Sunday 29 March 2015

Four More Days

Now just four more very long days to my very short three weeks vacation from work..... This weekend a lunar eclipse which is visible from Australia, hopefully be able to see it. This marks the start of Passover. My life often changes near this time of year. Of course just two years ago has been one of the most drastic changes in my life - it was now two years ago when my wife passed away. I still remember that fateful day like it was yesterday, March 27 to be exact. The biggest thing was the shock of it all, I really didn't expect her to die at all. At least with mother we KNEW she was going to die. She was diagnosed with a terminal incurable illness so it was just a matter of time before mother finally died. But with my wife, none of her health problems in themselves were life threatening, and they were all either curable or manageable. I really thought she would eventually beat her health problems, she was tough, a Texan, and Texans does not give up easily. But the docs did warn us for a while that the Staph infections could go into her blood if not careful, and that would be life threatening. I never thought that would ever happen.... but that is exactly what happened..... and it all happened quickly..... she fell asleep and never woke up..... was basically in a coma since the infection went into her brain..... and her fate was sealed.  She passed away just three days later.

Well no football this weekend...... the season proper begins Thursday, my last day at work before vacation. Am still undecided whether I be joining the tipping comp at work, I have four days to decide LOL The first round is always hardest to pick, you can't really go on last years form, and the pre-season is no real indication cos that is when teams experiments and try different strategies. Saturday will be my moment of truth when the Maggies play them Lions, probably akin to the Christians being fed to the lions in the Roman Colosseum!!! But I will feel better when them Bulldogs have Weevils for dinner, and to see the Weevils make the same excuse as they did in the pre-season - injuries! Oh poor ole Weevils got injuries! I feel sorry for them...... NOT!!!!!! Guess what!!! You not the only team in the comp with injuries!! Haaaaaa...... Oh those Bombers looks like they killed one too many China man in their past lives with their court trial happening just days before their match, the fall-out so uncertain that even the bookies are not yet announcing odds on the Sydney/Bombers match. Hmmmmm.....

Last weekend I finished rearranging my living room. The wireless keyboard and mouse are working wonders, allowing me for more flexible in the setup of my computer system, and hence more efficient use of space. So in fact I have a lot more room to move and things not so cluttered. Probably some minor adjustments needed which I will do during vacation, but for the most part, the new arrangement is working well. The main feature being that both the TV and computer screens are placed so that they can be seen from both the living room and kitchen, hence can still watch my weird Star Seeds videos on YouTube even when cooking or making my meals. I can even operate my computer from the kitchen thanks to the wireless keyboard/mouse, I can pick them up anywhere and use them anywhere within the 8-meter range of the signal. This compliment the wireless internet system which enables me to use my phone and tablet from anywhere in the house as well as place my computer anywhere I like without being restricted by wires.

And I am so happy cos I am now back on my walks. They finally fixed the bicycle shelter at the train station. They fixed it in four months, they built extensions on the bicycle shelter making it twice the size so I no longer have to squeeze inbetween bicycles to find what often turned out to be the last spot available for my bicycle, and they've improved the electronic lock system on the shelter making it much simpler to operate with my smart rider card - not bad for a govt entity!! LOL!! Me and my cynicism for govt entities, this an extremely rare pat on the back for them. So I can just make the short bicycle ride to the station then catch the train to most of my walking spots. I prefer walking to bicycle riding, walking allows me to be more connected with nature and the environment, and many walk trails are closed to bicycles so more places for me to walk.

Anyway...... just getting ready for four more days of work and hanging out for much needed vacation time......

Now for my most decidedly quirky sense of humor.....

What happens to me..... out of the 100s of trolleys I always seem to pick the one with the wobbly wheels, they must have homing devices which unconsciously attract me to them......

The IT department at my work place.....

With Google nothing would surprise me!!!!!!!!

Now computers have come a long way since those dim dark days of the 1980 when they were huge machines with no wireless technology and indeed not even an internet !!!!!!!! Remember those old computer games of the 1980s???..... hehe.....

