Sunday 5 February 2017

Chaotic Month Ahead

February is set to be a chaotic month with two eclipses happening, Valentine's Day which I hate more than Xmas, and then the memories of Mother's birthday.

So we have a lunar eclipse next weekend, then a solar eclipse two weeks later ironically on Mother's birthday!!!! Neither eclipses are visible from Australia however we still experience the energies. The last time we had those two eclipses at this time of year was back in 1999 as part of the 18 year lunar cycles which actually mirrors the cycles in our lives. Indeed the same issues we faced back in 1999 during those eclipse we are once again facing, and this is indeed true for me.

This time in 1999 was faced with the challenge of saving my pennies to pay for my wife's immigration expenses. We had just moved into our own apartment after bunking at Mother's house since coming back from America in November 1998. Ironically we were also without a fridge at this time though I think we eventually managed to source a 2nd hand fridge. We had until May to come up with the funds for immigration, for that marked six months since my wife's arrival in Australia, she was on a six months temporary visa. So either we submit the application for temporary residency by May which means coming up with the very high fees, or she would have to go back to America.

The major challenge we faced threatening our ability to save for my wife's immigration application, is the overwhelming debt and credit problems stemming from the car rental fiasco during the previous year's America trip. All of my credit cards were maxed out with excess balance owing, and together with other debts, I was seriously behind in my payments. Creditors were stressing me out, constantly bugging me, and threatening legal action. We had no option but to seek legal advice and see a financial counsellor. He took over negotiations with the creditors and did a budget plan for us, allowing us to save for the immigration expenses. However one of the creditors would not cooperate which basically was the deal breaker, and I had no choice but to declare bankruptcy, which set me back financially at least ten years.

Furthermore we needed to make high sacrifices to pay for her immigration expenses. We lived on nothing but cheap low-quality hamburger meat which ended up making my wife sick. We could not go our anywhere that required money, and we had to make do without the luxuries that one normally takes for granted. It was a very frugal lifestyle, reminding me of my childhood poverty years. But in the end we achieved our goals, we were able to come up with the funds for my wife's immigration literally with a week to spare, indeed it was virtually on the last day that we fronted up to immigration department..... and well the rest is history, my wife was granted residency, and eventually became an Australian dual citizen five years later.

Now in 2017 similar issues arises, also stemming from my very karmic marriage though now past the end point of it!!! I am having to save my pennies for my 2017 trips. I have just moved into my own apartment after living at the house previously shared with my wife who passed away in 2013. And am without a fridge, unsure if I will be getting one anytime soon. By May I will probably need to decide which trip I be going on, so will need the funds to book the air tickets and at least deposit for tour expenses. Stemming from this week's card reading, it seems I be going with a spiritual group tour or pilgrimage. I currently have two options for Mexico involving the Mayan pyramids, and none so far for Peru but that could change by May.

The 2017 challenge is the bond fiasco stemming from my very karmic marriage. Most of the "damages" the landlord is seeking to bill me for stems from my time with my wife, the installation of her mobility aids at the house by the hospital leaving a mess behind, and other things. I am currently waiting to hear back from him for the next stage, but legal action seems to be in my destiny, this time having to see a Tenancy lawyer to test the legality or otherwise of my landlord's demands, and perhaps negotiate any payment plans with the landlord who is unlikely to be altogether cooperative. I just have to remember that time is on my side, and the onus is on the landlord to prove his claims.

In the initial panic after the last meetup with the landlord, I cancelled all of my subscriptions and other expenses, and had decided to cut out my spiritual activities that requires money. At this stage I will not be recommencing my subscriptions, but have since decided to continue on with my ecstatic dancing sessions which are not expensive anyway. However am still cutting out the other expenses, as ironically my credit cards are maxed out, this time stemming from car repair expenses, so still related to cars!! This time however I don't have excess balances owing and am not behind in any payments. My credit rating is way better than in 1999 and am in no danger of bankruptcy. And with my Virgoan determination and sacrifices, I have already made a start on my savings plan while at the same time working on paying down my credit cards on a Virgoan inspired plan.

