Sunday 31 July 2016

Cocky Weevils For Dinner

Oh there is nothing more I enjoy than seeing those cocky weevils being cut down to size, and even better when it is the MAGGIES who are doing the job on them. Oh yes I did pick the Maggies, my usually pessimistic feelings about them took a decidedly more positive turn and well I knew they would win, or at least a high chance of winning. True enough the weevils managed to win the previous five matches but they been so cocky, they think all they need to do is just show up and a win would be brought to them on a platter. And last week they almost blew it. But of course they make excuses, blame it on injuries, or certain players being not available, or the ground, the weather, or some other pitiful excuse. So they get their just desserts this time, it turned out to be a good win by the Maggies. Even then they still make excuses and they have the cheek to come on TV and say "Don't write us off". They still think they will win a premiership. No such luck weevils, you won't even make it past the first elimination finals let alone a Grand Final win.

So with Week 1 of "The Three Weeks" now behind us, it seems my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand, sage stick and rattle stick are working wonders. So far there has been no incidences of note, my bicycle and car behaving themselves, and just a minor incident with my tablet when it wouldn't charge up but it seems to have resolved itself. So now into week 2 with a New Moon happening this week, and Mercury returning to the scene of the crime, entering my Sun sign, where it was in my natal chart. Mercury usually causes me trouble especially when in retrograde as it was in my natal chart, and it will be in retrograde again in Virgo during much of September including my Solar Return day - the astrological term for birthday. So this week will be more intense, my Mt Shasta items will be more stringently tested.

And our colder than usual winter is not helping. I cannot tolerate the cold, even with heating and layers of clothing. I'd be dressed up like an Eskimo and I still be cold. I am certain I have Reptilian DNA in my blood. My energy goes down with the temperature and all I feel like doing is hibernating. It is better when it rains, it is more balmy, but Perth being Perth it doesn't rain often. And when there is no rain the temperature plummets during the night, and the Sun does not keep me warm in the day. Of course my heart medications doesn't help, that does affect one's tolerance of the cold. But even before being put on these meds I still never liked the cold, I had always found it hard to get up in the mornings during winter, and next to impossible to stay warm.

However tomorrow on August 1st is when we celebrate Imbolc, one of the 8 Pagan holidays of the year. Imbolc marks the promise that the worst of the winter is behind us, the days now becoming noticeable longer, and hopefully an increasing frequency of more balmy days ahead.

My altar for Imbolc. ......

Now my Glastonbury trip is less than 11 weeks away, I am due to once again depart the most isolated city on Earth on Thursday October 13 for yet another long flight. You know you're in the most isolated city on Earth when you travel overseas. Everywhere else is such a long way away. It's about 20 hours to London with a stopover in Dubai. With so much happening these 11 weeks will pass quickly, so am starting to make tentative plans for my 12 days in the region. More will be revealed when I set up my Glastonbury page on Facebook next month after the Full Moon.

Meanwhile am already getting thoughts for 2017. My first choice will be South America where there are all those ancient Mayan and Inca sites, these are high energy vortexes, and I feel past lives connections with them especially the Mayans who are said to be the descendants of the survivors of Atlantis. I will most likely join one of the pilgrimage tours where I will be with other like minded weird souls like me. Everything is included in the price of these pilgrimages including lodgings, food, entry to the sites, transport, and etc. And it will mean I won't get lost. While I was in America I was forever getting lost, and well I usually find my way out eventually with America being an English speaking country, and well I do understand American English. But in South America there are no English speaking countries, so I figure it's safer to be part of a tour, and a spiritual pilgrimage tour will be right up my alley. They won't think I am weird cos they be as weird as I am.

Now all of the storm damage at the house is repaired, now a new front porch and back area. So just waiting for the landlord to contact me in regards to the lease. I have a feeling I will be moving out, that will happen if either the landlord intends to sell the house, or if he increases the rent. I need to save my pennies for my 2017 trips and beyond so can't afford any more rent increases, and there are now cheaper abodes around with the housing crisis now ended. And well I no longer need a 3 bedroom abode, I can get by with just one or two.

