Sunday 22 November 2015

Those Planetary Alignments

This has been a far more quiet weekend but still a relatively good weekend in spite of the planetary alignments in my chart.

Brief Astrology lesson ;).... We are all very familiar with our Sun signs. When people say, I'm a Virgo.... or, I'm an Aquarius, or whatever, this means these are our Sun signs, that is, the Sun was in the sign at the time of our birth. And as we all know, the Sun was in Virgo during my birth therefore am popularly known as a Virgo.... or NOT so popularly known as the case may be, as many knows that Virgos are a pain in the butt!!We over-analyse everything, are fussy about everything, indeed the classic Virgo saying being "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", and we also don't like change, hence another classic Virgo saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it", and we are no good at relationships!!!!

However there are more to Astrology than just our Sun signs. We also have a Moon sign, where the Moon was located during our birth. For me it is Libra. I am indeed a New Moon baby, being born during the New Moon period, which is probably why I usually have such a hard time during New Moons. So it was close to a New Moon, and the Moon was in Libra when I was born.

Last but not least, we also have an Ascendant sign or Rising sign, this basically being the sign that was rising over the horizon during our birth, much akin to the Sun rising. Many Astrologers says that our Ascendant sign has as much influence, indeed probably more influence on us than our Sun sign. So when reading the horoscope columns, we should really be looking at the particular reading under our Ascendant sign rather than our Sun sign. For me, my Ascendant is Pisces the sign of intuition and spirituality. And this does indeed explain why I am so spiritual even though I may also be the pragmatic analytical Virgo. My Pisces Ascendant is at least partly the reason behind my many spiritual experiences since my childhood.

My chart is rather unusual in many ways ;) I am an unusual person, as many who knows me would testify!! ;) One unusual aspect is that my Ascendant and Sun signs are opposite to each other. Pisces is six signs away from Virgo, we could say six months apart, therefore they are opposite to each other on the Zodiac chart. When we have signs (or planets, etc) opposite to each other on the chart, the saying "opposite attracts" comes into play! That is the energies of the two are combined. And this is why I have always been interest in Science, but also interested in Spiritual aspects. It was why when I was a Christian I was also interested in Creation Science, and since my childhood always been interested in Astronomy but also in Astrology, I started to read my horoscopes in Mother's magazines almost since I was able to read!!!! Indeed Metaphysics is a great interest of mine, it is basically a combination of Physics and Spirituality.

Indeed I could never understand why Science needed to be separate from Spirituality. Of course in truth, this separation of Science and Religion is a recent phenomenon, since the 1800's with Charles Darwin and others. Most of the famous scientists we read about who existed before the 1800's were also spiritual people. This includes Newton, Galileo, etc who discovered things about the universe, they were also deeply religious, and many were also Astrologers. Indeed since ancient times, Astronomers were generally also Astrologers. However Charles Darwin just happened to be an Agnostic, he didn't believe in any kind of spirituality, so when he formulated the theory of evolution, it was from the viewpoint that there was no God nor any other Spirit entities, that the universe is purely physical, and there are no spirits. This was the start of "rationalism", and so indeed scientists to this day were not allowed to exhibit any spiritual beliefs, or at least should keep their spiritual beliefs to themselves!! It is now seen as a thing of shame to entertain any kind of spiritual beliefs. Christianity was not the only victim of Darwinism and Rationalism, Astrology is also a victim.

Anyway..... back to my chart.... and now to the current planetary alignments, that is, the positions of the planets in the sky during this November 2015.

We currently have Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter is associated with good times, prosperity and expanding our horizons. It is also the planet of royalty. Indeed referring to the story of the birth of Jesus and the "three wise men". Actually there were NOT "three: wise men, neither the Bible nor any other literature records the number as being "three", indeed, no numbers are recorded. It's only that they brought three gifts to the infant Jesus, so there could have been just one man or ten of them. Anyway, these wise men were in fact Astrologers, and by tracing back to near the accepted date of the birth of Jesus, it just happened this was when Jupiter and Venus appeared to come together in the sky, what Astrologers call a "conjunction". Jupiter being associated with royalty, and Venus with a Virgin Goddess, the Astrologers deduced that a "King" would be birthed by a Virgin, a story that in fact goes back through Pagan times to the Egyptian deities Isis, Osiris and Hathor - the Virgin Goddess Isis and her husband Osiris, giving birth of Hathor. Anyway, with this conjunct happening with Jupiter and Venus, the Astrologers figured that another King would be birthed by a Virgin, and in this instance it would be in Judea, hence their trek to Judea, and eventually to Bethlehem. And as they say, the rest is history!!

