Thursday 16 January 2014

Survived another day......

Well I did survive today's 3rd anniversary of Mother's death which happened 16/1/2011 though not unscathed. Those blades are getting more expensive almost each time I purchase them. The govt probably put a tax on them, like they do on tobacco products and alcohol. These days no one uses the blades for shaving, it is always those disposable shaver heads with two, three or even five built-in blades. I think mine has five, cos I bought one of the most expensive ones which does a better job. However those Wilkinson blades are still there, and people still buy them, I suspect not for shaving purposes. And since the price goes up on almost a regular basis, the govt must be putting taxes on them, though of course we don't hear about it. Self harm is one of the last taboos of society, no one talks about it, but everyone knows why we purchase the blades. I usually wait until grocery shopping day so hoping no one notices the blades in among the other groceries. It's like, these days, people buy condoms and incontinence pads from the supermarket and no one gives it a 2nd thought. I used to purchase the latter for Sally. But on one occasion when purchasing the blades, the checkout chick on ringing it through looked at me, and well if looks can kill I'd be dead by now!!! A look of utter disgust and muttering things under her breath. The fresh scars on my arms probably didn't help much, I hardly noticed them. But I time I think people treat child molesters more kindly than self harmers.

Mind you I have been doing it less since joining the star seeds groups. But addictive self harming behavior is a common star seed trait. For most it be smoking, and/or drinking, but there are others, even drugs, etc.... and cutting one's self. It's our way of coping with life on planet earth.

Anyway I am pretty well all set to visit the Fremantle markets this weekend to find some more crystals and whatever other items there be. There are nothing else happening, no earth family gathering, and well it is expected to be hot but as long as there are no bush fires blowing smoke over the city things should be fine. It is usually cooler in Fremantle anyway. My wonderful star kins on the FB groups has been most helpful and have given me a list of crystals I should look for, each one having different properties. The favorite is Amethyst, its like everyone has Amethyst, kinda a general purpose crystal that covers all purposes. Another crystal of choice is Flourite. Purple Flourite calms the nerves, while Green Flourite is good for healing. Then there is Selenite, kinda like an amplifier, it amplifies the energies of the other crystals. Black Tourmaline is good for protection, in reference to my ghosties experiences and other nasties I had to contend with over the years. But they say Quartz is also protective, and I already have Quartz, which probably explains why there has been less nasty incidences even less nightmares since bringing those crystals into activation. Orgonite cancels out negative energies. And Emerald is good for emotions, love, healing, overcoming depression, and giving peace. Of course when we say Emerald, indeed any crystal, the natural uncut versions are best. So going to a jeweler and purchasing a ring with an Emerald gem does not have nearly the same effects as the natural uncut piece of Emerald that you get from a crystal shop. Of course I probably won't get all of those crystals on my first trip, granted I do have quite a bit of money from Xmas but I know some crystals can be pricey, and also there are other items I want to look at, though not quite sure what yet. But I expect this will be the first of many trips to the markets.

The earth family barbecue last weekend at the Dawes-Smith residence, well it did prove to be interesting once I gotten past the "I don't belong here" syndrome - I still want that DNA test! LOL! Do I REALLY belong to that family???? Well anyway, I spoke with my cousin Lucinder more than anyone else. She is devoutly Christian, as devout a Christian now as I was ten years ago, and she is about ten years my junior. And she goes to the same church that I went to ten years ago, a Charismatic Renewal church. And listened to the same Christian music I listened to ten years ago. I wonder ten years from now she'd have her awakening and be more like me! Oh you think I am joking?? A lot of people in Charismatic churches often moves onto other forms of spirituality later on down the track, what they call "occult" or "New Age" - in other words, what I am into now. This is seen by most other Christian denominations as a black mark against this form of Christianity.

But I offer an alternative theory based on my experiences. A lot of Christians are perfectly happy just to go to church each Sunday, say a few prayers, sing a few hymns, and listen to someone drone on for the next 30 to 45 minutes before meeting out the back for tea and scones. About the most "spiritual" experience that they have is perhaps a warm fuzzy in the tummy, and they even get really excited about that, but overall they are perfectly happy with the current status quo.

However there are many of us who are more spiritually in tuned and seem to have the knack of attracting spiritual phenomena. You know of my "ghosts" experiences from way back in my childhood. My spirit radar has been on full blast almost from day one!! And it turns out I am a star seed. But there are other soul groups too aside from star seeds. You may have heard of Indigos, many children and now adults are said to be Indigos. Others includes "Crystal" souls, "Rainbows", etc.... These are to do with specific vibrational energies of their souls and their callings, but all are spiritually in tuned compared with everyone else.

