Monday 14 December 2015

Ten More Days.......

How surreal..... while everyone else is counting down to Xmas, I am counting down to my New Zealand trip where after spending Xmas Eve between airports and those big white birds, I will have arrived in New Zealand by Xmas Day!! So Ten days to Xmas, ten days until I land in New Zealand into the arms of my Earth Goddess flame Chrissy.

This has been a busy weekend, only the 2nd weekend before I leave these sunny shores. This time I hit the malls to get some extra clothes for the trip, especially the warmer variety such as jeans\pants and shoes. Being a Virgo I like to be well prepared, and while I happily get by on scant clothing at home, I like to better prepared with extra clothes and other items while a long way from home.

Among the many other tasks that needed to be completed for overseas trips, I took out travel insurance. Of course as usual there is always a catch, and in this instance, the insurance does not cover pre-existing medical conditions. So if I find myself in a New Zealand hospital due to any heart-related events then I will be basically left to fend for myself. Though I do understand there is this reciprocal medical agreement between Australia and New Zealand where Aussies in New Zealand (even love-struck ones! LOL!) has access to public hospitals in NZ, and vice versa. Not quite sure what it means in terms of costs, I can't seem to find much information on that, but I guess it is probably better off economically than for example having to be treated in a hospital in America or elsewhere. Uh well I still am taking the travel insurance, it does cover a lot of other things such as lost luggage and costs associated with flight delays, me being a Virgo like to be prepared for all possible situations.

It turns out that my stay in New Zealand coincides with my Earth Goddess's birthday, which I guess is not surprising considering she is a Capricorn ;) And me being a fussy Virgo wants only the best for her, so here I was pounding the malls over the weekend searching for that perfect gift for her only to come up empty!!! So less than ten days to find such a gift for her as well as an equally perfect Xmas gift. Trust me to be a Virgo !!!!!

Then last night was dinner at the Dawes-Smith household, here as I broke the news to one family member\couple at a time about my trip to New Zealand, sending them into shock, and having to pick them up off the ground - well it wasn't quite that dramatic but came pretty close to it. Afterall they all know I lead such a depressingly dull mundane life and hardly even go down the street for a vacation let alone overseas!! Then they ask the inevitable question - WHY am I going to New Zealand. And of course when I mention the reason, they all give a giant *sigh* as they remember my American affair with Sally, marrying her in America and bringing her back to Australia as my wife. I suppose its a valid concern, history does sometimes repeat itself, but really I don't think it is going to turn out that way. For starters there are important differences between Chrissy and Sally, one being that Chrissy has a job in New Zealand..... so very unlikely for this to happen!!!!!

Anyway a busy week coming up. Want to get a few more items of clothing. I gotten most what I wanted, but this anxious Virgo likes to be as well prepared as possible!! Also need to determine if I need an adapter to enable me to use my phone charger and electric shaver charger in New Zealand. And scope out online on Google about Sydney Airport and Christchurch Airport so I won't get lost - Virgo anxiety again. Perth airport I am just going to take a drive out there this weekend, see how long it takes for me to get there, exactly where my long-term parking lot is located as I have booked long-term parking for the trip, and visit the terminal which I am departing from to scope out the place, see where everything is, and etc so I won't get lost on the day of departure. Trust me to be a Virgo !!!!!

Those ten days will probably go by quickly due to the fact I still have so much to do in preparing for the trip, and not much time to do it in......

 It's cartoons like this that makes me feel incredibly old !!!!!

The perils of trusting GPS systems.....

More like my sleep patterns LOL

There's always hope... LOL

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