Sunday 29 November 2015

Oh the Carols.... and I ain't talking about Xmas !!!!!

I shared previously..... or recently anyway..... the synchronicities of the Carolyns.... how the last three significant women who came into my life since my wife's death had very similar names, beginning with Carolyn from India, then Karen from York, then Katie from the UFO\ET group!!! Well last week another woman in this isolated little city got in contact with me from another spiritual online group, we exchanged messages over three days, then she asked to meet me!!!! So last Saturday we met for a chat in a Mt Lawley cafe. And you'll never believe what HER name is!!!!..... CAROL!!!!!! Again just friends, but she shares the same weird spiritual interests as me, even star seeds interests.

The meeting almost didn't happen!! I knew these planetary alignments would throw a spanner into the works, and it did big time - Chiron the "wounded healer" standing still in my Ascendant sign, and Saturn square with Neptune also in my Ascendant sign!!

I arrived about 5 mins early at the arranged venue as per my precise Virgo tendency. Arriving 5 minutes early means it is not TOO early but also not too late. I work out my timing down to a T. That is me the Virgo. So I went in, and one woman immediately caught my eye, and was thinking, I wonder if this is HER!!!? I felt inside me it was her, but in 3D reality I wasn't 100% sure. So I kinda walked up to her but not directly so, just sorta came close enough to her to catch her attention, but pretending to just casually walk by. She looked up at me then she turned away, indeed she seemed to utterly ignore me, so I thought.... uhhhh OK perhaps its not her afterall. However I couldn't shake the feeling that this IS her!!! And none of the other women at the venue came anywhere near to fitting my imagined profile of her.

I wanted to speak to her, asking her by name if this is her. But I didn't want to do that in case this was not her afterall, and she thought I was just some kind of weirdo trying to chat her up.

So I went outside and just waited there outside for several minutes. I figure if she is in there, she may walk out looking for me, and if she sees me standing there waiting for her, she'd figure it was indeed me. However I spent up to 15 minutes waiting outside. Then I saw her walk out of the venue, she took one look at me and then she wandered on back up the walkway assumedly towards her car.

OK this is seriously turning pear shaped very fast!!! Up to me to try salvage the situation. I still wasn't 100% certain that this IS the lady but I still couldn't shake the feeling. So I got on my phone and buzzed off a short email to her, saying I am here waiting for her. About a minute or so later, she came walking back along the walkway. Then I KNEW for certain that this IS HER!!!!!

Chironic lesson #1 - Always trust my instinct!!

This was now 20 minutes after the schedule start date. After we established contact, the first thing she said to me was "You don't look like your photos"!!!! I was kinda taken aback by that, very Chironic episode. But in truth none of my photos are recent, they are all from the days of my wife and even earlier. I very rarely take selfies. I really don't like my own appearance so I almost never take pixes of myself. This is part of the Chiron wounded healer manifestation.

Chironic lesson #2 - At least tolerate myself more and take more recent selfies of me !!!!

So NOT a very good start to our "date". However we pushed on and each had a drink in the cafe, she a coffee, me an orange juice. And we did talk about a lot of spiritual issues, including about star seeds which surprised me about her as she never mentioned about this before, and it is true enough that not all spiritual people are star seeds. But apparently she is, a galactic traveller like me who had been to several star systems.

So at least on a spiritual level we did have connections. However I just couldn't shake off the effects of the potentially bad start, and this affected the way I related to her.

However when it came time for her to go, she did insist that she was glad to have met me, indeed she enjoyed the time, and fully intends to continue on with our friendship.

Chironic lesson #3 - Focus on the positives !!!

So I guess time will tell how all this will pan out with her......

Now last Monday's meetup with Katie and two other guys from the UFO\ET group at a restaurant in Northbridge. That was a success. We are arranging our first camp-out to look for and make contact with UFOs and ETs. It will be at Ledge Point about a couple of hours north from Perth, off the beaten track, in fact you need a 4WD to get there. The perfect spot for meetings with ET's. This will happen next weekend, and staying overnight. It will be my first camp in over two decades. Back in my younger years I enjoyed camping so much. Then I married my wife who didn't like camping so was denied this pleasure, which I didn't mind at the time, a part of giving and taking in a relationship...... well now I have the chance to get back to the wonders of camping, combined with my wonders for UFOs and ETs..... should be a great night!!!!

As if that is not enough to shake up my mundane Virgo-like existence..... yet another thing happened today!!!! This time ANOTHER woman, well this one is not in Perth, and well she's not on the east coast, but just beyond the east coast..... in the land of the Kiwis!! But I won't hold that against her! LOL! The Kiwis are not a bad place, too cold but otherwise not a bad place.... we just like beating them in the Cricket, though not as much as beating the Poms in the Cricket..... but yes, something else happened today that is even more outlandish.... will reveal more next time...... No it is NOT getting married or anything like that! No! No! No!!! Don't give the universe any ideas!!!!!!!! It's something entirely different to that..... my poor Virgo mind is still trying to process it..... so it will have to wait until next blog...... hahaha.......... or maybe you can try to GUESS what it is.... ehehehe..... but you'll never guess it..... it be fun trying it though!!!! hahahaha!!!!!..... Uh yes her name is Chrissy.... must be Kiwi for Carolyn LOL!!!!!!

Here's some cartoons while you waiting....... hehehe........

My dating experiences LOL.....

More from my dating archives..... very much me! LOL!!.....

Meanwhile at a bank in Perth......

Budget cuts at a govt dept near you..... !!!!

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