Sunday 27 January 2019

Home Sweet Home

After another world adventure it is always good to get back home to my cosy little abode, especially after such a very long trip. You know you're in the most isolated city on Earth when you travel. You also know that you are in one of the most expensive cities on Earth when you travel, having brought back 1/2 a suitcase full of clothes bought in the USA for a fraction of the price you'd pay in Perth for them. I think moral of the story is, if you need certain items, wait until your next overseas trip to acquire them for a much cheaper price!! Of course it doesn't work for all items, such as large electrical items, for obvious reasons!! But for clothes and other small items, this approach works very well.

The night in Rock Hill prior to my departure was my coldest night yet that I have experienced, when the temperature dropped down to 7 degrees Celscius BELOW freezing. Leading such a sheltered life in relatively balmy Perth I have never before experienced such cold temperatures, and I don't care to experience such temperatures again!!!!

So them embarking on my very long journey back home, and it was mostly uneventful until I got to Sydney. At Sydney Airport as I waited for that final flight back to isolated little Perth, I spotted a Krispy Kreme donut shop so I decided to treat myself to some donuts. I didn't have any cash on me except a small amount of USA cash which I intended to keep until my next trip rather than exchange it. So I used my credit card to purchase those donuts...... BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Within a minute I received a txt msg from the finance company informing me they've placed a temporary block on my credit card "for security reasons". They deemed my small purchase at Sydney Airport to be "suspicious" and I needed to call them to confirm that it was indeed myself who had made the purchase. So I planned to deal with it when I got back home. This annoyed me greatly. How dare them intrude on my space and basically nanny me as if I can't look after my own affairs. Also I used that same credit card in the USA, to pay for my car rental, hotel lodgings, and food, etc, at USA airports. Why didn't they deemed those transactions in the USA to be "suspicious"? Why did they wait until I arrived back in Australia???

So I thought.... when I got back to Perth, I just call the finance company, confirm that the Sydney transaction was genuine and performed by me, and so would unblock my card. I was to be most sadly mistakened. When I called them, I was confronted with the typical automated response so loved by corporations to save money on employing humans to do the job, having to press menu buttons to finally get to the department that I needed.......

Then they asked me the usual security questions to establish that it was indeed myself the owner of the credit card who was talking to them, not some ET from Mars..... or the Pleiades!! Fair enough I thought..... then I confirmed that it was indeed myself who had performed the transaction in Sydney. So I thought, well they should unblock the card now...... However the guy on the other end went away for a while, and when he came back, he informed me that someone would call me back in two days!!!!

Now I was getting really pissed off. My Scorpio Mars kicked in big time. I had just confirmed that it was me who made the transaction after proving it was me who was talking to them, yet they still wouldn't unblock the card. This was Wednesday, and so it be Friday before someone calls me back. Meanwhile I am without a credit card for those days. As if I was being punished for daring to use the card in Sydney, it seemed like I was the "criminal" who "stolen" the card. I was polite to them, but deep inside I was absolutely livid...... and I hexed them, me being a witch!!!! I do have two other credit cards I could use but that is not the point!! I should not be denied use of my own credit card for several days when I had done nothing wrong!!!!

So I waited ever so patiently for that call...... and on Friday the call finally came. About bloody time!!! So once again I was put through the usual security checks, having to prove that it was indeed me the owner of the credit card whom they were talking to. Then once again the confirmation that the transaction in Sydney was a genuine transaction performed by me. So will they now unblock my card...... NO SUCH FUCKING LUCK!!!!!!!

They then told me I had to email them a scanned copy of my Drivers License and a scanned copy of a letter with my signature confirming the transaction in Sydney was genuine and requesting for the card to be unblocked!!!!

WHAT'S THE FUCK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

Now I am totally livid!!!!! More massive HEXES being sent, cos when I get mad, I don't shout at them, I just send hexes - curses of a witch.

So I duly composed the letter, scanned the Drivers License, and sent off the email. But because it was Friday and past the close of business on the east coast where the finance company is based, it would be at least BLOODY TUESDAY before they would deal with the email. Of course being a holiday weekend when Monday being a public holiday.

