Wednesday 18 June 2014

A Rough Mercury Ride!!!!

Well today.... or tonight rather.... is the time when Mercury passes closest to planer Earth, this happens about 11pm my time - West Australian - this being Wednesday night. The planet will be some 82.78 Million kms, just a stone throw away. The planet is about half way through its retrograde phase, when its speed relative to Earth is near its quickest. Retrograding planets carries so much energy because this is when the planets are on the Earth side of the Sun, when it moves closest to Earth. For the outer planets, they travel slower than Earth so they appear to move backwards, akin to slower vehicles appears to be moving "backwards" as we overtake them. For the inner planets its a little different, here we looking towards the Sun that appears to be moving forward through the Zodiac, the inner planets such as Mercury moving in the opposite direction and quicker than the Earth, hence moving backwards against the Zodiac.....

And so thanks to Mercury, this week has been a horrid week, emotional rollercoaster, and deep depression..... the three weeks of Mercury's retrograde are horror periods for me..... Of course Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgos..... It also has been affecting my Twin Flame, who is actually a Libra, very appropriate star sign for me, it is actually my Moon sign, so a connection there..... but yeah Caroline's phone has been playing up, and we have been unable to chat for much of the time..... Mercury deals with communications therefore electronic items such as phones.... It was just yesterday she was able to get her phone fixed so we could chat again..... but also she has had relationship upsets with her family and others..... not with me so far, though she gets angry with me when I talk about suicide..... it is really the only time she gets angry at me..... when I talk about suicide.... uuuhhhh well........ I guess someone has to keep me safe.....

Anyway.... another casualty of Mercury's retrograde, the disaster area that is the football tipping, I am back to my true form..... dismal..... only got 5 points.... and never again will I be picking the Magpies... unless they play the Weevils.... I pick them when they play the Weevils cos I hate the Weevils with a passion..... but I will NOT be picking the Magpies this week when they play Hawthorn.... My placing remains unchanged at 28th spot, but the curse of the close matches (less than 6 points) took an interesting turn, there were three of them last week and I managed to pick two of them!!!! So the overall tally is now a very even 5-5, that is, 5 correct picks and 5 incorrect picks of the close matches..... so I guess no "curse" here at this time, just statistical expectation..... uhhhh well enough of football......

Other things happening...... last week I finally heard from the Taxation Dept..... being in Mercury's retrograde I expected the worse..... You remember a while ago I wrote about how the Tax office challenged my claim for Invalid Carer's Rebate in regards to Sally. The claim is legal as long as the person is fully my dependent, is drawing a Disability Support Pension, and has earned less than a certain amount - all which Sally fulfilled..... But I think those dimwits challenged my claim cos they checked against the Pension database and found that Sally was not on there..... which we all know was because she is dead, and there's not many dead people still currently claiming the Pension!!!! Duh!!!!!!....... well anyway...... the Tax office accepted my reply to their challenge, and so will take no further action!!! Phew!!!!! Relief!!!!! If I have had to pay back the approx $3000 for the Invalid Rebate that would have been the end of me..... would have massively set back my plans for a year or two..... but nah.... this another thing that went my way!!!! First the two year lease on this house so I won't need to move out, and now the Tax ruling in my favor!!!! Of course this year I won't get anywhere near the refund amount, those days of large refund checks are over, it be only my Union dues that be taken off my taxes, so will only get maybe $100 or so if I'm lucky.... better than nothing.....

Now I am here for at least the next two years, bar any ET abductions, time vortexes, jumps into parallel universe, or whatever else..... I can now really get on with rearranging things. I have now moved my bedroom into the "Main Bedroom", what was previously Sally's craft room, so I am now sleeping there.... and what was previously my bedroom, well according to Feng Shui theory it is the "prosperity" corner of the house, so I cleaned it out, even moved the dresser table and wardrobe out, and now has my Pleiadean "shrine" in there where the candles remains lit 24/7, and also the crabs as having living critters helps with the energies..... That I had done last Sunday, and the letter from the Taxation came on Monday.... and well as I say, there is no such creature as "coincidence", it is not found in any Biology text books, not even on Wikipedia!!

So I have pretty well finished as far as major adjustments goes in rearranging the order of this house.... The Main Bedroom now having my bed and a large wardrobe arrangement down one side that was always there.... the former bedroom now the Pleiadean shrine room, and the former computer room now all mostly cleared out and now containing the small wardrobe and dresser table from the former bedroom. My computer setups and my modelling table are now in the Living Room, it has been for some time now, and it is working out very well..... and the kitchen rearranged to actually make more space to work in. There be just minor adjustments to be made over the next weeks or so......

As a result of these rearrangements, I have accumulated a few more items that are to be moved into my self storage unit, so I be making another trip there...... well this Friday. I have managed to talk my boss into granting me a RDO this Friday.... well I just asked him, and since I had 9 hours in credit, he promptly granted me permission...... So I have plans for this Friday...... Early morning I go for my walk, about two hours or so, then onto where my self storage unit is located.... Currently sitting in there is a trailer load of crushed aluminium cans! And now I finally managed to find a recycle place to accept those cans for a little bit of $$$$'s, I will take the trailer load to the place.... then return the trailer to the unit, and retrieve an item or two, namely the heater cos it's getting a bit cold now..... and well I won't need to use it much cos I am warm blooded but on occasion I will need it.... so set this house up for the winter.... Hopefully I be able to get all this done by lunchtime, so in the afternoon, weather permitting, I do the lawn mowing and some other yard work......

The pay rise claim through my Union..... well after an apparently rather heated meeting between the Union reps, some saying we should just accept the new pay offer, while others saying we should fight harder for a bit more..... they decided they would put it to the vote for us Union members..... and well, as of now, the online ballot is yet to be delivered..... But given peer group pressure, with both the Fire Brigade and Police unions electing to accept the identical wage offer, I would lean towards voting to accept this offer..... still a pitifully low wage rise of 2.75% followed by 2.5% for each of the further two years but with the conditions including job security remaining unchanged. I do think that all this talk of economic hard times are all cover-ups and lies designed to keep us enslaved, but with no elections for the next couple of years, fighting for anything better is destined to be futile..... Next time however, with an election looming, we will have greater success in fighting for a more decent wage rise!!!!

Okay.... I think that is all for now........

Here's an appropriate vid for another Magpie match..... Another One Bites The Dust....

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