Tuesday 28 March 2017

Football - Keeping The Curse Of Chiron At Bay

It seems I did have a good start in my tipping, I managed to pick SIX winners which is very good for the first round!! In fact I came in at 3rd spot in my office tipping competition, the top person picked seven so was only one off from the top. Just my points variance that kept me down to 3rd. So it seems for now the curse of Chiron has been kept at bay.

However this is only week one, and these first two to three rounds are critical until we can figure out team form for the year. Well we all know the Maggies won't win many, so to never pick the Maggies unless they play the bottom two or three teams.

So what will this week bring........ the Maggies first up against Richmond, and the bookies actually lists the Maggies as favorites!! Don't know how they figure that one out, Richmond won last week while the Maggies lost. I think I will go with my feelings, the Maggies won't win that one either. Bulldogs and Sydney.... Close call but Bulldogs at home. Hawks and Adelaide, tough call, Adelaide played well last week but the Hawks is on home territory. Coin toss. GWS should beat the Suns unless they disappear down a vortex and end up in a parallel universe probably the same universe where the Maggies actually wins!!! I reckon the Bombers should be able to deal with the Lions despite the travel factor. And I really hate to say this but the Weevils at home will probably beat the Saints. May need to hurry up on my Weevils voodoo dolls cos the Saints will need more than prayers!!! The puddy Cats and the Demons should beat the Skippies and the Blues respectively. And the Dockers will enjoy the same fortunes or lack thereof as the Maggies this year.

Now a few more samples of my quirky sense of humor as promised........

When a Virgo falls in love......

Options that govt depts should offer.......

Our IT section at work......

St Pat's joke from a couple of weeks ago...... being a Pagan I don't really like St Pat's day.....

True...... !!!!!

;) hehe

Those who ever lived with puddy cats will get this one !!!! hehehe!!!!

Meanwhile down at the gym...... !!

When taking my heart meds.....

More Virgo experiences in love.......

;) hehe.....

Sunday 26 March 2017

Chaotic Times Ahead..... and Typical Magpies !!!!

Oh those Maggies setting the pace for the season vindicating my tipping rule, never pick the Maggies. I had a feeling the Bombers would win so I did pick them, they do have something to prove this year, and having something to prove is a very good motivator. As for those bloody Weevils, bloody drug cheats!! Haaaa...... yeah they were on drugs when they won the premiership in 2006, doesn't surprise me..... my hex must have worked then when it came on the news about their drug taking..... but unfortunately it didn't work in their match against the Kangaroos!!!! I might have to make Weevils voodoo dolls!!!! hehehe!!! I can't remember all of whom I picked, only that I DIDN'T pick the Maggies and I DID pick the Bombers but not the bloody Weevils, so at least two wins and a loss...... I guess my tipping results will come in by tomorrow and then I will know whether the curse of Chiron has kicked in again or not!!!!

Enough about the Maggie catastrophe..... now we have intense planetary alignments this week which will make for chaotic times, including a New Moon on Tuesday which will mark the start of the Jewish sacred year. Passover is about two weeks hence. And tomorrow (March 27) marks four years since my wife left this planet to enter the realms of the angels. Incidentally we have the Moon and Chiron conjunction tomorrow!! At the time of my wife's passing four years ago, this was on my Chiron return, that means, Chiron was in the same spot on the sky as it was in my natal chart, that is, when I came to this planet. Chiron returns happens around age 49 years, it takes 49 years for Chiron to make a full circuit of the Zodiac, generally the time it takes for it to revolve around the Sun. So the intense times that one often experiences at age 49 is not just because we're about to hit the big 50!!!!!

So let's see what my very accurate cards say for this intense new week........

My cards for this very intense new week...

-7 of Cups - Fantasy - Overpowering desire. Temptation. The wish to lose one's self in the experience. Ecstasy. An intense passion unexpectedly arrives and overwhelms, yearning to abandon one's self totally to it.

-3 - Inspiration - Idea or vision captures one's attention. As symbolised by the bees help from the universe will arrive to assist in the fulfilment of the vision. Synchronicities and miracles as things falls into place. The universe will provide.

Summary - With this week destined to be intense with so much celestial events happening, it is anyone's guess as to how these energies will pan out. We have an intense New Moon in Aries happening early this week, this will mark the start of the Hebrew Sacred Year, the start of the month of Nissan. Mercury enters the shadow of its upcoming retrograde. Venus continues its retrograde with the new Venus Aries cycle just commenced. The Moon Chiron conjunction in my Ascendant sign takes place tomorrow, the anniversary of my wife's death. It was on my Chiron return four years ago when my wife passed away. So understandable that these energies mixed together could manifest as intense desire or temptations, which in my instance, could be instances of self harm or some other dark pursuits due to the Pluto Uranus Chiron config in my chart. The Tarot deck I use represents the Pluto in my chart being in my Sun sign.