Therefore I am STILL without a credit card, and Tuesday would mark a whole week since the credit card was blocked. And so help me Goddess, if they don't unblock my card on Tuesday and make me jump through more hoops, I am going to utterly explode!!!!! There will be no more politeness. I am a witch with a Scorpio Mars in my chart, those who fucks with me does so at their peril, and this finance company is fixing to experience a lot of peril at my hands. I will not be taking this lying down.

If and when this issue is FINALLY resolved, I will be submitting a written complaint. I will not be letting the matter rest. My days of just taking shit from corporations are over. I am going to kick up a fuss. Me and my Scorpio Mars!!!!!

Moral of the story...... don't use credit cards when overseas. I also have my travel cards which are basically debit cards that can be converted to foreign currencies. However there are places overseas that accepts only credit cards. This includes Car Rental companies and Hotels, they won't accept debit cards, even travel cards, you must have a credit card to enable transactions with these places. It is ironic that the finance company did not place a block on my credit card when I had performed these much larger transactions overseas on this same credit card. It wasn't until I arrived back in Australia and making a $6 transaction that they blocked my card for "suspicious" activity!!!!!

This was not the only catastrophe that happened to me at Sydney Airport. As I tucked into my very costly Krispy Kreme donuts, I fired up my laptop..... only to be confronted with a HARD DISK FAILURE message!!!!! Oh SHIT, what's the fuck now??? The laptop was working without any troubles whatsoever while in the USA, and it was working perfectly fine back in LA. So what's the Hell happened between LA and Sydney?? OK we did go through some severe turbulence just out of LA but I would not have thought that would have affected the hard disk, especially since the laptop was with me on the plane and safely tucked away under my seat storage area.

Fortunately I had backed up my data just prior to my USA trip, but was freaking out a bit that I would have to get myself a new hard disk, re-install Windows and restore all of my data. This would have to be something I would need to deal with immediately after I arrived home, when I be feeling exhausted and needing a rest. But I can't live without my laptop!!!

After I got home, I fired up the laptop to test it again..... and yes indeed, an apparent Hard Disk failure!!! So I went to look for my Windows installation stick, what I bought last time when just last year I had to replace the hard disk after dropping the laptop. That time there was a valid explanation for the hard disk failure, the laptop had been dropped. This time there was no valid explanation, I do not think that the turbulence, as severe as it was, would have impacted on the hard disk.

However after looking high and low in my tiny little abode, I could not find my Windows stick anywhere!!!! So I needed to purchase a new copy of Windows. I duly ordered it online, and it be the next day it be ready for me to collect from the store.

I collected the Windows installation stick the next day, and then attempted to install Windows back on my laptop. I was hoping that just reformatting the hard disk, which is what happens when installing Windows, would be enough to fix the hard disk, Perhaps it was just a software failure in the Boot Sector rather than any physical damage, so just reformatting the hard disk would cure the problem.

Alas!!! It was not to be so........ OK I now have to order a new hard disk. So I opened up my laptop to retrieve the apparently damaged hard disk so to get the model number, to ensure I order the correct hard disk for my laptop.

When I went to retrieve the hard disk from my laptop, I noticed that the hard disk seemed to be partly dislodged from its socket. Hmmmmm...... OK..... so I pushed it back in, and something told me to just fire up the laptop again........ and you wouldn't believe it....... everything was now working perfectly fine!!!!! So the alleged "hard disk failure" was nothing more than the hard disk unit being partly dislodged.

I was so happy that my laptop was working again....... but kicking myself for spending all that money on a new Windows installation stick when I didn't need it afterall. Uh well, I suppose it is a good idea to keep a spare copy of Windows handy just in case shit happens in the future...... and THIS TIME I will keep it in a specific spot in my apartment so I could find it again!!!!!

So now resetting my body clock back to Perth time...... settling back into life in Perth...... and getting ready to head back to work on Tuesday...... until my next adventures...... which is likely to be back to South Carolina, for the love of a woman who is so besotted by me. I have no idea what she sees in me. After nearly two weeks of living together in a single room at a hotel, totally exposing her to my annoying Virgo habits and my other annoying traits, my obsessions, my many foibles..... and she is STILL so besotted by me!!!! Indeed she made me promise on several occasions that I would return to see her...... This MUST be love!!!!! ....and so I must return to see her. I really wanted to go to Peru, but well, just have to wait and see how things pans out......

