Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sun Moves Into Virgo

Uhhh now the Sun is in Virgo.... and this planet nears to the end of another of the extremely high number of revolutions around the Sun completed since the start of my current incarnation on this very dense 3D planet!!

Last weekend I was driving down the highway in my turbo charged Nissan Pulsar, and noticing the posted speed limit being 60kmh, I made sure I dropped my speed down to that.... it is oh so easy to drift over the limit which can be done by just breathing on the pedal!! Anyway, another 0.5 km down the road, travelling with the flow of traffic, there I spotted a speed cam, so I instinctively checked my speedo.... and ohhh.... OMG!!!!!!.... I was on 68!!!! Ok my luck has finally run out! So now I await a speeding ticket to come in the mail for me. The other vehicles around me will be in the same boat, all travelling more or less the same speed. They would have made a killing in speed fines that day. Of course the cams are always located on straight stretches of road, or near bottom of hills, or just after downward changes in speed limits. They are never located in known danger spots where there has been a high number of car wrecks happening. Uh well it will only be $75, its not going to break the bank, but the bloody govt already has too much of my money!!!! grrrrrrrr...... uh well.... it is a part of life in this country..... Everyone who drives gets caught speeding or breaking some other of the 1000's of traffic laws that governs the use of public roads in this country!! Anyone who says they never break the law is lying through their teeth. But the last time I got a speeding ticket it was on my bloody birthday!!!!! It was a while ago now, but it seems if and when I get caught, it is always around my birthday!!! Must be something to do with Virgos and the particular energies of the month!!!!

I finally heard from Karen. She does not have internet access except when she is at the radio station - Voice Of The Avon 101.3FM. I listen to her show each Saturday night from 6pm to 9pm local time, she is known as Kazza. You can listen to her at the link below.....

Being a public radio station she chooses her own songs.... always a very interesting choice of music! ;)

Anyway she asked me if I could adopt her puddy cat. Since moving in with her son who has dogs, the puddy cat has been constantly tormented by the dogs. Well I be more than happy to have a Sirian star kin - the puddy cat. Thought I better check the lease document first. Being in a house rather than an apartment or villa, keeping pets should be OK. But better check the lease first just to make sure, and well there is nothing whatsoever specifically referring to pets on the lease. Therefore should be not a problem. If I was in an apartment I would not have been able to keep pets. And well the only pets I have currently are the hermit crabs. I don't think they would worry the puddy cat.

So now just waiting to arrange for a trip to York to see Karen and pick up the puddy cat. I would expect it to be this weekend, but due to her very limited opportunities to get online, nothing is certain at this point. She did say they are working on getting an internet connection at the house.

Puddy cats are from the Sirius star system. The domestic cat is the result of hybrid breeding experiments performed by the Sirian "Cat People" who visited the northern African region thousands of years ago, and it was why puddy cats were worshipped and considered to be Gods in ancient Egypt. So yes, puddy cats are my Sirian star kins. I have spent past lives in the Sirius star system, it is why I love puddy cats so much.

Anyway here's a puddy cat vid.....

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Tax Time !!!!

Oh what a week it has been..... the previous week my lawn mower blew up so I was in desperate need for a new lawn mower. I wanted an electric mower but a bigger and better model especially since I now know I will be at this house for two years. My old mower was electric and ran straight off the mains power which necessitated a long extension cord trailing behind me as I cut the lawn, having to take care not to accidentally run over the cord!! It was only a small mower, really not designed for such a large area of lawns that I have at my house. I literally worked the mower to death!! I wore it out, and it blew up!!

So now after a search online at the Bunnings website I had an electric model picked out. It was a much bigger model. And it is cordless, running on battery power. There were two models, one close to $400, and one for $500. The $400 model had a battery that lasted for 30 minutes which was really not long enough for me, it take me close to an hour to do the back lawns. And the battery was NOT included, so meaning an extra $200 for the battery and charger separately. The $500 model however had a battery that runs for an whole hour!! Just long enough for my back lawns. And the battery IS included!! So I chose that model.

Come payday last week I went to Bunnings in Innaloo during my lunch hour to purchase the mower, but I had a feeling that it would be out of stock!! And indeed my feeling proved to be correct, as it is often is, the mower was indeed out of stock!! I heard one of the Assistants say that he would have to order in the model, which would take several days. I don't have several days!!! I needed the mower NOW for THIS weekend!!! So I had a compulsion to head to the next Bunnings store, this time in Balcatta, closer to my place. And they did have such a mower in stock, it was the last one in stock! So I grabbed it!!! And I was soon $500 poorer but with a brand new mower!!

