Monday 16 November 2015

Synchronicity !!!!!

Well it was a very interesting weekend I had, most unexpected, indeed a very Uranus kind of weekend. Uranus is the planet of rebellion and unexpected surprises, indeed the planet for change. So depending up where the planet resides in one's natal chart, it can shape one's destiny in unexpected ways. Uranus in my natal chart is in my Sun sign Virgo, conjunct with Pluto, and opposite to my Ascending sign Pisces which is the sign of spirituality. Thus my life has been shaped by unexpected and radical spiritual changes, paranormal events, UFO and ET experiences, and etc!!!! Why my paranormal experiences has been so outrageously weird at times!!!! Indeed my Star Seed awakening happened when Uranus traveled through my Ascendant sign in 2005\6 or around age 42, when I first saw ET's with my own eyes and had other weird UFO\ET experiences. That is why many people experience mid-life crisis around age 42, it is when Uranus is in opposition to its natal position, so that brings about the desire for change, or depending on one's chart config, the change happens whether you like it or not!!!!!

So this weekend I completed the Uranus module of my online astrological workshop which involved a shamanic journey to Uranus to talk to the Entity associated with Uranus. Thus it is no coincidence that very unexpected events of a spiritual nature happened to me this weekend just gone!!! And it involves to a large extent the concept of "synchronicity".

We often like to know whether we're on the right track or whether we're doing the right thing. So depending on religion or creed, we ask the Universe in our different ways - either we pray to God, or we ask our spirit guides, or our "higher self", or angels, departed loved ones, or any other of the large variety of spirit entities that are on occasions sent to help us in our 3D reality.

And one of the most common ways in which the Universe answers our queries is through "synchronicity", which can be defined as being two or more physically unrelated events that has one or more thing in common, where the probably of such a thing happening by pure chance is reasonably expected to be close to zero. This relates to a well known passage in the Bible which states "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a truth shall be established".

In my instance, the most unlikely of synchronicity have happened. The last three significant women in my life has been known by similar names. Each of the women are totally unrelated to the other two, indeed they are not known to each other, and they came from totally different places.

The first of the three is Caroline from India, a former penfriend who found me again on the internet. She has since pretty well fallen off the face of the Earth, I don't hear from her at all, but the synchronicity shows that the Universe is in control here.

The second woman is Karen from York, my star sister from the Pleiades. She is still very much in my life, being on my FaceBook profile, and still keeping in contact. There is a reason why she is in my life.

Now enter the third woman - Katie !!!!!!

So we had Caroline, Karen, and now Katie !!!!! A synchronicity with zero probably of it happening just by pure chance. It is more likely to win 1st division Lotto ten consecutive weeks than for this synchronicity to happen by chance alone. There is something happening!!!!

Before this time last week I had no idea whatsoever that Katie even existed!!!! Indeed it was this time last week that I had received an email from this Katie and I had no idea whatsoever who she was. At first I thought it was some scam email legacy of my unfortunate flirts with online dating sites a couple of years ago, I still occasionally get such scam emails. However it soon became obvious this was not a scam. In fact, it was more to do with the many groups I had joined online for Star Seeds, alternative spirituality, UFO's and ET's. I joined a few of the groups in the year after Sally's death but most were not very active and so I had forgotten about them. Katie has recently joined one such group which I had forgotten about!!!! More still, Katie is from PERTH!!!!! That is highly unusual. One of my complaints about these groups was that there were no members from Perth, they are either on the east coast or overseas, so had pretty well given up on the idea of ever meeting anyone in person from these groups!!!!

But not Katie..... Katie is from right here in this isolated little city of Perth. Indeed unbeknown to me, the group had grown quite a bit, and it turned out there were now FIVE members from Perth, and Katie contacted all five of them as she was wanting to organise a meetup with us all, and to form a group in Perth where we meet and summon UFO's. Apparently there has been a number of successful groups meetings in America and have successfully attracted UFOs and ETs, but of course none in tiny little isolated Perth.

Katie wanted to establish such a group in Perth...... so of course I said YES!!!!! I would LOVE the chance to meet with like minded souls in Perth. I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the number of spiritual people that I personally know in Perth, indeed (until now) Karen was the only such soul I knew and well technically she is not really in Perth, she is in York, but it's close enough to count - its driving distance to Perth!!!!!