I really do enjoy being single..... I did not ask for this, I was not looking for anyone, I was not even flirting with anyone, I wanted to remain single forever..... and well I suppose in a way, I am still "single" since we are not physically together, being literally on opposite sides of the planet...... so "single" but "unavailable". She is not going to let me go anytime soon!!!! No woman since my wife had been so besotted by me. What is it about those American women who becomes so besotted by me???

Back to my quirky sense of humor now.........

I have days like this......

The truth..... even in Perth !!!!!


The "Saturn Complex" in one's chart manifesting.....

I ask the same question......

Father Saturn says........

Those Goth and Metal Music sites I had been visiting..... or is it those Wicca and Pagan sites?

When thinking of Taygeta......

My teen years when Chiron was in my 3rd House.....
Father Saturn says......

Friday 18 January 2019

Rock Hill Adventures

Here's to my last weekend in Rock Hill before my return trip sometimes in the hopefully near future, though I have no idea how things will pan out there. After over a week with Cathy, she is still besotted by me. This has to be for real, even by Virgo standards.

We went on more expeditions...... including to the waterfalls at the settlement of Great Falls to the south of Rock Hill, where she lives. The waterfalls is a major energy vortex as well as being quite spectacular. The trail took us along the river to the bottom of the falls. Then of course this intrepid little adventurer just had to climb to the top of the falls, the views are great.

Afterwards we went further south to a State Park on Wateree Lake, another artificial lake on the Catawba River assumedly designed to control the flooding. A lovely little spot even in mid-winter. The forests of trees are devoid of leaves so seem such a surreal scene, all these trees without leaves, except for the pine trees which are actually imported. Pine trees are not native to South Carolina, but like in Perth, there are pine plantations and introduced pine trees in parks. Of course back home our trees remains green during winter.

Today we went to York. Oh yes there is a town called York here, the capital of the York County which Rock Hill is situated. A fascinating little spot, and historical like the York back home near Perth. The York here is less than 30 minutes drive from here in Rock Hill, while the York near Perth is a 90 minutes drive. Everything here is so close together, there is nothing isolated, and while we may drive through forests, there are always settlements every few minutes, never more than 10 minutes between settlements. In contrast, to get to York from Perth, there be Mundaring and Sawyers Valley on the outskirts of Perth, but after that for the next 45 minutes essentially no more settlements until you get to York.

The weather here has been very cold, what to expect being mid-winter. On a couple of mornings there has been massive frosts, well more than what we may occasionally get in Perth. Indeed the whole cars covered in up to perhaps 1/2 cm of ice in places, as well as all the grass and shrubs. Our lows has been as low as 5 degrees Celscius below freezing. Out highs varies from just 4 degrees Celscius up to about 10 degrees. Much colder than what I am used to in Perth. But surprisingly little rain. Indeed it has rained on only about three days thus far, a bit like in Perth, sunny days inbetween the rains. Like in Perth, the nights tends to be warmer when it rains or when cloudy.

I hired a car to get around, and as always, run into problems when it is time to fuel up on gasoline (petrol). The pumps has card facilities where in theory you just swipe the credit/debit card prior to filling up, and it is all charged to the card, so no need to go into the shop. Except if you use foreign cards. At some stations they require you to enter the ZIP code (post code) linked to the account on your card, which automatically excludes foreign cards. Even when the ZIP code is not required, the machines still doesn't seem to accept foreign cards. So I am forever having to go into the shop to pre-pay for the fuel, the pumps won't work without a card, you essentially have to pay first before filling up the car. So I go in and ask to have a certain amount billed to my card, so like at any store, I swipe my card on the machine in the shop and the amount is charged to my card. Then the pump is released and I am able to use it. However it always surprises me how very cheap gasoline (petrol) is in the USA. While it typically costs about $60 to fill up a vehicle equivalent to my rental hatchback in Perth, it costs only $20 to fill it up here!!!! So I often over-estimate and use less fuel than what I paid for before the tank is full. In theory the excess amount should be refunded back to my account but that rarely happens. The usual amount of over-estimation is about $5 as I try to get the feel of how cheap it is to fuel up the cars here in the USA!!!!

