Wednesday 8 January 2014

Back at work.....

Here this week's blog, I won't waffle on as much as last week, cos I am back at work now! LOL! I am probably having way too much fun on those star seeds groups on FaceBook and my newly found FB friends, most from the groups, others just cos they think I am wise.... I don't know where they got THAT idea from LOL.... over the years people have been attracted to me cos of my vibes, mostly women.... its a pity the "vibes" didn't work in the dating game! LOL!.... but then such people there are of such very low vibrations, single minded on a quest to scam or worse, they are not capable of feeling vibes.... but in the more genuine groups or social media, different people over the years have been drawn to me, mostly women LOL..... but other people in the star seed groups have had similar experiences.... sometimes being a target of attraction because of "vibes" and not knowing any better they mistake it for romance or claiming to be "soul mates". I have lost count over the years of the number of women claiming to be my "soul mate" or claiming to have met me before in a past life, but most of them were not star seeds, indeed they don't even believe in it!!! However I don't get this problem among the genuine star seeds, they like me, but don't have any romantic illusions. And well by virtue of being star seeds we are already in the same "soul group" so we are "soul mates" on some level, but not the same way as otherwise claimed. Uhhh I am already waffling on.....

So it was my first day back at work.... dealing with my Reptilian boss... but it wasn't too bad. I was kept busy fulfilling orders for new enrollments, and also making up Arts kits.... sheeze I wish I can snag some of the items in the Arts kits. Kids these days gets so spoiled!!! But I can't snag any of the items, they keep tight tabs on the items... well understandable to a point, a lot of the kit items are very pricey, hence is why I want them!! Uh well, between the dispatch orders for enrolments and the Arts kits, I will be kept busy for most of the school break.... then when I just finished fulfilling the dispatch orders, the teachers will return and will give me more orders!!!!! It is always busy at this time of year. Anyway enough about work..... a necessary evil to get by in this 3rd dimensional society.....

Last weekend I was planning to go down to Freo to find some more crystals and other spiritual-type items from the markets there. I had even gotten online, where both the Fremantle Markets and E-Shed markets have websites, and each market has at least one crystals stall. So I had it all planned out. And since you have to pay for parking there I was going to catch the train down there, well you still have to pay the fare but difference is, i have a "smart rider" where you just swipe the card before getting on board and it automatically deducts the fare - no change needed. However in regards to parking, you still needed change!! Well the machines also can take credit cards but for some reason my cards doesn't work on them, that I know from the days I visited Sally in hospital, you have to pay for parking there, and i tried it with my credit cards, both "debit" and true credit card, but none of them worked!!! So I was forever having to make sure I have change. I want to avoid that where possible, I don't carry much cash on me - granted that I will be carrying a bit to the markets cos i don't think the stalls would have CC facilities - but usually I don't carry much cash on me, much less any change!!! So catching the train with my smart rider card, with the train station right outside one of the markets, well a no brainer!! And even on Sunday the trains runs every 15 minutes, so would not have to wait for more than 15 minutes for any train.

However the weather had other ideas. It was hot on the weekend, and well that in itself wasn't the problem. But the other bane of summer in Australia - bush fires!! It isn't summer in Australia unless there is a bush fire somewhere, and well this past weekend, the bush fire was upwind from the city, and so for most of the day the city was covered in a thick blanket of smoke haze - akin to an LA smog (and I have been to LA during some of their legendary smog days!!!) or Beijing!!! So after my walk, when the smoke haze grew worse and worse, I figured I had better stay indoors. So trip to markets cancelled.

