Sunday 4 February 2018

Just Five More Weeks !!!

This night marks just five very short weeks until my Mexico trip!! This is coming up way too fast!! We Virgos like to plan things down to a T, yet the universe frustrates me again, I still haven't booked my tours yet, there's other things that has been on my mind. With there being no planets in retrograde and a lull in the Saturn Chiron square, all things are moving ahead in a positive manner. Nevertheless, five weeks is not a long time!!!! Of course on my last trip to Mexico last year I didn't know what tours I be going on until after I arrived in Cancun, marked by the catastrophic incidence of the booking for the airport transfer to my hotel through an agent being not passed on to the company, thus leaving me stranded at the airport!!! So it's been on my mind to book my transfers soon, in this instance from three different airports due to my travels between the three cities on this trip!!! It is something I need to do very soon!!!

Meanwhile..... the saga of my storage unit...... and most thankfully, the end is in sight!!!! Indeed this week will mark my last ever trip to the storage unit!!! The only items remaining are the remnants of the bed, the bookcase, and the 50 inch TV. Then I will kiss my unit goodbye forever!!! This will be my most significant savings since my decision to move out of the house and into an apartment over a year ago. The storage unit has been my most significant monthly expense aside from the apartment rent, and has been a millstone around my neck in my plans to save my pennies for my trips. I have until the 22nd this month to have the storage unit cleared out, but I want it done as soon as possible!!!! Completing the process this week will also help me save on the petrol, it is a 90 minutes round trip to the storage unit, using significant quantities of petrol, especially with the trailer full of items behind me. The weekly trip to the storage unit uses half of the petrol that I normally use for other errands, shopping, etc, meaning, the trip to the storage unit uses 1/4 tank of petrol while my other errands over the week uses just another 1/4 tank. So with all other things equal, having no more trips to the storage unit will enable the petrol to last twice as long, having to fill up only once per month rather than once every two weeks!!! Petrol is very expensive in Perth!!

So between acquiring the new fridge, and ending the rental of my storage unit, this will result in significant savings for my Mexico trip even with just five weeks to go.

The Lunar Eclipse last Wednesday was utterly spectacular. I had great views from my balcony, and the skies were clear, enabling me to witness the whole event.

This past week was also my visit to my GP to renew my scripts for those infernal meds I am on for my heart!! While I was there she did a checkup, and once again my blood pressure is normal. She also gave me the script for blood tests but said it could wait until after my Mexico trip. She also weighed me which proved to be a Saturnic catastrophe, I have indeed gained a lot of weight, and she kinda told me off for it. The year without a fridge has impacted on my health!!! But now I have a fridge, I can get back on track. With the Saturn Complex in my chart, it will be a slow process. It took me a year to get me to this point, so it will take at least another year to make amends. My GP also suggested vacs for my trip, the first time she suggested that, but I won't take up on it this time due mainly to the expenses, vacs for travel is expensive!! I don't usually take vacs to begin with, I never take the flu vac. It doesn't mean I won't take travel vacs ever, but it will be on a case by case basis, depending on where I will go, and whether I could afford the vacs without impacting on my funds for the trip.

Dealing with my ageing car after my trip.....

Dealing with Leos......

When a Virgo prepares for an overseas trip.....

Changing with the times...... hehe
Meanwhile at a public hospital in Perth......

Virgo dating experiences......

When the Virgo detection system kicks in at online dating sites......

Still better than being a Virgo......



When I need to call my girlfriend..... hehe!!!!

The scars are many in my life..... how many more will there be as Chiron moves into Aries......

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