Sunday 30 September 2018

Things Are Looking Very Grim.....

Things are looking grim.....
Things are looking VERY grim....

[deep dark voice slowly.....]

I am the Grimmmmm........ Greyyyyyyyy........... Goddddddddd..............

Taken from one of my video games where the ultimate goal is defeating this Grim Grey God, and the consequences for not beating this Grim Grey God is..... well not quite as grim as the consequences befalling this universe now.......


Someone please tell me this is just a nightmare and I will soon wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or have I accidentally fallen through a catastrophic crack in the space-time continuum????

OK universe.... there are 16 other teams in the competition that you could have picked to beat us in the Grand Final..... but the WEEVILS!!!!! Why the bloody weevils????

It would have been a little better if it was Richmond.... or GWS..... or even the Bombers....... NOT THE WEEVILS!!!!!

I will never live this down for as long as I remain on this planet. I am utterly inconsolable. This is a total and utter catastrophe..... contrary to every known laws of the universe......

I am going to boycott the media for at least this week...... no TV, no News, no Radio, no Newspapers.... I am going to crawl down into a hole and hide..... arrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!

I am so utterly shattered..... words cannot describe...... life as I know it will never be the same again...... I am going to utterly drown my sorrows..... with Coca Cola !!!!!! I am so badly in need of chocolates!!!!!

Now questioning the whole meaning of life....... utterly reassessing what I once held dear...... undergoing a massive sea change...... rearranging my priorities.......

Oh the utter pain.... the extreme torment....... going down into denial...... nah this hasn't really happened.... this is just a figment of my tormented imagination....... just a dimensional shift....... things will surely get back into balance soon....... ohhhhhhhh.......... where's my Goddesses..... ohhhh even my Goddesses has desserted me......... arrrrrrrgh............

Now that I vented at least a tiny part of this utter torment....... oh it must have been those China man I killed during my past lives..... must have been more than one China men......  what other heinous sin could justify this fate....... the Weevils winning the Premiership at the expense of my beloved Magpies........ ohhhhhhh this is not real..... this is utterly unreal...... this can't be real...............

OK what else is happening..... nothing much really...... this universe is still intact, it hasn't imploded or met a catastrophic end..... My trip to the USA in January is still on. I gotten an email saying my flight details have changed, it turned out that the arrival time from one flight leg has increased by  five minutes. But what intrigued me is, the departure time for that flight is still the same. So we depart at the same time but the arrival increases by 5 minutes. OK what is going on here.... uhhhh must be dimensional shifts in the universe!!!!! Arrrrgh!!!!! Yeah only me the Virgo would pick up on such details as these!!!!!

Meanwhile prior to my USA trip..... my next 9-week Chakra Dance course begins next Monday on the 8th..... and I am booked for another of the DNA Activation ceremonies, this one on the 11:11 Gateway, that is, the 11th day of the 11th month, November 11. Yes those DNA which the scientists refers to "junk" cos they don't know what their purpose is, but in reality these are from our ET past and just needs to be activated for ascension into the higher dimensions...... yes I know, weird..... And then this new group I came across, or it came across me, the Planetary Healers group, doing what I do, energy works for Mother Gaia...... they're wanting me to attend the next group meeting, being in October....... me the Virgo always cautious about these new things, but they're really wanting me to get involved.......

And so life goes on....... picking up the shattered pieces of what I once held dear to me........ will there be a Magpie resurrection?..... stranger things has happened..........

Meanwhile back in the land of comics...... and my quirky sense of humour.....

Magpie fan on his way to the MCG for the AFL Grand Final........

Complying with Occupational Health laws in Australia......
Virgo lessons..... we are very good at giving advice but hopeless at acting on our own advice !!!!

The kind of friend I need......

Alternative execution methods in the 21st century....
Parallel universes.... must be what happened at the AFL Grand Final !!!!!

Story of my life.......

Such days are forever gone......... *sigh*

Me and my pets !!

The conspiracy targeted at Virgos !!!!!

When dealing with Telstra.......

Valid question !!!

Me during Winter......

Relationship issues in the 21st century......

Must be down to Dante's 9th Level, the eternal freeze, where Perth is located.....

Sunday 23 September 2018

The Magpie Key To Saving The Universe

Energies are high with the Magpies making it to the Grand Final, just a little bit beyond my expectations......