Meanwhile the Oracle, the Uranus in my chart, we have what is perhaps encouragement for my vision, the Peru trip. Due to Venus retrograde to be followed by Mercury's retrograde, intense pressures on my finances will be brought to bear. Venus deals with finances, and a retrograding Mercury always throws spanners, or in my instance, huge wrenches into the works!! This could be the case of the old saying paraphrased, all things works together for good to them in harmony with the universe and fulfilling the call. Despite these obstacles I will remain on track with my savings plan even if I need help from the HD realms to do so, either through 3D means or otherwise.


Last week was the Autumn Equinox which we celebrate as the Pagan holiday Mabon. There are 8 Pagan holidays during the Solar Year, these includes the two Equinox - Autumn and Spring, two Solstices - Summer and Winter, and the four midpoints between these Equinox and Solstice. So we have a Pagan holiday approximately once every six weeks. I also draw cards on these Pagan holidays using my Pagan deck. So I did a card draw on Mabon for the next six weeks until Samhain which falls May 1, and this is what this card has to say for these next six weeks......

My Mabon card for the next six weeks to Samhain

-16 - The Stars - 6 of Hearts - How appropriate!! Four souls looking up at the Pleiades!! The stars are indeed our guidance. Many indigenous cultures believes that we come from the Pleiades, and indeed seems a popular point of origin for star seeds. Taygeta where I am from is within the Pleiades star system. The card represents our guidance but also our perspective on where we came from and where we are on our life journey. Guidance in our calling in life, mapping out the journey towards our destiny. So with Samhain falling at the start of May here in the Southern Hemisphere, perhaps during these next six weeks it will become clear the details of my next trip to fulfil my calling for energy works at the various vortexes on Mother Gaia.


Despite the current chaos there has been some good news, well better than expected news. I did finally make my booking for my visit to the Heart Specialist and the Stress Test, and it won't cost as much as I thought it would. Furthermore I will get a little under half of it back on Medicare.

So there is basically two appointments. The first being for the Stress Test on May 2nd - just after Samhain. The followup appointment is two days later on May 4th, and I will get a little under half back on Medicare for that as well. The gap amounts, what Medicare doesn't pay, will still be challenging for my Peru trip savings plan, but not as much of a challenge that I thought it would be. Indeed with my Virgoan energies and determination, I should still be able to remain on track for my savings plan, especially since the followup appointment is on my payday, so I effectively have two paydays to budget for the two visits.

And I also found out what the Stress Test involves, thus easing a little bit my Virgoan tendency to anxiety. We Virgos gets very anxious when we don't know what we're getting into. The Stress Test is basically being hooked up to a monitoring machine to monitor the heart vital statistics and then walking on the treadmill. The speed of the treadmill increases slightly every few minutes until the machine indicates the heart is under too much stress. Just how they determine what is "too much" is well not known, but me being fit, walking 20+kms on my walks and my ecstatic dancing, I expect to do better than 90% of other heart patients. I tend to set records here, whether with blood test results or other heart stats, I always do better than the normal heart patient. They say it was my fitness that saved me from an early return journey to Taygeta on that fateful day in July 2015 when I had the heart attack!!!

But I have to say, it's a wee bit disconcerting when I read the consent form for the Stress Test that I need to sign prior to the test. They give a list of possible side effects which includes DEATH!!! Ummm.... OK..... I realise they are just covering their arses..... well a return trip to Taygeta would be nice, but I want to go to Peru first, so don't want to go back just yet!!!!! However they also point out that there is just a chance in 10000 of this occurring..... which still makes it more dangerous than flying in an aeroplane to Peru and back again!!!! But maybe not as dangerous as driving in the car to the clinic, especially on Perth roads!!!! Though I probably take the train instead, cos I live just around the corner from the station, and the station at the other end is just a short stroll to the clinic, it will mean I won't have to try find parking and pay the exorbitant parking fees!!!! And if I don't become that 10000th patient I will celebrate by going to the nearby mall and buy myself an icecream!! hehe!! But if I ask them how many patients survived since the last death and they tell me 9999 then.... um..... uhhhh.......!!!!!!!