And I must say I am most impressed. I can do the lawns in less than half the time! Indeed last weekend I did the front lawns in about 20 mins, and then I started on the back lawns, a much larger area which would take me between 90 mins and two hours - I was able to do 80% of the area with the new mower before the battery ran down. So I placed the battery on the charger, and then finished the remaining section within a few minutes. So since lawn mowing used to take up much of my yard work on weekends, the new mower will significant reduce my time in doing yard work, and it gives a much better cut to the lawns.

Then last Monday, just a week after I submitted my tax return online, my tax check was deposited into my bank account. And it was $100 more than even the estimate that I was given on submitting my return. Of course it is now all spent!! Much of it used on the bills that I would have paid with the $500 that I spent on the mower. But also gotten other much needed items as well as things I wanted. I ordered a new vacuum cleaner using my points from FlyBuys plus a payment. It really shot my points balance, but then this was why I had been faithfully presenting my FlyBuys card at the various stores for the last three or four years!!! The item is expected to take four weeks to arrive, but considering I have been without a vacuum cleaner for so long after the old one blew up, another four weeks was not a big deal. And I also ordered a model building kit of the Steve Irwin ship of Sea Shepherd, one of these special edition thingies. That one is coming from Europe so will probably take six weeks or so for it to arrive. I also gotten new kitchen/cooking items, and other things..... so money well spent.

The next windfall will be the backpay when my wage rise finally comes through. It seems to be taking a while for it to manifest, but regardless of how long it takes, the back pay will be from middle of June. So I guess, the longer I must wait for the wage rise, the more will be the backpay. I will be getting a new large crystal with the backpay. I was going to get that with my tax check but the lawn mower blowing up put paid to that!! So bar any other misfortunes, my next lump sum will be spent at least partly on a new large crystal specimen. Yes we Star Seeds loves our crystals, every Star Seed uses crystals, it is how ETs utilizes their power, indeed many of the ships runs on crystals, as well as electrical needs and other things including healing and telepathy. So that is why Star Seeds are so into crystals, it is what we need to fulfill our higher dimensional lives.

Now with the football tipping..... I am now in 13th spot, way better than expected, but with only two more rounds to go, I won't go much higher, so it will once again be the curse of Mother's death - never winning any prize money since Mother's death while I had always won prize money every year while Mother was still alive. However my "close matches" stats seems to be better this year, now currently 12-9 in my favor, managing to tip correctly on 12 of the "close matches", being matches decided by 6 points or less.

Oh what else.... uh yes the Sun moves into Virgo this coming weekend..... so this means one thing.... my birthday coming up!! I don't like to celebrate my birthday, and indeed I never did so in the years since Mother's death, but last year after Sally's death Pasco did have me to come over for afternoon tea for my birthday.... it was OK.... but really perfectly happy for the day to pass without any celebrations. This year it is on a Saturday a week before Rosh HaShanah, and my four weeks vacation from work begins on Rosh HaShanah. Astrologers are saying that September will be a good month for Virgos this year, even for romance for some people!! Oh I hope I get to see Karen again though it seems highly unlikely due to her son. Nevertheless, I do indeed feeling some positive vibes for these next four weeks or so..... but still not enthusiastic for my birthday!!

The latest on Caroline.... she is going to London next year so her daughter can attend college. It is what rich people in India does, they send their children overseas when old enough to attend college. Her daughter will be 16, so that is college age. London seems to be a most popular destination, though some do come to Australia. She would be going without her husband, which will mean she will be safe from the abuse. Apparently her husband is giving his blessings for this. She is saying that she will get a job when in London, so obviously going on a work visa of some sort. And then she says she will come and see me once she saved her pennies from her job. I don't think it will be quite that simple, she does not realise how expensive it is for an air ticket between London and Perth!! She also says it will be easier for her to get a divorce when in London, however, I thought one must be a resident of the country before being able to use its services such as their court system for achieving a divorce. In any case I really don't wish to be married, I want to be single forever. I felt this since I met Karen, she also wants to be single forever, she does not want to be married again. I think in reality it will be impossible to get married to Caroline, and neither of us will be able to raise the funds for immigration expenses even if she does have a job in London.

