Sunday 10 March 2019

My Road Trips

These past two weekends I have been on road trips, hence the lack of blogs, especially with my weekly schedules..... my Chakra Dance sessions on Mondays, and my Breathwork sessions on Tuesday which I now decided to attend just once every fortnite. These road trips are part of the expansion of my calling for energy works on Mother Gaia as per Jupiter's current transit of my 10th House. The trips were to scope out vortexes, dragon lines, and other energy spots.

The inspiration was the Chakra Dance session three weeks ago when we danced to the base chakra which is connected to Mother Gaia. During the session I found myself on a shamanic journey back to the place of my childhood, well mostly my teen years but began the later years of my childhood, that is Augusta, or more specifically the bush area behind the family vacation house at Augusta, on the south coast about a 3 1/2 hours drive south from Perth. The house was originally owned by one of my uncles, so later in my childhood we sometimes go there on a road trip for vacation. Then when Chiron moved out of my 2nd House, the poverty years, and entered my 3rd House in 1977..... when things got better and Mother met a new guy whom she would later marry, and he bought the house off my uncle, so it became our family vacation house..... and we'd go there every holiday weekend and vacation time to spend our vacations. During our stay, I would always wander to the bush area behind the house..... and there I find a rock in the clearing of the forest. At that rock I would often have mystical experiences. During one such occasion, I was it seems transported back in time to a time prior to European settlement, and was surrounded by all these Natives performing some kind of ritual dance around the rock. So I figured there is something special about the rock. Then I wander into the forest behind the rock, and there I see faes and other mystical creatures. Me and my very vivid imagination.

Then of course back in 1980 on one of our road trips, on the final leg between Margaret River and Augusta, I experienced that very strange Orange Light UFO. This adds weight to the idea that there is something special about this region. Margaret River is a well known hippies hangout, where a lot of mystical people gather, this usually means there are vortexes in the region, or perhaps Margaret River is in a vortex.

Of course life happens, and since the 1990's I hadn't been to Augusta at all though I visited Margaret River once or twice on retreats especially since my awakening. So when I experienced the shamanic journey right back to that rock during the Chakra Dance session I figure there must be a purpose for it.

After the dance session.... I felt I NEEDED to go back to Augusta, in particular to that rock. At first I was just going to do it in a day trip, but a 3 1/2 drive is a wee bit too far for a road trip. So I figure to check out lodgings in Augusta using my travel app, the same app I use for planning my overseas trips. By using the app, being a frequent traveller, I get discounts on my bookings. Furthermore I had booked a day off work on the following Monday, hence making it a three-day weekend. So after some searching, I came across what seemed to be a good lodging spot, a motel, for a reasonable price. So I booked myself three nights there.

And so I spent that weekend, two weeks ago, down at Augusta. I visited that rock and realised why it was such an energetic rock - it was full of quartz, which attracted Gaia's energies. As it turned out, at least one dragon line, which passes through Wongan Hills and Serpentine, also passes through the vicinity of that rock, and down to Cape Leeuwin just a few miles south of Augusta, the south west corner of Australia. I visited other spots around the town, most of the sites of my mystical experiences from my childhood were near the dragon line. Down at Cape Leeuwin there were veins of quartz in the granite formations which ran approximately parallel to the dragon line.

Then I went north to Margaret River, and visted the various vortexes around the area, checked out more quartz deposits. There are also caves in the area, a few open to tourists. Of course I've been in those caves more often over the years than I care to remember. Nevertheless caves are also energetic, possibly leading to Inner Earth. Oh yes the Inner Earth or "Hollow Earth" theory where the planet is hollow, and the Inner Earth is populared by HD civilizations. It is said many of the UFO sightings are not from other planets but are crafts from Inner Earth. Many cultures speaks of underworld legends (mostly positive legends, the Christian view is one of a small view of the negative viewpoints!!), and a lot of them refers to vortexes on the planet which are said to contain entrances to Inner Earth, such as, Mt Shasta.... and it is said there are entrances to Inner Earth at both the North and South Pole. Margaret River is a vortex possibly because the caves in the region are said to lead to Inner Earth. Many caves around the world indeed do lead to Inner Earth.

On this occasion I didn't visit any caves, but various spots along the coastline, where I discovered more granite outcrops with quartz veins.

