Sunday 4 September 2016

Solar Eclipse Week

Last Thursday was a very intense New Moon and Solar Eclipse in my Sun sign Virgo, and also marked 6 weeks or 42 days before my departure for Glastonbury. 42 is said to be the number of the universe. In one of my very freaky coincidences that so marks my life, the peak of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse peaked just after 5pm my local time. My flight 42 days hence is scheduled to depart at 5pm. So pretty well exactly 42 days between this lunar event in Virgo and my departure for Glastonbury.

And since this eclipse I have suddenly been given ideas about what I will be doing during my Glastonbury trip. The details are given on my Glastonbury Trip page on Facebook, the link is given in my blog two weeks ago titled "Very Intense Week" dated 21/8/2016.

Eclipses always brings changes, and the first hint of this came with my Ecstatic dancing session that I attend on Wednesdays. In fact this past Wednesday was destined to be my last session before the changes. Next week the session will be changed to Thursdays evenings and at a different venue. I love dancing so much, it is literally in my DNA, Mother used to be a dancer. It is also in my ET DNA, I feel like I am back on Taygeta during these dancing sessions.

Last Friday came a more shocking change, that is, with my job. The building in which our workplace is located is being sold, and the building will be knocked down as it is an old building. It is actually haunted, I do see spirits and sense energies. Anyway all this is set to happen in two years. So we will have to move in two years.

No mention was made of any of us being made redundant, our jobs we have been assured are safe, it be just in a different location. However with other things being said, me Virgo always over-thinks and over-analyze and we read between the lines. Our jobs are not as safe as they say it is though I expect to be in a job for at least two more years, and will continue with my plans for overseas travel while still in a job.

However my spirit knows things before my mind catches up, and there are deeper reasons for my task to declutter and shed myself of surplus possessions, and to downsize to a smaller and cheaper abode as a stepping stone towards a more nomadic lifestyle. It is more than just making extra funds available for my trips.

My rent represents by far my largest fortnitely expense taking near to 40% of my income after taxes, moreso than even my groceries. So any reduction in my rent outlay will be of significant help towards saving my pennies for my trips. And should the currently unthinkable happens and I lose my job, I will use my payout to get a campervan or RV and live on the road as one simply cannot survive on Centerlink or a pension while paying rent, and there is at least a 5 years waiting list for public housing.

Nowadays with the economic downturn there is a glut in housing in Perth and with landlords falling over themselves to get tenants, rents are dropping like rocks. So the pragmatic Virgo that I am will take advantage of this situation, and so after my Glastonbury trip I will give the notice to my landlord and move out of this large house into a smaller apartment unit.

The rent is not the only issue. Maintaining such a large house and yard is taking more and more of my energy, being on my own, as well as being expensive. My water utility bills goes through the roof each summer as I try to keep the lawns and garden alive in this drought stricken city. So being in an apartment will also solve this problem and make even more funds available for my pilgrimages.

Of course moving house is an inherently expensive operation in itself, but I expect to be in an apartment by 2017 and well on my way to saving my pennies for my 2017 pilgrimages. Me the Virgo always thinking logically and making plans, it is in the DNA of Virgos to do so.

Now will see what this week will bring as more intense Celestial events unfolds with another eclipse happening next week this time in my opposite Ascendant sign Pisces......

I wonder if there is travel insurance for going back to Taygeta 😃

What I ask during this coldest winter in 22 years 😨

The government truth......

What my monsters never told me 😮😂

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