Thursday 3 December 2015

The Land of the Long White Cloud

OK let's get right to the point...... I've booked my flights and I am off to New Zealand for Xmas and the New Year. I fly out from the sunny and isolated shores of Perth on December 24, the first leg to Sydney, and after a couple of hours layover, the 2nd leg to New Zealand. Christchurch to be exact. And I fly back to sunny Perth on January 10.

So WHY am I going to New Zealand..... aside from the fact that it is an interesting country?

A lady......... *sigh*

Also a hippies camp-out over the new year which this lady invited me to.

Chrissy is her name...... less than a month ago I began getting messages from this lady, and Virgo me would politely reply to her but otherwise play hard to get. Well not that I do this on purpose, but I am a Virgo, and we Virgos by nature play hard to get. It is part of being a Virgo.

However she is a Capricorn with a Leo rising. A very potent combination. Such a woman does not take no for an answer. Once she is determined to get something she does not give up.

So this stubborn Virgo finally had enough..... uh ok then....... and so we first began to regularly contact each other by email, quickly followed by chatting using the chat app.

Then she asked me if I was taking vacation over Xmas and New Year...... and I said yes..... Then she asked me if I had any plans for my vacation.... and well living the kind of boring and lonely life that I have, I said.... nah..... no plans........

So then she invited me to come over to her place and to attend this hippies camp-out festival that she attends every year.

OMG this was TOO good an opportunity to pass up!!!! I ALWAYS wanted to attend a hippies event. I am a frustrated hippy. Very much the Uranus natal in my Sun sign!!! So first thing was to first check on air tickets and see if I could possibly afford it. So I went online to check for air tickets and was quite pleasantly surprised that it was within my reach, especially since I was due for the yearly holiday bonus that I get each year at the beginning of December, well my first pay in December.

So I said.... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The festival in question is this......



My dream come true!!!!!!

So I said yes...... then the nerve wracking wait for my bonus to come in, expected for Thursday...... and as soon as my bonus came into my bank account, I went online to book my flights - at 2am in the morning!!!! Oh the wonders of online booking!!!!! Departing on the 24th, the first leg of the trip is to Sydney. Then a couple of hours layover in Sydney, then the final leg to Christchurch New Zealand. Of course with Perth being the most isolated city on Earth, it takes longer to fly to Sydney than it does from Sydney to NZ. Yes the east coast is closer to NZ than it is to Perth!!!! Shows how very isolated we are over here. But anyway, together with the five hour time difference between Perth and NZ, the trip will pretty well take all day, arriving just before midnight in Christchurch where Chrissy will be waiting for me.

Chrissy lives on a farm much like a hippy, does everything organic, and does art and craft...... she is just amazing.... and also a Pleiadean like me. Indeed at the festival last year she had contacts with Pleiadeans. There is just so much synchronicity happening here!!!!

So yes travel to New Zealand will take place on December 24, just three weeks away, and I will be there with the Kiwis until January 10. This of course my 2nd ever overseas trip in my life. We all know my first overseas trip to America in 1998, where I got married and brought home a wife...... Well that is NOT going to happen THIS time!!!! hehehehe!!!!! Just other equally life changing events may happen...................

So will do my blog as usual over the weekend........ but just need to share this now....... it seems so like a dream...... so surreal....... to be actually going to New Zealand...... how life can change so quickly!!!! Just a week ago I had no idea whatsoever that I would be going to New Zealand nor any other overseas country...... I resigned myself to the fact that I would never go overseas again........ But within this one week since last Sunday when Chrissy invited me over, and the normally cautious careful Virgo immediately accepted!!!!!!!!!!!

So last week I was in for yet another boring mundane Xmas and New Year with nothing happening...... this week I am about to embark on the most exciting adventure ever, spending both Xmas and New Year in New Zealand!!!!!!!!! I am more excited about this than I was about going to America, and I know how excited I was about going to America....... that was one very significant point in my life......... but this NZ trip will take it up to a whole new level..........

Meanwhile I am pinching myself even with my e-tickets and my flight plans in front of me...... pinching myself to see if this is just a dream and I am about to wake up............... this is beyond the most wildest dreams ever...........

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