So interesting times ahead.......

Watch this space for more twists and turns in my ever evolving story of the weirdness that is my life......

Saturday 23 July 2016

Tzom Tammuz

Today being 17 Tammuz is Tzom Tammuz, the day when the Romans lay siege of Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple, and indeed the start of The Three Weeks. Being also Shabbat the Jews defer the observances of Tzom Tammuz until Sunday. Nevertheless this is the start of the dreaded The Three Weeks. Time to work with my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand, sage stick and rattle stick.

And so far they seem to be working. Yesterday I received another totally unexpected gift, a voucher from a supermarket of the value that is approx 50% of my normal fortnite shopping. This apparently part of a promotion which I didn't know I was a part of. It all helps towards my savings for my 2017 trips since I am now all set for my Glastonbury trip this October. I will wait until after the end of The Three Weeks before I begin any serious decision making, however, the universe is giving me insights to where I should go in 2017.

The lease situation. The front porch roof and work on the back porch is now complete. So essentially all of the work is done. So just waiting for the landlord to contact me for a discussion about my lease. It seems likely this will occur during The Three Weeks. Either he will inform me he intends selling the house, or he will offer a new lease but with increase in rent. Either scenario will have me to move out. Rents in apartments are falling, and thanks to the miracle last week as shared previously, I now have the funds to meet the security bond and advance rent without affecting funds for my Glastonbury trip. And of course I should get most of the security bond from my current rental returned to me once the final inspection is completed. Being a Virgo I am careful about cleanliness, even if I will pay for someone to clean the place. I will probably do most of the moving on my own, I don't have much to move and I do have a 6x4 caged trailer and hand trolley with straps, however, I will pay for someone to do that final cleaning - there are businesses who does cleaning specifically for final rental inspections. And moving out to a cheaper apartment which will also mean cheaper utilities will help me to save for my 2017 trips. I will ultimately lead a nomadic lifestyle, and moving to an apartment is like a stepping stone towards this.

Latest on my job where there always seems to be something happening with during The Three Weeks, always some changes or other stressful events. The boss seems to think our jobs in our present form will be relatively safe for another two years. However there is talk of the building being sold off which will mean we will have to move once again. However government being government this is not likely to happen for a while. And with our state elections next year, a change of government is very much a possibility which will mean changes in the plans. Of course it makes no difference which govt party is in power for they are all connected at the Reptilian cabal upper levels. They all have the same basic agenda.

With The Three Weeks upon us, I will do protection spells with my sage stick over my car or bicycle each time I need to go out. So far both seem to be behaving themselves though both needs a service and the car also has issues with the thermostat and also the brake light. I do now have the funds to deal with both issues but I don't like to have repairs or servicing done during The Three Weeks.

Anyway..... no dramas  thus far on this first day of The Three Weeks. Watch this space for further updates.....

Blessed Be

Saturday 16 July 2016

A Rare Rainy Night

Tonight is a rare event in Perth - rainy night!! I don't ever watch TV, I  usually listen to my weird star seeds vids online or music, but tonight am just listening to the soothing rhythmic sound of the rain.

Looks like my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick are working wonders against the curse of Tammuz. Last Friday was the day the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem leading to the destruction of the first Temple, and usually a day of calamities. But instead I received my tax refund into my bank account on that day, just a week after I submitted my taxes online. This allowed me to pay off a large portion of the debt from the Telstra roaming rort.

Then later that day I received more money, very unexpected. It's not from anyone I know personally though I am familiar with the source, but had no inkling whatsoever I would be getting any money though I did have a feeling that "something is in the air". Truth is however, I didn't even ask for it. I don't ask for money, I am not on any "Go Fund Me" websites, nor anything else like that. I just set my intentions, work towards my goals, put it out there in the universe, and the universe responds. So now am able to pay off the rest of the Telstra debt and now have ample funds for my Glastonbury trip.

