Sunday 7 April 2019

A Very Dark Day..... as the Curse of Chiron Continues.....

We are presiding over a very dark day, indeed the darkest of days..... How could such a traversy be allowed to happen, even within the hallowed grounds of the MCG. Such a catastrophe would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Now we must pick up the shattered Magpie pieces from the surface of the MCG, as we ponder..... what is next?........

Meanwhile the curse of Chiron continues unabated, with Chiron now in my 2nd House. Only five correct picks last week, and without remembering all of my picks this week, I know I missed at least three including my faithfulness in the Magpies which had gone unrewarded, as that "Saturn Complex" in my chart dictates.......

So what for next week as questions remains...... Will the Swans exorcise the Demons? Will the Magpies pick up their shattered pieces and prevail over the Bulldogs? Or the Cats continue their unbeaten run against the Giants? How about the Bombers coming off a win cause the upset of the round against the all conquering Lions? Perhaps the Power will be too much for the Tigers. The Crows may have Kangaroos on their menu. Will the Dockers succeed where the Magpies failed against those cocky Weevils? The Suns may drive away the Blues. Meanwhile the Saints may need extra Divine help against them Hawks.

Meanwhile back at the ranch..... My Uluru lodgings for January 2020 has been confirmed. Amazing being able to keep my bookings for the full two weeks, with the first week devoted to the Cosmic Consciousness Conference events, while the 2nd week I will spend alone as I explore the region and perform my energy works alone. Prior to the conference, I put my hand up for a pre-conference adventure, with this intrepid adventurous soul seeking to be among those participating in an overnight camping trip to Curtin Springs. They haven't opened up bookings yet, but this is a popular event which was sold out last year, so hopefully I will be able to get in on time. The Conference itself runs for three days over the following weekend. Then another week alone for me, departing the following Monday. I am more excited about this trip than even the USA trip, well with the USA being my most visited country outside of Australia, it's like my 2nd home! LOL!! Kinda been there, done that, got the T-shirt to prove it. However for this home and bred Aussie, I have never been to Uluru before, and it is a high energy vortex. Of course part of the reason for my absence from Uluru is because it is cheaper to take a vacation in the USA than it is at Uluru for the same rating lodgings, air tickets, and ongoing expenses. But I am called to Uluru, it is one of the world's major energy vortexes, so as an energy worker for Mother Gaia, a visit to Uluru is a must. The Conference just a bonus extra where we get to talk about ETs, UFOs, ET Light Languages, Gaia's energies, and the other weird things I am into, and go on UFO watch nights where we don't just simply watch for UFOs and ETs but actually call on them to show themselves and come to us - and being on similar expeditions here in Perth, they actually DO come when we call them!! Uluru is an UFO hot spot, so there is certain to be UFOs swarming around!!!

Now more of my weirdness..... last week's Merkabah Activation ceremony on April 4th, marking the 4/4 event, the 4th day of the 4th month. The Merkabah is our own personal Light Ship which we all have, and is used when we go on astral travels and other spiritual journeys. But it does need to be "activated" on occasion, like a car that hasn't been used for a while and may need batteries recharged, engine checked, etc..... And so with my Merkabah kicking in last Thursday, I found myself on a journey, first to Uluru where I was above the rock. A huge vortex opened up above the rock, and I went into the vortex..... and ended up back on Taygeta!! Then I travelled onto some other star systems, until I reached Arcturus where I was given further "downloads", that is, more information about my calling and what next steps I should be taking in my calling.

Tomorrow night is our last Chakra Dance session for the term, where we integrate all of our chakras. I think this is the 4th 9-week series I have attended, and has been the most intense yet. Things get more intense with every 9-week cycle as we dig deeper into the issues surrounding our often out of balance chakras, being ravaged by the trials and tribulations of life. A new 9-week cycle is set to commence during May, and I fully intend enrolling in that one. Dance is in my DNA, I have been a dancer from way back in other lifetimes.

Now another of my Virgo plans is well on its way to completion. We Virgos like to make plans, be methodical in our plans, setting out each step in advance. And now with my Uluru trip being all booked and confirmed, the opportunity to put into action my next plans. That is, first to get a new public transport card since my old card had malfunctioned during the recent Mercury's retrograde. It turned out I needed to visit one of the public transport kiosks in the city to have my old card deactivated and to obtain a new card. So Friday, which I took off work due to the Merkabah Activation session being a late night and very intense, would be the day I visit the public transport kiosk in the CBD. Now firstly to get there..... and being a frugal little Virgo, I did not relish the idea of paying for parking especially when I be there for a short time. But thankfully there is still some free parking across the river, albeit in an ever diminishing quantities. There are no more free parking in the vicinity of the ferry terminal, but still free parking under the bridge, about a mile from the ferry terminal, or just over a mile's walk across the bridge into the CBD...... well good chance to get my daily walk in!!! Yes very frugal Virgo!!!

Now being told on the website that I would have to pay $10 for the privilege of getting a new card, but no information on whether debit/credit cards are accepted, and with scant cash on me as I don't usually carry much cash except what is needed for those laundry machines in my apartment complex, I needed to find an ATM which I thought would be easy within the CBD. But you can tell it's has been a while since visiting the dark confines of the CBD, and it turned out, ATMs are now as rare as hen's teeth, assumedly in the push towards a cashless society. I had to walk over three blocks before I finally found an ATM machine.

