Sunday 17 February 2019

Intense Celestial Energies This Week

Hold on for the ride..... major celestial events happening this week!!!

First thing.... my nemesis Chiron moves into Aries where it will stay for the next 8 years. Chiron has been in my 2nd House for the past few days, being at 29 degrees of Pisces. Now to enter Aries, the main sign of my 2nd House, the energies will only intensify. As one Astrologer puts it, Chiron's entry into Aries will mark the end of a cycle that began back in 1968, the last time Chiron entered Aries. Oh yes, for me this was a POVERTY cycle, the 8 years of poverty beginning 1968. This cycle IS going to end, there will be no more poverty cycles for me.

Just days after Chiron's entry into Aries, my telco bill falls due, and as shared in last week's blog, I was the victim of a telco trick in regards to my data roaming charges from my USA trip. I will not repeat the details here, but suffice to say, this resourceful little Virgo has a plan to get this bill paid on time with no payment extensions without dipping into my credit card balances. Lesson learned for my next trip to the USA in September. Nevertheless this episode is proof that poverty is at the door knocking, and it is to me to not allow poverty back into my life as Chiron once again transits Aries and my 2nd House.

Next is the Sun moving into Pisces. We are entering into the time of the Pisceans, a somewhat painful time as this means that Mother's birthday is coming up soon, she being a Piscean soul. However, Pisces is also my Ascendant sign, so this is set to hilight my spiritual life, especially with Neptune currently in transit of Pisces and will remain so for many years yet, being a very slow moving planet.

Together with Jupiter currently in transit of my 10th House, my vocation in life, in this instance my calling for energy works on Mother Gaia, my spiritual life has been in a state of expansion especially since my South Carolina trip.

I have recently became a paid member of the "Group of 40" a worldwide group dedicate to energy healing of Mother Gaia - planet Earth - which is exactly my calling. I resonate so much with this group ever since I began attending the Planetary Healers meetup each month, this group is connected to the Group of 40, and the Arcturians ETs, the ET species from the Arcturus star system and is related to the Pleiades. More information on the Group of 40, and seeing how weird I am for joining this group, is given below......

Next thing is I am getting into more channeled artwork and Light Codes. Channeled meaning the artwork is inspired by ETs, the ETs that I have contact with. And the Light Codes is related to the spoken "Light Languages", the languages of the ETs, which is basically the alternative spirituality version of the "speaking in tongues", and is basically the same creature. Christians regards the Tongues as the languages of "angels", which are essentially ETs - angels are not from Earth, therefore they are extra-terrestrials, hence they are indeed ETs. Many of the Biblical accounts of angelic visitations are probably ET visitations. The famous book "Chariot of the Gods" proposed that the world's religions are nothing more than the records of mankind's interaction with ETs whom superior technological advances made it appear as miraculous magic to mankind. I never read the book, I had always known that the gods of religions were probably ETs in the majority of instances.

When I received the Gift of Tongues back in church during the 1980's, unbeknown to me at the time, I actually received the gift of Pleiadean Light Languages. This became apparent when after my awakening of 2005/6, I came across recordings of Pleiadean Light Languages online and it sounded very strangely familiar to me..... then I realised it was one of the "Tongues" that I had been speaking for a long time in church.

The "Light Codes" are just the written version of Light Languages. An example of one of my ET channeled drawing is.....

And an example of my ET Light Codes is.......

This is an increasingly popular movement. Just Google on "Light Languages" and "Light Codes", there will be 100's of links to those practising such modalities. The DNA Activation ceremonies involves Light Languages, and nowadays many of the healing modalities involves Light Languages. As with the Christian experiences, the idea of Light Languages and Codes is not to understand them but to take in the energies associated with these codes - just as Christians are encouraged to take in the "annointing" given through Tongues. Though of course, in both instances there are occasions when the codes are interpreted.

Then of course, my dance session continues tomorrow with the Base Chakra being highlighted, and Tuesday is my Breathwork and Sound Healing session. Next Sunday I will embark on a road trip to one of the vortexes about 2 to 4 hours drive away as part of my energy works for Mother Gaia. Now that I am getting my car fixed soon, I feel I can start going back to these road trips. When I say, getting my car fixed, it is taking it in for a very much overdue service which is likely to come up with issues that will need to be fixed, including my brakes. My car is actually running very well, but I know it does have issues. Nevertheless given that I am now in the position to get my car fixed, I feel I can start going on these road trips again. A choice of energy vortexes includes Wongan Hills, Merredin (an ET and UFO hot spot), and Margaret River (where I experienced that very strange Orange Light UFO). So my blog is likely to be a bit late, but I am taking the day off work on Monday to use up my surplus leave.

Last but not least.... the Full Moon in my Sun sign Virgo. Full Moons are always very energetic times for me, it is my favourite time of the month. The Full Moon takes place right at the start of Virgo, at 0 degrees of Virgo, coinciding with the Sun's entry into Pisces. Of course Full Moons takes place when the Sun is opposite to the Moon, hence when the Sun is in the opposite sign of Pisces, at 0 degrees of Pisces. Since the Full Moon is at 0 degrees of Virgo, it is still in my 6th House, which is sacred work and health. So my spiritual work is being further highlighted as is my health which seems to be in reasonable shape for my very old age.

On this note..... my quirky and sometimes warped sense of humour.......

Mondays back at work.......

When Chiron enters Aries and my 2nd House......

hehe...... ;)

Meanwhile at my workplace.....

When getting your ghosts to work for you......

When Virgos asks questions......

The clinic I need to attend !!!!!
Me and my very old age.....

My experiences with talking to computers and voice activated automated systems on the phone.....

Meanwhile in Australia......

When seeing a shrink.......
When Chiron is in my 2nd House.....

Those "robot" check systems on websites are just hugely annoying for the rest of us !!!!!

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