Thursday 29 May 2014

New Moon and Chaos

Here another New Moon..... always a chaotic time for me.... I always have a hard time with chaotic energies on New Moons, a dark moon, it is a moonless night with no moonlight to soothe me..... I usually experience more paranormal activity on New Moons..... and then the dreaded period of Mercury's retrograde starting about a week from now - interestingly on what would have been Sally's birthday - 5 June!! There are four horror periods during each year - the three times each year when Mercury goes into retrograde, about 3 weeks each time, and then the Jewish 3 weeks of horror in July/August when the Temple was destroyed. However this Mercury's retrograde will be the first time since Caroline came into my life..... I hope nothing goes wrong between us......

The diabolical football tipping.... I gotten 5 correct from 6 but still remains firmly in 33rd spot, that is cos nearly everyone else gotten all 6 correct, and as usual my luck deserted me on the final match..... but at least the Maggies beat those Weevils, that really made my weekend!!!!!

So what else happening..... um.... nothing much really.... one week just goes into another.... it is winter and near to the Solstice which is Yule here in the Southern Hemisphere, when we really should be celebrating Xmas! LOL!.... so the days are very short. It is dark when I leave for work, then after work I go do my walk for about an hour or so, and by the time I get back home it is dark.... so it is dark when I leave home, and dark when I get back home.....

Then on the weekend, mostly Saturday, when I go for early morning walks, I have to go later cos it is too dark early.... so I arrive about 20 mins before sunrise when it just starting to get light.... the sun rises after 7am now, so about 6:45 or so I arrive.... then I walk for about 3 hours, over 20kms.... Also on Sunday unless there is church, they meet just two Sundays per month, and a home group meeting on another Sunday, so that makes three Sundays each month of meetings, leaving one Sunday, sometimes two when there are 5 Sundays.... So on the Sundays when  there is church, I do my walk straight after church.... well I try to anyway.... sometimes I have to go to the shops first which cuts down my walk time.... it gets dark by 5:30pm now.... we through with church by 12:30 to 1:00pm.... so if no shops or errands it gives me about 3 hours or so after I get changed into my walking gear etc plus travel time to walking spot, but if going to shops, it leaves only about two hours for my walk....

I am well established in my mostly organic vegetarian diet, it is so much a habit now, I don't even miss the meat..... well if it was offered to me I'd still eat it, such as on the very rare occasions I am invited to family events.... however when it comes to my own meals, it is all vegetarian.... the next step would be vegan but that won't be for a while yet.... "Vegetarian" is basically no meat products but we still eat other animal products such as diary (made with milk from cow or other critter) and eggs. "Vegan" however is no animal products whatsoever, that is also no diary and no eggs. And then the next step after that is "Rawism", that is, we eat everything raw - well raw vegan - that is, none of the food is cooked. And then ultimately, there are a few who claims they don't eat at all, they get energy just from the sun.... the theory goes that if you look at the sun for a little while near sunrise and sunset, you get enough energy to sustain you without eating..... but that I take with a grain of salt, I am not sure if that is really so...... For the time being I am perfectly happy and content with my vegetarian diet..... and when my vibrational energies reaches a certain point and I feel ready to, I may go vegan, but that won't be for a while yet..... beyond that I am not even thinking about.....

In tandem with my vegetarian diet is organic and non-GMO.... so less convenience foods, less fruit and veges from normal supermarket where chemicals are used.... and well some of it are also GMO, that is, Genetically Modified Organism.... real nasty, or potentially nasty anyway.... basically people playing God in trying to alter what comes naturally..... history shows that each time we try to be "God" then catastrophes always happens..... GMO is a new area so not enough time yet for the side effects to become apparent, but whatever, it is a very bad idea..... So as much as possible I go organic.... I get most of my fruits and veges from the Organics shop, also eggs.... and at the supermarket, there are more and more products that are available as organic.... such as, bread, garlic, some sauces, and etc.... In Australia you have to be certified as organic, you can't label anything "organic" unless actually certified.... so when you see something marked "organic" you can know it is truly organic, that is, no chemicals used whatsoever, including no pesticides, and no GMO whatsoever.....

Anyway I always manage to waffle on about crap even when there is nothing to waffle on about......

This weekend is a holiday weekend in Western Australia..... it used to be called "Foundation Day", it was when this over-rated and isolated little city of Perth was established..... but these days it is called "WA Day", so to make it more inclusive for the indigenous population, which is fair enough......  whatever, it will be the last holiday weekend until September, so best make the most of it.....

Uh yes.... almost forgot to mention.... the strike action that I was talking about last week cos the govt trying to cut down our wage rise.... Well the strike action has been called off. Through our secret ballot, over 70% of us indicated we would go on strike. This made our slimy reptoid premier sit up and take notice, and decided to at least negotiate with us about the wage rise. Previously they weren't going to discuss it with us at all, they just simply decreed that we would get only 2.5%, no ifs, no buts, tough noodles if we don't like it!!!! So now at least they are willing to discuss with us. And so the new possible strike day is 18 June, depending on how these negotiations pans out. The main sticking point is that the govt has now passed laws for forced redundancies, that is basically, we can be sacked if they choose to close down areas, cut jobs, or privatise. Previously we couldn't be sacked, so if our jobs get cut, we simply placed on redeployment on full pay until they find us another job. And so the argument goes that we don't get paid as much as the equivalent jobs in private enterprise but in return we have job security, that is, we can't get sacked, we keep our paid employment regardless of what happens. Now that security is gone, we CAN be sacked if our positions are made redundant. So therefore, our wages should be the same as in private enterprise. It will be a long time before that occurs but it is what we aim for given that we no longer have job security.

Anyway.... what shall I play now.... hmmmm.........

Oh yes some Sarah Brightman whom I love soooooo much from the days of Phantom of the Opera back in the 1980s when she played Christine being the object of the Phantom's desires..... she was also the object of MY desires.... oooohhhhhhh...... and she still looking so good in more recent times..... here performing the song Phantom of the Opera......

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