Sunday 19 February 2017

Navigating The Eclipse Cauldron

Last week was the very chaotic lunar eclipse, and next weekend on Mother's birthday is the solar eclipse. Neither of them are visible from Australia but we are still affected by the energies of them. So this fortnite inbetween the eclipses is known as the eclipse cauldron due to the chaotic energies with the universe aim to bring forth change and new beginnings.

For some reason my energies have been high and so far seem to be sailing through this eclipse cauldron. Last week I refer to my card readings which I do for myself each Sunday being the first day of the week, the Pagan day of the Sun. So I thought I will share my card readings for this weekend. Firstly an explanation of the cards that I use.

I use the "Vampire's Tarot of the Eternal Night" and the "Sacred Rebels" Oracle cards. My natal chart shows the conjunction of Pluto and Uranus in my Sun sign Virgo. A "conjunction" simply means the two planets appears close together when looking up in the sky. That is how it was when I came to this planet. Pluto, the god of the underworld, often refers to darkness. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution. That is why I always have been a dark and rebellious soul. So the Tarot cards represents Pluto, and the Oracle cards represents Uranus. My cards are always accurate and were absolutely spot on last week, so by sharing this week's readings it will give a good idea of how the week will pan out.....

The top card is from the Oracle deck, the bottom three cards are the Tarot. The cards chose themselves as I shuffle the decks, the cards that sticks out of the pack or falls out as I shuffle them are the cards that are chosen for me.


Explanation for this draw,,,,,,,

My cards for this week leading up to the Solar Eclipse next weekend

-IV - The Emperor - Stability - A time of security and stability, inspiration in challenges. Balancing stability and change. Perseverance in intentions without giving up.

-XIII - Death - Endings - Missing what was and not quite ready to embrace what is. Faith in what will be. A transition to something new, renewed opportunities of redemption. Learning from past lessons, determination to face any challenges ahead.

-XV - The Devil - Freewill - Life is about compromises, being able to recognize and be willing to walk away when it is not worth it. All addictions and bondages comes from within, bringing them to the light to diminish their power. Discernment brings to light the dark side.

-40 - Sacred Fool - The great rebel, thwarting convention and speaking the truth without restraint. It cares not for what is "the right way" nor what is perceived as reality. Letting life happens, breaking of conventions, embracing what is left field, off-the-wall, off-the-planet. Radical living attracting miracles and synchronicities. Making decisions which others will think is crazy.

Summary - Stability in the face of what is destined to be a chaotic solar eclipse in my Ascendant sign is very much a comfort. Whatever challenges and issues I be compelled to face, it will be from this foundation of stability. The theme seems to be endings and letting go of what no longer serves me. My social media accounts a case in point. While I will be keeping FaceBook and this blog for the foreseeable future there are some other social media accounts I am in the process of shutting down since any returns I may be getting from them is not worth the time spent on them. Time to let go and free up my time for things that does serve me, and for my callings.

The challenges and learning from the past most likely to be relating to the bond fiasco. The landlord will receive my letter this week, and he will challenge it, even refuse outright to fulfil my requests. He will be in a hurry to get money from me, so he will try to call me only to find that his calls and txts to be blocked, so next best thing from his point will be email, he is likely to send me an email trying to bypass my request and wanting to settle this matter quickly. But I learn from my past, that in the past I submitted meekly to his wishes, now knowing this is NOT the way to deal with him now, but to stand my ground, using my Virgo stubbornness, making it clear there will be no moving ahead in this matter UNTIL my requests are fulfilled.

The Oracle is just my Uranus kicking in. I am indeed the sacred fool. Very much off the wall, off the planet, with more than a few screws loose. That is me in general. So there must be a reason for this card to be highlighted now!! Only time will tell. Perhaps that in the midst of the chaos of the eclipse and the trials ahead, the best course of action to navigate this is to just be myself, that is, my 8D self, not my 3D Virgo self or other Earthly self, but my real 8D Taygeta self.