So now I am setting savings goals for 2017. I will be going on more trips next year to more mystical spots, vortexes, etc, on this planet. I am not yet sure where I will be going, the universe will reveal to me in due time. But it is my calling to perform my energy works at the energy vortexes on this planet, usually the sites of ancient monuments or indigenous sacred sites.

My Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick will shortly be put to the test as the dreaded "The Three Weeks" begins next Saturday, when the Romans lay siege of Jerusalem before the destruction of the 2nd Temple in AD70, on Tisha B'Av which falls August 13 this year - the end of The Three Weeks.

Likely issues during The Three Weeks. .....

My bicycle, usually a target of the curse of The Three Weeks. In past years I'd suffer problems with the gears, wheels, getting a flat despite the special thorn resistant tires and puncture resistant tubes!!!

My car, the thermostat. So far the thermostat has behaved itself, but the RAC guy who temporarily fixed it did say it's just a matter of time before it fails again. Also the cooling system needs a flush.

My car brake light. The right brake light not working. So far my " cloaking device" seems to be working as I hadn't had any coppers following me. If I get pulled over by the coppers there will likely be a yellow sticker - work order - slapped on which is likely to lead to more expensive issues.

My lease. My landlord said he will talk to me about "what is going to happen" after repairs to the front porch is completed. Work on replacing the roof is due to commence shortly, probably during The Three Weeks. Two possibilities. He could say he intends selling the house which will mean I would have to move out. Or he will offer me a new lease but will put up the rent, which also will mean I will have to move out. I need to save my pennies for my 2017 trips, and the housing crisis is over so there are now cheaper rents for apartments. It's probably about time I move out, it will be cheaper in an apartment on all counts, cheaper utilities, etc. But as is often said, no time is a good time to move out, especially for Virgos.

My health. This time last year during The Three Weeks was when I suffered my very unexpected heart attack. Now my numbers are a lot better. My blood pressure is almost perfect. My cholesterol is way down, not bad coming from a family where high cholesterol is genetic at least on Mother's side. And I lost about 10kg weight since this time last year. So not expecting any issues to arise, but then last year I wasn't expecting to get a heart attack.

My job. With the govt always looking to save money, there is likely to be some changes in the workplace affecting me  - as often happens during The Three Weeks.

So if I can survive The Three Weeks unscathed, well my Mt Shasta Tourmaline Wand and sage stick will have passed the test.....

Watch this space...... as always

All of my America trip pixs are now finished uploaded to my America Trip page on Facebook. I will shortly make a Glastonbury Trip page, I will announce it here when I've done it, likely near end of August  - after The Three Weeks.

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Curse of Tammuz

We are now into the lunar month of Tammuz,  and the dreaded The Three Weeks begins 17 Tammuz which this year falls on 23 July. And with things already happening during Tammuz it looks like this The Three Weeks period is going to be very intense, unless my Tourmaline Wand from Mt Shasta and my sage stick also from Mt Shasta has any effects on mitigating against this curse of Tammuz. Time will tell.....

Firstly. .... an example of how big corporations treats you like shit while they enjoy their threesomes in bed with the govt and banks. Despite my faithfully making a payment each fortnite towards the roaming rort debt, a debt which Telstra failed to warn me about until too late, those low-life sub-human scums at Telstra decided to suspend all of my phone services. I hardly use the phone anyway, 99% of my friends and contacts uses FB messenger, email and other internet means to contact me. My phone I use only for data and Internet access while out of the house, and I now use my prepaid portable wi fi device from Optus to connect my phone (which I can still do since that part is not controlled by Telstra).