I have as per usual taken a lot of pixs of my travels, and have decided to look for another photo sharing site. Imgur, the site where I shared my South Caroline pixs, have a lot of quirks. But what sealed their fate for me were the number of trolls on the site posting lewd and downright nasty comments on my photos. Furthermore the website does not give us the ability to delete the comments nor to block the posting of comments.

So I am currently trialling a new photo sharing site, and am currently uploading my 1000's of pixs to that site. Unlike Imgur which is a free site full of adverts and trolls, this site is a paid site with reasonable monthly fees, three tiers of fees depending on how many pixs you share and what extra features you want. I chose the middle tier and so will trial this site for a month. I have almost finished uploading my Augusta pixs to the site. There are no abilities to post comments hence no trolls, but the site is designed to be able to share our pixs on social media like FaceBook, and blogs like this one!!!! So if all goes well with the uploading of my pixs, I will post a link to my pixs on one of my next blogs.

The following weekend, which was indeed a holiday weekend in Western Australia, I went on another road trip, this time to Wongan Hills to the northeast of Perth. This was just a day trip, the settlement being only a two hours drive from Perth. The dragon line passes through the hills of Wongan Hills, the same dragon line that passes through Augusta and Cape Leeuwin. I had visited the hills near the town known as the Wongan Hills, hence the name of this very small settlement. There are walk trails around the hills, of course I took the longest walk trail, a loop about 7kms. At the hills there is a rock formation that looks like a dragon, which is a clue of where the dragon line traverses. Rock formations naturally shaped like a dragon is one of Gaia's indication of the presence of dragon lines. I have also taken plenty of pixs at Wongan Hills, and will share more about the trip when I have uploaded the pixs. At the information site at the Wongan Hills walk trail, there are references to several other sites in the area, which hopefully I will be visiting in subsequent road trips. Such places, being mainly granite rock formations, are potentially vortexes. Adding greater weight to the idea of these being vortexes is if they are also Native sacred sites. Them natives are very good at discerning vortexes, which is why they have assigned certain sites as being sacred sites from way back in prehistoric times, traditionally said to be 40000 years ago but I believe it goes back much further back in time than that and involves contacts with ETs. Of course they refer to the Wagle Serpent which is essentially a dragon.

Now my pesky ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde, I don't plan to be embarking on any more road trips for the next three weeks. In April, after Mercury's retrograde, I will finally book my car in for a service and deal with other issues that is certain to come up. My feeling is it will need new brakes, my feelings are always correct, so I am prepared for this possibility.

After my South Carolina trip set for September 2019, I am working on planning for another trip, this time to Uluru in central Australia which is a massive vortex, indeed said to be one of the seven major "chakras" of Mother Gaia - planet Earth. The trip is tentatively set for January 2020 when there is a spiritual conference, known as Cosmic Consciousness Conference, including sky watching for UFO's and ETs at the site. Uluru is a ET hotspot. So my tentative plan is to stay for the 3-day conference, then stay a few days extra for my own exploration and energy works for Mother Gaia. The air ticket to Uluru is very expensive, indeed it is often cheaper to fly to the USA west coast than it is to fly to Uluru. However it turns out I have accumulated enough frequent fliers points with an airline to get me to Ulura and back home again. Part of the benefits of being a frequent world traveller. So I just have to pay for the lodging, which is also expensive, more expensive than in the USA and other overseas places, and most likely a hire car. Of course this is why many go overseas for vacations rather than stay in Australia, overseas vacations including the air tickets is often cheaper than similar vacations within Australia. However Uluru is a major vortex and I am called to visit the region. The universe does provide, in this instance, as frequent fliers points which effectively makes my air travel to be free. The lodgings are also very expensive, but without needing to pay for the air ticket, it will be easier for me to save towards the lodgings, even after my South Carolina trip.

Now for another week at work...... and dealing with Mercury's retrograde which so far has resulted only in minor incidences......

Finding ways to cope with the onset of winter when my Seasonal Affective Disorder kicks in....

I bloody well wish!!!!!!.... being cursed with the genetics of being short!!!!!
When taking my car in for a service and they suggest a new car for me.....

Remarkably accurate interpretations of profile statements on dating sites......

TV addiction......

Dealing with my often sleepless nights.....
Appropriate library books category....

I save my family the bother..... they all know I am the weird one !!!!!!

Chiron in my 2nd House.....

When that Uranus influence kicks in.....

When Chiron entered my 1st House......


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