Sunday 4 November 2018

Lead-up To The 11:11 Gateway

Now getting used to my new self-care schedule with Chiron in my 1st House - Dancing on Mondays, Yoga on Tuesdays, and the Heart Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Breath Work and Sound Healing on Thursdays. This necessitating alterations in my other schedules, my walking regime, housework, and other 3D things that I must attend to in this 3D existence on Planet Earth. OK it may not seem like at it times but believe it or not I am still on Planet Earth.

Just as I am getting used to my new schedules in life...... we come to the dawn of yet another momentous event, and a very busy weekend next weekend, which may mean no blogs next weekend, depending on how things pans out. Next weekend is the 11th day of the 11th month, which most of us knows as Remembrance Day. It is no coincidence that Remembrance Day falls on 11/11.

The number 11 is a very powerful and significant number in numerology. It is often said that if we start to notice instances of 11:11 in our everyday life, such as, turning to look at a digital clock just as the display advances to 11:11, or seeing 11 on car number plates, or when the price on your shopping comes up on the cash register with 11 in it, or any number of other situations involving numbers and noticing 11 in the numbers - we often say it means the universe is trying to tell us something, or whatever thought enters our mind at the time is the answer to a problem that has been bugging us. It is said to be signifying messages from the HD realms.

The number 11 is said to be a gateway number, the gateway to the HD realms. The digits of "11" looks like two pillars of a gateway. It is also a somewhat unique "prime number" (for those of us with distant memories of our Maths classes back in the dim dark past that is our school days!!!!), and a number that reduces down to "2" signifying the duality principal of the universe.

This year, 2018, is said to be an "11" year, that is, the digits of "2018" adds up to 11. 2+0+1+8=11. So when we come to November the 11th month, this add energy to this "11" year. The energy increases when we come to the 11th day of the 11th month of 2018, designated as 11:11:11. Certain other days of the month are also very energetic, such as the 1st of November - 11:1:11, and the 10th day of November, also 11:1:11 (when we add the digits of "10" - 1+0=1).

Enter the DNA Activation Ceremonies which I have talked about previously, having participated in these ceremonies at different significant times such as eclipses and "11" days. As stated before, the idea behind DNA Activation Ceremonies is the fact that we have extra strands of DNA aside from the two that we are taught about in Science or Human Bio classes. We indeed have 12 strands of DNA. Science knows about these extra DNA in our systems but since they can't figure out what these extra DNA are being used for, they count it as "junk DNA" or "evolutionary leftovers" much like the Appendix. But as we all know, God does not create junk. All of our body parts (including the Appendix) does actually have essential uses. And it turns out these additional strands of DNA are our ET DNA, linking us to the HD realms and our ET kins. Just as we have Earth families, we also have ET families and families in the HD realms. Through life on 3D Planet Earth those DNA has been put to sleep, so needs to be awakened and activated, allowing us connection with ETs and the HD realms. Each ceremony awakens a small part of these extra DNA.

And next weekend I am due to attend TWO such DNA Activation Ceremonies, each one by a different group and with different emphasis. The first of them on Saturday night, November 10, therefore 11:1:11. And the 2nd during Sunday afternoon on the 11th, hence 11:11:11. So if I disappear from Planet Earth for a while, you will know why!!!!!

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth...... and staring poverty in the eye until poverty backs down into its hole. Although Chiron is currently in my 1st House, he will move back into my 2nd House early next year and there he will wander through my 2nd House for the next 8 years. The last time Chiron was in my 2nd House (money, possessions, pleasure, aesthetics) from 1968-1976, this coincided with my poverty years. Therefore I am determined to avoid a repeat from 2019-2027. The universe has been testing me.........

Firstly, one of my two walking shorts have developed a hole where it should not be developing a hole. It was a case of indecent exposure!! If this was during my poverty years, Mother would have gotten out her sewing needles and thread, and would either sew together the tear or sew a patch over the area...... and as my shorts continued to fall apart and develop more holes, she be sewing them together or putting patches on them until the shorts became more patches than original material..... and when it eventually came to the point where it is no longer viable to continue wearing the shorts, well instead of purchasing a new pair of shorts, Mother would first check with our more wealthy relatives for spare pairs of shorts. Most of our relatives and family friends, such as my Auntie and Uncle, were relatively wealthy. Only our immediate family, the one I grew up with, were in poverty. So we were forever getting "hand-me-downs" from our more wealthy family members or family friends. Or we go to 2nd hand stores for 2nd hand items...... or 3rd hand, 4th hand, and ad infinitum. We very rarely ever got anything new.

