Wednesday 25 December 2013

Survived Xmas

Well I did survive Xmas if not entirely unscathed...... here's my completed song... you will have to excuse the Pluto in my natal sign, I am a dark soul, it is who I am.... deal with it ;) hehehe......

On the 12th day of Xmas my true love gave to me....
- Twelve police call-outs
- Eleven drunken binges
- Ten VRO's
- Nine nervous breakdowns
- Eight drugs overdoses
- Seven packs of Prozac
- Six months' the looney bins
- Five razor blades
- Four shrinks on call
- Three family feuds
- Bi-polar depression, and...
- A certified suicide attempt

So on this Xmas day of 2013..... I woke up early as usual, in fact before dawn, and nothing from Santa Claus! LOL! Uh well I just got online to my awesome star seeds groups on Face Book, I founds these really awesome groups with people who are as off-the-wall, off-the-planet, and as much of a-screw-or-two-loose as I am.... some saying they're from the Pleiades, some from Andromeda, and.... Orion, Vega, Sirius... and various other star systems. Me I am Andromedean and Pleiadean, something like a galactic dual citizen... well Sally was both American and Australian citizen.... so why not dual galactic citizen!! But our soul travels through lifetimes can be compared to our earth vacation, we may go to a lot of places but spend most time at a certain few places cos we like them more, or more drawn to them.... EG with Mother and Pasco we mostly went to Augusta cos we had a house down there, but on occasion we'd go elsewhere like Busselton, Kalbarri, Albany, etc, etc..... So on my galactic travels, my soul was birthed in the centre of the Andromeda Galaxy and spent my first lives in that galaxy (hence my saying "You'd be crazy too if you were 2 million light years from home!!"), but a fair proportion of my 1000 lifetimes have been spent in the Pleiades, and being a Contactee most of my ET contacts, UFOs, etc have been with Pleiadean ETs. So anyway, it is so wonderful in these groups, and making great friends.... of course they are all overseas or on the east coast of Australia.... NONE here in the very isolated west coast!!! It's like, I see an Aussie member posting, so I get on contact asking where she is from, and she writes back.... Queeensland.... or Victoria.... or NSW.... it is NEVER here in the west!!!! Surely I can't be the only weirdo in Western Australia..... but once again *sigh* every one of the Australian members of these star seeds groups are bloody on the east coast!!!!! Nevertheless I am making some really wonderful friends, and I can say anything there without any risks of being visited by nice men in their nice white coats wanting to take me away to the looney bins.... hehehe....

So first thing this Xmas day..... as is any day, even work days before I get ready for work, I get on these groups and for a while it feels like I am in heaven......

Then I went for my walk.... Xmas day or not I still go for my walk..... I went to my fav spot, Bold Park, and did a fair walk considering I knew I was going to pig myself out at Xmas lunch..... it was a sunny day but not terribly hot, low 30s centigrade or low 90s F..... not hot at all.....

I came home and back onto my star seeds groups... inbetween doing the laundry and trying to get myself ready for the lunch at Justin's house, that I was not looking forward to.....

And all too soon it was time to begin my long 3-day trek to Justin and Mandy's house in the deep south..... well a 45 minutes trip down to half-way to Rockingham anyway..... but Freeway gridlock south of Murdoch where 3 to 4 lanes turns into just two lanes made my trip a wee bit longer than 45 minutes rendering me late for dinner but I was not the only one!!

Dinner there was relatively painless.... well not as painful as first thought..... The guest list included Pasco, Debra & Linda, with two of my nephews - I can never link the names of my three nephews - Michael, Daniel and Tommy - with their faces, have never been able to, but two of them were there with their female partners/fiance/whatever.... Pasco's siblings Charlie and Teresa.... and Mandy's parents and a couple of rellies from her side..... Dinner was served within 5 minutes of my arrival thus cutting out the awkward period of just standing around trying to make conversations which I am hopeless at cos I have nothing in common with them LOL.... And well I had my cell phone with me, so I could still get on my FB with the star seeds, though needed to be careful no one else in the family saw it lest they have me committed to the looney bins!!! LOL!!! If they knew half of the things I am into they would be in utter shock!!!!

Mandy's method of serving dinner took after Mother's method..... a range of dishes on a bench where we queue to serve ourselves with whatever we wanted..... I took a double serve of lasagne cos the Bartolone's always made the best lasagne on the planet - Mother's lasagne was the best ever - and Mandy's was pretty well about as good - I just LOVE lasagne, it had eggs and bacon in it plus a few other things.... yummy.... so that then some snitzels and the most huge king prawns ever, almost the size of small crayfish!! 