Saturday 21 March 2015

Oh The Equinox

Well today is the Autumn Equinox down here in the Southern Hemisphere, which we celebrate as Mabon - the Pagan holiday. The day and night is of equal length, so from tomorrow onwards the night will be longer than the day. It is already dark when I get up for work, and I now leave for work just before sunrise, it is light by then. But soon it will be dark when I leave for work, fortunately I have lights front and rear on my bicycle. But yes energetically it has been a very interesting and awesome day.  Of course it never rains here. Perth is like Southern California, it never rains! LOL! Well we did have this rare phenomenon of "rain" last week, the one day of the week that I rode my bicycle in the rain, I do enjoy riding in the rain, I don't bother with rain gear, I allow myself to get wet and feel the energies of the water, there are healing energies associated with water. But of course, as typical of Perth, the rains cleared by midday, and I rode home dry. Of course I do bring a change of clothes with me, as always anyway cos I always get changed at work so to not be in sweaty clothes all day, so just this time it is just into dry clothes. But this rarely happens in Perth, it is not often that I get to ride in the rain, and even on "rainy" days I often ride to and from work or anywhere without getting wet. So it was indeed a rare treat last week to ride in the rain. And well, no more rain for the foreseeable future - the weekly extended forecast !!!

Uhhhh the Bombers had a win..... there's hope yet ;)  The Maggies play later today, ever hopeful but also realistic.......

I bought myself a wireless keyboard using the gift voucher I had gotten for Xmas, thought I should finally use it ;)..... So now I have a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. This mean I can operate my computer from anywhere in the room without being restricted by wires. I use my 50 inch TV as the screen for my computer since I really don't watch TV. So now this weekend I am going to rearrange my living room since I no longer need to sit right in front of the screen. I will move the screen so I can see it from both the living room and kitchen, so for example I can watch my weird Star Seeds and other videos that I am subscribed to on YouTube while I am either making dinner or cooking or cleaning in kitchen. And on the rare occasion that I do watch TV, I will also move my little 20 inch TV to a similar spot. Then rearrange the tables with the goal of more efficient use of space and therefore more room.

Well nothing much else happening in the 3D realm...... two more weeks before my vacation..... um.... I think that is about it for 3D realm..... But plenty happening in the celestial realms, with a Lunar Eclipse coming up near the start of April. There was the Solar Eclipse yesterday, we couldn't see it from here but the pics online was spectacular. The Lunar Eclipse we can see from here, I think it is visible from pretty well everywhere in Australia.......

More cartoons to make up for the lack of meaningful content these days..... LOL......

Here at my workplace haha......

Now this is a good idea for new activity during the tea break.... ;)

It never rains in Perth either LOL......

Sunday 15 March 2015

Interesting Week Ahead.....

Oh what interesting times we live in with the Equinox coming up next weekend. One of the lessons we learn in our evolutionary walk is if we have a need then we need to put it out there and the universe will provide, often through another soul. As the saying goes, Ask not want not. Well at this time I have no need except for a Star Seeded female soul with no family issues and who lives within 100km of me!.... well the universe will REALLY have to provide for that on its own!! The consensus among Astrology is that conditions are favorable in the next few weeks for Virgos to find a partner, but then, conventional Astrology does not allow for the fact I live in the most isolated city on Earth with very sparsely populated by suitably spiritual people.

This reminds me of an old joke......

A young single Rabbi was dating a young woman, he fell in love and wanted to marry her, but first he needed to ask her father's permission. So the Rabbi arranged a meeting with the father.

Just as the Rabbi walked into the meeting, the father went straight to the point..... "Well you know son, I love my daughter more than life itself, she's my only daughter, I accept nothing less than the best for her. For example the wedding ring, I accept for her nothing less than 24 carat pink diamond set in a solid gold band"

Rabbi "Uhhh no worries, I know God will provide the funds for that"

Father "Hmmmm ok..... then the wedding, no expenses spared, I suggest holding the reception at the top private function room in the Crown Casino complex, and book a top Crown Presidential suite for your first wedding night together"

Rabbi "Not a problem, I know God will certainly provide for that also"

Father "Ohhhh ok.... the honeymoon, she dreamed from her childhood of spending vacation in the Bahamas, I insist on two weeks minimum at a top 5-Star resort in the Bahamas, that will top it off perfectly for her"

Rabbi "Certainly so.... I know God will provide for this also"

Soon after the meeting was over, the mother asked the father, "Oh how was the meeting with the Rabbi?"