The full set of pixs are available below......

Monday 14 January 2019

Rock Hill Update

Here in Rock Hill...... spent the first two days just getting to know each other, that Goddess of a woman and me..... and she is still absolutely besotted by me. It took less than two days for the New Zealand woman to dump me. Now day 3 in Rock Hill, and she is still besotted by me.

It has been bloody cold here, with "highs" of just 4 to 6 degrees Celscius.... yes these are HIGHS, meaning, it got no higher than those. These are comparable to winter nights in Perth!!! So what were our VERY lows...... well as freezing cold as 5 degrees below freezing. Well it what happens when coming during their winter, it was the only time off work I could get for several months. And also been raining, more rain than we get in Perth, but am surprised it is not snowing!! The first day was sunny but very cold, the rains then came the next day, and today it was sunny again.

Today we went to one of the huge department stores of the USA to buy up on winter clothing. This department store contains a full size supermarket with groceries and everything, then on the same huge floor space there were clothing, appliances, and pretty well everything else you find in a department store like Big W or K-Mart in Perth. And this huge department store was in an even larger mall complex comparable to the size of a large mall in Perth..... except Rock Hill is a relatively small town, probably no bigger than a mid-size town in Australia.

Of course the main reason for clothes shopping is.... it is much cheaper in the USA. I bought literally a whole trolley load of clothing which in price-gouge capital of the world, that is Perth, it be at least $500 and that's from a so-called "discount" department store. Here in the USA my load cost me only $165. Yes you don't realize how expensive Perth is until you travel overseas. We are being price gouged and ripped off in Perth.

Hopefully over the next few days we will get to some of the other vortex spots around this place.... the state parks and the waterfalls..... and in this weather there's not likely to be much of a crowd at any of these places!!!

Virgos in relationships

Why Virgos are no good at relationships

Back in my childhood poverty years when Chiron was in my 2nd House...

Meanwhile here in Rock Hill.....

Friday 11 January 2019

Now In Rock Hill

In a few hours from now, unless something last minute happens, this will be D-Day for 12 years of online friendship, when my lady friend is due to come by to visit me this afternoon..... how things will pan out afterwards, it remains to be seen......

Meanwhile...... Yesterday I checked out of my Charlotte lodgings and began to wander my way down to Rock Hill, exploring places along the way, using my GPS app which comes in very handy with all these winding roads, twists and turns - I would have gotten lost without it.

First I explored further along the shores of Lake Wylie, where my lodging was located. It's a huge artificial lake, many miles long. The Dragon Line traverses this lake.

My first stop of note was Fort Mill Dam, the dam responsible for creating this huge lake. There scoping out the energies of the place, and having a bit of a lunch break.

Next was downtown Rock Hill, a fairly large settlement, probably the size of one of the larger towns in Australia such a Bunbury. In America it be probably a mid-size town. There I visited Fountain Park in the middle of downtown. There quite a huge water fountain complex that changes over a cycle of probably a couple of minutes, quite fascinating to watch.

Rock Hill is so called because there was a large rock hill in the town. For some reason the hill has since been levelled and a main street of town runs through what was once the hill. The Dragon Line runs through the hill which was a vortex. I will have to wait for my meetup where she can show me the exact location of the hill.

Last but not least.... Ebenezer Park back on the shores of Lake Wylie on a piece of land jutting out into the lake. This is where the Dragon Line enters the lake. Just across the lake and over a ridge is the nuclear power station, you can see the huge bellows of steam from the cooling vents. Let's hope it doesn't decided to blow up while I was there!!!

By the time I finished scoping out Ebenezer park, it was time to check into my motel. Quite an impressive motel this is, my temporary abode located on the 4th level which is the top level. My room is very roomy, though might become less roomy if my meetup decides to stay with me. There is actually a full size fridge and freezer, not those tiny bar fridges typical of lower priced lodgings. This one is at the higher end, but through my agency I gotten a good discount on it, hence why I am here.