Anyway, Jupiter is now located in Virgo, and so it is said that when Jupiter enters one's sign, then things should get better. And indeed in many ways things are getting better. But there is a sting in the tail. My Ascendant sign. Planet Chiron (actually a large Asteroid or "minor planet") is currently located in Pisces. Chiron is said to be the "Wounded Healer", it hilights our wounds. And being in Pisces, it relates to our spiritual or emotional wounds. Jupiter is currently opposite to Chiron in the sky, indeed on opposite sides of planet Earth. So while Jupiter may bring better times ahead, it also brings memories of the emotional wounds. A case in point, one of Mother's favorite sayings "Good things must come to an end". And growing up in poverty in a public housing estate with an abusive "step-father", any "good times" that may fleetingly occur would always come to an end, often swiftly so!!!! And so that has been the story of my life, the good times would invariably come to an end. So I always think that when good times comes, I am always focused on when the END of it will come, and being a Virgo, I would always prepare for the end of it. So instead of enjoying the good times, I would be focused on preparing for the end of the good times. And with the Jupiter-Chiron opposition in my opposite signs, this issue is being hilighted!!!! Neptune, the planet of deep emotions and spirituality, is also in Pisces, so this normally analytical Virgo has to deal with the deep emotional\spiritual aspects of life!!!! As is, What am I doing on this planet? What is my purpose here? This is probably at least partly why this thing with Katie has happened.

Speaking of Katie...... our meeting, hopefully with a few more souls, are scheduled for tomorrow night. There the very metaphysical topics of UFOs and ETs. Oh yes there is very much a spiritual aspect to the UFO phenomenon and ETs. Indeed many of the Gods and Goddesses from ancient times were in fact ETs, and such visitations by UFOs and ETs in ancient times formed the basis of many religions today. ETs with their superior technologies were seen as Gods to the ancient peoples. Hence the saying, today's technology is yesterday's miracles. What seemed to be "miracles" in ancient times were in fact technological advances. Such simple things as instantly lighting up a room just by touching something on a wall would seem like magic to someone 300 years ago, indeed , one would have been accused of sorcery and burned at the stake if we did that 300 years ago!!!! So imagine these ETs in their flying ships way back in ancient times, they would have seemed like absolute Gods to the ancient civilisations, hence worshipped as such, and hence the beginning of religions. Nowadays we see ETs as the bringer of wisdom who will bring in a new age of enlightenment to this planet. Much akin to the 2nd coming of Jesus, who is in fact an ET. Well even Christians says that Jesus didn't belong to Earth, that he came from "Heaven", so that makes him an ET!!! In fact many believes there is a link between the 2nd coming of Jesus, and the coming of ETs to bring in a new age of Aquarius to this planet.

Now to the more mundane aspects of my life...... this week is my last week of the physio rehab sessions, sad in some ways cos I rather enjoy these sessions, but also a feeling that it is time to move on..... once again as per certain planetary alignments in my chart, which I won't go into now.... well OK maybe briefly.... it is to do with Uranus, the planet of change.  Uranus currently located in Aries is conjunct with my natal Jupiter, that is, the position of Jupiter during my birth, which was in Aries. Changes always occurs when Uranus moves to certain such aspects in our charts, and so changes are happening now, which includes the end of my 13 weeks of physio rehab sessions. One's natal chart, that is our birth chart, is very important. It is akin to our DNA, indeed it is our metaphysical DNA. So it's helpful to know of the positions of the planets in our natal charts, it is a part of who we are. You don't have to pay an astrologer to do a chart, just google "natal chart" and there are several online sites that automatically works out your natal chart and prints it out for free, all you need as your date of birth, the approximate time of birth (at least to the hour) and the place of birth - which town or city...... or just ask ME, giving me this information ;) ;)

Astrology is not my only forte. I also do Tarot readings - as those following my Instagram account knows, I post a pix on Instagram of my current draw at least once per week, or at other important energy points of the calendar. I have a couple of card decks, and well, I use them to figure out what may come up in the next day, or next week, etc, depending on what intention we give when dealing the cards. And they are very accurate, indeed they are always spot on for me!! On my wish list are more Tarot decks, there are many different decks around, and many professional Tarot readers have up to several hundreds of different decks, both Tarot and Oracle decks - there are differences between the two, I'll explain another time. But me I have currently just one Tarot deck and one Oracle deck, and I use them both together.

Unfortunately with my very short 5'6" height I didn't even get that!!!!!!!

;) ;) hehe

The dangers of texting while driving....... hehe.....

Oh yes ;)

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