Sunday 21 August 2016

Very Intense Week

As shared last week I had gotten over the short but intense bout of the cold/flu..... However beginning last Monday I began to experience dizzy spell, feeling light headed, as if I am getting dizzy and about to fall. Then by Tuesday night and into Wednesday I began to experience chest pains. This was now beginning to freak me out. I haven't had chest pains for a whole year since getting out of hospital last July 2015. I thought I was getting a heart attack again and would have to go into hospital.

As told by the hospital last year, when you get chest pains you first use this pump spray, wait five minutes, then use the pump spray again, basically a couple of squires to under the tongue. And if the chest pains doesn't go away after 10 minutes then call Emergency. So after almost a whole year I had to dig out my pump spray, and fortunately on each occasion, the chest pains did go away. I be so glad the pains went away cos there is no way I would want to go through all this shit again with being transported to the hospital by priority 1 Ambulance! !!!!

Nevertheless these chest pains were freaking me out so I made an appointment with my GP, which I could do online on my devices using an app, and took the first available time slot, Thursday morning - Full Moon day which was also lunar eclipse day, so very intense energies. Although I put these symptoms down to my sensitivity to these intense energies, I still felt I had better see my GP just to make sure there is nothing serious wrong with me. Not quite ready to go back to Taygeta as wonderful as the place is. I wanted to at least visit Glastonbury first! !!!!!!

Meanwhile I felt I needed to miss my ecstatic dancing session that I go to Wednesday evenings, I was really disappointed, but didn't want to spoil the occasion for anyone else if I became the center of an emergency due to heart failure. Me the Virgo always thinking of others at my own expense, always wanting to please others.

However also on Wednesday night I noticed my sister tried to call me, which I thought was odd, cos I hardly hear from her. Perhaps it may have something to do with my upcoming Solar Return day  (my birthday) next month. But I was in no mood to talk about it, and well she didn't leave a message, so I figure I wait to see if she will call again..... but hadn't done so at all the rest of the week.

So at the GP office on Thursday, after explaining what had been happening to me, she checked my pulse, blood pressure, and my heart functions, and all appeared perfectly normal. So the diagnosis was Anxiety Attacks!!!! Hmmmmm ok..... she did tell me that it is quite rare for those with stents, such as me, to suffer more heart attacks, as the stents are supposed to last for many years. And up until this week I have had no issues with chest pains nor any heart related issues despite my very active life - bicycle riding, ecstatic dancing, etc.

This did make me feel better, and in fact since Wednesday I have had no more chest pains nor dizziness. But it did struck me as odd thatI be having Anxiety Attacks. Although being typically Virgo I am a very anxious creature, always worrying, over-thinking, and obsessed about things, I don't usually have Anxiety Attacks. But things are very intense energetically, with being in eclipse season, Mercury's retrograde season, and having just survived The Three Weeks, and I am very sensitive to these energies.

Then I went to church meeting on Friday night where I see my cousin..... and she had given me the shocking news...... my step-father, from Mother's 2nd marriage, was in hospital and was diagnosed with asbestosis related lung condition. Hmmmm ok..... this may explain a few things, cos I do pick up on things, I am a sensitive soul, being 8D from Taygeta.

OK needed to get hold of my sister, which I did so Saturday, and I gotten the full story. Unbeknown to me utterly the step-father was admitted to hospital a couple of weeks ago with shortness of breath and found fluids in his lungs. This would have placed his admission near the very intense New Moon period, when I experienced very chaotic energies, of course being within The Three Weeks. So they ran tests on him, and came up with the diagnosis of asbestosis on Tuesday - when I was experiencing the worst of the dizziness and chest pains!!!!! All those years working in the building industry dealing with asbestos in the days before the dangers were known had it seems finally caught up with him.

Once you get asbestosis related lung disease your fate is sealed. But apparently with treatment you can slow down the disease progress and some people can still enjoy a reasonably normal life for a few years yet. However there is no getting away from it, your fate is sealed and is just a matter of time before being confined to a wheelchair with oxygen bottle as your constant companion, before mercifully finally leaving this planet. Just let hope there's a few years yet before getting to that stage!!!! It was only this year he has retired, so pretty shit news to be stuck with so soon after retirement.

At least with heart disease you can recover and lead a normal active life for many years to come. I could remain fighting fit and active for the next 30 years, like my uncle - Mother's sister husband - who had a heart attack 30 years ago and had no problems whatsoever since then. But with asbestosis you don't recover, you get progressively worse. All the treatments does is slow down the rate of the deterioration. You just live on borrowed time. I would not like to be in his shoes at this time!!!!!

Anyway on a happier note..... my Glastonbury trip page is up..... now less than 8 weeks away..... here it is...

My Glastonbury trip 

Still haven't decided on my Peru pilgrimage trip next year. There is another pilgrimage group I seem to prefer but they haven't yet posted any details of any trips for 2017. Decisions!! Decisions! Decisions! Very difficult for Virgos to make up their minds. Uh well still plenty of time yet, it is only August 2016......

Let's see what THIS week will bring..... in the continuing saga that is my life.... the life of a 8D Taygeta soul on a very dense 3D planet. ....

That is my house 😊


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