However this is so not the point. Telstra is a large profit making corporation, albeit have now shown themselves to be an unethical indeed criminal organization. Their utterly abysmal treatment of me will not go unpunished. Fact is this threesome, corporations, govt, and banks cares nothing about the common citizen. This is the same worldwide. The laws of the land are stacked against the common citizens and designed to favor one or more of the threesome. So I will have to use other means to punish Telstra. I have already gone elsewhere for my data and mobile Internet access. And when my contract with Telstra ends in May next year I will be terminating all business relationships with them, and going elsewhere for prepaid phone services even if it means changing numbers. No one ever calls me anyway, so being prepaid I won't need to pay anything unless in the rare instance of using the phone for phone calls or text.

Last but not least, I am a witch and I DO have powers. People mess with me to their peril, especially those in large profit making unethical criminal organizations like Telstra. Each payment towards the debt is already sent with a curse  (what we call a hex) to curse anyone in the corporation who deals with that essentially stolen money. Now I will be stepping up my curses after this latest episode, suspending my phone services. Telstra is going to regret ever dealing with me. You do not mess with a witch.

Rant over..... now other things......

Those carrier pigeons had yesterday delivered my rear bicycle light and I now have it, on the charger. As with my front light, the rear light is rechargeable, just like with a phone or tablet. It saves on having to replace batteries every time you turn around! !!!! And those carrier pigeons were quick, it took them only a week from the east coast. Must have been the prevailing winds.

My taxes.... well it turns out I will be getting a refund check albeit not as much as I usually get. I thought due to the effects of the past year being a 27-fortnite year instead of the usual 26, that I would have a tax bill like I did the last time this happened a few years ago. But not this time, I will be getting a refund check though the 27-week fortnite robbed me of a greater more usual check. I submitted my taxes yesterday online, so my refund check should be in my bank account within two weeks. I never have had to wait more than two weeks for my refund.

The refund check will be used to help pay off the Telstra debt. It won't pay all of it but will pay most of the remaining balance. Anything remaining to be paid I should be able to pay by the end of July or early in August. I don't care if my phone services is ever reinstated, I rarely use it anyway, and if I have to call them to reinstate my phone services even after paying off the debt, I simply not going to do it. I am a stubborn Virgo, and with my natal chart showing Uranus in my Sun sign Virgo, a very rebellious Virgo. And with my chart showing Uranus conjunction with Pluto in Virgo, a very dark rebellious soul, which is why I send curses to those foolish enough to treat me like shit, especially those within the threesome - corporations, banks and govt. I am absolutely livid with Telstra, and anger does help to add energy to the curses directed at the target of the anger.

After I finish paying off Telstra I can concentrate on saving my pennies for my Glastonbury trip in October. Both the air ticket and lodging in England, the two most expensive items, are already booked and paid. So there is only the car rental that I need to save for, also booked but not paid, you pay for it when picking up the car in London. Then of course petrol for the car, and usual living expenses like food, etc, and spending money. Like the Virgo that I am, I have a saving target which I worked out should comfortably meet my expenses, and as long as I pay off Telstra by early August at the max and have no more catastrophes, I should be able to meet my savings target. I just have to survive The Three Weeks which ends about 2nd week of August.

Speaking of govt, I am one of the causes of the potential hung Parliament for I did not vote for either major parties. Both are Reptilians and are both joined at the top in the Reptilian order. Though their policies may have some differences, their ultimate Reptilian agendas are identical. I also did not vote for the Greens though I voted for them in the past, for they have also been exposed as Reptilians. What gave them away was their stated support for the "no jab no pay" law, that is, parents would not receive certain child support payments from the govt unless their children received vaccination according to the prescribed schedules. Vaccination is a Reptilian agenda designed to control the population, similar to how Hitler controlled the Jews in concentration camps. Vaccinations does NOT prevent diseases. Studies (that are not paid by the govt or pharmaceutical companies) have shown that the decreases in many of the diseases can be linked to improvement in hygiene and other improvements in living standards, not by the invention of vaccinations.

Indeed I am living proof of the lies behind vaccinations. Here at work we are offered flu vacs for free, and all of my colleagues receive the vax except me. And they all get the flu and have to take time off work for the flu except me. I have never gotten the flu since that September from hell in 2011 when my wife gotten a nasty strain of the flu from the hospital. That is now five years ago and I have never gotten the flu despite not receiving the flu vax.