Father "Hmmmm not sure about him but one thing for certain is he really likes me a lot, in fact I'd say he is downright besotted by me"

Mother "Ohhh? How do you figure that out??"

Father "The Rabbi thinks I am God!"

Anyway speaking of God and religion..... well they say Magpie fans are downright religious in their adoration and devotion to the Maggies!! Ummmm I wouldn't quite put it that way personally for me, but well the Maggies are playing right now, ever hopeful for a win...... but I must remember, this is just pre-season! hehehe!! Poor ole Bombers, they must have really killed those China men in their past lives! LOL!

So very interesting happenings in the celestial realms this week. This weekend Saturn turns retrograde. That means, planet Earth moves to the same side of the Sun as planet Saturn, and since Earth is closer to the Sun, it moves faster, so Saturn seems to move "backwards", the same way as when one overtakes a slower vehicle on the highway, the vehicle seems to move "backwards". Like back in the days when Mother drove down the Freeway in my childhood, and I'd watch as she passes many of the slower cars, and well they seemed to be moving backwards. This was when Mother would take me to what should have been called "The Centre for Star Seeded Souls" but in reality was called "The LC Centre for Autistic Children". Most children diagnosed with Autism are Star Seeds or some other higher soul group with high callings. They operate at a higher vibration which makes it hard for them to cope with life on planet Earth, hence the symptoms. This also applies for ADHD children. This was one of the first things that made me realise that I am a Star Seed, that I was diagnosed with Autism.

Astrologically speaking Saturn retrograde means austerity measures, either financially or some other aspect, and can also mean a review and change in our spiritual beliefs and assumptions that we make in life.

Then on Tuesday is the 7th of the series of Uranus Pluto "squares" that happened since 2012, and well the last time this happened was in the 1930's when Hitler rose to power prior to the 2nd world war. Nowadays it is Putin of Russia.... hmmmmm...... I say no more... draw your own conclusions!!!!

Then on Saturday is the Equinox which is amazingly also the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, and also the start of the Astrological year. There's a reason why Aries is listed first in the horoscopes. It is linked to the start of the Jewish calendar, the month of Nissan, with Passover happening, this year on April 4. The Passover lamb and Aries the Ram, no coincidences there, Judaism and Astrology are actually closely tied together. All of the Jewish holidays ties in with the Astrological signs.

The eclipse we can't see it from this side of the world, it is visible from much of Europe, but its energies can still affect us. New Moons speaks of new beginnings often in the midst of chaos, the energies that much more powerful when there is also a Solar Eclipse. Of course all Solar Eclipses happens on New Moons, since it is when the Moon is on the Sun side of the Earth, but it is rare for it to happen also on the Equinox.

And the Equinox, when the Sun crosses the Equator and the days and night are of equal length, it is the Pagan holiday of Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere which is where the Christian had gotten their Easter holidays from. Here in the Southern Hemisphere it is Mabon, we celebrate our holidays at opposite times of the year cos of the opposite seasons. Ostara is a Spring festival, Mabon is the Autumn festival so we celebrate Mabon here.

So next weekend will be energetically very interesting with all these events happening at the same time. This is a rare event, this does not happen often at all - Equinox with New Moon and Solar Eclipse.

Now for the more mundane terrestrial aspects of life.... the Maggies...... 7 lousy points.... well as I said, it is just a pre-season match..... doesn't really matter..... uhhhhh....... OF COURSE IT DOES!!!!!! haaaaaaa!!!!!!! *sigh*...... I think the AFL season proper begins in about two weeks..... the truth shall be revealed and I don't think I'm going to like it..... I have bad premonitions..... hmmmmm.......

Well nothing much else happening on a terrestrial level.... another week at work. I have Tuesday off work, which I'm looking forward to. I go on leave in three very long weeks from now, from the start of Easter which is also Passover.

Here's a couple of cartoons from my collection ;)

They should have this at my workplace ;)

Now this is very true at work.....

Anyway speaking of the Maggies on the eve of the AFL season...... LOL....