The bond saga..... I finally gotten that reply letter finished, I think it ended up being 8 pages or so!! So right now there is going to be one very pissed off landlord!! Question is, will he still be in delusion about actually getting any money out of me, or whether he will finally wake up and concede that he is not going to get a single penny out of me, well not without a damned good fight anyway!!!! Now just waiting for his reply to arrive in my mailbox. Although my case is pretty well solid in at least the vast majority of the issues I am still a little anxious about what his replies will involve, this is so contrary to my Virgoan nature. This is more like an Aries or Capricorn, and I have no strong influences in either signs in my chart!! Virgos are anxious creatures to begin with!! This is just a matter of being backed into a corner, that is, if I paid the full amount he was asking for, it will mean no trip to Peru until at least the following year!!! And just to think for a little while I actually thought about just going ahead and paying the full amount over some weeks, until I realised the implications for my Peru trip!!!! So more like a lion being backed into a corner thus having no option but to strike back, though I have no Leo whatsoever in my chart!!!!!! Nevertheless this matter is going to drag on over several months unless he wakes up from his delusions!!!!! We Virgos are patient creatures when we have to be, so the potential length of time is not much concern for me, I am prepared for the long haul if need be. He may try to wear me down and have me to just back down for a quicker solution in his favour - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!! We Virgos are very determined creatures when we have to be!!!!!

I think that is all for this past week...... now more samples of my quirky sense of humor..... been getting quite a collection of comics now, so will post a few here..... then when I get my football tipping results in a day or so, or a couple of days, do another blog, a short one with just my results..... and a few more comics....... hehehe......


This one is the kind of thing I'd probably do with my often distracted mind...... !!!!

Um..... yeah.... hehe ;)

They must be from the Dog Star hehehe.....

Meanwhile at a church near to you.....

He must be a Virgo.... though I am not quite THAT bad when it comes to getting to the airport early to catch my flights!!!!

The VIRGO zone !!!!!!

Sunday 19 March 2017

Fighting For What Is Worthwhile.....

The life of a Virgo especially with a Saturn Complex in his chart is a life of struggles, of having to fight every inch of the way for the smallest gains...........

And so with the Equinox happening tomorrow and Tuesday, here is my ever accurate cards for this week.......

My cards for this new week with the Equinox happening...

-6 of Swords - Journey - Time for a fresh start. Leaving bad situation for better one. Brave despite the unknown. Leap of faith. Leaving everything behind and heading into the unknown.

-23 - Defend To The End The Worthwhile - Staying strong and standing my ground, even if the matter appears trivial to others around me. Standing up for harmony in the universe. Standing up for my beliefs regardless of what others thinks.

Summary - The Tarot draw seems appropriate as Venus enters the Underworld getting ready to begin her new cycle in Aries. The Equinox this week also marks the Astrological New Year. Today is the Babylonian New Year. The New Moon early next week will mark the start of the Sacred New Year on the Jewish calendar. So many pointers to new beginnings. Changes in my life normally happens around this time, mostly April\May. Energies are definitely shifting, it just remains to be seen how it will manifest this particular week!!

The Oracle highlights my need to defend what is worthwhile in my reality. It may not be worthwhile in anyone's else realities but it is to mine so it is worth defending. May relate to the bond fiasco when I will finally post the letter to the landlord where I made clear that I intend standing up for my rights, something I usually don't do being of Virgoan energies!! I normally allow others to walk over me, but not this time!!


So afterwards I embarked on my weekly trip to my mailbox, and there was mail from the Heart Specialist...... OK no more hiding from it, time to face up to this. It's not the visit to the Heart Specialist that worries me, it's the economic impact of this visit and the implications for my savings plans. They're wanting to do the Stress Test on me, I guess designed to see how much stress my heart could take. This will be expensive, this I know from previous visits. So it will be down to how much of it I will get back on Medicare if anything. Worst case scenario is that the test is not covered by Medicare, and me being of Virgoan energies I prepare for worst case scenarios.

When I got back home I looked at my budget and projected expenses for the next two months, and like the Virgo that I am, I panicked!!!!!!...... then I calmed down and took stock of the situation. Then I sent the email to the clinic confirming for them to arrange the appointment for me, but to make it to be after Easter. This will give me the chance to prepare and save my pennies. I think this will work out anyway, I think the clinic tends to be busy so there is often a wait time of up to six weeks for appointments. Then when I get the confirmation email and appointment dates, they usually inform me how much it will cost for the test and whether I will get anything back on Medicare. If not then I will simply ask them.... duh!!!!

Bar any miracles or unforeseen circumstances, this will kill any chance of getting a fridge until at least after my Peru trip. I was thinking perhaps I could get a fridge around May, but with this appointment with the Heart Specialist, this simply will not happen. Currently planning for my Peru trip to be around October this year, so it looks like I will be without a fridge until near Xmas this year. My lease will expire then, but hopefully I will be able to renew my lease, I really like it here, and so I won't be moving house unless I have to.

