Sunday 14 April 2019

The Curse of Chiron - 2019 Fate Now Sealed

The curse of Chiron is very definitely alive and well..... scoring only an extremely dismal two correct picks in last week's competition, my fate is sealed. There is no coming back from there. The season is gone..... down the drain..... kaput!!! So just going through the motions now, or perhaps trying new stategies for 2020.

Firstly a bit of football humor from the recent Vegan protests......

Speaking of Magpies.... well at least the Maggies had a win. At least I got that pick correct this time. And I am glad to see that my faith in the Bombers has been vindicated. And I did most extremely grudgingly pick the Weevils given that my Weevil voodoo dolls doesn't seem to be working, so at least this week is already an improvement of last week, well it couldn't get much worse, I gotten at least three correct picks.

So now a difficult dilema for the next round.... shall I stick with the Maggies on their trek to the Colliseum.... uhhh I mean.... the Gabba to deal with those Lions? Will the Bombers be able to continue their form against the Kangaroos? Those Weevils against the Power, well since they tend to pay the umpires well at Optus, and my Weevil voodoo dolls doesn't seem to be working, well.... no comment but you know what I am getting at. The Giants however should be too much to bear for the Dockers. The Saints is likely to be exorcising the Demons. The Tigers may have Swans for dinner. The Bulldogs seems set to keep the Blues winless. The Crows will need to pull something out of the hat aside from Sun-screen to keep the Suns at bay. And it will be an epic battle between the Hawks and the Cats, just a matter of seeing who will have the sharper claws on the day.

Verdict on my car..... Against the background of the Sun Saturn square involving my 2nd House, it was with much intrepidation that I had taken my car in for a very much overdue service. Taking my car to the mechanics on a working weekday necesitates me deviating from my Virgo routine of arriving at work early as part of my Virgo timetable. Dropping the car at the mechanics will mean I would arrive at work later than usual. So the idea is to drop my car off as soon as possible, hence a Google search for the opening time for this particular mechanic, which came back as 8AM. So as part of my Virgo planning, I plan the best route to get there, and any possibility of gridlock traffic. On the day, my Virgo plan went perfectly, arriving at the mechanics within 5 minutes of 8AM..... only to find the opening time is actually 7AM!!!!! That meant I lost a whole hour needlessly!!! Lesson learned - never trust Google!!!!

The bus journey from the mechanic back to my workplace via two busses took me about an hour, hence arriving at work two and a half hours after my usual arrival time. Then waiting for that phone call from the mechanic on news about my car and what extra work needs to be done. They call requesting my permission prior to commencing the additional work. I was certain the brakes would be involved hence bumping up the cost quite substantially.

During morning tea break that ominous phone call came, giving the news that there are "a lot of issues" that will need to be dealt with about the car. He didn't mention the issues, just said that we will discuss them when I come to collect the car, thus leaving me in my Virgo anxiety for the rest of the day. Anxiety is hard wired in the DNA of Virgos. I was rather surprised at the items that he deemed was urgent enough to deal with that day - new sparkies, new oil filter, and new windscreen wipers. He mentioned nothing about the brakes. So after giving him permission to perform these extra works, the price increased only relatively marginally.

The bus trip back to the mechanics was filled with Virgo anxiety on two fronts.... the imagined contents of the vehicle report detailing the many expensive repairs required, and whether I would get to the mechanics before closing time given that much of the bus journey through the CBD was in gridlock traffic!!

I did manage to get to the mechanics on time..... and the report on the car turned out to be less catastrophic than I thought. Most of the issues seemed relatively simple to rectify. And I was surprised to see that while the brakes needed to be looked at, he didn't think it was so urgent. Indeed it turned out the most pressing issue were the three fan belts which it seemed are cracked. Even then he told me to come back in two to three months to have the belts replaced. Though cracked he seemed certain they would last for several more months.

So it seems I would not be up for 1000's of $'s for car repairs, but at least initially for the fan belts, only a few 100's of $'s.

This is another way which things seems to be turning out better than expected since Chiron entered my 2nd House when I expected this to herald another 8 years of poverty. The only exception being in the Football tipping!!!! It seemed I am destined not to win any prize monie at least in 2019 unless there is a boobie prize for coming last!!! But aside from that, everything else seems to be going better than expected..... my efforts to reduce my debt, my trips, my living expenses.... and my car!!

Now I am free to plan for this upcoming vacation period beginning on Eostre weekend this weekend, when I will be down at Serpentine. This week I will plan for the remainder of my vacation, intending to spend a few days out of town at any of the vortexes.

Maybe I need to find a parallel universe where I always win the tipping competition, the Magpies always wins, and the Weevils always gets beaten......


21st century spiritism
Saturn's transits does not last forever..... it just seems that way!!

After the end of the catastrophic year of 2017......

Um... yes......

When my Netflix queue is full of shows involving vampires, werewolves and witches......
A budding politician......
Virgo response to common dating questions.....

Virgo dating experiences.....
A lesson in stereotyping.... or he is a Virgo.

The Saturn Effect......

Virgo attempts at being romantic.....

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