Well actually energies are high for a few reasons, mostly related to our climatic conditions. These last few days we actually been experiencing Spring weather for the first time, adding weight to my assertion that the start of Spring should be marked by the Equinox as happens in Northern Hemisphere countries, not at the 1st day of the month. The Equinox fell yesterday, and so these first few days of Spring weather coincided with our Spring Equinox. Now the days will be longer than the nights for the next six months. The Sun has been shining, and temperatures up to as high as 27 degrees Celsius. It is now light when I leave for my commute to work. The chill has gone out of the air. And most importantly, my Seasonal Affective Disorder has pretty well vanished, giving me a lot more energy to do things. A definite sense of excitement in the air - nothing in particular, just the end of my Seasonal Affective Disorder for another six months or so.....

So now the Maggies made it into the Grand Final. Not totally unexpected, I knew they were capable of doing so if they put their minds to it..... and well they very well put their minds to it. I wander what planetary alignments were evident there. Whatever planetary alignments were favourable for the Magpies would be UN-favourable for the hapless Tigers. I wonder what the Magpies chart looks like, would have to get the year the Magpies came to be, when were the Magpies created in the then VFL, or when they entered the VFL. Only me would ask such questions!!!

Meanwhile there is another serious issue at hand here..... those bloody Weevils somehow managed to worm their way into the Grand Final. So before us an extremely serious task that cannot be taken lightly. We simply MUST beat those Weevils. Having the Weevils win the Premiership will result in massive tears in the fabric of time and space itself, putting at risk the very existence of this Universe. The resultant clash of dimensions threatens to send the Universe into a catastrophic spiral towards certain destruction...... and we will never hear the end of it here, it will be Weevils here, Weevils there, Weevils everywhere, we will be over-run by Weevils in plague proportions.... having to live like hermits in order to avoid this massive onslaught.

Time to lay in supplies of Weevil voodoo dolls. The fate of the Universe hangs in the balance. The Magpies must be prepared according to exact protocols, to be in top condition for beating those Weevils. The rewards, aside from the honor of saving the Universe, will be baked Weevils for dinner, I hear ketchup really goes well with this dish.........

Many of our depraved Weevils devotees are scrambling for air tickets to Melbourne for the Grand Final. Airlines are now charging upwards of $2000 and more for return air tickets. Even the "budget" airlines like Jetstar or Tiger are charging like around $1800 or so!!!! This is more than my air tickets to Mexico, and more comparable to my air tickets to the USA during the peak summer holiday period of January - my January air tickets to Charlotte cost me $2600 !!! Quite clearly the airlines are jacking up the prices to take advantage of the situation...... and yet these same airlines are booked out!!! Weevils devotees are clearly a breed apart. Some were booking the air tickets even during the match prior to half time when it indeed seemed obvious the Weevils would prevail. Those who couldn't get air tickets are preparing to drive all the way across the Nullarbor, which with petrol prices will be almost as expensive as the air tickets!!! I think the last time the Weevils made it to the Grand Final, some of those tragic desperate Weevils supporters ended up finding air tickets to Melbourne via Sydney, Brisbane, and even outside the country like Singapore!!!! Can you imagine going to Melbourne via Singapore!!???

And not all even has tickets to the match, and not all will end up getting tickets to the match, I hear supplies are very limited. So they will pay these huge sums of money that would almost pay for an around the world ticket just to get to Melbourne only to find they can't get into the ground!! But I guess they could watch the match on the big screens outside..... but they could do that here, I hear in Perth they're having big screens set up in the city so we could watch the match. I guess those tragic Weevils devotees has money to burn..... some people just have way too much money for their own good!!!!

So what else has been happening...... proving there is life beyond football......

Uh yes, my solar return day came and went without too much fuss..... how solar return days should be. Birthdays are so over rated, it just reminds me that I have spent way too long on this planet, and I should be going back to Taygeta.

Yesterday I went on another of my expedition to the water falls fresh from the winter rains. This time it was down to the Dwellingup area and the Murray River, much of it now turned into a state park that is the Lane Poole reserve, it's about 90 minutes drive from Perth, probably as far as I would go for a day trip. Though the main reason for going to this place is looking for possible energy vortexes and nodes as part of my energy works for Mother Gaia (Earth), this particular place does have special significance for me which kinda took me by surprise. I shared a few stories on FaceBook, just for a select few of my friends and contacts. But I will share a couple of them here, starting with.......