Sunday 8 March 2015

Indeed it was so

Well today was B-Day, the day I get the car battery checked to see if I needed a new one. So I called the RAC and of course they asked me if I'd left the lights on or something. I said no way. My car sounds an alarm when the lights are on after switching off the ignition. I call my car "twit proof" cos not only it sounds an alarm when I leave the lights on after switching off the ignition, it also sounds an alarm when I open the door while the keys are still in the ignition. Indeed the system makes it impossible to lock keys in side, cos to lock the doors you need either to use the electronic "clicker" or to manually use the key, you can't just lock it without the key like you can with older cars hence locking keys inside. Prior to this with my previous cars I was forever locking keys inside and leaving lights switched on. But thanks to the "twit proof" system, stemming from calling myself a "twit" for leaving keys locked inside, this has never happened with this current car!!

Anyway, after describing the situation, they decided to send the battery guy straight away rather than the patrol man first. Especially when they looked on the database and saw that I did indeed had the battery installed back in the dim dark past of 2011 !! This must have been before Sally got sick and her medical expenses made me poor. So within about a very quick 10 mins the battery guy did arrive, and it didn't take long for him to figure out with all the fancy testing instruments that the battery was indeed given up the ghost and I needed a new battery. So installed the new battery, and the car is up and going again.

Yesterday was feeling rather dreadful, aches and pains. So either I'm getting old or its ascension symptoms. Well ascension symptoms sounds better, not only that, but it lines up with the experiences of others on FaceBook and astrological reports. To put it simply, its when the soul vibrations raises and the physical body doesn't quite catch up. Well I figured it couldn't be from my bicycle ride cos I rode only 70kms this time, while last weekend I rode 97kms and I felt fine. But I wasn't feeling 100% before I went on my bicycle ride but the stubborn Virgo like me decided to go anyway. I am still on bicycle rides rather than walks cos they still haven't fixed the bicycle shelter at the train station and I loathe to leave my bicycle worth several hundreds of dollars outside. So instead of walks I just go bicycle riding. And well it's been only two months or so, therefore four months to go before they finally get around to fixing the issue, this being a govt entity. When it comes to government, we go by government standard times, which is six months when it comes to fixing problems and issues with their infrastructure. So four more months of bicycle riding without walking.

Anyway back to the ascension symptoms.... well after the bicycle ride I felt worse, so they say to drink plenty of water cos it helps with the vibrations, and well I felt a lot better after drinking plenty of water. And today I feel fine.

Now in my job, the govt now made it law to sack govt workers who are surplus to the requirements, so I made contingency plans in case I get the sack. It's part of the reason why I wanted to rationalise the items in my storage unit, either giving them away or recycling them, hence needing the car. Basically if I get the sack, I'd use the payout to pack up and move to the east coast where it is cheaper to live, cos the dole/pension remains the same but doesn't go as far in Perth cos we the most expensive city in Australia. That is a statistical fact, it is more expensive than even Sydney, well Sydney is 2nd most expensive for housing so its unlikely I'd go to Sydney. I think either Melbourne or Adelaide are 3rd, though I don't consider Adelaide cos its not really on the east coast and in some ways Adelaide is just like Perth, so Adelaide not an option anyway. This leaves Brisbane and Hobart, I think Hobart is slightly cheaper but the weather is too cold and it is where Barbara is, she will never leave me alone if she finds I am in Hobart! So Brisbane, close 2nd cheapest, would be the city of choice, and it has better weather anyway.

So move to the east coast where it is cheaper, and well being 50+ and being in one job for too long, I'll never get another job, no one employs 50+ people even if technically they're not suppose to discriminate on age but we all know reality, companies can easily get around such discrimination laws, they are masters at it.

Another reason for living on the east coast is there are more spiritual people and groups on the east coast. On my FaceBook profile all of my spiritual friends bar one are either overseas or on the east coast. I have only one in the vicinity of Western Australia, this being Karen, but she is dealing with issues with her on/off relationship with her son, she is currently back with her son but just a matter of time before she moves out again. So far more spiritual people and groups on the east coast, and it is where Celestial Temple is located, indeed I think somewhere in Queensland. So if I lose my job, or win lotto, I be moving to the east coast.

