privacy. So must be a private room and bathroom, but everything else is up for negotiation.

Now with this in mind, here are my very accurate cards for this week........

My cards for this momentous new week. This week being the first week of Chiron's retrograde in my Ascendant sign, and in reference to my other lifetime as a Jew, the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem which led to the destruction of the first Temple four weeks later. However, in reference to another lifetime in the 3-star Siriun system, there is also the Sun Sirius conjunction marking events in Egypt this month coinciding with the flooding of the Nile River.

-III - The Empress - Creation - Applying knowledge to create and nurture growth. Too much control will smother it. Understanding the cycles of life and creation and working with them. Gifted with an acute and active mind, exploit it through study or creative activities.

-IX - The Hermit - Finding Truth - Separating from connections for a while to sort out personal truths and answers not influenced by the opinions of others. Regular retreats to stay in touch with the inner voice and connect with the higher realms. Time to reflect on true aspirations.

-8 - Be The Hunter Not The Hunted - Capable to see the truth, outsmarting old patterns, and responding more creatively. Don't be drawn into the drama of others or the suffering of repetitive struggles. Being open to the truth, shown a new way or a flash of insight from the universe. Perhaps an important message coming. Entering new phase of empowerment.

-30 - The Perfection Of Your Life - 2nd consecutive week of this card draw thus reinforcing the message, all things will work out for good. The goal will be achieved.

Summary - Hmmmmm an interesting draw against the background of this week's energetic events. The Empress card probably relates to the planning of my Cancun trip which continues this week, and the refinement of my Cancun savings plan, implementing new measures that will help me to save even more. However we Virgos often places too much control which can ultimately smother the progress. Needing to work more closely with the cycles of the cosmos and to just trust the universe. Make use of my creative abilities.

This leads to the next card, The Hermit, advising to take time out alone so to receive further insights from the universe. Not to be swayed by the opinions of others however well intentioned they are.

The Oracle builds on this message, to not be drawn into the repetitive struggles but to be open to new ways. July has always been a catastrophic month for me due to events leading to the destruction of the Jewish Temples. However July also marks the Siriun New Year in Egypt, the Sirius Sun conjunction this week leading to this event. The 2nd oracle, being drawn for the 2nd consecutive week, reinforces the message that what happens this month all will work out for good.

The other major project - clearing out my storage unit legacy of my bower bird wife!!!! Still a long way to go but I am making progress!!! The unit is noticeably less full!! Still working on the small items and bags of items that can fit into the trunk, I make the trip there each weekend to collect a trunk full of items, then sort through the items, deciding which to give away, which to recycle, and which to keep. Most of the items ends up being recycled as they are in various states of disrepair. I only offer items on the freecycle group if they're in working order and in at least reasonable condition. A lot of people on the group do offer broken items stating what is wrong with the item, I suppose there are people on the list that actually likes to fix up items. But me being of Virgoan energies I just don't like to offer broken items, they just go into the recycle bins. Any items I offer I like for them to be in at least reasonable condition.

Now for some comic relief as I deal with the catastrophe that is football...... that for another time......

This pretty well sums it up...... we Virgos knows there is no such thing as a free lunch.
If only I could use my sick leave I could take longer vacations and go on longer trips !!!!
Airport security..... as I plan for my Cancun trip !!!!

My Virgo dating experiences, I am not even a 2nd choice!!!!!

"Virgo" and "romance" are mutually exclusive terms !!!!!! In other words the two never mixes!!!!

The red car must be for Perth !!!!!

Post Office experiences....... ;)

And the Rhino is more successful in dating than Virgoan me........ !!!!!