Back during the poverty years of my childhood, one of the very few highlights were my visits to this area. I was a member of a church cadets group akin to Boy's Scouts, and during the summer months we'd go camping by this river.  These were just overnight camps, we'd leave during Saturday morning and arrive by lunchtime, and just find a spot along this river and literally set up camp. We spend the night under the stars, or in tents as the case may be, and go back home Sunday afternoon. It doesn't seem much of a camp, but compared to my poverty-stricken life in a public housing estate, this was akin to a worldwide adventure tour!!

Back in those days we could just set up camp anywhere along the river, just where ever we could find a spot. There were rangers around but their role was mainly to remind us to clean up after the camp and not leave any trash behind

Nowadays it is a lot more controlled. Much of the area where we used to camp is now a state park carrying an entrance fee. There are just a few specific designated spots for camping, and these all need to be booked in advance, and of course there's also fees attached to camping. And you are given a specific spot within these designated areas where to pitch the tent.

Indeed the vibes are different. During the past few years, such as when I travelled down there to perform my Venus rituals, I avoided the state park cos I felt really uneasy about going in there. I travelled further south where there were still few free spots by the river. This time of course I was on a mission, so I did go into the park..... but the vibes are definitely different to back in my childhood when for less than two precious days I experienced freedom from poverty

And now a story humorous in hindsight if at my expense......

When I first arrived at the park, I was pretty well alone due to arriving early. There were really no one else there aside from the campers, still warm and snug in their tents  So I pretty well had the place to myself the first couple of hours or so.

I was still alone when setting off on my first walk...... but when I got back, other visitors had arrived..... uh fair enough, especially being a holiday weekend here in Western Australia  As I went back to my car, there were some guys unpacking from their vehicle.

One of them spoke to me, saying "I didn't mean to startle you"

I thought.... WTF!!!??? I was not startled at all..... then he commented on my allegedly white legs!

OK.... I am sensitive at the best of times..... but when the Moon is in my Ascendant sign Pisces, I am even more sensitive than usual ...... And I thought.... How dare you little slimes to make rude comments on my legs!!!! Grrrrrrrrr....... and my Scorpio Mars kicked in..... And I hexed the guys!!! .... As I say, Harm none but take no shit.

These past couple of days were literally the first day of Spring, when it was actually warm enough to wear shorts. Up until then it was always too cold for wearing shorts, so of course my legs were going to be white. The guys probably thought I was a Pom (someone from England) cos they typically have white legs, and white everything else, due to the most decidedly frigid climatic conditions present in England.  I am no Pom.... just someone with Reptilian DNA hence very sensitive to the cold

Moral of the story...... It is to your peril that you mess with a witch whose Moon is currently transiting his Ascendant sign !!!!!

Nothing much else happening in the immediate future...... except enjoying this holiday Monday in honor of the Queen's Birthday in Western Australia........

My truly quirky sense of humour........

Now this makes sense..... hehe......

Looks like my mandala drawings after my Chakra Dance sessions.......
Now in the 21st century......


Work experience...... or uncanny similarities !!!!!

Saturn activations..... explained !!!!!

Perhaps the real reason behind the Fall......??

Me after Chiron entered my 3rd House in my teen years......

The Chiron Effect in my life......

Definitely wasn't ET Light Languages



Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt to prove it..... that Chiron Effect in my life.....

Sunday 16 September 2018

Taygeta 55 Earth Years Ago

55 Earth Years ago on an 8D paradise planet around the star Taygeta, one of the stars of the Pleiades system 440 Light Years from Earth.....

The day began for me like every other day on Taygeta, though "day" is not defined like it is on 3D planets like Earth, for there is no night. But to try put it into 3D form, lets just say the day on Taygeta began like all others. First surveying over my crystalline abode high up in one of the red crystal cities of Taygeta. Some are blue, some are clear, but mine was red.

A single thought immediately transported me to the other side of the planet. Taygeta is not like Earth or other 3D planets. There is no travel in the 3D sense, even no plane travel. A good thing because Taygeta is 5 times the size of Earth. Being in 8D we only just have to think about it and we are already there. And so it was, the instance the thought entered my mind, I was instantly in a clear crystalline ocean on the other side of Taygeta, as I do each day.

