Sunday 10 February 2019

Sneaky Telcos And The Poverty Challenge

With Chiron now in my 2nd House, poverty is at the door.......

During my trips overseas I am always careful about using my data roaming, making sure the data on my devices is switched off except for specific circumstances, and keeping track of my usage. So during my recent USA trip, well the USA is a "tier 1" country on the telco's list, meaning, the data roaming charges are the least expensive, and you can purchase data packages which makes it less expensive.

So I have two devices that uses the same data pool, so on one of them I purchased a data pack, which I used mainly on the other device. I knew my data roaming always comes back to haunt me after my trips, but being the USA and having purchased a data package, I didn't think the bill would be that high.

I was in for an extremely rude shock!!! The latest telco bill which covered my USA was absolutely huge!! It was more than the bills from my Mexico, and Mexico is a "tier 3" country, these are with the most expensive data roaming charges, and you cannot purchase any packages for Mexico. The bill wasn't quite as high as during the catastrophic 2016 incidence when I forgot to turn off my auto data downloads, but it was more than high enough!!!

So what's in Hell's name was going on?? It was then I discovered a very sneaky trick employed by telcos. All large corporations - telcos, banks, governments, etc - are inherently evil. The evil are hard wired into the DNA of corporations, they care only for money and profits. The customer is nothing more than a commodity for them. They are just a necessary evil in this current society, you just have to be not deluded enough to think they actually have even an ounce of care or human compassion for their customers - it just does not exist in the psyches of corporations. It is just up to us to have our wits about us and be aware of their tricks.

And one of their tricks is..... the data package is specific only for the device in which the package was purchased from. It doesn't matter that there be other devices using the same data pool. The package applies only for the device in which it was purchased from. And of course we're not told this at the time of purchase. There was no messages nor reminders that the package is good only for the particular device. Of course they'll say it's in the "term and conditions", but they know as well as we all do that no one reads the term and conditions. That is exactly why they make them so intentionally wordy and long winded and in very small letters. No one had the time to read the 100's of pages of the term and conditions, and corportations knows this. It is one of their most common tricks.

It happens I do have the means to pay it without needing to ask for extensions, etc, but it is destined to set back my savings plan.

This alone will not lead to poverty...... but with Chiron now in my 2nd House, poverty will be ever knocking at my door..... it is up to me as to whether I let it in or not..... I just hope it doesn't smash down the door!!!!

Meanwhile...... getting back into my modalities after my USA trip albeit on a reduced scale, that is, not as many of them as last year. My routines so far..... Tuesdays I do the Breathwork and Sound Healing sessions using those sound bowls that are so popular these days. Those are amazing, that they actually makes sounds when you just drag a stick around the rim. You wouldn't think just that would make such sounds, but it sure does!! I think these originated in Asia - Nepal, Tibet and other such regions. So we're talking about ancient technology, and well it does work wonders!!! They are simply amazing!!

Mondays starting tomorrow night, I am back into my Chakra Dance sessions, the 9-week sessions that more or less coincides with the school term. So looking forward to that. Dancing is in my DNA, I just so love to dance, it is my favourite artform.

Today I was at another of these DNA Activation ceremonies which I often refer to here. This is dealing with the so-called "junk" DNA that scientists has no idea why it is there. They assume it is leftovers from evolution. However, such so-called "junk" DNA are not junk at all, but are DNA that dates back to a more glorious era of our past, and is designed to enable us contact with ETs. These ceremonies are held every few weeks, so won't be another one for a while.

So another week until my tentative date of my next trip to the USA - September 2019.....


When Saturn causes me trouble..... which is often !!!!

The curse of old age......

When my Scorpio Mars kicks in......

Oh yes will I ever save you...... !!!!!

Meanwhile at a public hospital near you....

The truth.... for better or for worse......

My shopping expeditions...... hehe......

ETs.... hehe......

Also telco CEO's are down there too.....
On that long flight across the Pacific......

Chiron in the 2nd House.......

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