Anyway here's a vid for now that Sun will move into Virgo... thinking back to my 16th birthday which seemed to be forever ago! It is said that you only reach 16 once! Well that is not exactly true. We reached 16 many times before in our past incarnations. I lived 1000 lifetimes so I was 16 about 1000 times, well assuming I managed to live that long. And well being on the other planets for most of these incarnations, it depends on the period of revolutions of the planet around its star. Some takes longer than the Earth to go around, hence our "ages" would be less, while other planets would take less time around its star, hence our "age" would be more!! I prefer the planets where it took more time to revolve around its star!! LOL!!! Well whatever..... I have reached my 16th birthday for at least most of my 1000 lifetimes..... so Happy Birthday Sweet 16......


Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Sting of "The Three Weeks"

Although "The Three Weeks" is now over, we can still suffer the consequences of it. During the last weekend of "The Three Weeks" I was mowing the back lawns, or rather, the abundant weeds of the lawns which due to the recent rains had grown quite tall, up to six inches! It's a pity these are NOT the "weeds" that one can smoke for much increased pleasures!!!! LOL!!!! Also due to recent rains, the weeds retained quite a lot of moisture. So my trusty ole little lawn mower was being put through its paces. It was only a little mower, really too small for the large area size of my lawns, but it was all I could afford at the time I bought it. Also it was an electric mower, one which needed connection to a power source via a long extension cord!! So that fateful day on that weekend of "The Three Weeks" I was literally working that little lawn mower to death!!! But I managed to complete the job, and the lawn mower seemed to have survived unscathed!!

However I went to mow the front lawns last weekend I immediately noticed a burning smell from the mower, which soon manifested as smoke coming from the mower. Needless to say I immediately turned off the mower, now a smoking mass of previously functioning parts!! It turned out that some of the weeds from the previous job had gotten inside the rotary mechanism while still wet, then over the past days it had dried out. So when I next switched on the mower, the dried weeds caught fire, which basically fried the motor!! Goodbye lawn mower, it was nice knowing you!!!!! And so it was the curse of "The Three Weeks" manifesting - it was when the fatal flaw manifested, the damp weeds getting inside the motor, which ultimately caused its demise a week later!!!!

So I was now in desperate need of a new lawn mower!! The front lawn is rapidly turning into a jungle, the weeds grows so fast during the wet season that you could almost sit there and watch it grow!!! It grows THAT fast!!! Soon I'd be seeing lions and tigers in the jungle - I mean - front lawn!!!

So this time I am going to invest in a bigger and better mower, especially since I am now on a two-year lease in this house! One of the reasons why I gotten a small and cheap mower, aside from affordability, was cos I thought I'd soon be moving out into an apartment. However that turned out not to be so, with now a two year lease. So time to invest in a bigger and decent mower!!

So I searched Bunnings online to see what they have in mowers. I still wanted an electric mower, less carbon footprint, and no emissions - none of those nasty gasoline exhaust fumes!!! On my PC I gotten a list of electric mowers available from the cheapest upwards. I would NOT be getting the cheapest model, about $100 or so, I needed something bigger and better. Next in line on the price scale the mower was bigger, more the size I needed, and it is cordless, that it runs on battery. However, the battery lasts for only 30 minutes before it needed recharging, and well it takes me close to an hour to do the back lawns. Also the battery was NOT included. Now the next in line, by now the price has risen to $500!! It is bigger again, and the battery lasts for one hour between recharges!! That is more like it!! An hour minimum is what I needed!! Furthermore, the battery and charger unit is INCLUDED in the package. OK!!! THAT is the mower that I would be getting!!!

Next the moolah.... the $$$$'s I needed for this mower. So now that "The Three Weeks" is over it was time to do my tax return - which I did that Sunday. I always do it online, it is easier, and I always get a refund check deposited straight into my bank within two weeks of lodgment. I didn't expect much in my refund this time as I am no longer carer for sick wife on a pension! So no more $3000 checks, I expected more like $200 or so, which would help pay for the mower.

However in the govt wisdom - or lack thereof!!!!! - they decided to introduce a brand new method for lodging tax returns online. You first had to created an online account with "MyGov", then link it to the Tax Office, and the theory goes that you can also link it to other depts such as Medicare and Centerlink. Seems a good idea in theory, but as per usual with govt, the practice really sucks big time!!!! grrrrrrrr..... typical!!!!!

Creating the MyGov account, that was the easy part!!! Linking it to Taxation, that was far more difficult!!! You had to verify your ID THREE times using three different methods, but all that is done automatically online, well at least in theory anyway!!! This is when reality really hits you - that the govt knows so much about you!!!! That is really scary!!! The greater reality is the govt knows a lot more about you than they are willing to admit!!! They probably even know the number of times you fart each day!!!! But conspiracy aside, it is still very scary just how much they at least willingly admit to knowing about you!!!!