As shared in last week's blog, my cards virtually predicted I would hear from the landlord, and that is exactly what happened. His letter was waiting for me in my mailbox with a request to begin with my payments towards the alleged debt but was very scant on details. So I had planned to compose a letter to him requesting details of the expenses with supporting evidence from the trades people or repair companies. The thing that got me which prompted my intention to compose the letter was his claim that it would cost $1000 to repair the aircon which needed only a thermostat replaced. The temperature settings were shot, that is a thermostat issue. The aircon was otherwise working perfectly ok. I know what a thermostat is, you can make one from a child's electronics kits or perhaps $10 worth of components from an electronics store. It cost me less than $300 to replace the thermostat in my car's cooling system, and the only reason why it costed close to $300 was because the head gasket also needed replacing. And as we all know, car repairs are always the most expensive. It is not as expensive to repair anything else as it is to repair cars!!!! Anyone who owns a car will know this!!!! His claim of $1000 for the aircon repairs was supported by copies of some quotes, but the quotes were scant on details. My feeling was that he is trying to pan off additional work on the aircon aside from the thermostat, that is, most probably charging me for servicing to the aircon unit, which is the landlord's responsibility anyway. It is standard practice that servicing and maintenance issues are the responsibility of the landlord.

So this past week I have been working on a letter to the landlord requesting details of each job performed supported by invoices or statements from the repairs providers. I spent about three days working on the letter, making sure I word it to be polite but firm.

Meanwhile, on the Monday after I gotten the letter from my mailbox that weekend, the landlord tried to call me, indeed calling me several times that day. Indeed he used his wife to call me, putting an emotional tone in her voice, obviously in an attempt to sway me with emotional blackmail. But we Virgos are not fooled, well not easily anyway. My phone was turned off as standard practice since I was at work, so didn't know about the calls with voice messages and txt msgs until I switched on my phone that evening. OK granted that I check my mail only once per week, so the letter from him could have arrived earlier in the week, nevertheless, it was still way too soon for him to start calling me. Obviously he was in a hurry to get money from me. So I used my app to block calls and txt msgs from him. Indeed I set the app to block all calls from numbers not on my Contacts list, this to guard against his attempts to use other phones to call me. We Virgos plan for all things and allows for all possibilities. So all calls and txts except from my Contacts list are now blocked.

The letter was finally finished by the end of the week, and posted last Friday. So it will get to the landlord this week. He will be shocked when he gets the letter. At first he will be thinking that I be seeking to negotiate a lower payment rate since the payment rate he proposes is way too high. Being of Virgoan energies I have in the past went out of my way to accommodate his requests, and have never questioned him before. We Virgos hate to put people out and make waves, we prefer to be people pleasers even at our own expense, so in the past I had always went out of my way to please him. So when he gets my letter he will have high expectations, with me announcing when the payments will begin, and perhaps negotiating a lower payment rate. However he is in for a major shock!!! There are no payment intentions in the letter but a request for DETAILS on the expenses with supporting evidence from the providers.

This he will not like at all. Especially since this will expose his attempts to get more money out of me, for example, additional work on the aircon, and additional work on the walls. Nevermind that the majority of the jobs would come under "fair wear and tear" which the tenant is NOT responsible for. I have been renting for 30 years and I know what "fair wear and tear" is. It comes down to "use" versus "abuse", and the onus will be on him to prove "abuse" rather than "use". The aircon being a classic example. The aircon was installed in 2010 so that makes seven years of use, so it be quite normal for a component such as a thermostat to fail from just using it, therefore it would come under fair wear and tear. He will have a hard time proving that I had somehow abused the aircon, especially since I have always kept the filter cleaned, a very simple job of removing the filter and running it under warm water to remove built up dust.

