Tuesday 23 April 2019

This Nomadic Little Soul......

Me the nomadic little soul is about to go travelling again, indeed this Sunday. This time on a road trip up to Exmouth. Consequently this will be my last blog until after I return on May 7th. The road trip up to Exmouth is about 16 hours duration, about the same time as the flight between Sydney and Los Angeles. While this flight across the Pacific freaks me out a bit, stemming from my past life at Atlantis when I drowned during the fall of Atlantis hence my aversion towards being over large areas of ocean, the drive up to Exmouth holds no fears for me apart from a very slight apprehension of possibly running into a kangaroo or other stray wildlife. However statistically it is safer to fly across the Pacific in a jet aircraft than it is to drive up to Exmouth or anywhere else of similar distance. We are more likely to meet our fate on our treacherous highways on the surface of planet Earth than in a jet craft 30000 feet above planet Earth. It is said the most dangerous part of a flight in aircraft is the takeoff and landing, but still safer than driving. So it is all about perception. There is a perception that flying is a somewhat dangerous form of travel, but in reality driving is more dangerous. And so think of me as I embark on the relatively dangerous road trip up to Exmouth, albeit being undertaken in two parts. First on Sunday, the 8 hours drive up to Kalbarri, spending two nights at Kalbarri, before a further 8 hours up to the tropical paradise of Exmouth where I will be until the 6th, then the long drive back with most likely an overnight stay enroute back to home base in Perth.

Of course there is always a reason for my trips, it is never just for vacation. Me being an energy worker for Mother Gaia. Kalbarri is situated on the Serpentine dragon line (ley line) and it is a vortex. Exmouth is where the UFO towers are located, at the military base there, it is a UFO hotspot. The communication towers are said to be the tallest in the southern hemisphere. Their "official" purpose is communications with submarines, but of course as we all know, there is always a deeper secret purpose, and it relates to ETs and UFOs, hence why I call them the UFO towers. So need to neutralize some energies there. And of course checking out more possible vortexes in the region.

There will be pixs from the trip posted on my new pix site, it is proving to be a top site, albeit being a paid site, which shows you get what you pay for. There is a reason why certain sites are free, they are inherently inferior or has issues. I already have pixs from Augusta, Wongan Hills, and South Carolina at this site. Also my weirdness artworks and "Light Codes"......

Vacation Pixs and other weirdness

My Kalbarri and Exmouth pixs will be added in due time so be sure to bookmark the link.

Meanwhile the Chiron catastrophe that is the football...... I spent all of this past Eostre weekend focused on my energy works down at Serpentine at Glory Camp situated invetween two converging dragon lines (ley lines or leys), so was blissfully unaware of the football results.... then after the Eostre weekend, the scope of the catastrophe became painfully apparent, with once again only four correct picks. I haven't checked my rankings but it is certain to be very much in the lower ranks, being unable to break through the 4-picks barrier, I can never pick more than 4, that is less than half of the matches. So then I became aware of the results..... Uhhh the Maggies won, at least that went right for me, I did pick the Maggies. Oh the Bombers also won, I can't remember if I picked them but anyway..... Oh those bloody Weevils, yeah I am glad they lost even at Optus, but I think I did most foolishly pick them!!! So not going to pick them again, at least not this week anyway. Not going to pick the Bombers either, cos they're playing against the Maggies, so the Bombers can cross that one off the list of possible chances at winning!! haha!!

So this week's round starts early..... tonight!!! So will the Tigers make a meal out of the Demons tonight? Tomorrow of course a foregone conclusion, the Maggies to prevail over the Bombers. The Power may be too powerful for the Kangaroos. Will the Suns be too hot for the Lions? The Saints may need divine help to prevail over the Crows. The Swans maybe in for a Giant headache. The Bulldogs in for a chance against the hot and cold Dockers. The Hawks may inflict the case of the Blues on their Bluish opponents. And no, not going to pick the Weevils against the Cats.

My Eostre sojourn down to Serpentine. There I attended the Glory Camp meetings though as a day visitor. Me in my old age needs my creature comforts, and these 8-bed dormitories simply cannot provide such creature comforts. The nights has been very cold, down to about 6 degrees, and heaters are not allowed in these unheated dormitories, no doubt an insurance issue in regards to fires. So my warm cosy bed in my little abode proved to be that much more attractive, and it is only a 45 minutes drive down the much improve modern highway systems from here down to Serpentine. Back in the old days, when we'd go there for my childhood picnics I think it took over an hour. And being a day visitor providing for my own meals, it means I would not be on the camp roster for cleaning and maintenance, doing the dishes after the meals, cleaning the toilet blocks, and etc.... yeah I know, selfish of me, very UN-Virgo-like. But am learning to be a little bit more self nurturing in my old age.

The Arcturian ETs told me to attend the Glory Camp, and it turned out for a good reason. The campsite is situated inbetween two converging dragon lines that crosses just to the south. Beginning on the evening of  "Good Friday", there were the morning and evening meetings. These began with an extended session of music, singing, flag waving and ecstatic dancing. As I soon discovered, perhaps unbeknown to the majority of the participants, they were by their actions, drawing on the energies of the converging dragon lines and creating a vortex at the front where the band and dancers were situated. Of course I was one of the dancers. It was a very intense vortex, so I was needing to transmute the vortex into a blue flame making it easier to work with. Vortexes can be chaotic - think tornados or hurricanes!! Blue flames a lot less chaotic. But it proved to be hard work, and I soon became exhausted. But by the Saturday evening meeting I was getting help..... a giant blue Goddess appeared in the midst of the vortex, and she remained for the remainder of the Camp until Monday the last day of Camp. She effectively helped to transmute the vortex.

So now recovering from the Glory Camp..... now just spending a few days at home before embarking on my road trip on Sunday, where more intense energy works awaits me. There are no events to attend, I will be on my own this time, how I usually work.

Uh yes..... hehe......

Meanwhile at the mall when I go grocery shopping......

Virgo in relationship......

Me...... hehe

uhh.... yeah..... hehe

Me on my diet......

My childhood at the shrink's office.....


Chiron in my 2nd House......

Meanwhile..... at the Australian Federal Elections.....

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