Wednesday 4 June 2014

Very Pesky Mercury

Mercury's retrograde hasn't even occurred yet and it is always causing chaos to my energy fields, emotions in turmoil, playing havoc with my mental health.... and the same happening to my Twin Flame Caroline.... the planet turns retrograde this Saturday.... holding on for dear life for a very rough ride over the next three weeks.

Football.... well I actually managed to pick 7 from 9..... it was just in an extreme moment of insanity that I picked the bloody Weevils, now I hate them even more, will NOT be picking them this time.... but my rank rocketed up into the dizzying 20s, a very high ranking of 28 from 46.....

Anyway..... news on the home front.... literally!!! Last Friday my landlord finally called me after over a year of not hearing boo from him!! OK.... this is gonna be D-Day.... or rather E-Day.... eviction day!! On the phone he said he wanted to come over and see me, he didn't say why, but I knew something was up.... and so from working around my walk schedules and etc, we agreed on Sunday evening, 5pm..... So I spent the whole weekend stressed out..... we Virgos does not like change..... the Dawes-Smith did offer me a room on a temp basis in the event of an eviction, nevertheless, I was still stressing..... the anxious Virgo that I am......

On Saturday I went for the longest walk on record, some 25kms, from Mt Pleasant all the way down to Maddington via the river shoreline, catching the train back to the city then to Canning Bridge, just a short stroll back to my car.

Sunday.... well there was church in the morning.... then I decided I had better do at least the front lawn.... May has been close to the wettest on record, it's been raining most days including every weekend, so I hadn't been able to mow the lawns.... and them weeds thrive on rain water.... And well it is not gonna make any difference to whether I be evicted or not, but mowing at least the front lawn will make for better relations with landlord up to the time of eviction.....

So I got up early and went for my walk before church, I don't usually do that. On church Sundays which is three Sundays per month if we include the home group meeting, I go for my walks AFTER church.... but the lawns needed doing, which I wasn't planning on doing until Monday which was a Public Holiday here, but with landlord coming on Sunday evening, it needed a change of plans..... So went for walk, then to church, then started on the front lawn.... mowing lawn, doing edges, sweeping paved areas, etc.... and so the front yard was as good as new.... so I went to the back.... and well channeling my anxiety into pure energy, I started on the back yard!!! So I mowed and weeded the back yard.... and soon that was as good as new....

Then I cleaned up myself..... made sure the house is in at least reasonable order.... and pacing the floor until he arrived...... the moment of truth......

And well..... to cut a fairly long story short...... He said to me..... I want you here forever!!!!

Okay!!!.... hmmmm..... so he decided NOT to sell the house!! Hmmmm I wonder why..... I did want to move into a smaller apartment but just haven't got the money yet to cover the security deposit and other expenses..... However he wanted at least a TWO year lease for me.... and well it will probably take me that long to save my pennies..... so OK..... I'm gonna be here for the next two years..... but WHY??? A lonesome guy like me in a spacious 3-bedroom house on a huge 1/4 acre block.... ummmm..... anyway.... a couple of days later he came back with the lease documents and I signed my life away.... well my next two years anyway..... The rent is going up but will still be way cheaper than the going market rate for this area, and it won't go up again for two years.... and well my current rent I had been paying for the last 18 months.... so I am getting off really cheap for this area for this size house.... going thru a private landlord rather than an estate agency does have its high points..... and he never does the 3-monthly inspections. Estate agencies does 3-monthly inspections..... but no, he never does inspections, and well this is the first time he visited in over 12 months..... The rent I am paying here is comparable to the rent I be paying for a small apartment through an Agency, just that tenants does not pay for water in apartments.... and there is no garden to look after and no lawns to mow in apartments.... another reason why I wanted to move....  uh well.... there must be a reason why I am HERE!!!!......

Anyway..... I enjoyed another long walk on the Monday public holiday just gone, this time from Mt Pleasant to Fremantle via the river again, not quite as far this time, only 20kms.....

Well that was the big news of the week..... but in spite of being assured a roof over my head for the next two years, my anxiety level is still through the roof.... this weekend will be tough... with Mercury beginning its retrograde.... and well there are other reasons, some related to Caroline, which I won't go into here..... but bad things always happens during Mercury's retrograde......

The Jewish holiday Shavu'ot..... well the Orthodox Shavu'ot was today, but the Karaite Shavu'ot which is what I observe is this Sunday, same as Christian Pentecost, well it's the same holiday - Pentecost being the Greek name for Shavu'ot, meaning, 50th day...... it was when Moses received the Ten Commandments, and then the first followers of Jesus received the Holy Spirit.... well whatever, it is one of three significant Jewish holiday seasons.....

The vid for the week...... Blackmore's Night.... love this band..... Shadow of the Moon...... enjoy!!!!

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