Tuesday 22 December 2015

My Last Blog In Australia for 2015

In less than two days I will be on a big white bird on my way to the land of the long white cloud...... so indeed this will be my last blog in Australia for 2015.

This represents my first Xmas ever out of the country. It is also a rare Xmas Full Moon. The Full Moon fell on Xmas Day only three times in the 20th century and three times in the 19th century, and this is the first of only five such events in the 21st century. I see it as significant that I will spend my first Xmas out of the country on the rare Xmas Full Moon. I didn't plan it this way, but as always the case for me, I always seem to be in tuned with the celestial cycles.

So been really busy preparing for this trip, there is so much to do, even little things like cancelling newspaper delivery for the duration of my trip - things one could easily forget about until too late!! Last weekend I did do a "dry run" to the airport, to find the best way to get there, how long it will take for me to get there, and to scope out the terminal in which I am due to depart from. It was so very high energy being there knowing that in just a few days I would be joining those queues at the checkin counters, getting my boarding pass, then a while later, going through the gate and onto the plane. Of course we have to get there three hours before departure. So after scoping out the place I went to one of the cafes for a chocolate muffin and juice. It still seemed so unreal that I will actually be flying out from there in just a few days.... well now just one more full day and two more nights.

Now I know it will take me about 30 minutes to get to the airport. I drive there myself, I already have a spot booked for long term secured parking, so all I need to do in theory is to just turn up and scan the code given to me, then go find a parking spot, then wait for the bus that runs every 15 minutes 24/7 from there to the terminals. So with my Virgo precision planning, I will leave about 5:15am, arrive by 5:45am, then park the car and get the bus, which hopefully will get me to the terminal by 6:15am exactly 3 hours before my scheduled departure. Join the queue to the checkin counters, then pass time at the cafe, play on my tablet, there are charging facilities at the cafe, it was one of the things that I scoped out. We Virgos like to be well prepared!!! Then finally wander on through the gate...... and onto the plane....... I don't think the reality of the situation will really hit me until I am actually on that plane!!!!

One could actually check in online up to 24 hours before the fact and print out the boarding pass. But then I realise I will be without my computer tomorrow as it will be shut down and packed up ready to be taken to my secure storage unit, along with the printers, routers, and indeed all electronic devices and other valuables. Afterall I will be away from home for 2 and a half weeks. Of course I will still have my phone and tablet so will keep in touch. But to take advantage of the online checkin you need to be able to print out the boarding pass, a wee bit difficult when the printers will be in secured storage. So I will have to checkin the old fashioned way LOL.

Among the many other things in this past week, I went to some crystals shops to find myself something to take with me for my trip, and was drawn to some crystals pendants, so I bought one of those, so will wear it during my trip and time in NZ.

So it seems like my single days are pretty well at an end...... Chrissy is a Capricorn, she doesn't take no for an answer, she gets what she wants ;)..... being hippies we don't go down the traditional route of engagement, marriage, etc..... but this goes way beyond the usual hippie "love-in" kind of thing..... its more like soul-kin or twin-flame..... so.... um...... yeah....... say no more!!!!!

I have roaming on my phone and tablet though will be used sparingly, it is so expensive even for New Zealand, nevertheless I will keep in touch..... the other complicating factor is most of my time will be spent in the country region where phone reception is not the most reliable, especially at the hippies festival where I'm told there is no reception at all, so be 5 days or so cut off from the rest of the world - but then that is probably the idea of this hippies festival, a retreat with no electronic communications. In any case there won't be any long blogs like this, but perhaps short updates with a pix or two..... well will see how it all pans out........

Oh yes anyone who wants to catch me during my nine hours in Sydney on my return leg on January 10, well I come in on Qantas flight QF 138 arriving at T1 at 8:40AM. I plan on using the 9 hours to explore Sydney. Being a Virgo I have details worked out, there is a place where one can store one's luggage for a fee, so will be able to store my carry-on there while I explore Sydney, and there's a train from the Airport into the city and beyond every 15 mins or so...... So will be able to get around on my own, but any company will be also welcomed ;) ;)

Now I can smugly look back to those bad old days........

Um... yes..... ;)

This one really hits home !!!!!!!!

Life in Perth.......

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