There I play with my dolphin and mermaid-like friends, it is one of my favourite time of day. And today was special, a close mermaid soul kin of mine took me to a most impressive part of the ocean, I cannot put it any other way but to describe it like this. And there I was frolicking with her and some of her kins.....

Suddenly there came an urgent call right into my mind!! The Galactic Council had arrived on Taygeta, and I was summoned to meet with them at their main Taygeta headquarters, a huge crystal centered in the capital of Taygeta. Many others on Taygeta were similarly called, including my mermaid soul kin. At this point we parted ways, she went straight to the council while I hesitated, thinking what could they possibly want.

Here as I pondered in the depths of the crystalline ocean...... whenever they call a meeting, it is always for volunteers to serve on any of the 3D planets within their jurisdiction. My first thought was, I hope it is not planet Earth!!! I don't mind going to Kidsanu in the Andromeda galaxy, nor Fessa on the other side of our own galaxy, even Netta in the Orion system is tolerable even if the Orion system was where I was eaten alive by roach-like Insectoid creatures.

But planet Earth is a most challenging planet. I have been there many times before and often had bad experiences. I was drowned during the fall of Atlantis, was burned alive as a witch during Medieval times, and my heart was broken during my time 500 years ago as a Native American. Being a Jew in the Maccabean revolt wasn't easy though I survived that one, not to mention the Mayan revolt which led to the fall of the Mayans, Goddess Ix Chel did save me but it looked really hopeless for a while.

So OK as long as it is not planet Earth I be happy to volunteer once again on a 3D planet.....

However checking who is at this Galactic Council meeting, I noticed there is Sananda and Ashtar. Ohhhhh dang!!! This can mean only one thing!!! Planet Earth!!!!

Uhhhh I need some cosmic weed. I have a stash at home for moments like this...... before going to any council meeting I need a dose of some cosmic weed - otherwise known as cosmic marijuana.

I ended up smoking two joints of the stuff so was pretty high when I finally gotten to the council meeting. I ended up late for the meeting. OK time does not exist on 8D Taygeta in the same sense as it does on Earth, but putting it into 3D terms, I was "late" for the meeting. By then most of the other attendees, including my Mermaid kin, have already accepted their mission and were on their way to planet Earth. So I wasn't left with much of a choice.

The mission left to me was a most difficult mission. Of course we are not obligated to accept our missions, but advisable to do so in order to re-balance our karma and help with our ascension to Divinity.

First we need to choose our star signs. There is no astrology on Taygeta because we are eternal creatures. There is neither birth nor death on Taygeta. But of course our missions to 3D planets involves reincarnations, spending 3D lifetimes on these planets. For most planets it ranges from a few hundreds to a few thousands years, but on Earth it is only a few decades. An indicator of how challenging life on Earth is.

So as we choose our star signs.... Me thinking, anything BUT a Virgo!!! There is now way I would ever want to be a Virgo!!!! I wanted to be a Pisces, but no, there are no slots remaining for Pisces. The same was for Aquarius.... and Cancer.... Libra... Leo.... Scorpio...... Just my rotten luck, the only slots remaining were for VIRGO. Uhhh not again!!!! The last time I was a Virgo I ended up taking my own life, which meant I had to live my life all over again!!!! It what happens when committing suicide, you just have to live your life all over again, there is no going back to Taygeta.

OK.... so.... no choice but to be a Virgo..... indeed the remaining slot in Virgo had the Sun at 26 degrees conjunct with a retrograde Mercury, which would make life very difficult for me. They did compromise, allowing me to have Pisces as my Ascendant, but there would be Chiron in Pisces opposite to Pluto in Virgo, this would make my life on Earth like Hell. Then there be the Moon in my 8th House, making me to be a very dark soul. And then a double Saturn Complex, Saturn square with Neptune and Lilith, therefore I would never be rewarded for my efforts, I would always get the short straw in life. The council member did smugly smile at me - at least you would get your karma balanced a lot quicker!!!!