So after I checked in, I went to a nearby mall for supplies, a huge mall complex comparable to the size of a large mall in Perth though the town is not that big. There I went to Walmart and bought up on supplies for my meals here. It amazes me how cheap everything is in America. I had nearly a trolley load which would have easily exceeded $200 in Perth, here at Walmart the total came to just $73 which even accounting for the exchange rate still works out cheaper than in Perth. You don't realise how expensive Perth is until you travel overseas.

And it is bloody cold here...... the temp last night dropped to 4 degrees Celscius BELOW freezing!!!! And the so-called "high" today is set to be only 7 degrees C. Many winter nights in Perth are warmer than that!!! But so far it has been bright and sunny. I hear it may rain on the weekend, I am surprised it is not snowing..... but the forecast is rain, not snow.

So now awaiting my meetup.......

Thursday 10 January 2019

My Journey To The USA

When in the isolated city on Earth, any trip overseas is going to be an adventure, especially to the other side of this planet. In the grand scheme of things, Earth is not a large planet. In fact Taygeta is about five times larger. But when travelling overseas, planet Earth seems as huge as Antares, one of the largest known stars. It is said a jet plane would take 11000 years to fly around Antares once. Believe me, when on that very long flight across the Pacific, some 13 hours, it seems like 11000 years!!!!

I took the Uber to Perth Airport on Monday evening..... and checked in for my flights. The appropriately named red-eye flight overnight to Sydney was relatively uneventful, even if I was wide awake for the whole flight.

When I got the Sydney the fun began...... there was about a four hour layover in Sydney, but I finally mastered the art of getting around Sydney Airport without getting lost. So in through security without any drama, and into the Departure lounges...... The gates for US-bound aircrafts are enclosed and manned by additional security from the US. And just like the last time I flew to the US, I was "selected" for "additional screening". Must be the energies of my crystals which always sets off alarms, or my contacts with ETs...... so anyway, was taken into a separate room for the additional screening..... but it went off relatively without any drama.

That long flight across the Pacific..... one can only prepare so much for it. I don't cope well with sitting on an aircraft for that long. I always select an aisle seat so during the flight I can always get up and stretch my legs. I didn't sleep much, each time I drift off to sleep, the turbulence would always wake me up. It doesn't take much to wake me up. There are always turbulence across the Pacific, it is just the nature of the beasties. The turbulence is most intense when flying across the Equator. We're talking about the convergence of two air masses - the south and the north - this time one being summer, and the other being winter. However one must realise that statistically it is safer to fly in a jet plane than to drive on the roads - especially on the roads in Perth!!! And with 100's of flights across the Pacific each week, they all make it in one piece. I just don't like much to be over large areas of ocean, whether flying or in a ship, it stems from my past life on Atlantis when I drowned during the fall of Atlantis into the ocean.

Then we finally landed in LA, and due to the tail wind, we got there a little earlier than expected..... about 30 minutes before US Customs were open. I would have thought that at a large airport like LA, customs would always be open. But apparently they shut down for the night and doesn't open again until 6AM. We landed at 5:30AM, so we were stuck on the plane for half an hour until they let us off the plane and into the terminal.

Going through customs and quarantine was surprisingly uneventful. Usually my crystals sets off alarms, and always taken aside to explain my load of crystals. Not this time..... however, the dramas only just began......

When it came to collecting my luggage, one of them was missing..... the one containing my crystals!!! I was starting to worry a bit..... so I approached the airline staff..... and as I was informing them of the lost piece of luggage, it appeared almost magically nearby. Someone had accidentally taken it off the carousel thinking it belonged to them. Fortunately I always padlock my luggage!!!

So now through customs..... it was to navigating the labarynth that is LA International Airport where each airline has separate terminals. I always get lost at LA International Airport...... but always managed to eventually find my way around..... and to the correct terminal!!!!

Now it was to get through the TSA security check prior to entering the departure lounge. This was when the fun began...... I was once again flagged and taken aside for the additional screening. Just what the bloody hell is about me!! My ET DNA? My experiences with ETs? My crystals? But I learned then that my boarding passes had a "flag" for the additional screening, and since I gotten the boarding passes back in Perth when checking in, it means I had already been "selected" for the additional screening, just like the last time I went to the USA earlier this year on my way to Mexico. This time since I was remaining in the USA rather than in transit to Mexico, I knew I would be placed under greater scrutiny...... and I was right......

