Monday 2 November 2015

Another Death In The Family....

Well it was my Puddy Cat anyway, I considered her to have been a part of my family.

It all happened on Halloween, that is, Saturday, which seemed most ironic since this is the time when its said the veil between the dead and the living are at its thinnest. However we're more used to the idea of the dead passing over to visit the living, not the other way around!!!! But it happened with my Puddy Cat, she passed from the living to the dead......

My Puddy Cat was very old in Earth years, approaching 20 years of age, which is more like 100 years in human terms or there abouts, whatever, it is very old for a puddy cat. However she was in good health as far as I could tell, eating well, and seemed generally in good health. Then on Saturday she stopped eating and she seemed to be spending more time sleeping. Then on the night of Halloween she simply went to sleep and didn't wake up. She was very obviously dead by early the next morning, it was like she decided her time on planet Earth was now at an end, and it was time to go back to Sirius.

Oh yes Puddy Cats are Siriun hybrids from the star system Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and can be seen from here during the summer months. That is why the Egyptians used to worship puddy cats. Back in ancient Egyptian times, Siriun ETs paid them some visits, helped build the pyramids, etc. Indeed many of the Egyptian gods and goddesses were in fact representations of Siriun ETs, and is why the Sirius star system was very important to the Egyptians, in fact the star was used to determine the start of the agricultural season when the Nile flooded. The flooding of the Nile coincided with the first sighting of Sirius for the year.

In particular there were the "cat people" from Sirius that figured much in the lives of the ancient Egyptians and other North African tribes. The "cat people" were basically akin to humans, standing upright like humans and etc, except that they had the heads of cats and the body was somewhat more like cats, including a tail. These "cat people" performed hybrid experiments with one or more of the wild animals, possibly lions or leopards or some other wild large cats, and they produced the domestic cat. Since these Siriuns were revered as gods by the Egyptians due to their superior technology and knowledge. Hence the domestic cat became to be worshipped as being regarded as the product of the gods. To mistreat or kill a cat would result in the death penalty.

Hence is why I say that puddy cats are Siriun hybrids - they are the result of hybrid experiments by the Siriun "cat people". The souls of cats are Siriun, they are from Sirius.

An interesting side note here, the Sirius star system contains three stars, however, one can only see a single star with the naked eye. One needs a large powerful telescope to discern the 2nd star known as "Sirius B", and only far more recently through computer analysis from space telescopes that a very faint 3rd star was detected, known as "Sirius C". However this is information that the ancient North African "Dogon" tribe already knew about over 5000 years ago, long before telescopes and computers were invented. Their ancient records accurately discerned the three stars and the nature of these stars!! So HOW did such an ancient "primitive" race knew about the three stars of Sirius without telescopes and computers??? There can be only one answer that makes senses as outrageously amazing as it is!!! The information was given by the ET visitors from Sirius!!!

Indeed the Egyptians also knew of the 3-star Sirius system, and this is where the concept of the "Holy Trinity" comes from. The Egyptians regarded Sirius as an important God, being the brightest star in the sky and one that marked the flooding of the Nile and start of the agricultural season. We can only see the one bright star, yet the one star is really three stars. Over the years since the time of the Egyptians, the Pagans evolved their beliefs to include the "Trinity" of the God, Goddess and the Son of the couple - such a concept being common among many forms of Paganism over the years in many different parts of the world. Then over 3000 years later, Christianity came along, and they adapted the Pagan form of the Trinity to include the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So yes the Sirius star system is where we get the idea of a "Trinity" of God - one God in Three Persons.

Meanwhile back at the ranch..... my own Siriun hybrid, my puddy cat whose soul is now returned to the Siriun star system. Yes, just like I am from Taygeta in the Pleiades, my puddy cat was from Sirius. Indeed a lot of the creatures on this planet are from other star systems. The dolphins are also from Sirius but also the Pleiades and some other star systems. Planet Earth has over its long lifetime been seeded by ETs from many star systems. Indeed the human race were once slaves to an ET race (the "reptilians" and "anunakis") having been created through hybrid process by these ETs, hence the Creation story in the Bible and the demand for unquestioning obedience to a God that we see in the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is related to the ancient anunaki legends in the Middle East, and the Biblical representation of the Devil as reptile creatures ( eg the snake, and dragons)

OK back to my puddy cat.... so much information just wanting to be shared about our interactions with ETs!!!! I am a contactee, that means, I have had actual contacts with ETs, so this is why ETs are so close to my heart. A lot of my information that I often share comes from my contacts with ETs as well as my online sources, websites, FaceBook groups, etc, and having online friends and contacts who have had similar experiences. A lot of people on planet Earth have had contacts with ETs, it is actually a common occurrence, just that most of us tends to keep it to ourselves and don't say much about it until we come across groups of people online with similar experiences.

Anyway..... early on the Sunday morning I performed a Siriun burial ceremony for my puddy cat, placing her body in a grave in my back yard, communication with the Siriun masters via "light languages", committing her soul to the care of the Siriuns, and lighting a candle. I placed three rocks on her grave, this represents the three stars of the Siriun system.

So now adjusting to life without my Puddy Cat......

It be back to my cardiac physio session tomorrow...... so until next time..... if I hadn't weirded out anyone in the process!!!!!..... I shall be back with my next musings next week.

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