So he will try to wriggle himself out of fulfilling my request for such further information. Firstly he will try to call me, or most likely, have his wife try to call me. However he\she will find that they will not be able to reach my number due to it being blocked. So he will possibly try other phones to get through to me but each time will find the same result, the attempts to call me being blocked. So his likely next step will be to send me an email, using emotional blackmail and threats against me. However this stubborn Virgo will be unmoved. We are stubborn creatures when we need to be. He will simply get a return email stating that this matter will NOT proceed UNTIL I get the information I requested. The reply will not be immediate but the next day fulfilling the normal protocol of replying to emails within 24 hours. He will be in a hurry to get this matter resolved in his favour but it is simply not going to happen. I will take my time for indeed time is on my side. He has messed with the wrong person. I am a witch, and whoever messes with a witch will be turned into a toad.

The other matter of note..... my savings plan for my trip, well whatever trip I will be taking this year in 2017. At this point in time my savings plan is pretty well on track, my Virgo resourcefulness and determination being a factor here. Once we Virgos set a goal, we stick to it, and if necessary find ways to maximise our chance of success in fulfilling the goal. My current goal is to save funds for the air ticket, and it looks like I am half way there already though the situation will become clear on payday this week when I look at my progress in detail thus far and the budget for the following fortnite. We Virgos are big on details and analytics, and so I have details of the previous fortnite's expenses and ways I could cut back if possible.

I have searched for prices on bar fridges and found some as "cheap" as a couple of hundreds dollars, "cheap" being a relative term in Perth. Down the track that should be achievable. However my current focus is saving for the air tickets by May. Once I look at my situation in May then I will decide if getting a fridge is viable.  If people in Bali can live without fridges then so can I. Even many of the shops in Bali especially in the rural districts does not have fridges, they sell their drinks from ice coolers. Of course the shops in the tourist districts does have fridges with their ice creams, etc, but where I tended to be most of the time during my Bali trip, most of the shops which were mostly not much more than just market stalls or what they call "warungs" didn't have fridges so no icecream but they always had soda, indeed Coca Cola which they sell from ice coolers.

We Virgos are very resourceful creatures. Balinese people get around their lack of a fridge by going to the markets each day for daily food supplies. Here in Australia however we have convenience foods, indeed these days there is a wide variety of convenience foods, such as tinned foods of many varieties, a lot more than just Heinz spaghetti, and well I don't get Heinz spaghetti cos it reminds me of my childhood poverty years. I am not in poverty, I am just saving my pennies for my trips. Aside from tinned meals of many varieties, there are various packaged convenience foods, so very wide variety to choose from. And should I want something cold like soda or icecream, I just wander around the corner to the shops. Or I just order pizza with soda and desserts with my online coupons which makes it relative cheap, well "cheap" for Perth anyway. I order the pizza online and pay for it online, then it gives the estimated time the order will be ready by, so then I just go pick it up near the estimated time, I just walk into the shop and as if by magic the order is sitting there in the warmer cabinet waiting for me, the soda they get from the fridge only when I arrive - oh the wonders of modern technology. There are so many shops nearby, a whole shopping strip and convenience stores all within walking distance. So this resourceful little Virgo is getting by very well without a fridge.

Last but not least..... my blood test results, which aside from the alien DNA it all turned out with excellent results. I thought with the stress I have been under in 2017 and my increased consumption of pizza and soda due mostly to the stress, I thought it would show up in the blood tests. But most remarkably my cholesterol, glucose, and indeed my blood pressure were all quite low with virtually no changes from the last blood tests - September last year. True enough I am on meds for cholesterol and to make my blood thin, but no specific meds for blood pressure nor glucose. So for the results to be so good, it must be my alien DNA kicking in! ;) I am no longer under stress, indeed I am most remarkably relaxed despite my dealing with the landlord. Usually the thought of standing up for my rights terrify me, I usually opt to give in and just try to be people pleasing and not make any waves, just as per typically Virgo. But not this time, and my energy is very high, and am most relaxed. But January was a Hell month for me, I was so under stress and so depressed, and the blood tests were taken just at the end of this, so I would have thought the stress and emotional turmoil would have showed up.

Now getting ready for another week at work....... and my ecstatic dancing this Saturday. Dancing is in my DNA both Earthly and Alien DNA ;) ;)

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