Sunday 3 February 2019

Chiron Back In My 2nd House......

This Thursday on February 7, which happens to be payday, Chiron enters my 2nd House (Pleasure, Materials, Possessions, Money) where he will spend the next 8 years. The last time Chiron entered my 2nd House, back in 1968, this heralded the 8 years of poverty.

With Mars also currently in my 2nd House, now is the time for action to mitigate against a repeat of the 8 years of poverty. Back in 1968 I had no control over the situation, being only age 5, I was totally at the mercy of the whims of my family and circumstances around me. This time some 50 or so years later, I am a lot more in control of my circumstances. And so with Mars the planet of action also in my 2nd House, I am sparked into action.

First thing I set the goal of a return trip back to South Carolina in September this year. Both our birthdays falls during September, hers being on the 11th, mine just 9 days later. We both have the Sun in Virgo, which makes for very interesting times together!! Only a Virgo can understand how difficult it is to live with a Virgo. Only a Virgo can understand our many foibles of Virgos. Only a Virgo can understand how annoying a Virgo can be. Must be why we got on so well together. So a return trip to South Carolina is set for September 2019.

First thing is to tweak my savings plan to pay down debt a little quicker than I have been. The less debt equals the less trouble when the financial shit really hits the fan on the world economics. If poverty was to strike during these 8 years it will almost certainly be due to the coming world economic crash. Having less debt will lessen the personal impact on such an event. It is not a matter of IF but WHEN the world economic crash will come.

Next is to deal with my car which is long overdue for a service, and my feeling is it will also need new brakes. I thought I would lose use of my car during the middle of 2018 when Chiron squared with Saturn. Catastrophes happens during Chiron's hard aspects with Saturn. So I thought I would lose use of my car during that time. Of course this did not happen, my car is still running - albeit with the hampster on the wheel inside the engine!!!!

During 2019 there will be no more aspects between Chiron and Saturn, so although Chiron is set to enter my 2nd House, no catastrophes are expected. Therefore with Mars in my 2nd House, I should be able to take action and have the universe on my side.

Stemming from my poverty years I know how to save my pennies, to shop for specials at the supermarket, and to tweak my grocery shopping for maximum output on minimal input. It is how I could fund my trips and get me through tight spots. Mother always bought only the icecream that was on special, she never bought icecream that was not on special. Back in those days it meant we lived virtually on vanilla icecream, or perhaps neapolitan icecream if we're lucky. Chocolate icecream was never on special hence I was forever deprived of such simple pleasures!!! These days however, all flavours of icecream are on special at some time. So between the three supermarkets that I visit, at least one will have chocolate icecream on special, so I could satisfy my addiction for chocolate while sticking to a budget.

The month after my trips is always when my data roaming comes back to haunt me. Although I make use of free wi fi where possible, there are always some occasion when I need to use my devices in places where there is no wi fi, hence I use data roaming, whose cost quickly adds up. Only difference is, it doesn't add up quite as quickly in the USA since this is a Tier 1 country therefore cheaper. Mexico however is a Tier 3 country, therefore, much more expensive. So I brace for my internet bill the month after my trip, though not quite so much this time being only in the USA. So this month concentrate on dealing with the haunting of my data roaming bill.

March is when Mercury goes into retrograde. Catastrophes always happens when Mercury goes into retrograde. You don't deal with transport issues, such as, getting my car serviced, nor pay out large sums of money as always happens when it comes to car repairs, during a Mercury retrograde period. In March Mercury's retrograde takes place in my Ascendant sign, so is likely to be even more catastrophic. So not a good idea to deal with my car during March while Mercury is in retrograde. There's a high chance my car will start to play up during March as catastrophes always happens during a Mercury's retrograde, but at least by April I will be finally getting my car serviced..... and face the music on the many works that will need to be done to the car. Then will work on getting at least the most urgent or critical of the repairs done, and the brakes is expected to be one such item for repairs - it is the feeling that I get.

Meanwhile..... with school also being back this week, I am getting back to my spiritual modalities albeit not as many as per last  year - from both a time and financial viewpoint. The time being that there are only so many days in the week, and it will exhaust me if I attend something every day of the week. At some stage some weeks last year I was attending four sessions each week. That is unsustainable for an introvert like me who values plenty of time alone, as awesome as it is to attend these sessions. And then the finance point of view, most sessions involves a fee of some sort. So less sessions equals less payouts of money.

Last night was the first of my sessions since my return from the USA. This was the monthly sessions of the Merkabah Activation Ceremony. This I will continue with on a monthly basis. The Merkabah is our "light body" in which our soul/spirit resides and keeps us safe while we persue our spiritual journey. Activating it and keeping it activated affords us greater control over the process of our spiritual journeys, such as our shamanic journeys, and when we dream.

Then on Tuesday I go back to the Breathwork and Sound Healing sessions. And the following Monday I begin my favourite of the activities - the 9-week Dance sessions involving each of our Chakras - the Chakra Dance sessions. So that be two nights per week, which is more sustainable on many levels.

Last but not least.... getting back to my walking and exercise regime. Last week I went for my first walk in at least six weeks, prior to Xmas, and I was so exhausted afterwards I promptly went to sleep. So I need to get my fitness back. My energy has been very low...... so need to build up my fitness once again, even in my very old age......

Now back to my quirky sense of humor......

I can relate....... no more comment !!!

Me and my guardian angel.....

Meanwhile at a govt dept near you......

Me and that Saturn Complex in my chart.....

Back to the govt dept near you......

That be the truth.......

Yoga class last year......

The truth......

The life of a Virgo.....

Maybe I am not THAT weird......

Meanwhile back in Perth during winter.....

Meanwhile my favourite comic......

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