Sunday 12 May 2019

Back From My Road Trip

Finally back from my road trip up north..... and getting back to my routines..... until my next trip.

Of course there is me taking way too many pixs on my trips. So far I have only most of my Kalbarri pixs up online at the link below. I still haven't finished uploading them all, this is going to take a while, but here is some to start with.....


I am yet to start on my Exmouth pixs. Hopefully at least some of them will be up by next week's blog.

Meanwhile the catastrophic football tipping competition..... which has been slightly less catastrophic lately. For the past two weeks I managed to get 8 picks both times, but then, so has almost everyone else, either 8 or 9 picks. It has been relatively easy to pick the teams these past two weeks, with most of the favourites living up to their tags. Therefore my overall ranking will not have changed much.

This week however..... well it remains to be seen..... it has been a bit more difficult to pick..... It's not over yet, so how things are panning out so far...... Oh yes the Maggies had another win, it's been touch and go for a while, but they vindicated my choice to pick them once again. As for those infernal Weevils, me having to pull my hair out to pick them again, admitting failure of my Weevil voodoo dolls, and well they did manage to once again kick more goals than the opposition.

So what of next week's matches..... Well unfortunately have to concede those infernal Weevils should prevail over the lowly placed Demons, I guess appropriate for being in the underworld..... And those Maggies they had better beat those Saints... sheeze we're in 2nd spot!!! Wow amazing what happens when I go away and out of town, being too busy for following the football. Pretty hard to pick between the Lions and the Crows, so probably go for home advantage with the Lions. The Cats should make a meal out of those Doggies. Those hapless Bombers..... well it be hard not to pick the Dockers, the only thing the Bombers can hope for is for the Dockers to occasionally fall in a heap which they are inclined to do on occasion. Another hard one to pick between the lowly two teams the Kangaroos and Swans, so toss a coin there..... The Power should hopefully prevail over the Suns. It will be a fight to the death between the Tigers and Hawks, but the Giants shouldn't be overcome by the Blues, or they won't need Prozac to overcome the case of the Blues.

Meanwhile my car.... which behaved perfectly during my 900 miles road trip up north. She did not miss a beat whatsoever. And here I thought my car would have fallen apart ages ago with that Chiron Saturn square last year. After I gotten back last week, I finally had that faulty airbag replaced as part of the airbag safety recall. Me being a Virgo always tends to procrastinate on things in regards to my own safety and well being, so despite the airbag replacement being free under the recall, I kept on procrastinating. And apparently my car had the most dangerous of the two types of air bags. We Virgos are such sacrificial creatures, putting others before ourselves, and doing works for Mother Gaia rather than attend to this issue. But when they threatened to cancel the license on my car, well probably a good idea to get this issue attended to. So now I have in theory a new and safe airbag, and hopefully not be bugged by those recall notices.

So next thing is to have those fan belts replaced which I am assured can be done as late as July. However due to my unexpected road trip up north, and wanting to avoid Mercury's retrogtrade during July, and also the dreaded The Three Weeks which also falls around July, I will take my car back in during June. It be probably uncool to tell the mechanic I am wanting to take my car in early to avoid Mercury's retrograde, but may be more understanding if I tell him of my unexpected road trip up north.

So for this week..... well with the elections coming up, what I call Reptilian games, cos that it all it is..... Reptilian games. Regardless of who we vote for, or who wins the election, the Reptilian Cabal order remains in control. All major political parties are just puppets of the Reptilian Cabal order. The policies maybe superficially different, but the Reptilian Cabal modus of operation, slavery through economics, remains the same. So I don't bother voting..... Well it is said voting is compulsory, but that is strictly not true. It is not compulsory to vote, it is only compulsory to show up at a polling booth and have your name ticked off. What you do with the ballot papers is entirely your call. You could use them for doing mandala drawings, or write ET Light Codes in the boxes. Afterall noone watches you while you vote.