Now armed with cash, I headed back to the public transport kiosk, where it turned out there are debit/credit card facilities. But me being a Virgo likes to plan for all possible outcomes even that of parallel universes in case a vortex opened up at the kiosk, hence my insistence of having cash on me so it be available should I needed it. Well not only I needn't have worried about whether the kiosk had debit/credit card facilities, but also it turned out I didn't have to pay for a new card. That is cos my old card was dug up among ancient archeological ruins, just like me!!!!..... or that, my card was an old card, like me!!!! The fee applied only for new cards, if the new card was lost or misplaced. So now I have a new card, which over the weekend had to wait until it was integrated into the system, and then activated by swiping it on one of the machines at a train station.

Now with new card..... my next task in this Virgo plan is to find a place to book my car in for a very much overdue service. It has to be a place which takes online bookings, but obviously not the mechanic I was with before because I had since moved house out of the area. That mechanic did take online bookings. So have to find somewhere close by, which also take online bookings, and which is easy to get to my workplace via public transport - now that I have my new card. So hopefully it be as early as this week when my car will be serviced.

Now my plans for my upcoming vacation break beginning with Eostre (Easter) - Eostre being the ancient Pagan festival where we get the present day celebration of Easter, hence why I call it Eostre, celebrating the Goddess of fertility - oh yes I like that Goddess. My plans thus far, I will be spending much of the Eostre weekend down at Serpentine attending Glory Camp. But being in my very old age in need of my creature comforts, I am attending as a day visitor rather than spending the nights crammed into small dormitories barely the size of my bedroom in my abode but sleeping 8 more adventurous souls in four sets of double bunks!! And Serpentine, which is another of Gaia's energy vortexes, is just a 45 minutes drive on our much improved highway system. So I just attend the day and evening sessions, going home each night to my warm comfy bed in relatively more spacious surrounds. Also being a day visitor means I won't be rostered on for any camp duties such as washing/drying dishes and keeping facilities cleaned, nor having to take part in the big cleanup on departure day - Yeah I know, ulterior motives!! Also I took the no catering option, so I won't have the meals at the campsite during the day. It's not just to save money, but that I am a fussy little Virgo, and so I prefer to choose my own meals at the nearby local mini-mall - really a choice between Hungry Jacks, Chicken Treat and Fish'n'Chips.

Glory Camp is a church event, and despite not having been to church at all this year, they still invited me to the camp. And during one of my shamanic journeys at the Chakra Dance session, I was told to accept the invitation. Just to think not so long ago they used to burn witches at the stake, now they're inviting witches back to church. The main reason for my absence from church was not due to any witches inherent distaste of church life due to recent past events, but mostly because of their change of venue. Their new venue, albeit temporary, is in the area of town where parking is an utter nightmare. I don't know how the other attendees navigate the parking situation, but I am very wary of attempting to navigate the complexity of parking zones, the legality of them, and whether one needs to pay for parking at certain particular times. I recently went out recently with a friend, who being an independent soul like me, indeed a Virgo like me, she chose to drive and take me along with her. She parked somewhere blissfully unaware to both of us that it was illegal to park at that particular spot. When we came back out from our "date", we were rudely surprised to find her wheels had been clamped, which meant we had to wait for seeming eternity for someone to come to unclamp the wheels, paying 100's of $'s on the spot for the privilege, which the fiercely independent woman insisted on paying herself despite her lesser income compared to mine!!! Hence I am now very wary of taking my chances with the parking situation, with all those confusing signs, often barely visible!!! The signs where my friend had her wheel clamped were barely visible, having to really look out for them, especially in the dark!!!!

Meanwhile back to the church change of venue. They performed the move obviously to save money. Yeah there is a reason why the current venue is cheaper to hire - noone can bloody find parking!!!! They optomistically crow about soon finding their own building, located in one of the light industrial areas, with ample parking available at the venue. Despite the first choice of a building falling through due to council regulations, they remain optomistic of finding a new building in the near future - you know how unrealistically optomistic churches tends to be. Me the more skeptical and perhaps more cynical Virgo. Yes there is a reason why Virgo is known as an "Earth" sign, we tend to be more grounded in stark reality, possibly a wee bit too pessimistic, nevertheless far more grounded. My future with the church seems to be numbered, but for some reason, my ET kins are telling me to keep in touch with the church, to not cut myself off - and to attend Glory Camp.

However I won't be at Glory Camp for the whole time. That Eostre Sunday, being the 3rd Sunday of the month, is our monthly Planetary Healers meetup and meditation session with the Arcturian ETs. I will still be attending that meeting, which is held in the afternoon, so will probably stay home for the morning, attend the Planetary Healers session, then go to the Camp for the evening session since I paid for the privilege. Actually the evening sessions are free, and originally I was going to attend the morning session on Sunday, but had since decided not to attend otherwise I may have to rush out at the end of the session, and we Virgos does not like being rushed, and we don't like to be rude and leave early. So not going to quibble about the money, they can keep the change rather than complicate things.

However plans for the remainder of my vacation remains unclear, only that I may possible go on a road trip somewhere and perhaps stay for a few days. The period after Eostre is back in school time, so lodgings would be cheaper and easier to find, especially in May being close to witner.

The life of an introvert.....

My childhood experiences with the shrinks......

When Father Saturn makes his presence known......

When Mercury is in retrograde.....

Meanwhile during Chiron's return transit of my 1st House.....

When contending with Father Saturn while Chiron transits my 2nd House......

When Chiron transits my 2nd House


Virgo moments.....

Perth driving laws.....

The life of a Virgo......

21st Century questions......

Politicians in Australia.....

When Chiron entered my 3rd House the same year I started at High School....

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