I was held by TSA, practically the same as coppers, for over an hour..... being checked over, frisked several times, and being interrogated. There was something about me that they didn't like..... must be my ET DNA. Those security scanner machines never works on me, it always messes them up..... so it has to be my energies, or to do with my contacts with ETs. It was only when I agreed to a strip search and enduring such a search that they finally let me go......

And so I was on my way to Charlotte, another four-hour flight, about the same as from Perth to Sydney. It was on a smaller aircraft, and because it was a full flight with limited space for carry-ons, we had to check-in our larger carry-ons, which included mine!!! At least I still had my laptop with me on the flight. It was dark when we arrived at Charlotte..... I collected my luggage, fortunately this time without any dramas of missing luggage!!!!

Then I made my way to the car rental pickup spots...... that went off without any drama, and it turned out cheaper than I expected. Of course I take all of the insurance options, many of them are compulsory for international travellers anyway..... but being a Virgo I always like to keep myself as fully covered as possible, so taking everything..... the breakdown assistance, and the fuel option. Normally you have to return the vehicle on a full tank of petrol, but for a small fee, I could take the vehicle back without having to worry about finding a petrol station to try fill it up!!!

Now to find my way to my lodgings in Charlotte....... now my new GPS app on my tablet was to be put to the test. When I collected my car, I got a bit worried cos my GPS wouldn't work for some reason!!! But I figure it was because we were in the midst of a concrete parking tower where the rental cars are also located, so was blocking the signal. So I had to just drive out..... and keep on going until I can find a spot to pull over so to activate my GPS..... and it wasn't long before I found a parking lot for a convenience store..... and was able to active my GPS.

My GPS turned out to be my life saver. I would not have found my lodgings without it!!!! It was dark, and my lodgings was out of town and by a lake, the roads were not well lit, or by the time we reached the lodgings, the roads were not lit at all. The road signs once off the main highways were very hard to read, often in the dark. I don't know what I would have done without my GPS!!!!

So I spent the last two nights in my cosy little cabin by the lake...... and it is bloody cold. Yesterday the high was just 11 degrees Celscius, and today it will only be just 6 degrees Celcius. Winter nights in Perth are often warmer. The nights here are below freezing!!! But so far it has been sunny, indeed bright sunshine, but no heat whatsoever!!!!!

Now just about to check out and head on down to Rock Hill where I will spend the rest of my stay..... and meetup with the lady...... that is going to be interesting.........

Watch this space for more.......

Just some pixs of where I stayed.......

My home for the past two nights....

The forests.... of course being winter there are no leaves on the trees....

Bright sunshine but no warmth.....

Sunday 6 January 2019

Prep For Another Trip Of A Lifetime

The trip that will literally determine my fate, whether I will be able to move forward with my calling, or will I be sacrificing another 15 years for a woman? Unlike back in 1998, I don't think I will have another 15 years.

Within less than 24 hours from the composure of this blog I will be at the Airport for a now quite familiar pattern of procedures..... wait to catch the red-eye flight to Sydney, departing this isolated little city just after 11PM..... Then from Sydney the very long 15 hours flight across the Pacific to Los Angeles for the 3rd connecting flight elsewhere. Before it was Mexico. This time it will be to Charlotte in North Carolina, arriving at 7pm local time on Tuesday, about 4 1/2 hours flight, comparable to Perth-Sydney flight. Then pick up my hire car and make my way to the motel just out of Charlotte. Hopefully this time I won't get lost, I have my new GPS app on my tablet which I tested out several times around Perth. It will be dark when I arrive, making it doubly challenging to find my way around, so hopefully the new GPS app won't let me down. It will also be bloody cold, being mid-winter there. Temps are currently around 14 degrees Celcius which is like a cold winter's day in Perth, but it has snowed before, so I am prepared with one whole suitcase filled with just my warm winter woollies. I packed every item of my warm winter woollies that I can find!! My air ticket allows for two pieces of checked luggage which is a good thing!! One of them being packed tight with my winter woollies. Charlotte is one of those places where it can be relatively mild, like a cold winters day in Perth, then the temperature can plunge and snow can set in!! Let's hope there is no snow when I have to drive!!