My Peru trip..... I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get to Peru anytime soon, I hadn't been able to find many tours available, and the available tours I could find tended to be expensive due to their insistence of such luxuries as 5-star lodgings and etc, what I don't need and could do without. But now I came across this awesome site which lists a whole range of tours of Peru for pretty well all budgets, many of them now quite affordable, and you can arrange for several tours during one single trip.

So at first I went for three weeks tour options. Then I went to work and checked my available vacation time and was shocked to learn I won't have enough vacation time for three weeks!!!! Being in the most isolated city on Earth, it will take two days to fly to Peru, probably with three flight changes including one to the east coast, then perhaps two more to reach Peru. So two days to get there, and two days to get back. Then I will need two days recovery time after I get back to recover from jet lag and fatigue before getting back to work. So a three weeks stay in Peru translate to a total of four weeks vacation time...... and I don't have four weeks available to me!!!!! I've already arranged a week's vacation over Easter for Passover, spending some of the time down in Serpentine on a spiritual retreat - the Glory Camp albeit as a day visitor which works out much cheaper. Then I will need three days over the Xmas break when the office shuts down so we all take leave then. So in total this leaves me with just three weeks total vacation time, thus limiting any Peru trips to just two weeks!!!!!

Now planning for possible tours for two weeks in Peru. I won't make any final decision until May when I will have a better idea of my economic circumstances, but at this stage, even with the Heart Specialist expenses, I should still be able to raise the funds for a two week tour of Peru possibly around October. Or in the event of other unforeseen circumstances, I could at least have a week in Peru, the tour company has tours from as little as one day tours, but if I am going to go to Peru, well two weeks is what I am aiming for, but even a week would be better than nothing. My heart is set on Peru and one way or the other I am going to get there. We Virgos are stubbornly determined creatures!!!

The bond fiasco..... well I finally gotten my reply letter together. Now just have to print it out when I get to work tomorrow. I was meant to do it last Friday but I forgot. I have a printer here at home but it's out of ink and ink cartridges are too expensive when saving for my Peru trip, so I just make do with using the printer at work. So plan is to print out the letter at work, then post it off to the landlord, who will probably receive it by Wednesday and it will positively piss him off!!!! It remains to be seen whether he will continue to be in a state of delusion that he will actually get any money out of me even after I punched huge holes in his case against me, or whether he will finally wake up!!!

Now the football..... it begins this weekend, indeed Thursday night..... so remains to be seen if I can transmute the curse of Chiron, that I had never won any prize money in the office tipping competition since Chiron the Wounded one entered my Ascendant sign back in 2010. It's going to be another lean year for the Maggies. Not even the Maggies women team wins, they got beaten again this weekend!!! Not good omen for the men's team for this season. The Weevils didn't even have a women team, probably cos the men's team acts like sheilas, forever whinging about their lot in the life of the season, and making excuses when they get beaten. Any women team could probably beat them!!! Uhhhh OK that was below the belt, but I despise them Weevils, there is no team I despise more than the Weevils. I end up sending hexes against them, I despise them that much!!!!!

So who will win this weekend. The first round is always the most difficult to pick, you can't go on last year's forms - except for the Maggies, they won't win this year either. The rule is never pick the Maggies. Essendon will do better cos they got their team back now, they'll have something to prove. And the Weevils, well I celebrate when they lose, and send hexes when they actually manages to win!!!! So let's see who is likely to win this first round.... Carlton and Richmond on Thursday, toss the coin there, you can never tell with Richmond. Friday the Maggies and Western Bulldogs, well as I say, never pick the Maggies. Sydney will probably beat Port Power, The Saints and Melbourne another coin toss. Gold Coast at home probably has a better chance against Brissy. And I reckon the Bombers can beat the Hawks. And I hope the Kangaroos will kick Weevils arses who will complain they will have to travel all the way to Melbourne for their first up match!!!! Boo Hoo!! My sympathies..... NOT!!!!!!!! Crows and the Giants, the pressure will be on the Giants, they will have big expectations to live up to, so won't be surprised if the Crows can pull this one off in the city of churches. Last but not least, Freo at home against the puddy Cats, but despite being at home I think Freo is kinda vulnerable and is going to struggle this year.

Now a sample of my quirky sense of humor...... a bit more than usual cos I getting quite a collection here.......

I can relate to this..... I like vampire shows too.... the Pluto in my chart ;) hehe

;) hehe.....

No comment needed...... ;)

What I would say..... hehe.....

My motivation when going on my trips ;)

Should have gone with Windows based systems..... hehe.....

Not having a fridge at least means there is no parallel universes to contend with !!!!!

Definitely no comments needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 12 March 2017

That Time Of Year...... Again !!!!!