But I have since found out that down in Freo they have this new "i-park" thingy. Basically you get a sticker for the windscreen with a special bar code connected to your cell phone, and so when you go park the car, you just buzz a TXT with your phone with certain codes that tells where you are parked, etc, and the cost is deducted from your credit card. Furthermore, you pay for the EXACT time that you park, not to the nearest hour. Like, at the hospital, you pay by the hour. You pay AFTER you finished at the hospital so it takes away the problem of trying to figure out how long you're likely to be there. However, you still pay by the hour, so even if I spent just one hour and five minutes, you still pay for two whole hours, thus paying for 55 minutes that you didn't use!!!! However with most parking lots in the city or Freo, you have to try guess how long you are likely to be parking for and pay up front (though some more modern facilities uses the method at the hospital - pay AFTER the park but still by the hour) and so usually ending up feeding the machine more coins than you need!!! And given that the markets are currently an unknown entity to me, there is no way knowing whether I be spending just five minutes there (if i didn't like the stall for some reason) or spending hours there (if I liked the stall and got in real good convo with the owner or someone, telling me about spiritual groups I should attend, etc!!!). However this i-park thingy solves both problems. You don't need spare change, and you can pay for the EXACT time, say, if you park for only 20 minutes then you pay for 20 minutes and not for the whole hour - i think the minimum spend is $1 regardless, but if as expensive as at the hospital, then $1 doesn't pay for long anyway - it was like bloody $6/hr at the hospital!!!!! I spent more on parking at the hospital than on pizzas while Sally was in hospital! LOL!!! So I had gotten online to register for this i-park thingy, now just waiting for the sticker. So when I DO go to the markets, I can drive straight down there and park my car knowing I won't need to be carrying a single sliver of change with me!!

So will I be going THIS weekend? Ummmm..... no!!!! My 3rd dimensional family obligations. I was invited via Debra to a barbecue at the Dawes-Smith Sunday evening, and well I am expected to be there. I can't think of any excuses. I don't think the excuse of going to the markets for crystals would sit well with them! LOL! Especially when talking about devout Christians. Of course I could still go to the markets, I just go earlier or on Saturday, but I will be too stressed out about the prospect of visiting my 3rd dimensional family event, I won't be in the mood for choosing crystals and talking to people I don't know even if they may turn out to be soul kins. I don't think there be any star seeds there anyway! LOL! But still perhaps plenty of spiritual people. Well I still be going for my walks, but that is all I will be doing this weekend. Well the anxiety is not with the family itself, they are for the most part nice people, but that I am so different to them that I'd swear black and blue that I am adopted - at least the Perth side of the family anyway. I stick out like a sore thumb. I am so different. I am the only spiritual person in the family. Many are religious but not spiritual, the remainder are agnostics or atheists - none are star seeds. It is very rare to have family members of the same soul group. It does happen, especially in regards to children - star seed parents often give birth to "indigos" or "crystals" etc, all which are sorta similar to star seeds, or even star seed children themselves!! But in the vast majority of other instances, like siblings, cousins, aunts/uncles, etc, it is very rare for them to be of the same soul group. Though there is a theory among some star seeds groups that if one is a star seed then one's Father is likely to be a star seed also.... well that I guess makes sense on one level..... but he is not in Perth! LOL! And well I have always been so different to my family, one of the classic traits of star seeds. So while I can share with them on a superficial level, I can't share on any deep soul level, they simply won't understand.... and even on superficial levels I struggle to share cos I am that different to them!!! Uh well.... grin and bear it I suppose..... they are my family for as long as I am on this planet.... and if one is a light worker, well that is part of the whole deal.... spreading light even if they fail to recognise it so.....

Anyway..... so the earliest I be going to the markets would be the following weekend..... and that would be after the anniversary of Mother's death so am likely to be in a better mood anyway! Speaking of Mother's death I bought some kangaroo paws cos it was her favorite flower. I bought the whole plant, and then I re potted them into bigger pots. So when January 16 comes around, the date of her death, I will have something living to remember her by. Aside from that, it is a work day so I would have to be at work, but will probably do my walk in King's Park cos that is where there are kangaroo paws.

That is it for now..... my wafflings..... or my musings...... here's another ABBA.... cos Mother's maiden name is Swedish, the red hair Frida is just so utterly sexy, and well I am just in the mood for ABBA anyway...... and this was Mother's favorite song of ABBA......

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