Monday 20 August 2012

Well tomorrow I am back at work, it doesn't mean I am over the flu, it just means I am barely alive and kicking as opposed to hearing the knocking of the grim reaper at your door!! Docs generally displays more faith in my body's ability to heal itself than I do and does not give you enough time off work. My current doc is indeed relatively generous, he given me a whole week off work, but docs I have seen before generally gives no more than 3 to 4 days off work. And as I have painfully learned during one particular year the dept docks your pay if you take any extra days off work beyond what is stated on the doc's note even if it is just a single day extra!! We are allowed to take up to two days off work at a time sick without a doc's note but need a note for 3 or more days. However you can NOT add the two days of "without evidence" at the end of the "with evidence" period!! My pay was docked when a few years ago I added just a single such day!! So I could either spend another $50 (after Medicare rebate) at the doc and try to get another few days out of him, or I could just tough it out and go back to work. And since I have gone from " hearing the knocking of the grim reaper at your door" to "barely alive and kicking" which is about an 100% improvement, I probably be better off going back to work. And no our doc does not bulk bill but then he is one of the better docs that we have chosen to commit our health and lifestyle to. It is just unfortunate he doesn't do home visits, that would help Sally, some docs do home visits but Sally is very choosey about her choice of docs. 

And furthermore, I don't think it would cut it with the doc if I went and tell him I need a few more days off work cos I am depressed about the Magpies being beaten by lowly North Melbourne!! But that may be an option if next weekend the Magpies gets beaten by the Weevils. Yes there is a fate worse than death - Collingwood losing to West Coast Eagles!!! If the Weevils beats us I will remove all references to football on these blogs and never talk about football ever again!! I might take up the Dallas Cowboys in Gridiron! LOL! Or perhaps Manchester United in the English football!! LOL!! As for the football tipping we're close enough to the end for the winners to have been already decided - and I am not included for the first time ever, well since I joined the tipping comp a few years ago. Uh well as mother used to say, you can't win them all..... but it be nice if I could do so!!!!

Another warm sunny day, Spring has come early here on the west coast, it's the place to be.... hehe....

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