Anyway by the time desserts came around I was simply too full, and well the desserts were way too rich for me anyway..... I cannot do cream, and cannot take anything that is way too sweet.....

Then time to claim our loot..... opening Xmas gifts..... I always do pretty well as they are all relatively wealthy so they spend more on me than I can afford to spend on them, but they don't seem to mind...... I got some Turkish Delight choccies from someone, only trouble is, I don't like Turkish Delight, so am looking to discretely give it away..... any takers here? Let me know.... but has to be within Australia cos I don't think it will get through customs..... I know during my America trip I was not allowed to take any chocolates across the border.... but anyway..... also got some cookies, those I CAN eat.... some Cadbury chocolates.... also got some scratchies and a lotto ticket.... managed to win $3 on the scratchies, better than a kick in the pants LOL, but hopefully the lotto will bring better results, let's say, 1st division so I can quit my job, travel around Australia, and settle down on the east coast where my weird friends are!!!!! haha!!!.... also got $100 in cash, and $100 gift card from Dick's Smith.....

I pretty well already decided what I will spend my DSE card on..... a new TV for my computer room, slightly bigger than the old 12in model that I currently have. There is also the 50in TV in my living room, but I spend more time in my computer room and had been wanting a bigger TV for a while. Furthermore when not watching Supernatural, American Horror Story, and The Originals, the TV is also connected to my computer as a 2nd screen, watching my ET vids, etc. Anyway I had gotten onto the DSE website already, and they have a 18.5in TV on offer for about $160 which is 15% off, and a 21.5in TV for about $200. The main difference, aside from the screen size, is the $200 model has free delivery while the $160 model does not have free delivery, and the delivery charge for my area is about $30 which brings it to almost the same price as the $200 model. So I'd be going for the $200 model which of course meant that I will have to make up the additional $100 above the card. I won't use the $100 cash cos it would necessitate depositing it into a bank, so will simply just dip into my "consolidated" funds LOL. And these days most TV comes with standard features, such as, built-in DVD player and a USB port which allows the recording of TV shows onto my computer or one of my flash drives - comes in handy if, say, American Horror Story clashes with a Harry Potter movie or a doco on ET/UFO sightings, or by some extremely unlikely instances I am actually out somewhere while The Originals is on!!!! Apparently this includes "timeshift" recording, so that, for example, if I am in the middle of watching Supernatural and I get interrupted, such as a phone call, or the pizza delivery guy comes with my pizza, I can simply start recording the current show onto my flash drive, then when I am free again, can simply continue to watch the TV show from the point of interruption using the recording on the flash drive. My old TV does not have these features.

As for the $100 cash, well that is going to be spent down at the Freo markets, either on some crystals, pentagram or some other artifact related to my spirituality. Fremantle is the spiritual "mecca" of Perth, which must mean there must be other spiritual people in Perth, maybe they don't join FaceBook groups! LOL! But perhaps if I make my way to Freo and make my presence known, I may be fortunate enough to make connections. But at the very least I be adding to my crystals collection. Crystals are very important tools, it is what the Atlanteans used for their energy supplies, and different crystals has different vibrations. That is a basic science fact, crystals are well ordered arrays of atoms (as opposed to most other rocks and substances where the atoms/molecules are chaotically arranged) and with each atom having a particular vibration (also scientific fact), the arrays of them works to magnify the vibrations, hence the special powers of crystals - this is where science and spirituality diverges - but it is true, it really does work that way. So crystals can be used for such purposes from healings through to ET contacts. 

Anyway..... Xmas is over for another year.... thankfully!!!!! Tomorrow is another day as I begin my vacation..... a walk in the morning, probably a long walk to make up for my increased intake of food matter during Xmas! LOL!..... then will probably just take it easy the rest of the day...... see what pans out....

Now this week's video...... many of the famous musicians are actually star seeds, such as the Beatles, especially John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter..... and Olivia Newton John.... sometimes the lyrics to their songs gives them away...... This vid, "Magic" by Olivia was brought to my attention by one of  my groups member.... it's actually an ET message to us star seeds..... and well just listen to the lyrics, such as....

From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And I'm guiding you

And interestingly, the song came out in 1980, the year of my very strange orange light UFO experience.... and I thought back then I was drawn to that song in spite of my love for metal music just because Olivia was a hot babe! hehe!...... Anyway.... here's the vid.... ENJOY!!!!!!

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