The first point of ID is your employer income statement, and although I had not submitted that in my tax return, the govt already knew about it!!!! Not only that I received an income statement but actually last year's salary!!!! That formed part of my first ID check, input the salary I earned according to the statement!!! Next was last year's Assessment Notice, and well fair enough, Taxation had sent me that so it seem reasonable that they should know about it!!!! Finally however was my bank account details, the govt knows THAT too!!!!! Dang!!! So much for spiriting much of my fortunes to an off-shore tax haven!!! LOL!!!! Unfortunately I don't have enough money to be able to do that!!!! But my bank account number, that was my 3rd ID check, and the govt knows THAT too!!!!!!

But as per usual with govt depts, it is never that simple!!!! The system returned the error "Your details does not match"!!!! arrrrgh!!! Bullshit!!!!!! OK perhaps a typo somewhere, so I did it again which frustratingly  involved having to start from scratch again, it didn't even allow the auto-fill feature!!! grrrrrrrrrr...... but still the same error!!!! grrrrrrrr.....!!!... OK maybe its case sensitive..... but still no joy..... in fact I must have tried this at least TEN times, wasting close to TWO hours of my time....... and I was so close to giving up and calling the help number..... So I did that!!!! I called the help number, and despite the reassuring promise on the website that help was available even on Sundays, there was not a soul available, or at least it went to the automated system claiming there is no one available on Sundays!!!! But then it is GOVERNMENT, and you never believe the "promises" of govt!!!!! grrrrrrrrr....... So OK I tried to link the Taxation Office one last time...... and SUCCESS!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I finally was able to navigate through the minefield of my 3-point ID auto check, and successfully linked the Tax office to my account.

So now the relatively easy part..... doing my tax return!!! And being such a mere mortal as I am, with no complicated financial affairs, no shares, no income from rental properties, no off-shore earnings, nor any other shady dealings, I qualified for the much simpler "MyTax" form rather than the more complicated "e-tax" form. And so after the relatively painless process of submitting my tax return, I was in for a pleasant surprise!!! It turns out that my refund check would be about $500 - the cost of my new lawn mower!!!!!

So tomorrow, when I get my pay check, I will go pick up the mower. Hopefully it will be in stock, but if not in stock at the particular Bunnings store, there are plenty of other Bunnings stores around, so at least one of them should have the mower in stock!! I won't have my tax check until at least the following week, but I can't wait that long!! Those weeds you can literally watch then grow, they grow THAT fast!!! So I need a mower NOW for THIS weekend. Indeed I have gotten this Friday off work, so if all goes to plan, I will do the lawns this Friday. And knowing that the tax check will almost certainly come just the next week, that will help with the budget.

Next thing I need is a new vacuum cleaner, which I originally planned to spend an upcoming tax check on!! My cheap old vacuum cleaner blew up a few weeks ago, and manually sweeping the carpets with a straw broom gets old real fast, plus it is not that effective in getting all the dirt!! So a new and better vacuum cleaner is a requirement!!!

Due to the greater need for a new lawn mower, it seemed I had to give up on the idea of getting a new vacuum cleaner..... until a bright idea gotten into my head!!! FLYBUYS!!!! For a number of years I have been faithfully swiping my flybuy card each time I made a purchase at participating stores, and so had accumulated quite a number of points. And you can actually redeem the points for certain items - which INCLUDES vacuum cleaners!!!! So I took a look at the list online. The cheapest vacuum cleaner I had enough points to cover it, however, I did not want the cheapest cleaner. I wanted at least a mid-range one. So the next of the three available.... dang!!!! I don't have quite enough points to cover it!!! However there was the "points+purchase" option where you needed a lesser amount of points plus a payment. And well I DID have enough points in this instance, I just needed also to pay $80, and I will acquire what seems to be a reasonable vacuum cleaner, well better than the one I had anyway!!!! So whether I will also get this tomorrow or wait until my tax check comes in, that depends on a more detailed look at my budget after I purchase the lawn mower. Either way, I will be able to at long last get a much needed vacuum cleaner!!!

Anyway.... a random vid with a message..... there is actually a lot of truth in this.... for us enlightened souls who does not belong to this planet........ so we get off it ASAP!!!!.....

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tisha B'Av and The End of The Three Weeks!!