So we have these high vibration souls being birthed into the world, and in a most decidedly unsympathetic society, they get frustrated, and it manifests as mental illnesses. I shared before that star seeds are often diagnosed Autistic, Aspergers, or similar, as well as ADHD. Many Indigos are often diagnosed with ADHD, and almost all spirit sensitive souls suffers from depression, self harm tendencies, etc. Anyway as life goes on, they seek out their spiritual kins..... and so many turns to the church. And well even today, Christianity is still the dominant religion. Like in my area there is one Buddhist Temple, one Hindu Temple, a couple of Mosques, a couple of Synagogues, and about eight Christian churches from Catholics to Contemporary and Pentecostal. So yes Christianity is still very much dominant in spite of hysterical fears that Islam is taking over.

Therefore many of these souls find their way into the Christian church, but in spite of their best efforts, they feel that there MUST be more to it than just going to a church, saying a few prayers, singing a hymn or two, and falling asleep while listening to someone drone on for 45 minutes from a pulpit! Now some are lucky enough to find a Pentecostal or Charismatic church first off the bat, but for most of us, the Christian pathway turns into a searching through several different kinds of churches until they hit the jackpot - Charismatic/Pentecostal.

Cos at those church this is where things DO happen that goes beyond the warm fuzzies in the tummy. First thing they notice is the phenomenon of glossolalia - the "speaking in tongues", which is basically a channeling experience, the "spirit" speaks through the individual and it is in the higher dimensional languages. In New Age and spiritual circles it is called "channeling". Just different terminology, exactly the same critter. The other common Pentecostal phenomenon is Prophetic utterances, basically the same phenomenon as Tongues but the language is in English (or one's natural language), again the same as Chanelling in New Age circles. Indeed, from a star seed point of view, we have people who "channels" the messages from ETs. But whatever label we put on it, these are the same critter. Then we have the phenomenon of "falling down in the spirit" where a person can no longer remain standing under the influence of the spirit so he falls to the ground involuntarily. Then the other manifestations - extreme emotional expression such as laughter and weeping, uncontrolled shaking, experiencing visions of higher dimensional beings whether it be Jesus, the angels, or even demons, and even falling into a trance. All these phenomena are experienced in New Age and other spiritual circles, such as in regards to star seeds. Much of it is referred to as Kundalini, the soul awakening. And of course healing - a much criticised component of Pentecostal and Charismatic churches, the claim that they can heal sickness and diseases. These are real, I have experienced them for myself. In spiritual circles we simply call it Reiki, or energy healing, or whatever other of the many terminologies that are around.

Anyway..... the highly spiritual person finds himself in a Charismatic church and thinks he has hit the jackpot! At long last a place where it is ok to experience spiritual manifestations!! However the soul evolves, and underlying beliefs comes to the surface sooner or later. For example, most spiritual people believes in reincarnation. Such a belief may be suppressed from years of being told by the church that you either go to Heaven or Hell, there are no "past lives" and no future incarnations. You may even convince yourself that the Heaven and Hell doctrine is the absolute truth. But every soul evolves, and sooner or later, latent beliefs comes to the surface, and they start to investigate reincarnation. Indeed everyone believes in some form of reincarnation except Christians/Islam (and athiests! LOL!). Even Jews believes in a form of reincarnation, especially in Kabbalah. This is why the early Christians believed in reincarnation, until the 4th century Roman Emporer Constantine decided that it is not a good theory to believe in if wanting to control the masses, so brought in a rehash of ancient Egyptian mythology presenting it as Heaven and Hell, and compelled the Nicene council to  remove all references to reincarnation from the scriptural writings prior to the canonisation of the Bible.

And so to cut a long story short, a spiritual person finds that he can no longer tolerate the belief systems of Christianity even in very spiritual Charismatic churches..... so he eventually moves on to more fertile grounds.... either the occult, or new age, or other forms of spirituality..... he discovers who he really is... star seed, indigo, crystal, earth angel, or whatever.....

So who am I to judge Lucinder? I was like her once. After speaking with her I definitely pick up that she is a genuinely spiritual person. Perhaps the only spirit-kin in my whole earth family. My Aunty and Uncle are devout Christians but attends a more mainline church. But we all have our different pathways, and Lucinder's pathway is her pathway. She is currently very involved with her church, she has something on nearly every night of the week, studying to be getting into ministry, and indeed she has ambitions to go into prison ministry. So she is definitely as heavily involved with the church as one can be. And I have never seen her happier than she is now. Her enthusiasm is infectious! She has a bubbly outgoing personality to begin with. So really I am very happy with her. Naturally she is wanting me to come back to church, and well down the track a bit I may go once or twice for old times sake, but definitely not be a church member. I am a bit further down the spiritual pathway. But all pathways are valid, even Christian pathways, even if Lucinder remains in the church for the rest of her life. Many Light Workers remains in the church for various reasons, not all move onto other areas of spirituality. We are all different. And well as long as one is happy, that is really the key. I was ultimately not happy in the church so I moved on. Our own souls are our best teachers.

Anyway..... um.... that is all for now.... more of my musings later....

Here's another ABBA song.... ok I am stuck on ABBA at the moment..... this one reminds me of my dating experiences LOL......

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