However it is unlikely that I will lose my job for some times yet. Indeed it seems things are working to my favor. The boss has now been having me to diversify my skills and take turns working in different areas. Also one of my colleagues is close to retirement age, I think only a couple of years off, another colleague is looking for another job cos she wants to leave the dept, and there's a couple of others who are doing less than I am. The rumor is that one job from my area has to be abolished this year, but for the various reasons, my job appears to be safe, well relatively safe. One area I have been sent to work in is the science kit areas. The school is working on making all of their courses online, indeed in the past two years I have lost 50% of the courses in which dispatches are required cos they are all online. However there are some things that cannot just go onto computers, this being the practical science kits for experiments. The school still recognise that they need hand on experiences in science, its not all just online. Indeed that area is booming, and I've been sent there cos the guy running the area can't cope with the increasing workload - it being the only area in which the workload is increasing!!! A couple of other guys whose jobs are also decreasing have also been sent to the science kits area but they hate it there and they don't do a good job. Me however I enjoy it there, and being a Virgo, I am perfectionist so I do a better job. There are good points to being a Virgo! LOL! The guy who runs the place is also a Virgo! So it looks like the universe is being kind to me, and my job will be safe for the foreseeable future. But us Virgos do like to be prepared for the unexpected, hence my contingency plans should I lose my job for some reason, if not this year, but somewhere down the track. I still have at least another 10 years of working life remaining!!

How so ironic.... I need my job but it is the only thing that is keeping me in Perth. I regard living in Perth as being "karmic". We say things are "karmic" when we don't like it or it causes us discomfort in some ways, cos it refers to doing something bad in a past life so we have to atone for the bad thing in this lifetime. And I don't like it in Perth, there are no spiritual people, well not many anyway and none on my FaceBook profile, and its a Luddite city, the shops doesn't open until 11am on Sundays, the public transport system sucks, traffic management is 19th century, the crime rate is the highest in Australia, our state govt are total dimwits, well all govt in Australia are dimwits but Western Australian govt are the most of dimwits, and there are no 24 hours stores except for MacDonalds! It never rains in Perth, and everything is more expensive - food, housing, petrol, indeed most of the necessary things in life are most expensive in Perth. It is a very 3D city. It's lonely for me in Perth. So very karmic, and it is only my job that is keeping me here. Uh well have to serve my karma I suppose......

Uhhh the football, the Maggies wasn't playing this weekend, so firstly I rooted for the Bombers who are going through a rough trot and had only their "seconds" team on the ground...... uh well just remember it is only pre-season..... So my next target was the Weevils. Just like Sally who used to root for the teams who were playing the Maggies, I root for the teams who are playing the Weevils! In this instance it is Port Power. And it looks like I will get my wish, cos as of the 3rd quarter the little worm on my AFL app on my phone is being kind to me, moving in the right direction into the Port side, so looks like the Weevils will get beaten. I don't care if it is only pre-season!! Weevils for dinner is what I like even if I'm a vegetarian! LOL! Then I wait to see what excuses they come up with!! haha!! Hilarious!!

Uhh it's 3rd quarter.... so I wait until the end before confirming a Weevil dinner ;)

Oh the Weevils got beaten by 40 points. Suffer Weevils suffer, there's nothing I enjoy more than suffering Weevils and having them for dinner! haha!! Now we'll wait for the excuses either on tonight's news or in the paper tomorrow.....

Speaking of working and jobs..... well for me it's actually from 7 to 3:30 rather than 9 to 5 but the principle are the same. It is said that working in paid employment is just another form of slavery. Well back in the days of slavery, the slaves were typically given housing as in somewhere to live, food, clothes, etc, nowadays they just give us money so we can pay for housing, food, clothes, etc..... anyway.....

Monday 2 March 2015

Oh That Time Of Year !!!

Oh yes that time of year approached very fast! The football! Albeit just the pre-season, really not a reliable indication of form for the season, with most teams experimenting and not using all their players, etc.... but it was still good the Maggies won!!! hehehe!!! Probably the only win they'll have once the season gets underway..... well..... can't be too pessimistic... but face reality..... still a great win they had against the Hawks..... And there are just some things in football that never changes, one being that I despise the most over rated team in the comp - the Weevils! Dang! I wish they hadn't won! Uh well lets hope the main season will sort them out! haha!