Oh yeah.... that time of year, the time of losing Magpies, whingeing Weevils, and the curse of Chiron previously the curse of Mother's death...... here as I decided once again, probably much to my regret, to join the office footy tipping competition. The AFL season begins last weekend of March, this being two weekends away, so time to ponder on my fortunes or lack thereof. It's going to be another lean year for the Maggies, the Weevils as always going to whinge about their lot in life and make excuses each time they lose, while I will attempt to transmute the energies of the curse of Chiron. That is, up until Mother's death which happened near the time of Chiron's entry into my Ascendant sign Pisces, I had always won prize money. But since Chiron's entry into Pisces, I had never even gotten close to winning any prize money. And Chiron is still in Pisces my Ascendant sign, so looks like another year of the curse, unless I can somehow transmute these energies. Well will see how things pan out as I have a bit of time yet to submit my tips for the first round.

Let's see what the cards has to say..... well at least for this week anyway....... tonight being the Virgo Full Moon.

My cards for another intense new week...

-8 of Cups - Leaving - Moving on to a better future but still feeling tied to the old life. First few steps always the most difficult. Departure from the familiar to begin a new life.

-18 - Spirals of Manifestation - The goal that seems so far away actually turns out to be closer than expected. The goal that seems out of sight is only because it is just around the corner. Don't be anxious, all will manifest in due time.

Summary - My life has certainly been in a state of change since moving into my new abode, each relatively minor but all working towards what is basically a new lifestyle. The bond fiasco is holding me back, and how quickly it will be resolve depends on whether the landlord remains in his delusions or whether he finally sees the light and realises he has no grounds for much of his claims against me. Although things has been in a state of change these last few weeks, there is a reason why this particular card showed itself for this week. Tonight's Virgo Full Moon has brought a definite shift, it is just yet to be revealed how it will play out.

The Spirals of Manifestation, a goal that seems far away is actually just around the corner. It seems obviously referring to my plans for my trips. As yet I have no idea where I will be going or when I will be going. My savings plan is currently on track, but cost pressures in the next two months seems destined to slow things down. I just have to transmute my Virgoan energies and try not to be so anxious about the future, that all will turn out in due time exactly as it meant to be.


So does that mean the Maggies are going to start winning football matches!! That would be akin to a "better future" or "new life" according to the Tarot...... And the Oracle card, is that saying though a win by the Maggies seems so very far away, it may be a lot closer than one would think!!? ...... nah I don't think so somehow, I don't think the cards are referring to the fortunes or lack thereof of the Maggies..... I think it is something else entirely different..... !!!!!!

This past week..... well nothing major happening...... still working on the letter to the landlord, there's a lot to cover, and being of Virgoan energy I like to make sure I cover everything and got the details right. We Virgos like to do things properly. So he will just have to wait, that is all there is to it.

Meanwhile..... I still haven't heard from the Heart Specialist..... which suits me fine cos with budget pressures destined for the next two months, the costs associated with the Specialist will severely set back my savings plans. We Virgos are very determined creatures, once I set a goal I stick to it at all costs, we are stubborn creatures. My savings plan has been going well, and indeed I now have the funds for an air ticket to pretty well anywhere in the world. However things are destined to slow down for the next two months, with my annual PO box rental due this month, always expensive and it goes up each year, then there is Easter, and then my car license payment in May, very expensive in this very high tax country of Australia. So no room in my budget for any Heart Specialist. If I survived up until now I am sure another three months is not going to make much difference. We Virgos are very pragmatic creatures, and it is why we are so very self sufficient, it is how we get through in life. Virgos are very good survivors, we overcome almost insurmountable odds in order to achieve our goals.

Tonight is the Virgo Full Moon, that is, the Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. So the Virgoan energy will be very high, especially those of us whose Sun sign is Virgo, or other strong Virgo influence. And with my chart showing four planets in my Sun sign, I am very typically Virgo. So this Full Moon intensify my energies, and my determination to reach my goals.

Last night was my fortnitely ecstatic dance session, and it is always a journey of facing my Virgoan demons. Ecstatic dancing is more than just two hours of dancing. The practice is designed for us to deal with our issues in our journeys on planet Earth that is our lives. And my demons stems from my self image which is a consequence of being a Virgo. We Virgos are our own worst critics, we judge ourselves more than we judge anyone else. And being such perfectionists, we are very hard on ourselves, so we end up with very low image of ourselves.