My first two nights will be alone in the motel in Charlotte, giving me time to recover from the very long flight and to find my feet in the USA. When on the 3rd day I drive south to Rock Hill, that is where the "fun" will begin, or not-fun as the case may be. The lady wants to meet me immediately I arrive in Rock Hill despite arriving several hours before I can check in to my motel there. Checkout time at the Charlotte motel is mid-day, and checkin time at my Rock Hill motel is 3pm, and it's a 30 minutes drive to the town, so some hours which I thought I would spend alone. No such luck. She insists on meeting up with me at StarBucks as soon as I arrive. Then she intends staying with me at the motel for these next 11 days. It will be full on with no time for myself!! On previous trips I was on my own, and though I went on group tours and met up with people during the day on these tours, at least I had time on my own in my motel room. This will not be so this time.

The parallels with my 1998 trip are striking. Of course it was during my 1998 trip when I met my wife in the USA and I married her, brought her back to Perth with me, and began 15 years of what ended up being self sacrifice due to her failing health. The last two months of the 1998 trip was entirely with my wife, spending pretty well every moment of each day and night with her, with no time for myself. She was in a bad way economically, in poverty, and absolutely besotted by me.

Virtually the same situation is playing out, albeit in a more condensed version. Meeting up with a woman who is also in a bad way economically, in poverty, and also besotted by me. This time however, I will NOT be entering into any relationship with her.

Back in 1998 the trip was in a Christian setting, and my calling at the times was to travel to various places and "intercede" for various cities and other places, to help bring revival. Of course marrying my wife had placed that calling on hold, and it was never fulfilled.

This trip will be in a Pagan setting, the lady is a witch, and my calling is pretty similar in some ways, only this time the focus is on the vortexes and energy spots, performing my energy works to help bring balance to these energies and facilitate healing for Mother Gaia. Although this lady wants to help me with my calling, hence why I agreed to come meetup with her in the first place, I know that entering into a relationship with her, whether marriage or otherwise, will likely place my calling on hold, the pattern repeating itself all over again. This will be because my resources and funds would be directed at supporting her, since like my wife, she has no job and is on a pension.

The lessons will be repeated....... and it is up to me to change the course of history, and to do things differently. This time I intend preserving my calling. It's not going to be easy. My Tarot cards tells me that I will be compelled to committ to her, and my cards are always right. But the choice is clear.... my calling OR her.

The other parallel is financial. Just prior to my 1998 the Australian dollar plunged like a rock, cutting my budget in half, and ultimately leading to my bankruptcy. Though if I hadn't married my wife, brought her back to Perth with me, and hence supporting her, I would have ridden out the financial storm and be in a much better position. This time, just in the last few weeks, the Australian dollar has plunged yet again, again throwing my budget into chaos - though this time I had taken a number of steps to minimize the impact. My travel cards had been locked into $US funds prior to the worst of the currency collapse, and I had already booked and paid for the motels and rental car prior to the worst of the collapse. And THIS time I WILL come back single, so I will recover from any financial fallout, and be soon saving my pennies for my next trip.

Then there is Chiron's entry into Aries and my 2nd House during February. The last time Chiron entered my 2nd House back in 1968, this heralded the 8 years of childhood poverty, and the resultant consequences of abuse and other catastrophes during those years. So is another 8 years of poverty in front of me this time? The Arcturians (ET's from the Arcturus star system) tells me this will largely depend on the choices I make during my trip and beyond. This time I have more control over my life, not being at the whim of parents' choices. And there is no Chiron-Saturn aspects happening in 2019, so at least the first year of Chiron's 8-year transit of Aries should be relatively easy - depending on what choices I make that is in my control.

Meanwhile I managed to acquire more crystals for my grid, and a crystal pendant to add to my Serpent pendant. So now all set for my USA trip, with this new grid to be set up, helping with my energy works in the USA.

This time I hadn't made a website for this trip, because of the different nature of this trip. However I hope to be able to give updates via this blog, depending on how much space the lady gives me!!!!

My kind of diet, and my typical result in my old age......

When Chiron entered my 3rd House back in 1977......

I can relate......

Big Pharma...... there's a pill for everything !!!!

Planning my trips after Chiron enters my 2nd House......