As for joining the tipping comp..... well I said last year that I wouldn't be joining again this year.... and for the time being, that decision stands. Y'all know the story, the curse of Mother's death, I had always won prize money each year up until Mother's death, then won absolutely nothing since Mother's death, with my ranking getting worse each year. So its 90% chance I won go into the comp this year, but its still a month away, first match being April 2nd, anything can happen and probably will..... but a few of my colleagues also said they would not join the tipping comp this year.... Anyway my decision is mine, not influenced by anyone else, so 10% chance I will join.....

Anyway..... my car is totally out of action now. Last weekend I went to attempt to start it, and well the alarm system wouldn't respond at all. My clicker wouldn't work. It's a relatively new clicker, I had it replace about a year or so ago I think. And considering the battery in the clicker previously lasted for several years, I felt it was unlikely to be the battery in the clicker. But I really had no way to test it.

So next thing was..... to just get into the car via the key. However I was worried that it would set off the alarm, and well the alarm has a manual over-ride which is accessible under the bonnet. But to get the bonnet open, I would have to open the car so to get inside and release the bonnet, then use the manual over-ride to switch off the alarm. But being a nervous and sensitive little critter, I hate loud noises, so was terrified about the alarm going off even for a short time. So for several minutes I pondered as I braced myself..... I am going to have to open the car......

Finally I very nervously inserted the key and open the door, expecting to be deafened by the alarm!!!! I needn't have worried! The relief was palpable as the alarm failed to go off!! Then I realise this indicated another problem!! And trying the ignition confirmed the problem!! The car battery is as dead as a door nail!!! Absolutely no spark whatsoever!! The starter didn't even try to turn over!! It was utterly nothing.... zilch... zit.... nyet.... The battery could not have been more dead if it tried!!!!

Hmmmm..... OK..... considering I used the car only recently, and that the battery is beyond it's stated lifespan, this can mean only one thing.....  it needs a new battery!!! Well that can be easily fixed. Being a member of the RAC, I just call the RAC who will come out to check the battery, and will indeed probably confirmed that I do need a new battery. So the RAC would arrange for the battery to be delivered and installed on the spot!! So nothing to it...... except for one picky detail..... this 3D kind of energy exchange known as "money"!!! I didn't have enough of it!! And batteries, like everything else for Nissan Pulsars, are expensive.

Now I don't expect it will be long before I will have the moolah for the battery replacement, but meanwhile, I am utterly without a car. By now I have well adjusted to life without a car. I ride my bicycle to work. I use home delivery for groceries. I go for walks and.or bicycle rides. The only thing I really needed the car for was to go to my rented storage unit, and I was planning to start rationalising on the many items I have in storage. Much of it belonged to Sally! But it's about time I either start giving it away or just simply put out for recycling. I was going to start that last weekend, but a dead battery shot such a plan down in pieces!!

Uh well..... as they say.... the universe works together for the ultimate good..... and as I said, I don't expect it to be long before I can have a new battery installed. I just hope it is simply just the battery and not something else such as the alternator. Of course it be the alarm system that would likely drain the battery, nevertheless, it should have lasted longer than that since the last time I driven the car, and had no problem nor any indication of trouble when I did drive the car the last time. So.... um.....

Meanwhile I need to get my bicycle serviced, and I need a new tire for my bicycle as it is rather bald. Of course nowhere near as expensive as car tires, and the service is not expensive. But this will have to be done before I get the car battery replaced. I go on vacation next month for Passover/Easter, so will most likely get my bicycle serviced and tire replaced then.

So that is about it for my mundane 3D life on planet Earth. Meanwhile at Celestial Temple am currently doing an online workshop which will take me the next couple of months. Won't go into detail right now, but suffice to say, it is very interesting, and it answers a lot of questions about me that no one else could answer.... not religion.... not psychology.... no one...... So it is very enlightening.....


Given my increasingly more intense car issues..... this vid seems appropriate ;) hehe