Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tis the Season......

Well I finally started my Xmas shopping.... albeit just one item... a box of chocolate... don't know who is going to get it yet. I buy for three people, or I should say, three groups of people - Pasco, Justin/Mandy, and Debra/Linda.... so I buy a total of three boxes of chocolates and then I decide who gets which one. I never buy Lindt cos it was Mother's fav chocolate and I'd always get Lindt for Mother, so I just don't want to get it for anyone else..... *sigh*.... so it's other brands of chocolates except Lindt. The other two - the Dawes-Smiths and Nan/John simply gets cards from me.... and that is the extent of my much dreaded Xmas shopping, and I still hate it with a passion.....

Here's a song I making which is more of how I contend with the Xmas season.... based on "The 12 Days of Xmas"... I am only up to day 6 but will have all 12 days by Xmas day.....

On the 6th day of Xmas my true love gave to me....
- Six months' the looney bins
- Five razor blades
- Four shrinks on call
- Three family feuds
- Bi-polar depression, and...
- A certified suicide attempt

OK you can blame it on the Pluto in my natal sign.... I am a very dark soul...... haha.....

But I suppose I can't complain about not getting any Xmas invites from the family.... I just gotten one from the Dawes-Smith clan, the "religious right" LOL.... for a BBQ this weekend, day not yet specified.... I guess they're not going to Justin's for the Xmas lunch.... can't say I blame them, since Justin is half way to bloody Rockingham, they're even further south than Mother's house, and the Dawes-Smith are even further north of the river than me.... they'd have to book a 3-day flight to get to Justin's house!! LOL!! You see, they usually turn up at Mother's house for Xmas lunch.... but well, with it being at Justin's, it's gonna be near to a day trip even for me! LOL! let alone the Dawes-Smith. Anyway I haven't decided whether I be going or not, the Dawes-Smith that is.... still haven't really decided on Xmas lunch at Justin's yet either though a 50.00001% chance that I be going there..... Problem is I am so different to my family I stick out like a sore thumb in all such gatherings.... and well the Dawes-Smiths are the Christian side of the family, they all go to church, my cousin Lucinda goes to the same church Sally and I used to attend..... Maybe I should go to the Freo markets and get a Pentagram! LOL!!.... well I will be going to the Freo markets at some stage, I need more crystals and few other Pagan items.... such as a Pentagram.... a Pentagram to us is akin to a Cross for a Christian, you get the idea..... but probably won't have time to go there before Xmas..... Freo is the spiritual capital of Perth, I really would like to move to Fremantle but I suspect it will be expensive, but maybe could get in with some form of community-type living with other souls on the same spiritual plane as me.... well who knows..... there may even be an ET group there.... uhhhhh I am dreaming *sigh*.... but yeah there are two or three markets places in Freo with spiritual or pagan-type stalls and shops.... crystals.... psychics..... that kind of stuff.... I guess first step is just to make my presence known there, and see what happens.....

Of course this is my first Xmas alone..... previously I was with Sally, and before that it was Barbara, and before that I was living with Mother..... indeed this is the longest period of time I have been on my own. the previous record would be about three months, inbetween my fights with Barbara who always came back to me sooner or later!! Living alone does have its high points, such as, can eat whatever I like, deal with the house however I like, don't have to worry about whether SHE wanted the table over THERE or the cabinet over HERE..... it is where ever I want it..... can watch any TV show I like, such as, The Orignals ;).... wake up as I please, go to work, go for walks where ever I like, and just come home anytime, and play vid games online to my heart's content without anyone complaining that I give more attention to my computer than to HER!!!! But it would be nice to come home to a cooked meal at times, what Mother would do for us, invite us to dinner on a regular basis, the only time I'd have a meal cooked for me..... but of course Mother is no here anymore..... *sigh*..... and who else is gonna cook me a meal..... aside from Pizza Hut! LOL!!..... and I wish I had someone to come to these family events with me instead of having to fend for myself..... It was good when Sally came along with me, she did all the talking.... then last two or three years she was too sick to attend family events, so I had the excuse to be want to come home to Sally which gotten me out of a pickle and being able to leave early...... but now I have no excuse.... *sigh*.....

This Saturday is Litha, the Summer Solstice, one of eight Pagan holidays of the year. Litha also known as mid-sommer, as on the Pagan calendar it is the middle of summer. So am looking for summer-related items to add to my Pleiadean shrine.... I do have my cacti.... but am looking for a Sun ornament. If worse comes to worse I could just use the yellow top of my vegemite jar, but I really want something a wee bit more realistic LOL..... well we shall see how it all pans out..... In case you're wondering, I am more of an Agnostic Pagan, that is, I do not worship any of the deities, but I do respect the energies of various things of the environment - the Sun, planets, plants, water, living creatures, spiders LOL, etc, etc..... everything has energies, all has vibrations, and it is how they interact that shapes the forces of this universe on all dimensions..... if that makes sense.... if it does make sense, you're doing better than me LOL..... I am just speaking from my soul, which doesn't always make sense, and I'm not even on drugs LOL.....

Now my job... well things are starting to happen, and I am able to start fulfilling my order and thus keep busy.... but it is far from plain sailing, with still a lot of delays in the supplying of stocks, etc.... all because of bloody money..... there are few things I hate more than money..... this govt is obsessed with saving money, a govt who thinks it is more important to get its AAA rating back than to provide decent affordable housing to ease the housing crisis and a decent health system so people like Sally didn't have to wait forever and to literally die waiting for decent health care, and this obsession filters down to all govt depts.... and everyone else.... Money is the root of all evil.... think about it.... every evil on this planet is related in some way or another to money.... people in lower socio-economic groups being resentful to rich people, and the saying "nice people does not make money", well nothing can be more true..... you have to be a bastard (or extremely lucky as in lotto) to get a lot of money.... that is why I don't have much money, while my slimey manipulative sleaze of a boss has lots of money..... think of family breakups, all the court cases, it is all over money.....  all of the world wars stems from money.... think of the Great Depression, that is why Hitler rose to power, and hence the 2nd World War.... all wars has their basis in economic troubles..... Money is the root of all that is evil, it brings out the evil in human nature, turns us into criminals..... I shall say no more.... Anyway I be at this hell hole of a job with its money issues and dirty politics until Xmas even when I go on leave for a couple of weeks......

Anyway I think this is all for now.....

This song is what the Dawes-Smith will think if they see me with a Pentagram LOL..... hehe......

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