Then I had to choose my family..... once again I didn't have much to choose from. Oh I did end up with a very good family but were destined to be utterly smashed. My Earth parents would split not long after I arrive on the planet, and I would be denied access to one of my parents for most of my younger years. This would coincide with Chiron's transit of my 2nd House, hence be destined to suffer years of grinding poverty, and with more than my fair dose of physical abuse that would affect me for the rest of my life on the planet. Things would get better 8 years later when Chiron entered my 3rd House, but being so shattered from the abuse, I would not be enjoying the benefits, indeed I would shun my family for a while, and though the rest of them would grow relatively wealthy, I would be left behind, being the pauper of my family. On top of this, I would turn into an introvert, being destined to a life of loneliness and heartbreak, being taken advantage of by others for next to nothing in return.

Oh yes..... I had to choose where on planet Earth I be based for this mission...... again I didn't have much of a choice. Indeed there was only one place remaining. It would be a very isolated little city, indeed the most isolated city on Earth. A dull and boring city with not much going for it. My opportunities would be very limited. It will be one of the most expensive cities on Earth due to its isolation, and my travel opportunities very limited, though towards the end of my incarnation when it is almost too late I would get to travel more. But for a large part of my lifetime I would be stuck in this very isolated little city like a caged animal desperate to get out.

There is more to tell but suffice to say, you get the drift of what I was up against back on Taygeta as I considered this very difficult mission.........

And being high on cosmic weed, I most excitedly declared...... Yay of course I will accept this mission!! I can do anything!!! It's going to be a breeze!!! It be over before I know it!!!!!!!

9 months later....... as the Sun reached 26 degrees of Virgo back in the Earth year of 1963.....

Suddenly awoken from my blissful nap cocooned in a very warm and safe place...... uh oh..... I am being pushed out now..... uuuhhhh what is going on???.... I like this place, I don't want to leave!!!! But it seems I suddenly remembered...... I have agreed on a mission to planet Earth...... and I suppose the time has come..... the time has come for me to begin this mission........

Now more relaxed..... as I now find myself sliding through what seemed to be quite a very tight passage........ and suddenly I found myself in the midst of some very bright lights, surrounded by these aliens called "humans"...... oh yes I suddenly remembered, I am a "human" too, and I was to begin yet another harsh lifetime on this very dense 3D planet called Earth.......

Shocked by the harsh reality of it all, my first words were........


And 55 years later...... I am STILL thinking that!!!!!

Well at least the Maggies won..... kinda thought they would...... but things will be tougher against those Tigers next week. At least we got this far.... two games further than I thought they would at the beginning of the season. Meanwhile we need to get rid of those Weevils. Need to fine tune our Weevil voodoo dolls. They have another home game, this time against the Demons. How in Hell's name they managed to score another home game!!!! They are so cocky, everyone thinks they will win a premiership. There are people paying $1000's for the trip and ticket to the Grand Final in the expectation the Weevils would be there, and they hadn't even played the Demons yet!!!! That is what I call cocky!!!! They seriously need a reality check!!!! Well at least the Grand Final will be at the MCG, so if the Weevils by some chance makes it, that is, if our voodoo dolls doesn't work, well let's hope the Maggies will be the one to exact the ultimate revenge...... if not then I will barrack for the Tigers on that day!!!!!

Now the Hurricane that struck the Carolinas...... where I will be in January..... the storm tracking through the midst of South Carolina, near where I be staying!!! My Twin Flame did report herself as being safe, that was yesterday..... I hadn't heard from her since, but probably because of the power outage. No power means no internet and no phone. If she was in danger I would feel it, so I am figuring she is  safe.........

Meanwhile the incredible "coincidence", the Hurricane struck within the week I had booked my flights. This is not without precedence. Regarding my two trips to Mexico, after each time I booked each trip to Mexico, a severe earthquake struck the country causing a lot of damage and loss of life in the region. Neither earthquake struck the immediate region where I would be staying, nevertheless, to have TWO earthquakes striking the country almost immediately after I book my trips there, that is freaky. Now the Hurricane that struck the Carolinas region immediately after I book my flights there for January!!!!

Time for my quirky sense of humor............

The pastor's worst nightmare.....

The shrink versus the Virgo.....

Why the govt never has money for schools or the hospitals......

Enlightened Mexican ants......
Virgo paradise......

My teen years with Chiron in my 3rd House.....

Virgo self talk......
When an 8D soul from Taygeta finds himself on planet Earth.....

When trying to get off planet Earth.....

The Chiron Effect in the 2nd House...... explained !!

Meanwhile at the GP appointment.......

