Sunday 20 March 2016

New Astrological Year

As the Sun moves into Aries we move into the Astrological New Year. There is a reason why the horoscope columns in most newspapers and magazines begins with Aries. It is also near the start of the annual cycles of Jewish holidays, with Passover beginning soon. There is indeed a link between the lamb of the Passover, and Aries the Ram. This year Passover actually begins a month after Easter in April. Anyway..... let's get on with the news.....

This week we move into the 7th week before the start of my America trip. No I am not exactly counting the minutes or seconds!!!! But am keeping track of the weeks, mainly because I still have tasks to do before my America trip, and not so many weekends to do them in. This weekend was focused on my nephew's wedding last night, and as far as weddings goes it was one of a better ones, being a secular wedding in a garden setting. But the social occasion afterwards was almost dead boring to me. I am so different to my family, I simply cannot get into any meaningful conversations with them, they talk about completely meaningless topics...... but a few of them had found out about my America trip due to my well thought out plan to reveal it online, this did make for some interesting conversations, until it moved onto spiritual topics which just goes way over their heads.....

Now next weekend is Easter and I will be out of town, down at Jarrahdale for Glory Camp. Since I will be out of town, my weekly blog will be late. The Easter weekend is also the first week of the football season, so the beginning of my big test. I am in two tipping comps, and so it remains to be seen who will win out - Chiron in my Ascendant, or Jupiter in my opposite Sun sign? The two planets are opposite to each other, so it is like a tug of war. The curse of Chiron shaped my tipping results since 2010 when Chiron first entered my Ascendant. Jupiter entered Virgo only last August, and it spends only a year in each sign, so will be in Virgo only until August this year. So if I am to do better in the tipping comp any time soon, 2016 will have to be the year. Chiron remains in Pisces until after 2018.

As shared previously, I still have many tasks to do prior to my America trip. My focus is now currently on Easter and Glory Camp, then after that in the following week or so I will book myself a spot for my car at the secured airport long term parking for the duration of my trip. Being a Virgo I am a fiercely independent creature, and so rather than rely on taxis or family members, I much prefer to drive myself to the airport and leave my car in the secure long term parking. It is much cheaper when booking online, so after Easter that is what I will do.

My other task is to find some travel insurance, comprehensive insurance which should cover most things from lost luggage, cancelled flights, to sickness and accidents. But generally speaking pre-existing medical conditions are not covered, so should I be admitted to an American hospital with any heart related issues I will be left to fend for myself. However since July last year I have had no more issues whatsoever with my heart condition. I think some insurance companies will cover certain pre-existing conditions for probably a much higher premium. I will have to see if it is worth it. But aside from that, getting insurance to cover for most other possible incidences is a formality, just a part of my preparations for my trips.

So this is pretty well the latest news of my very adventurous 2016 driven by Jupiter and the North Node in my Sun sign.......

Meanwhile back in my poverty days......

Being a Virgo I would never be late for a date but this will probably still happen anyway........

The only way I'd get a foot in on dating sites......  I was way too honest for my own good......

Getting our priorities right...... heh heh.....

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