Sunday 11 September 2016

The Energetic Roller-Coaster Ride Continues

This past week has been relatively quiet with nothing much of note happening on a physical 3D level. However with more significant planetary alignments happening in my Sun and Ascendant signs this week, things could conceivably manifest.

Firstly however more insight into my Glastonbury trip, more of a confirmation of the main purpose of my trip that came to me this week. Information just comes to me without me actually searching for it. This past week I have had information come to me in regards to the Michael and Mary ley lines which runs together from Great Yarmouth on the east coast of England to the famous Land's End in the west. It happens that my home base during the 11 days of my stay will be in Southampton which is just due south of the halfway point of the ley lines. The motel room I have booked several months ago, indeed before my America trip, long before I was aware of the ley lines.

I am indeed to traverse the whole length of the two lines which runs together somewhat like two strands of a rope, sometimes they do cross over, often where ancient Pagan sites such as stone circles are located. There are also many old churches at certain points of the lines. Christians had a habit of building churches on top of old Pagan sites. I will be visiting many of those sites along the ley lines for my energy works. This in addition to my visits to Yorkshire and Wales.

Also I had information come to me about two pilgrimages to Peru scheduled for the middle of 2017. This is early days yet but I am feeling that my next trip is to be to South America, and am particularly drawn to Peru. There is the choice of two pilgrimages, one a little longer therefore more expensive than the other. Obviously I would prefer to go on the longer pilgrimage where more sites will be visited, oh yes I do aim for the biggest and the best, and the universe often responds. I do already have the funds that will cover at least the air tickets and the deposit payment, however, which one I would be able to attend will hinge on my success or otherwise in downsizing to a smaller abode which will save not only on the rent but also the utilities and other costs associated with maintaining such a large house on a quarter acre block. I actually prefer to live in a smaller abode, I am not particularly thrilled about living in such a large house. My wife is the only reason for living in such a large house, she despised apartment living. In contrast I actually enjoy apartment living. So my plan is to move out into an apartment or some other smaller abode in November, after I come back from England. This will give me plenty of time to settle in and save my pennies towards either of the Peru pilgrimages, one in June or the other in August.

Anyway my focus at this time is on my upcoming Glastonbury trip, now just 32 days away, not long at all.

Meanwhile to get through this week, where three major Celestial events will hapoen, certain to affect me. My life is so in synch with Celestial events for better or worse. Mercury is now past the halfway point of its retrograde, happening in my Sun sign Virgo. Mercury will soon be in conjunction with the Sun, of course currently in Virgo. Then Mercury will move in opposition to Chiron currently in my Ascendant sign Pisces. Being in opposition simply means the planets are opposite to each other with planet Earth inbetween, which makes for more intense energies, especially when both planets are in retrograde as is Mercury and Chiron. Last but not least, the lunar eclipse next weekend, also in my Ascendant sign.

So a very interesting week ahead......

The recent Census Night 😀

After the latest round of budget cuts in the govt departments.....

Here at my workplace 😂

Must be why I am never invited to outings.... 😀😇

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