I always loved dancing since my childhood, and despite the Hell that was my childhood, I was nevertheless more innocent, and when doing folk dancing at primary school, I was a lot more self confident and mixed freely with the girls. And even during my teen years at high school, when I grown to be painfully shy and introverted, I still had a lot more confidence during our ballroom dancing sessions. Unbelievably despite my introverted Virgoan nature, I still was able to approach the girls and ask them to dance with me, as was the practice at the start of the ballroom dancing sessions in high school. Nowadays however you couldn't pay me to ask a female out or to even dance with me, my self image being through the floor thanks to the years of life's bitter experiences. Ecstatic dancing is mostly dancing in one's own space, we don't dance with partners, we each dance on our own, which is one reason why I enjoy it. But at times the facilitator asks us to take a partner, and that I dread cos of my Virgoan traits. I have never been rejected, nevertheless, I hate approaching anyone to be my partner due to my ingrained Virgoan belief and low opinion of myself.

The elections in Western Australia, and we have a new government, or more accurately, a new puppet of the Reptilian\cabal order. The same Reptilian\cabal methods of mass public control still remains in force, such as the fluoridation of our water supplies, the same tactic Hitler used on the inmates of the concentration camps, And as sure as the sun will rise, our taxes and charges will still go up. It doesn't matter which party wins power, our taxes and charges will still go up, another Reptilian tactic of keeping us enslaved. The differences between the parties are only superficial and designed to fool us into believing that we do actually have a choice. In reality we have no choice.

Easter is just a month away, what I call Eostre referring to the German Goddess Eostre which we get our Easter traditions from, the eggs and the bunny rabbit. I am a Pagan at heart. Well with my eclectic spirituality I still have some involvement in the church. A witch involved with a Christian church!! Times have changed!! Well not really. Wiccan protocol is respect for all religions and faiths, so we don't try to convert anyone, so no need to tell anyone at church about any of my other beliefs. Well to cut a long story short, they have Glory Camp each year over the Easter break, and last year I went. But I wasn't going to go this year, well for lifestyle reasons such as my mostly vegetarian eating regime, the menu choices at camp mealtimes does not cater for vegetarianism. And to save my pennies for my trip, camp fees these days are expensive.

However I been invited to the camp and they practically begging me to go. I kinda have been roped in as being a flag bearer during the Friday night meetings, it's part of their means of conducting the services. As with everything else, I put a lot of energy into the task, and I am good at flowing with particular energies, and well they love me for this...... and they need a flag bearer at the camp. Well being of Virgoan energy I always like to please others and not put them out. So I decided to attend the camp. However this time I go as a day visitor, so no sleeping overnight and no meals. This makes it a lot cheaper, and it solves the vegetarian dilemma. Also I get to go home to my warm bed each night rather than bunking in with seven other restless souls in the dorms, I'm getting too old for that!! LOL!! The campsite is down at Serpentine which is an energy vortex and ET hotspot, so inbetween meetings I just go meditate in the bush and connect with my ET kins.

I think that is it for now...... enough of my ramblings...... just some comics to highlight my quirky sense of humor......

Speaking of Reptilian influence over elections.....

More on ETs..... some are friendly, some are not so friendly.......

The recent discovery of the seven planets around one of the nearby stars......

Now a more Earthly hazards of bush walking.......

Sunday 5 March 2017

Figuring Out Which Planet The Landlord Is On !!!!

Here on this holiday weekend after an eventful week. Tomorrow is a public holiday in Western Australia, not sure if it is also on the east coast, it's like foreign countries on the east coast, they have different holidays at different times. But at least here tomorrow is a much needed public holiday!!! My cards as per usual are always right, so here is this week's cards for the coming week.......

My cards for this new week with the start of Venus retrograde.

-XIX - The Sun - Happiness - A time of joy from within. Celebrating everything including the small things. Inner connection to the light. Recognising blessing in everything. Positive light bursting in annihilating the negativity up to now.

-5 of Cups - Fear - Giving in to fear, obsessions, self sabotage, self harm. Lack of strength necessary to face one's fears. Unable to resist inner demons.

-Knight of Cups - Seeker - One who finds treasures in unlikely places, things that others may overlook. Longing for connection and intimacy. The Guardian, Spirit Guide, only the one who truly loves me truly understands me.

-28 - Collaborative Dreaming - The same card on two consecutive weeks, the 3rd time in just over a month. The universe definitely trying to send a message!!

Summary - What a contrast!!! Happiness, joy, victory over darkness.... and seemingly utter defeat, self sabotage, self harm, giving in to negativity!! That is the story of my life, things changes often from one day to the next. On a high one day, the next day in the utter depths of despair. Indeed almost manic in my emotional rollercoaster. Reminds me of the story of the Jewish prophet Elijah in ancient Judea who was one day at the height of his power, literally calling down the fire from heaven, changing the spiritual course of a whole nation, but just a while later, fleeing in utter fear from a woman into the wilderness just because of the mere words of the woman!!!