Anyway I utilise the early voting option, which these days involves visiting an early voting center. When they ask why I am voting early, I just tell them that I am Jewish..... well I was a Jew in one of my other lifetimes, so it is legit to say I am Jewish. Therefore I don't vote on Saturdays. Jews does not vote on Saturdays. I never use postal votes cos you need someone to witness your signature on the application form. Back in the days of my wife we simply witness each other. However I no longer have anyone to witness, and I don't think my Goddess spirits would count as a witness. It probably would not be cool to put on the form, signed as "Goddess Lilith". So now I have to go out after work sometimes this week to show myself at a polling center for early voting.

Tomorrow night, being Monday I am back to my Chakra Dancing sessions. Dancing is in my DNA, with my Mother being a dance teacher among her strings in her bow. Dancing has always been in my blood. So we're now to a new 9-week Chakra cycle, this time in a slightly different format. Being winter, we move down from the Crown chakra down to the Root chakra over these next few weeks.  Winter is very much Root chakra, so by the time we reach the Root chakra, it will be mid-winter.

Next Sunday will be busy, so next week's blog will probably be a bit late..... Monday if I get the day off work, and since they're wanting me to clear my excess vacation time, I should be granted a day off work. Sunday morning I will be at the Light Languages Experiential workshop. It involves inspire artworks by ETs and using Light Codes. It is what I do myself, but this time I am letting someone else do it on me.

So let me explain.... if I haven't already..... Light Languages is, well the alternative version of Speaking in Tongues. The energies are the same. The major difference being, Speaking in Tongues is said to be a consequent of Holy Spirit influence, while Light Languages is ETs or Higher Entities being channelled through us, or some would say, our Higher Self, that is, the higher dimensional part of ourselves. We could go into such shit like, we have many "over-souls", or we have many parts of ourselves existing in different dimensions, or different aspects of ourselves, but I won't complicate things. Suffice to say, when we speak Light Languages, we are speaking from a source that is other than our normal 3D physical selves.

So Light Languages are the spoken languages, or languages spoken through us, and sounds like Speaking in Tongues. Light Codes is what is written down, and is what I do as part of my energy works. Then we have inspired artwork, which often contains Light Codes, and is inspired by Higher Dimensional sources, ETs, Goddesses, or whoever else.......

An example of my Light Codes writings.

One of my inspired ET artwork.... with ET Light Codes.

During next Sunday morning's session..... well basically we go into a room where there be various inspire ET artworks, and we get to choose one, or go to the one that we're drawn to. Then using the artwork with the Light Codes, well we work with them..... there be sound healing with those Tibetan sound bowls, breathwork, and perhaps other modalities to help us......

Then Sunday afternoon will be a choice between an ET DNA Activation Ceremony and the Planetary Healers monthly meetup session. The former is for self nurturing, the latter being in service for Mother Gaia. Being a Virgo who thrives on serving others at the expense of one's self, I will probably choose the latter. We Virgos are very self sacrificial creatures who prefers to serve others, or Mother Gaia as the case may be. And the Sunday morning session is a self nurture session, so I will have always used up my Virgo quote for self nurturing, so the Planetary Healers meetup is most likely what I will choose. Nevertheless I haven't committed to either one yet........ Virgos are also loathe to try make decisions and make up their minds, being such over-thinking creatures, considering absolutely every option, and not wanting to disappoint anyone, but once their mind is made up, they don't go back on their words. So Virgos can be trusted..... if only we ever get to make the decision in the first place!!!

So now the cartoons......... OK my blog doesn't make sense, but at least the cartoons will make sense.....

.....or he is a Virgo

The perils of dating sites.....

When doing a reading for a Virgo.....

Me on performance review day......

Chiron's transit of my 2nd House.....

When that Saturn Complex in your chart kicks in......

Me when on a diet......

Paranoid Virgo.....
When a Virgo asks such a question......
My Virgo horoscope......

When Mercury is your ruling planet and is in retrograde

The perils of old age

Very true for me......


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