The Three Weeks is finally over!! yay!!! Now I can get on with life and pick up the shattered pieces.....

Even as The Three Weeks was close to the end, on this day of Tisha B'Av, when the Temples were destroyed, there were a couple more incidences.....

I was driving down the Freeway, just gotten onto the Freeway and was changing lanes to where I needed to be. There were three lanes clear of cars, so I went to the middle lane. Then absolutely from nowhere as I was about to merge into the lane, a car appeared literally from nowhere!! I did not see it at all previously, and I kept my eyes on the road constantly, turning back frequently to see if there was anyone behind me. There was none for at least 100 meters!!! Then this car literally from nowhere, it appeared as if by magic!! And I had to take evasive action to make sure it didn't run into me!!!!!!

Then I arrived at the Organics grocers for more food. I needed more veges, and salad items for my lunches. The shop is usually well stocked though on occasion it does run short on a small few of the items but there are usually other items which makes up for it. Afterall, being in the most isolated city on earth, there are not many suppliers of organic produce around, and they often have to import from the east coast. However on this occasion this afternoon the shop was short on virtually all items that I was wanting, especially salad items etc for my lunches!!! This was the first time I encountered such shortages. I couldn't get much at all. Indeed instead of spending upwards to $80 on food items there, I spent less than $20, such were the shortages of items that I usually get!!!!  I had to end up visiting Coles supermarket at the local mall for my salad items. I don't like to get non-organic produce cos of the chemicals, insecticides, etc, and generally lower vibrations!!! But there are times when I need to for some items, and well I needed at least the salad items otherwise I won't have anything for my lunches. Its that or starve!!!

So now to consider life after The Three Weeks, which unfortunately is likely to include life after Karen. She wasn't online at all today, she did manage to get online briefly yesterday but that will be the exception rather than the rule.

Caroline is not in a good situation. A few days ago, during these The Three Weeks, she hurt her foot, and now today on this Tisha B'Av she reports that her foot has become infected and swollen. She is having to get some antibiotics, and possibly needed an injection to try kill the infection. She is never allowed to rest, so always having to walk on her foot, so it doesn't get any better. They're currently in wet season in India, it is often raining, so she has to walk out in the water with her foot, another reason why the wounds are not healing. As what happened with Sally, infections left to fester can easily kill or at least cause serious harm! So am rather worried here. Her husband leaves in two days for the rig, so hopefully she will be able to rest more and deal with her foot then. I just hope it is not too late.

So a song to end The Three Weeks....... Seasons In The Sun....... We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach...... *sigh*

Monday 4 August 2014

Day 21 of The Three Weeks - It Happened Again!!!!!

Last year during The Three Weeks I had driven past a speed camera while I was over the limit. I was certain I would be receiving a speeding ticket in the mail. That mail never came.

So after a whole year of driving within the limit and not having any more scares, today I was on my way to my walking spot when I passed another speed camera, and this time for the first time in a year, I was OVER the limit once again!!!! So now another anxious wait for a possible speeding ticket in the mail. Will I be lucky the 2nd time around?? Only time will tell.......

Anyway it is now Tisha B'Av, the very day the Jewish Temples were destroyed,  the last day of "The Three Weeks" but the most energetically intense day. Today we hear about the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I on August 4. Well 100 years ago that day fell on Tisha B'Av, and the 1st World War led to events that eventually led to the Holocaust!! And with the Gaza conflict turning into a public relation nightmare for the Jews, it makes me wonder what will happen tomorrow!!

As for me personally..... well I dread to think what may happen..... The major incident for this The Three Weeks of 2014 revolved around Karen. We met each other for the first time on the 1st weekend of The Three Weeks, and again on the 2nd weekend. Then she moved house, back in with her son, and this seems destined to seal my fate, that I probably would never see her again. This proving that things starting during "The Three Weeks" is destined for calamities and heartache. Karen will by now be settling into her new abode in York, and being offline for a while.

So just have to get through tomorrow..... until sundown tomorrow night which will mark the end of this "The Three Weeks"...... so just one more long cold dark lonely night and one more day at work.....

Indeed a total eclipse of my heart......... *sigh*

Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 20 of The Three Weeks - Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Well it seems the football tipping seems to be defying the curse of The Three Weeks. This weekend, the last of The Three Weeks, I actually gotten 7 points and jumped three spots into 16th place. But with only four weeks to go, I think a top 6 finish is a wee bit beyond me!! The close matches count seems to be in my favor too, with a score of 10 corrects picks to 8 incorrect picks for matches decided by 6 or less points.