Anyway, back to the elections, I did not vote for either major parties nor the Greens, they are all tied together at the Reptilian top with ultimately identical agendas. I did place first preference to the Marujuana  (Weed) Party cos no Reptilian would ever advocate weed being legalised, and I mean full legalization, not just for "medicinal purposes" which is just another Reptilian method of control. It was the Reptilians who made weed illegal in the first instance, and they did it for the benefit of big corporations and pharmaceutical companies who would be out of business if everyone used weed. The health benefits of weed are many, which I have experienced before as I have smoked the stuff before. I don't smoke it now cos I don't want to get into trouble, a criminal conviction would prevent me from going overseas. But I certainly have done it before and it is totally harmless, it does not cause cancer nor other diseases, and no one have ever died from weed overdoses, the worst that can happen is just an extended period of being stoned. But while being drunk from alcohol can damage the body and brain, this does not occur with weed. I am living proof of that. If anything, weed makes you more mentally alert and more open to the higher dimensions. Alcohol does not do that, neither does tobacco nor nicotine.

Oh yes I am a hippie, a rebel, and conspirist who does not believe the lies perpetuated by govt, corporations, the Reptilian controlled media, TV, religion (also controlled by Reptilians such as chief Reptilian Pope Francis) and this society in general. All are lies designed to enslave us. And more and more of us are waking up, hence the election results, and also other things worldwide such as Britain's unexpected exit from the EU.

More of my weirdness musings another time........

Tuesday 5 July 2016

The Deep Freeze

Here experiencing one of the coldest winters on record. Of course as per typical of Perth it never rains, well it might rain a little on one day then a week without rain when the temperature plummets. It is warmer when it rains. For me with a very low tolerance of the cold, this winter has been very difficult for me, and find it almost impossible to keep warm even with heaters. I find myself getting into bed soon after I eat and go into hibernation mode, though I still sleep only 4 hours in total, I just spend the whole night drifting in and out of sleep, until it's time to get up for work which seem to take every ounce of my energy. I am wide awake, not tired, but very sluggish like a reptile due to the cold. And my heart meds does not help, though I had always had trouble coping with winter even before being being put on these meds. So nothing gets done at night. Today I am off work so better get this blog out while I can before I go back into hibernation mode.

It's been almost 12 months since the heart attack event so I was back at the hospital this morning for the checkup and blood test. My blood pressure was as close to perfect, and have lost about 8kg since this time last year. At least physically I am feeling great. But I just always get depressed during winter.

However in spite of the winter deep freeze I still do attend the ecstatic dancing sessions. We Virgos are very determined creatures, and we don't easily give up. It takes all of my energy at times to get ready to go out and attend the dance sessions but once I am on the dance floor I turn into a different person, my energy levels goes up, and lose all sense of time while dancing. It's like being back on Taygeta where it is a lot warmer and does not experience winter.

I currently attend dance sessions with two groups. Dance Mandala on Wednesday nights, and Dancing Dhevas which is held twice monthly usually on a Saturday night but sometimes on a Friday night, such as this week.

Soon the dreaded The Three Weeks which commemorate the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of both Temples some 6 centuries apart, and when I typically suffer calamities. Since the phenomenon affects only Jews, and there is no Jewish blood in me, and does not affect the rest of my blood family, I conclude it is due to my past life as a Jewish priest working in the 2nd Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt which led to the Chanukah festival.

Of course my heart attack last year happened during The Three Weeks. This year, this dreadful period begins on July 23. In the past I have tried various methods to protect myself but to no avail. This year I have my Tourmaline Wand and sage stick both from Mt Shasta, I  bought these at Mt Shasta during my recent America trip. I am hopeful these may protect me against the influence of The Three Weeks. We shall see how it pans out this time.