So after I given my answer, I heard back from Katie two days later. It turned out only one other person had replied, so she asked about arranging a meeting between the three of us. Again I said YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!! She had given her mobile number for texting, so in my reply I sent her my mobile number - a very un-Virgo-like thing to do!!!! We Virgos are normally very cautious and we normally don't do such outrageously rash things as giving mobile numbers to total and utter complete strangers!!!!! Yet I had given my mobile number to Katie!!!!! Especially since I have been so burnt to a crisp from my experiences with online dating sites!!! For all I know Katie could be a front for some ISIL terrorists to take us hostage and chop our heads off!!!!! - probably unlikely even in the face of recent events but Virgos always consider ALL possibilities even unlikely ones!!!!!

Anyway..... last Saturday after getting back from my bicycle ride, I gotten a text message from Katie asking if I wanted to be a part of a 3-way meeting at a cafe in Leederville at 5pm Sunday evening. So of course I said YES!!!!!!! And she text back saying she will now send an email to the 3rd person, he was not as foolish as I was, he didn't supply his mobile number, so Katie was confined to email for him..... and so the waiting game began...... I assumed the meeting would be cancelled or postponed if she didn't hear from the 3rd person.

Meanwhile early Sunday morning I received a text from my cousin whom I attend Friday night church with at times, inviting me for dinner at the Dawes-Smiths at exactly the same time as our proposed meeting with Katie!!! OK!!! It's either feast or famine with me. I usually complain I never get invited out to anywhere, and now I have TWO invites to TWO events at the same time!!!! I still hadn't heard from Katie so she still hadn't heard from the 3rd person, so I asked my cousin how soon she needed an answer from me. She replied anytime cos the other cousin from up north is now in town with his family and will be present on the occasion, so there be more than enough food to go around, so could easily accommodate an extra soul even if I turned up unannounced!!!! OK that made it slightly easier but me being a Virgo likes to do the right thing by people even when the offer is contrary, so I would still like to inform the Dawes-Smith as soon as possible if I was going to be there...... which meant I needed to hear from Katie soon!!!!

Meanwhile during the morning I went to do my grocery shopping, and as part of my expedition I went to the cafe place in Leederville to scope out the place, parking availability, etc, cos that is what anxious Virgos do!!! We Virgos hate surprises, we like to plan for things and be prepared. So where possible when it comes to unfamiliar places we Virgos like to scope it out before the event!!! And alas I found much to my angst that there is no longer such a creature as free parking on Sundays, we now must PAY for parking on all seven days of the week. It's probably been like that for the last ten years but I wasn't to know cos I usually don't get out invited anywhere!!!! So it meant I needed to go to the ATM to get cash out and to get change. These days one can just use a credit or debit card on these parking machines, but the last time I did this it wouldn't accept any of my FOUR credit\debit cards. Me and electronics does not get on. I am one of those persons whose energy\aura affects electronics, and it often affects electronics, even my phone and computer!!!! So like a Virgo I prepared for that by taking cash out and getting change for the parking machine.

Then just after lunch when anxious Virgo me was stressing about this predicament, I hear from Katie again. She hadn't heard from the 3rd guy so she said it will now be just the TWO of us!!!! OMG!!! She's either very naive, extremely foolish, or incredibly spiritually in tuned!!!! We are total and utter strangers, neither of us has any idea whatsoever what we look like, and for all she knew, I could be an escaped fugitive on the run accused of murder or an ISIL terrorist intending to kidnap her and chop her head off!!! OK we're at a public place but it hadn't stopped other crims before!!!! It was risky from my end, but even moreso from her end. So I was amazed she was willing to do this, and me went against my normally Virgo ways and I agreed to it!!!!!

Next she asked if she could bring forward the meeting by a couple of hours!!!!! OMG!!!! She had no inkling whatsoever of my predicament with the invite from the Dawes-Smith, yet she asked to bring forward our now one-on-one meeting by a couple of hours which would allow me to also go to the Dawes-Smith for dinner!!!!! Talk about the Universe being in control here!!!! That is yet another sign.