Anyway I expect Karen would now be in her new abode in York with possessive son, which it seems will be a nail in the coffin of any opportunity to see her again. She will be offline for about two weeks as there are no internet connection at the house and she will be off the radio for that time. She can get online at the radio station inbetween announcing for songs and etc. However though feeling sad and somewhat heartbroken that I won't be seeing her again for a long time, there is also a sense of peace that she is going to be fine.

It seems there is telepathy between Karen and I. While on my walk yesterday I had a sense that Karen had sent me a msg on FaceBook, however, I dismissed it as wishful thinking! I knew she be busy moving house and wouldn't have time to get online even at her old apartment. She has lots of friends helping her to move, so with friends around, etc, at her apartment, she surely won't have any time to even get online let alone send me a msg!!! However when I gotten back from my walk, I was shocked to see that indeed there was a msg from Karen waiting for me!!!! Wow!!!! Sometimes I do "feel" her, not always sure whether it is her communications or just my daydreams about her, but could very well be. I think that is why I feel peaceful that she is doing OK, it is probably what she is trying to tell me via telepathy. It makes sense, cos since we are indeed star siblings, there would be telepathy between us. ETs communicate with each other via telepathy, including those on our ship. Karen and I came from the same ship, so up there we would have communicated by telepathy. So it does seem natural that even with the limitations of our 3D life on this planet, we still would have some form of telepathy between us. Telepathy is indeed a star seed traits, I communicate with those aboard my ship via telepathy, often while on my walk, and also with the dolphins and whales via telepathy.

Meanwhile Caroline..... she is more than ever besotted by me, firmly believing that we are destined to be together. She has no doubt about this. He hubby leaves this Thursday for another four weeks on the rig in the Middle East, this just after the end of "The Three Weeks". Tisha B'Av is on Tuesday, the day when the Jewish Temples were destroyed. She still intends for her friends, the lady also married to an Australian, to speak to me when they come to Australia next year, they apparently attend the same church as me when they come to Perth. Now it seems they are coming in March next year, and they both intend for me to marry Caroline. As much as I love Caroline I am not ready for marriage, indeed I am not sure if I want to be married.

Lately there has been coming my way information about "Soul Mates" and "Twin Flames". I am rather confused as to what is exactly the difference between the two. What I figured is one can have more than one "Soul Mates" but only one "Twin Flame". However, the relationships between Soul Mates and Twin Flames are not necessarily romantic or sexual, it can be just a special kind of friendship with no romance, even as siblings. This is the relationship between Karen and I, we are siblings from the ship. Whether we are Soul Mates or Twin Flames, the jury is currently out on that. We have been close together on the ship, and Karen seems certain that we have spent all of our past lives together - if that is so, this sounds very much like Twin Flames. Our connection was absolutely instant the moment we first met, there was no form of scoping each other out or getting to know each other, it is as if we already knew each other and we just came back together after missing each other since our incarnation on this planet.

Caroline however, I had always assumed she was my Twin Flame, however, I have no sense as to whether we ever met in any past lives. She doesn't believe in reincarnation, being a devout Christian. It is that we knew each other as penfriends 15 years ago before losing contact, and we found each other again after 15 years. That in itself is miraculous, so there IS a purpose for us getting back together again. We probably are from the same soul group. She may not believe in reincarnation but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have past lives. We ALL have past lives, even if devout Christians and others chooses to dismiss such evidence of past lives. I had always believed in reincarnation even during my Christian years. My research on the Heaven and Hell doctrine helped me to maintain my belief in reincarnation. The doctrine dates back to Egyptian mythology, and in reality, "Heaven" is a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, while "Hell" is nothing more than the underground, either one's grave or simply holes in the ground, caves, tombs, or anything under the ground.

Anyway it remains to be seen how all this pans out. Some information that I have read asserts that Twin Flames does not necessarily remain together in this lifetime even when we meet for the first time on the planet. We can sometimes be separated again and may not see each other for years!!! OMG I hope this won't be the case with Karen, but it is entirely possible. Some Twin Flames may not meet again until the next life, or in regard to Karen and I, when we get back on the ship.

So as much as I so want to be with Karen again, I suppose I should be comforted by the fact that we are never really apart, she will be back on the radio when I will be able to hear her, we will still be on FaceBook even if not as often, and we DO it seems have this telepathy between us - we just have to learn how to read each other more clearly by telepathy.

There are so many things that I like about Karen...... What I like about You!!!!..... *sigh*.....