Sunday 12 February 2017

Energies Are High

Despite the impending chaos of the eclipse season my energy has been high. This is not me! I usually dread eclipse season cos chaos always happens during the eclipses. We had a lunar eclipse yesterday (Saturday) and in two weeks on the 26th which happens to be Mother's birthday we have a Solar Eclipse. These eclipses are not visible from Australia but we are still affected by the energies, and it is chaotic energies. This two weeks period inbetween the eclipses is known as "eclipse cauldron", and as part of the 18-year lunar cycles, the last time such an eclipse series had occurred was in 1999, when as shared in my previous blog, I was experiencing financial challenges. And once again I am experiencing financial challenges.

However this past week in the leadup to the lunar eclipse my energy has been high. This is usually not me!!!! This has to be from the HD realms, the "Higher Dimensional" realms otherwise known as the "spirit realms". Either my spirit guides, ETs, deceased loved ones, or other spirit entities are giving me strength. I wonder why.

We also had the wettest February on record. We gotten more rain this month than we usually do in July!!! It rained almost non-stop for two days last week, and there are floods in the south west and even in the upper reaches of the Swan River in Perth!!! We usually don't get floods even in winter, but the rainfall has been so high that we have been having floods even this close to Perth!!! As part of my commute to work each day, I walk to the train station which is just around the corner from my new abode, take the train into the city, then as part of my exercise routines I take the 20 minutes walk between the station and my workplace. Then I repeat the process in reverse when coming home from work. I have no umbrella since my umbrella is buried in the deep dark depths of my storage unit, and no shops are selling umbrellas cos this is normally summer when it normally doesn't rain!!!!! I normally enjoy walking in the rain and getting wet, but it becomes problematical when it comes to walking to work, and I don't like to take public transport when wet, a part of my Virgo foibles. However most amazingly during these two days of rain, I never gotten wet. The rains would cease miraculously when I take my walks during my commute, sometimes the rain ceases as soon as I walk out of my apartment block. Then rains would stay away until I reach my workplace when it starts up again. Even my colleagues notices this and concludes that there is "someone" "up there" who is looking after me.

Then other miracles happened, such as, money being most unexpectedly deposited into my account when I was facing the most challenging fortnite in my plans to save my pennies for my 2017 trips to Mexico or Peru. Being typically Virgo I never ask for money. We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures, and even at our most dire straits we still never ask for money nor any other help of any kind. Even if we find ourselves living out on the streets, we Virgos still never ask for help!! We Virgos are hard workers and we solve our own problems. Nevertheless the money was MOST DEFINITELY appreciated and allows me to remain on track in my savings plans as well as a few extra pizzas..... and chocolate ice creams.

Then yesterday the property inspection at my current abode, standard procedure after six weeks of commencing tenancy. Being of Virgoan energy I usually get so anxious about these inspections, we Virgos are very anxious creatures, and being perfectionists, we worry whether the property is clean enough. We keep our abodes clean anyway, we Virgos are always clean and tidy. But being perfectionists, we worry about what others will judge. However this time I was not at all anxious about this inspection, I was most remarkably relaxed. And it turned out the inspection went very well, the landlord was very happy with me, and said that I keep the place cleaner than the previous tenants. Obviously the previous tenants were not Virgos!!!!!!

The my awesome ecstatic dancing session last night, when my energies reached even higher. Dancing is in my DNA both my ET DNA and my Earthly family DNA, I always loved dancing. My Mother was a dancer and indeed a dance teacher. Ecstatic dancing is a spiritual form of dancing, a form of healing, as we connect with the HD realms. Dancing has always been a part of religion for as far back in history as we can go. Every religion has dancing in their traditions. Jews are very big on dancing, and it's very much a part of Paganism, Wicca, and the Eastern faiths. SO basically ecstatic dancing brings all of these traditions together, and well it is just totally awesome!!!!

Then this morning as I do each Sunday morning I do my Tarot and Oracle card readings for the following week. The cards chooses themselves as I shuffle them, basically, the cards which falls out or sticks out of the pack as I shuffle them are the cards chosen for the week. My cards are always right. It is quite amazing!! But it is true, my cards are always so spot on for the week. So when I looked at this morning's card spread I knew exactly what was going to happen this week. Without going into details, the particular cards drawn from the Tarot are "Card VII -The Chariot" and "7 of Wands - Defense". Just from those cards I knew EXACTLY what will happen this week, that is, I would hear from the previous landlord in regards to the bond fiasco. It has been over two weeks since our catastrophic meetup so it be just a matter of time anyway before I would hear from him anyway.

And this is exactly what happened when I went to the Post Office later today to pick up my mail from my PO box. There was indeed mail from the former landlord with the final figure of the expenses which he is asking me to pay. However once again he was very light on details. He added the expenses of repairs to the aircon to the final figure which is approximately three times my bond amount, but aside from a copy of a quote, there was no details of exactly what was needed to be done to the aircon. However my energy is still high, and am most remarkably calm about this. Normally I'd be panicking and very anxious about these things. We Virgos are very anxious creatures, and we like to please others even at our own expense, and we don't like to make waves. But not THIS time. With such energies from the HD realm I am more than ready to fight this, and it feels the universe is on my side.

So as shared in my previous blog, I will commence my plans for this, knowing that time is on my side. That is, sometimes this week I will compose a letter asking courteously but firmly DETAILS on the expenses involved together with copies of the invoices from the tradespeople who did the jobs. I have a right to this information since I am the one being asked to foot the bills. My former landlord is in for a shock!!! Up to now, being a Virgo, I had previously cooperated with him. Not now. I will ask him for the detailed list of jobs done on the house. The onus is on him to prove that I am responsible for the expenses rather than it being just "fair wear and tear". Then when I receive this information in writing with copies of the invoices, I will then make an appointment with a tenancy lawyer which costs $40 - a hell of a lot cheaper than the amount of money he is asking for from me!!! I will not mention about my intention to seek legal advice but will make it clear that I have a right to this information. I am very much in control here. Time is on my side.  I am not worried about this, indeed I am quite relaxed about this, VERY HIGHLY UNUSUAL for a VIRGO!!!!!!

Other news..... last week I also went for my blood test as part of the ongoing process of regular checkups stemming from my manifestation of my very out of balance heart chakra - the heart attack I experienced on that fateful day in July 2015. So this week I am due for an appointment with my GP on Wednesday so to get my blood test results. Considering I had been under stress for much of this year, it will be interesting to see what my results will be. Up until now my blood test results has been near to perfect. Well we shall see how it turns out to be when I see the GP on Wednesday.

Now to see how this week will pan out during this very energetic "eclipse cauldron"........

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