Soon I was most excitedly heading towards Leederville to meet Katie. I had no idea what she looked like, nor her age, nor indeed anything else about her. For all I know she could have been a brash teen or 20s woman, or an older wiser woman in her 70s ready to teach me a thing or two about spirituality. She could have been tall, short, fat, skinny, blonde, brunette, red, purple with pink spots.... and\or hybrid ET with unusual features. Oh yes hybrids DO exist and are human-looking enough to generally pass as humans but have enough unusual features for more experienced souls to pick up on them. Indeed I know personally at least one hybrid but that is another story altogether.

However with my 3rd eye or intuition I sensed her to be a middle aged blonde woman of reasonably normal body build and near same height as me....... and it turned out I was correct, indeed more correct than I thought!!!! I also knew we'd find each other instantly at the cafe even though neither of us knew what each other looked like......

Anyway five minutes before arrival she text me saying she has her dog with her!! Uhhhhh she's bringing her dog for protection! That is fair enough and understandable. Except that she said her dog was just a tiny little chihuahua!!!! I don't think that is going to be much protection for her!!!!! Indeed I don't think that was why she was bringing her dog along!!!!!!!!

So me the anxious Virgo arrived at the cafe early..... and a little while later I saw a blonde long haired woman with a chihuahua on a lead.... slender but also very womanly curvy, long slender legs, wearing tiny little briefs that barely qualified as "shorts", and a tiny little top that barely contained her very ample chest..... I thought.... OMG!!!!!! Is that HER!!!!!????? Is that Katie!!!!!!!????? Have I died and gone to Heaven!!!???? Or am I about to suffer my second heart failure albeit for entirely different reasons!!!???? Reminded me of an old saying from back in my school days "Sex kills, die happy"!!!! I'd be dying EXTREMELY happy especially if my last sight was this utterly PERFECT specimen of a woman!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Even women in Heaven wouldn't be as perfect as she was in appearance!!!!!!

And indeed it was  Katie....... OK now..... deep breaths now...... I was actually supposed to be talking with this potential Miss Universe winner!!!!!!! She must have been a hybrid cos no woman on Earth could humanely be THAT perfect in appearance!!!!!! They photoshop such women in magazines!!!!! Yes she was real, as real as to the touch even if I almost fainted from her touch!!!! LOL!!!!!

Anyway..... after successfully catching my breath..... we soon got talking on very spiritual topics, sharing our weird paranormal experiences, and experiences with UFO's and ETs. Her experiences were almost as weird as mine!!!!! And she said she was so glad to have met me, cos she is in the same predicament as me, that is she has no one from family, friends or associates where she could share face to face her experiences without having those nice men in their nice white coats coming to pay a visit for taking away to the funny farm!!!!!! So she likes me!!!!.... even if only for this reason!!!! Hey!!! An old Virgo like me takes whatever he can get!!!!!!

Then we got onto the topic of setting up a group in Perth viewing for UFOs and attracting them. Oh yes you CAN attract UFOs. It happened with me regarding my ship. For me it usually happens when I feel depressed, and I know the ship is near when my GPS on my phone cuts out completely, though occasionally I see it. So anyway this is Katie's intention, to set up a group in Perth to view and attract UFO's. And utterly besotted me mesmerized by her cat-like eyes (she must be part Siriun hybrid) offered to help her out in this despite my lack of experience!!!!

What seemed like 10 seconds later but in reality was a couple of hours, she needed to go, it turned out she was invited out somewhere that evening too, hence why she brought forward our meeting, allowing me to fulfill my invitation to the Dawes-Smith for dinner. And I wouldn't call this a "date", but for want for a better word, a "date" is deemed successful when she plans for our next meeting...... and indeed she planned for our next meeting...... she was going to get to work on organising a meeting for UFO\ETs..... and depending on how things pans out, we could be meeting again in a few days, next week or soon....... though not soon enough for me... *sigh*........

Anyway that is the latest of the extremely strange story that is my life,,,,,, I don't think even Spielberg could come up with such an imaginative story like mine...... yet I swear to every God and Goddess that my stories are NOT fiction but are 110% true!!!!!!!.........

And yes dinner at the Dawes-Smiths was a success too ;)

Now some cartoons to help ground myself.........

I ask the same question!!!!!!

How I felt with Katie LOL !!!!!!

When Mother had me to clean my room...... ;)

The truth...... ;)

Mondays at work......

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