So what is the universe trying to tell me here!!??? The most perplexing of card draws. Well as it is said, forewarned is forearmed. Indeed the 3rd Tarot draw offers a clue. The Seeker. That is, the gift, even the miracle, will be found in the most unlikely places. So no looking to what seems the most likely places, or the places where manifestation of gifts had occurred before. The resources I need it seems will manifest from the most unexpected sources. Regardless of my feelings or emotional states which can change from one day to another, the universe always have my back, and will always provide.

The Oracle!! OK the same card within a short time, that is, 3 to 4 draws, is seen as a strong message from the universe!! But now, the same card on CONSECUTIVE draws, the universe definitely trying to tell me something!!!! It seems in spite of the obstacles, mainly economic, that is still swaying my decisions, I must definitely go with a group tour or pilgrimage on my next trip.


So when I went to the mailbox I had a feeling there be mail from the landlord, and my feelings were correct. I also had a feeling that extra walls were added to the paint job which he is trying to have me pay for, and again I was correct but also shocked at the same time!!! There was indeed a task list from the painter, and not only there are extra walls added, but THREE EXTRA ROOMS!!!!! These extra rooms had nothing to do with the mobility aids that were installed for my wife, the source of the original complaint regarding the walls.

But what really got me was that the landlord made no attempt to explain nor even justify including the three extra rooms in the bill. He it seems expected me to either not notice the three extra rooms or just to gloss over it and still pay him the money with no questions asked!!!! OK which planet is he on!!!!???? Must be a Reptilian planet!!!! Was he on some kind of weed??? If so, I want that weed!!!!!! I mean...... how incredulous a landlord can be!!!!!?????

Then the thorny matter of the mobility aids for my wife, the source of the original complaint. Aside from my wife's mobility aids, there were already mobility aids, bars, etc installed at the house by the PREVIOUS TENANTS who were an elderly couple. It was only that additional mobility aids were needed to be installed for the specific needs of my wife. Issue is, as asked by the landlord, the mobility aids for my wife were removed but the other mobility aids were left in place as they were already installed when we took the property!!!! It turned out the landlord also removed those mobility aids and is trying to make me pay for it!!!!! OK the landlord is definitely on another planet!!!!! Certainly NOT planet Earth!!!!! How in all seriousness the landlord be so incredulous as to ask me to pay for removal of fittings that were already installed on the property for the benefit of the PREVIOUS tenants!!!!!!

Then the issue of the aircon. His explanation for why the price of the aircon repairs was so high cos he claims the whole unit needed replacing!! I find that hard to believe. The only problem was the issue of temperature control, that is the thermostat. Otherwise the whole unit including the motor was working perfectly fine. It's like saying the whole car needed replacing when the only problem was with the thermostat attached to the cooling system!!!! Imagine going to a mechanic with my car experiencing overheating problems, then the mechanic turns around saying the thermostat is shat so the whole car needed replacing!!!! The landlord is basically asking me to believe this about the aircon. The unit was working perfectly fine except for the temperature controls. This is aside from the question of "use versus abuse". Tenants are not responsible for the malfunction of appliances unless there is a proven case of abuse. The onus is on the landlord to prove the instance of abuse.

More still, he failed to provide the documentations for the other issues, the kitchen sink and the carpet. I specifically also asked for this information, stating that the matter will not progress any further UNTIL I receive this information. All he can offer is some vague explanations, there were no documentations, not even any receipts.

Then he has the nerve to tell me about his financial problems, that he is short of money due to these repairs, and he hasn't been able to attract new tenants even in the three months since I vacated the property!!! OK Mr Landlord, there is a reason for this!!! It's called KARMA!!!!! Furthermore, this is WITCH KARMA!!!! I am a witch, and whoever is foolish enough to mess with a witch gets turned into a toad. We live by the "law of three", that is basically, whoever harms us or attempts to harm us or put any shit on us will have THREE TIMES the magnitude of the harm returned to them!!!! That is why even after three months he hasn't been able to attract new tenants and is thus deprived of the extra income from the rent. For seven years he has enjoyed the extra income from the rent I have been paying for him. Now it is gone, and due to the law of three which comes with messing with witches, he is not going to get new tenants anytime soon. Or if he does eventually get new tenants, they will be the tenants from Hell who will cause three times the damages that he is trying to make me responsible for!!!!! Either way, one who messes with a witch pays for it dearly, indeed gets turned into a toad!!!!!! He is practically begging me to start paying him!!!! I may be a Virgo, and we Virgos don't like to put people out, we seek to avoid conflicts and bend over backwards to help other people even at our own expense. However he hasn't counted on the Pluto Uranus Chiron config in my chart, that is without going into details, when I am pushed then I will fight and FIERCELY SO!!!!! It's basically TOUGH NOODLES about his financial problems. It's what happens when one messes with a witch!!!!!!

