Sunday 28 August 2016

Another Intense Week

With three planets and the Sun dancing in my Sun sign things are destined to be very energetic and indeed chaotic for a while yet. This week one of these planets, Mercury, is set to go retrograde in Virgo for the next three weeks. I have a retrograding Mercury in Virgo in my natal chart. Also this week we have a very chaotic New Moon happening also in Virgo,  and this New Moon will be marked by a even more chaotic solar eclipse. The last time this happened was back in 1998 when I was in America, and at this point I was preparing to extend my stay in America so to be with the woman who would be destined to become my wife a little over six weeks later. Such a decision would cause chaos for my family, my job, my finances, indeed pretty well every area of my life. It what marriage does to you, especially when unexpected.

Of course these days circumstances are very different though one could argue there are some similarities. Ironically I will be in England during what would have been our wedding anniversary. However there are absolutely no woman whatsoever in the United Kingdom nor anywhere else that I am in any kind of relationship with. I will NOT be getting married. Just as what happened during this year's America trip, I will go to England a single man and I will return home a single man. I have learnt from my mistakes. 😃😁

Meanwhile this past week has been chaotic once again. This time to do with finances. Being a Virgo I keep close tabs on my finances, my bank statements and credit cards, which is all done through my devices. I use my credit card for direct debits on my bills, which is then covered by my fortnitely payments on my cards, thus I am not actually going into debt. But I use this particular card to maximize my points which is proving beneficial. Indeed I used my points to acquire a new cordless electric rechargeable shaver for my New Zealand trip last year, now very handy for all of my trips, and this time through the loyalty points scheme I gotten 10% discount on my air tickets to London. Yes we Virgos are very good at getting bargains and good deals without sacrificing the finer things in life, such as two checked luggage, meals on board, and a choice of seats on this same airline to London. I don't go with "budget" airlines, I go with the premium airlines, just wait for the right time to win good deals.

However it is my Virgo thoroughness that caused me to panic. I checked my credit card statement using my device allowing me to get instant updates, and I noticed a transaction that I did not recognize. I knew exactly which bills were due to the deducted and the precise amounts. This transaction didn’t match any of them. However as usually with direct debits, the transaction record simply has "pending" for a few days without identifying the creditor or merchant until the credit card company either accepts or declines the transaction.

Occasionally I do forget a bill but I usually end up figuring it out sooner or later. But this time I was absolutely stumped. I went through all of my records going back two years, especially the old dating sites cos I do not trust dating sites, I thought they be the most likely culprit in making unauthorized charges to my card. I thought someone may have hacked into my system and gotten hold of my credit card details, though once again like a Virgo I am very careful with both my cards and security for my devices. Nevertheless shit can happen, nothing is 100% safe, not even Fort Knox as a James Bond movie proved!!!! And hearing horror stories of card fraud victims of how the details got stolen and their cards maxed out lising 1000s of dollars, I for the next two day checked my card statement online virtually every hour of my waking days, waiting until it comes off "pending" so to see who in Hell's name have made this clearly unauthorized charge!!!!

Then I gotten an email from one of my gaming accounts which I pay a yearly subscription by auto deduction. The server had been hacked and details stolen. Aha!!!!! The amount of the unauthorized deduction matches the US amount of my annual subscription. So whoever have hacked into the server had gotten hold of my credit card details and somehow managed to snag the annual subscription payment. Being a Mastercard which has additional security measures, that was probably why they didn't managed to clean me out on the card. But this single unauthorized transaction was freaking me out. We Virgos doesn't like it when such unplanned things happens.

Needless to say, I went onto my gaming account, changed my password and removed my credit card details from the account.

The next day I saw that the transaction had been removed from my statement. Evidently the credit card company figured it to be a suspect transaction so declined it on my behalf. I was very much relieved!!!!!! But certainly a lesson for this very anxious Virgo!!!!!!

Well the football season is over for us mere mortals, and this week's tipping results is irrelevant as the curse of Chiron had once again made its mark. As of last week I was 15th, which was better than in previous years, but the telco roaming rort fiasco had cost me dearly causing me to miss a week of submitting my tips while in Hawaii. That one week sealed my fate. The curse of Chiron had struck again. Chiron is destined to remain in my Ascendant sign Pisces until 2018, so at least another two years of the curse of Chiron affecting my chances of ever winning prize money. Up until Chiron entered Pisces, the year of Mother's death, I had always won prize money, even 2nd prize one year, but not a cent since 2011 the year of Chiron's entry into Pisces.

Now bracing for what this week will bring, especially with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Mercury's retrograde, all happening in Virgo!!!!!!! The cosmos giving me lots of attention!!!!!!

What we Virgos tends to do 😃😂😁😀

What it feels like when mowing my fast growing lawns 😮

Meanwhile at a grocery store in Perth......

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