And of course tax time in this very high tax country. In past years we used to be able to claim out of pocket medical expenses on our taxes, I did it all the time while my wife was still alive so we always ended up with a bigger refund payment. However this has since been abolished so with all my expenses on my heart meds, about $50 to $60 per month, that is, the out of pocket expense after Medicare, and my occasional visit to the Cardiologist which is approx $100 after Medicare, I can no longer claim these on my taxes. So not only we are one of the most high tax country on Earth, we get less of it back. Well at least I can still claim my Union dues on my taxes, I wonder how long that will last before the govt decides to take that away.

This whole trading debt "problem" the excuse the govt uses to raise taxes, cut services and take away refund entitlements, is a big lie designed to  enslave us. This can be proving by adding up the so-called debts and surpluses of each country on Earth. More countries are in debt than in surplus. However logically it all should add up to a net amount of 0, that is, the debts or surplus of each country should all even out. But it does not do that!!!!! In fact we end up with a net debt of trillions of dollars!!!! Quite clearly something is not right. This is proof that this is all just a con designed to keep us in slavery, to accept the govt cutbacks and paying more tax. Another interesting fact, there was a time when there was no income tax in America, no one paid taxes on anything in America and the country remained in surplus. However soon after income tax was introduced to America, the country began to go allegedly into debt, and we all know of their so-called debt problems today.

Rant over.... back to my taxes.... I normally wait until after The Three Weeks before doing my taxes as I never do it during The Three Weeks and I don't usually get all of my tax statements before then. However this year The Three Weeks starts relatively late in the Roman calendar, on July 23, so I may get all my statements before then so will be able to do my taxes then.

Then another potential problem. The year usually consists of 26 fortnites which the tax calculations is based. However this financial year just gone consisted of 27 fortnites. This is akin to having three fortnitely pays in a month, which occasionally happens, giving us an extra pay period where we don't have the monthly bills coming out. In other words, our refund checks are much reduced during 27-fortnite years, indeed the last time this happened I ended up with a tax bill rather than a refund check!!!! Uh well will have to see how it pans out when I do my taxes.

In regards to the lawnmower catastrophe, well I did finally acquired a new lawnmower, and though less than half the price of my previous now dead lawnmower, it is a lot better. This lawnmower runs off the mains via a long cord, while my old mower was battery operated. This new mower has a lot more grunt, it does not cut out when I go through long grasses, and there is no four hours wait for the battery to recharge as with the old mower when the battery gets spent half way through doing the lawns in one yard. Most of the price difference lays in the battery and recharge unit which came with the old mower, that alone costs near $250 while my new mower with a cord I got for $180.

Now waiting for the carrier pigeons to deliver my order for a new tail light for my bicycle, which like everything else ordered online, it always comes from the east coast. Meanwhile ever resourceful Virgo me managed to rig up a flashlight with red cellophane over it on the back of my bicycle which will do the job until those carrier pigeons finally deliver my new light. It is always dark when I leave for work during the winter months hence needing lights. My resourcefulness, aside from being a Virgo trait, also stems from my childhood poverty years when I often had to resort to scraps and leftover junk to improvise any repairs etc needed on my basic old bike that I had back then.

However I hope for no more calamities so I can pay off the Telstra debt before the start of The Three Weeks!!!!!

The football tipping.... had a setback during the first week of my America trip due to the roaming rort fiasco, I could not get online so could not submit my tips. This really brought me down the scale to somewhere in the middle. During the other three weeks of my trip I was able to access free wi fi at the motels I stayed in so could submit my tips. But it looks like I won't be able to catch up to my previous heights of success. It seems the curse of Chiron strikes again, that I never won any prize money since Chiron entered my Ascendant sign Pisces about the time of Mother's death, and Chiron is still in Pisces this year, it is a slow moving object being located past the orbit of Saturn in the Solar System.

Anyway.... enough of my ramblings for now.... hope to upload more pixs to my America Trip Facebook page before I go back into hibernation. .....