However instead of payments, the landlord is going to get a reply with even more questions!! And being the Virgo that I am, we Virgos are good with details and we have analytical skills. So every part of his letter is going to be scrutinised, and specific questions asked. Furthermore I am keeping records of the details of our correspondence. We Virgos are legends at record keeping, such as the dates, questions he hasn't answered, requests not complied with, and other details that the legal profession is going to be needing. Because unless the landlord snaps out of his delusions and get back to planet Earth, the legal profession is going to be involved.

So my task for this week is to compose a reply letter with specific questions being asked.

What else is happening..... well, I went for my walk yesterday, and plan on going for another walk tomorrow. The weather has been hot and unusually humid due to the recent rains, it feels more like Bali than Perth which usually has dry heat. It is very tropical here! And there is a cyclone up north. The Magpies got beaten...... again!!!!!!!! And we have the state elections next week.....

Oh yes with the elections next week, here is my view of politics...... basically it is all part of the Reptilian\cabal order. Reptilians (a species of ETs from some other planets) are ruling this planet for the enslavement of mankind. Money being a part of the enslavement. Most other civilisations on other planets does not use money, only those enslaved by Reptilians, such as planet Earth. The jobs we go to five days or more per week in order to get paid a salary is nothing more than enslavement. In the past the slaves may not have been paid with money, such as the Negro slaves in America, but for their troubles there were provided with housing, food, water, clothing, etc. The only difference now is we receive the money for the housing, food, water, clothing, etc. We are still slaves. And the Reptilians rules us through religion and politics. Every major religious leader and every political ruler are Reptilians.

So basically it doesn't matter whether we vote for Liberals, Labor, Greens, One Nation, Australian Christians, or Stand On Your Head Party, they are all nothing more than puppets of the Reptilian\cabal order.

Well since voting is compulsory in Australia, well we still have to vote..... right?? Well no. Voting itself is not compulsory. It is only compulsory to turn up at the polling place, have our names crossed off, and receive the ballot papers. Since the ballot papers are not identified to particular voters, there is no compulsion to actually voting. We can do as we please with the ballot papers. We can even draw pictures of ETs, UFOs, and channel alien writings if we wanted to - and I DO have the ability to tune into alien or ET energies and channel alien writings - akin to secret codes that humans does not understand but carries a lot of power, like the spells of witches!!!! Sometimes I just do reverse voting, that is, put first preferences on the minor parties who are least likely to win enough votes, and placing the last preferences on the major parties thus effectively nullifying my votes for them. Then I channel ET writings as a hex to bind the actions of the major parties that will harm us, such as, breaking promises and raising taxes as they ALL do once they win power - doesn't matter whether it's Liberals, Labor or whoever else, they will all raise taxes and charges once they win power!!!! It's proof they are part of the Reptilian order. Raising taxes being a means of keeping us enslaved to the system, paying more taxes means less money for other things, keeping us in order - like the slaves that we are.

However it is the Senate paper that we can potentially yield at least some resemblance of power. Not all of the minor parties are of the Reptilian order. A case in point being the "Fluoride Free Party", basically a group that advocates to end the fluoridation of our water supplies. The adding of fluoride to our water supply is a Reptilian method of keeping us enslaved. It is what Adolf Hitler did to the inmates of the concentration camps, he added fluoride to their water supplies. This has nothing to do with preventing tooth decay. Fluoride is a toxic agent that affects our brains making us more compliant with the govt of the day, the laws, regulations, etc, like zombies. Never trust the government, never trust the education system, never trust the media, never trust religion - they are all part of the same Reptilian\cabal agenda. It is why those of us in the "alternative" lifestyle who tends to resist the governmental agendas are usually ones who drinks little or no tap water, they instead use bottled water which normally doesn't contain fluoride, or certain filtered water, or rain water. It is why rainwater tanks are illegal in America, the authorities can't fluoridate rainwater tanks, so just ban them instead. It has nothing to do with safety issues or water quality. The Reptilian agenda is very much alive and well in America..... and elsewhere on this planet.

OK enough of my weird ramblings..... I know.... I'm weird with outlandish weird views...... blame it on the Piscean influence in my chart being my Rising Sign, or the Uranus in my Sun sign!!!!!

Here some cartoons as promised.......

He must be a Virgo!! LOL

What they probably say about ME !!!! hehe!!!!

Speaking of the elections next week...... hehe......