Sunday 9 September 2018

Magpie Shame and Upcoming USA Trip

Scorpio Mars activation alert!!!..... grrrrrrrrr those bloody Weevils!! Dang those Magpies!! How could they fail so badly!!! They were bloody in front during some stages of the game!! Now we will never hear the end of it here, those cocky Weevils, they will never shut up now. And not just for one week, but TWO bloody weeks cos they got the week off next week. Going have to be media blackout for two weeks but even that won't help...... it will be bloody everywhere!!! arrrrgh!!!! Whether it be on the train, or at work, or at the mall, it be weevils weevils bloody weevils!!! It be as if they won a bloody premiership, and now they be thinking they can win the premiership now. Well I think the Maggies will play the Giants next week, let's hope for better results........

Meanwhile I finally got those air tickets in my hot little hands, or at least in my hot little email inbox, given that nowadays the e-tickets are now sent to one's email address. And I might add, very expensive air tickets too, the hazards of booking trips during summer school break. The price difference is amazing, it is almost twice the amount!! I mean, compared to my Mexico trip during the off-peak period of March, the air tickets to the USA, covering approximately the same distance and the same number of connecting flights but during January is almost twice as much, and we are talking about cheapest available four months in advance. Just imagine if I waited another month or two months!!! But it what happens when I have been given additional tasks at work, making my busy periods longer and more busy, hence restricting my options for taking vacation breaks. January was the earliest I could take vacation. At least I had the means to pay for those air tickets, my savings plan grows each time I go on a trip, and I always have funds left over after each trip which gives a handy boost towards my savings for my next trip.

So my trip details...... I once again depart this isolated little city before midnight on January 7, taking that red-eye flight to Sydney, even more red-eye for me cos I can't sleep on planes nor any other transportation - car, bus, train, ET scout crafts, inter-planetary crafts, galactic mothership...... Then after cooling my tired heels in Sydney for around four hours, I take that loooooonnnnnnggggg flight across the Pacific to my most visited airport outside of Australia, the famous LA International Airport. Then after a couple more hours, the final leg to Charlotte in North Carolina where my twin flame will be there waiting for me....... and after about two weeks in South Carolina and perhaps surrounding areas, I be leaving on January 21, arriving back in this isolated little outpost on the 23rd.

This weekend has been intense. The air tickets I booked early on Saturday morning, when my extra funds from my wages finally cleared in the particular account that I use for booking air travel. The tickets were so expensive I had to transfer extra funds. Then my soul kin from York was coming into the city and she wanted to catch up with me Saturday afternoon, well it's been a while since we caught up. So we spent the afternoon together, first in my abode and showing her all of my Goddesses, then finally out having dinner at a kebabs spot.

Then today, it was my Chakra Dance Spring day workshop up in the hills. I love this Chakra Dance group so much, so much Goddess energy abounding. The session was on a property up in the hills, with granite rock outcrops with quartz, and a very energetic water fall. Imagine having your very own water fall on your property. They chose this place cos there's a vortex there with a dragon line running through it. The quartz in the rocks adds to the energy, where there are quartz, there are often vortexes and dragon lines. So the whole day was a mixture of dancing, meditation, shamanic journeys, and mandala drawings - all the weird hippy-like stuff I am into. Most of the sessions were in the top level of the house, the whole top level being one large room. A couple of the sessions were outdoors on the rock outcrops right next to the water fall, very energetic. It was sunny and quite warm in the sun though still cold in the shade.

My mandala drawing at today's dance workshop, with my ET Light Codes at the top left corner.... yes I know.... weird.....

After such a full on weekend, I am off work tomorrow. It is Rosh HaShanah the Jewish New Year, and I always take time off work during Jewish holidays. Me and my past-life connections to Jews, being a Jew in one of my past lives.

As awesome as this weekend was..... let's hope for a more quiet weekend next weekend..... in my very old age I can only take so much awesomeness..... just let's see if those Magpies can beat those Giants......

My teen years after Chiron entered my 3rd House......

Some people have OCD, others are just Virgos......
I can relate.......

I can relate to this one too......
Meanwhile in Perth......

My true calling in life......

My childhood experiences at the dentist......

Our 3rd-world-like Australian currency.... as I plan my trip to the USA

My teen years part 2..... with Chiron in my 3rd House

My teen years part 3.... with Chiron in my 3rd House

My Saturn Complex test..... explained