Sunday 25 September 2016

Our Endless Winter Continues

September seems destined to be one of the coldest on record with no end in sight to these July-like temperatures. I hate winter to begin with. I have a very low tolerance of the cold, I always have been so, even before being placed on my heart meds which makes it even worse. I am certain I  have Reptilian DNA in me, my energy gets very low when it is cold, the heater does not keep me warm enough, my body goes into hibernation mode, and I have to be out in the sun before I warm up and get energy - just like a reptile. Reptilians are a well known species of ET with a long history of contacts with planet Earth.

So I call Perth by a new name - Winterfell, it is the legendary city of the endless winter in the TV series Game of Thrones that I watch. I don't watch TV these days, I just rent the shows through Quickflix, they send the DVD in the post, you can watch it anytime you like, and there are no adverts 😊 I hate adverts with a passion, probably dating back to my childhood poverty years when on TV there were always advertising for things we could never afford. Its the ultimate in fermenting envy. So nowadays I pay to get away from advertising even though things economically are much better these days.

Anyway this is a holiday weekend in Western Australia, so at least I get to hibernate and stay in bed until the sun warms things up a bit. There is just two more working weeks until vacation time, and 18 days before I leave for Glastonbury which I fear will be warmer than in Perth. England has a reputation for being colder, but ironically it will probably be warmer than in Perth.

My Solar Return day, that is, the day when this planet reached a very dizzying 53 revolutions around the sun since my traumatic entry into this 3D planet after being at Taygeta where time has no meaning. Planet Earth has this strange custom of actually celebrating such a day each year. We don't celebrate it on Taygeta, time has no meaning, we don't have concept of "age" for we are eternal, and well Taygeta goes around the great central Sun of the Pleiades over many thousands of Earth years.

Well back on Planet Earth, and my Solar Return day here on Planet Earth, it was just another day except in the evening when I was invited out for dinner, one of my very rare visits to a restaurant. Here on Planet Earth they bestow gifts on Solar Return day, and so I gotten some chocolates, gift vouchers for electronic stores, and some very much appreciated moolah (money) which will be used to acquire my new pendant, Goddess figurine and wand for my Glastonbury trip. I purchase a new pendant for every new trip I embark on, and this time I am feeling to get a new wand and a new figurine for my energy works along the ley lines in southern England that runs through Glastonbury.

I am pretty well all set for my Glastonbury trip. The only thing left to do is arrange travel insurance, what we Virgos do, and is very easy to do online these days. Only that no one will insure me for any heart related issues since I am diagnosed with heart disease. So if I suffer any heart related issues and get taken to hospital while overseas I am very much on my own. However since that fateful day of July 2015 when I had the heart attack I have had no other heart related issues so very unlikely it will crop up during any trip. Well it's not going to stop me anyway.

Then when I get back from Glastonbury I will almost immediately commence formalities for moving out into a smaller abode with less rent. I expect to be in a new abode by the end of November. Then I can start planning and saving my pennies for my next trip, a pilgrimage to Peru or Egypt. This time it will be with a tour group, a spiritual group where we do energy works. These ancient sites such as the pyramids, temples, etc, are sites of ET contacts. And so I be traveling with people as weird as I am. It is a little more expensive but once the amount is paid up front everything is taken care of, such as lodgings, transport, meals, entrance fees to sites, etc. I just have to get my butt over there, that is, arrange my own air tickets, travel documents, etc, but once I arrive at the airport, the group takes over, often picking me up at the airport and even helping me through customs in some instances. So is very well worth the expense especially in countries where English is not the first language. Up until now I visited only English speaking countries - New Zealand, North America, and the UK next month. Next year it will be non-English speaking countries such as Peru or Egypt, so much better going with a group, and there are several spiritual tours or pilgrimages on offer next year. Just a matter of saving my pennies and choosing which one, or being guided by the universe to which pilgrimage I am meant to attend.

But firstly.... my Glastonbury trip.... then the stressful task of moving house, well stressful for Virgos anyway who doesn't like change. But I really need to move out of here. Not only to save on rent, but also it is getting more difficult for me alone to maintain such a large house on a large block. I seem to be forever doing yard work, lawn mowing, weeding, etc every weekend. And of course this is the house I shared with my wife. My New Zealand trip marked the change from being ruled by my wife's death to actually moving on and living my new life. So moving house will pretty well be the final major step for doing this.

More of my weirdness musings next time as the Glastonbury trip draws ever closer in this dimension......

Facing Virgo reality......

A question a Virgo would ask.....

A message for BP

When Tech Support at govt departments call for outside contractors.....

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