So at least physically and in 3D reality I am better off in 2017 than I was back in 1999. It's just my rollercoaster emotions and self-sabotage self-harm tendencies stemming from my Virgoan introspection and self analysis that I am contending with!!!!!!

Update on the bond fiasco..... am yet to hear back from the landlord in regards to the aircon issue, as in how much it would cost for it to be fixed. The onus is on the landlord to make contact with me on this issue and to give me a final figure on how much I am being asked to pay. When I get this information, I will be asking him to submit to me in writing a complete list of expenses, including the exact details of the work done, how much it costs, and why I am deemed responsible for these repairs. Copies of invoices will accompany this list, and I will ask specifically for INVOICES, not just "quotes" not even receipts. I need to know that the job has actually been completed, and the invoice would give more information on exactly what was done. Receipts normally doesn't give this information. Then I will be studying this information, making sure nothing is added, asking more questions if necessary. For example, am I being asked ONLY for the area of wall affected by the hospital works or for the entire wall or even room? Me being a Virgo I am big on details and I know how to analyze and make sure I get the details that I need. THEN armed with this information in writing I will be booking a $40 appointment with a Tenancy lawyer to determine the legality of the landlord's demands, for some of these jobs could be judged as "reasonable wear and tear" which the tenant is NOT responsible for. Then it be up to the landlord to try prove it was something more than just "reasonable wear and tear". But since the onus is on the landlord to provide the details and proof, time is on my side. I am a lot more relaxed about this than this time last week!!

Meanwhile my intended trips. I have been wondering about going with a tour group versus travelling on my own. Up until now I have been travelling on my own, however, I had been wanting to go on a group pilgrimage with like minded souls as weird as I am, that is, star seeds and other spiritual people. We star seeds like to visit these ancient sites like the pyramids, stone circles, temples, etc, cos it reminds us of our past lives, and very likely to have been built by ETs. And believe it or not there are quite a few groups online offering pilgrimages for us star seed types. Current snag is, there are no pilgrimages on offer for Peru for my intended travel period - October to December. It will take me that long to save my pennies regardless of any outcomes of the bond fiasco. However there are currently two pilgrimages to Mexico where there are the Mayan pyramids and other ancient sites and ET spots. Mexico is also on my bucket list. So I give myself to May before I decide, so my aim is to save my pennies for at least the air tickets to enable me to book them 3 to 6 months in advance, it is a lot cheaper when you book air tickets in advance. Then to save my pennies for the tour expenses. Oh yes how I decided to go with a tour? I consult my cards, my Tarot and Oracle cards. They always prove to be accurate, and this week one of my cards told me I should go with a pilgrimage group tour for my next trip.

So am currently making sacrifices to help me save my pennies, just like back in 1999!!!! This includes putting on hold any plans to get a small fridge for my apartment. I have pretty well everything else I need such as my camp bed allowing me to sleep off the ground. And also taking the train to work rather than get my bicycle fixed, it would cost me up to six months worth of train fares to fix my bicycle. However no need to be quite so frugal on food, I am not living on cheap hamburger meat, just meals in tins and packets, and other non-fridge items such as some veges, eggs, and long life milk for some of the convenience meals such as the pasta meals in the packets. So definitely not starving, living on one meal per day not for economic reasons but it is all I need. We don't need three meals per day. I eat only when hungry, which usually works out to be one main meal per day, sometimes a smaller snack meal added. Most people eat when bored or to maintain routines. But we can train ourselves to eat only when hungry so to avoid excesses in food and keeping the weight down.

This week..... well hopefully find time for the blood tests as prescribed by my doc in my ongoing checkups stemming from my 2015 heart event. I was meant to go last week but it got really busy at work with the start of the school year, and me being Virgo I always put others before me, such as, I tend to put my job before me, hence postponing the blood tests. It's what Virgos do, it's in the DNA of Virgos to self sacrifice for the benefit of others, careers, etc. So will try for this week and see how things in my job pans out, perhaps I will have time this week for the blood tests.

Blessed be for another week.......

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