So knowing that poverty is as much of a mind set as perceived physical reality, I was determined to nip this poverty mentality in the bud. That is, instead of doing repair jobs, or making do without, or going to op shops, etc...... I will instead visit the mall and purchase a NEW pair of shorts. A part of me would say, well I need to save my pennies for my upcoming America trip, or having to cut back due to paying for these new courses, etc..... but that would only invite poverty. Of course back in my childhood days, overseas travel was nothing more than an impossible pipe dream. It might as well have been space travel to distant galaxies. Overseas travel to other countries seemed as impossible for us as inter-galactic travel. Back then only rich people travelled overseas by air. Nowadays of course, pretty well anyone with even a basic income can travel overseas by air if one really wanted to - even if many of them may perhaps need to make do with budget airlines where meals and luggage are extra, and staying in hostels, participating in group travel, etc...... Fortunately I am in a position where I can go with premium airlines, stay in private motels, go on tours on my own, and enjoying some creature comforts - albeit having to sacrifice a bit and save my pennies for the privilege. And I am blessed to be able to go to America in January, even if it is during peak holiday season where the air ticket was marked up $1000 from the equivalent journey during off-peak period. Nevertheless, with Chiron set to begin his 8-year journey through my 2nd House, I have to be aware of any poverty mindset creeping in, and to work to fight against any poverty....... so I went to the mall to purchase a NEW pair of shorts of comparable quality.

Speaking of America, I was hoping to update my wardrobe while I was in America, cos clothing in America is much cheaper than in Perth even allowing for our 3rd-world-like currency exchange rate. For example, new pairs of jeans for just $10. The only places in Perth where you can get jeans for $10 is at op shops, and of course they wouldn't be new jeans!! I pretty well rest my case here!! Try to hold out, within reason, until my America trip so to update my clothes supply. But when it comes to such catastrophes as a hole developing in a pair of shorts, well it is time for a new replacement even in very expensive Perth.

Then it was my back pack.... one of the straps had torn itself from the main pack during one of my walks!! This meant I needed to carry my pack on one shoulder for the rest of my journey, got kinda painful and awkward towards the end....... so a new back pack was also in order for today's trip to the mall. And it turned out I had gotten a superior back pack in the mid-price range with a water bottle added. Previously I had gotten the cheapest possible back pack, hence why the strap eventually failed. You get what you pay for. So not only new items, but items in at least the mid-price range.

And now just to believe that I will still have enough money for the day to day expenses during my America trip...... am yet to book my motel, but I always get good rates for motels in America..... and most other places on Earth. Motels elsewhere are cheap compared to in Perth...... and will need some new luggage, my old luggage has definitely seen better days, and I need extra luggage so to take advantage of the 2nd free checked luggage allowance that goes with my air tickets - I will need the extra luggage for packing my winter woollies since it will be mid-winter when I arrive in America!!!! While in the more sunny climes of Mexico I didn't need any winter woollies so could get away with just taking one piece of checked luggage!! But now back to the freezing cold of winter in America, albeit in the slightly milder southern states, I will still need my warm woollies, so will need an extra piece of checked luggage - and my air ticket includes TWO pieces of checked luggage.

So now just waiting for some money to manifest..... which usually happens through unexpected savings in my other areas such as groceries, that is, effortless savings without having to make sacrifices......

Now some cartoons for my favourite holiday - Halloween !!!!!!

When the stores erects Xmas decorations and items prior to Halloween !!!!!

When my ghosts celebrates Halloween......

More scary than ghost stories......

Counting down to Halloween......

Meanwhile here in Perth......

An easy way to send spirits over to the other side......

Extremely scary experience......

The unfortunate truth......

Budget airlines......

Changing flights with budget airlines......

During my Spring walk in Perth.......

When it is better back in Hell.......

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