Sunday 11 February 2018

Mission Accomplished !!!!

This past week I have finally cleared out my storage unit, removing the last of my items and sweeping it out ready for the next "tenant", removing my padlocks and finally saying goodbye forever!!!! No more 90 minutes round trips to the storage unit, my monthly petrol consumption will be cut in half, having to fill up only once per month instead of every payday!! I had filled up just this weekend, and with only four weeks to Mexico, I should not need to fill up again before my trip, which will really help my cause for the continuing Saturnic hard work in saving my pennies for my trip spending money. The longer term however, the high monthly rent for the storage unit will not longer be around my neck like a millstone. This should help my cause for the difficult times ahead with Chiron moving into Aries, and the Chiron Saturn square coming into effect for much of the year especially July. My childhood poverty years was marked by Chiron's transit of Aries from 1968 to 1976. At least this time around I can take steps to mitigate against the worst of the poverty for these next 8 years, but it will be difficult, and with the Saturn influence in my chart, it will take a lot of hard work and sacrifices.

Meanwhile, been a busy little vegemite with more grocery shopping and making up more pasta dishes for my meals, dividing them up and freezing them. Now my fridge is full to almost overflowing, it was why I needed a reasonable sized fridge, and how it worked out well in the end. These are vegetarian pasta dishes, trying something different each time. Last time it was spinach, broccoli and cauliflower. This time it was eggs and broccoli. Mushrooms substitutes the meat. Quite easy to turn meat dishes into vegetarian dishes, substitute the meat for mushrooms. So now I have enough meals to last me until my Mexico trip and beyond. Also pretty well stocked up on icecream, being like Mother I get only what is on special.  But unlike my poverty years when the only icecream on special were vanilla or neapolitan, nowadays there is always someone who has chocolate icecream on special, any of the large variety of chocolate icecream that is available these days!! We are spoiled!! I remember on my last Mexico trip they don't have much variety of any food, very scant on chocolate, and also very scant on icecream!! It's only when one travels overseas that we appreciate what we really have here!!!! Even if it is all very expensive here, especially in Perth. That's another thing about travelling overseas, you don't realise how expensive Perth is until you travel overseas!!! Food in Mexico is much cheaper, we can get a week's grocery for only $20. In Perth you'd be lucky to get just a day's supply of food for $20!!!! There is always a price for our good fortunes!!!!

Now the humongous task of going through the clutter in my abode, much of it from the storage unit. While most items have already been moved on, there are plenty of boxes and bags of smaller items which I hadn't gone through yet. Much of them are CDs and DVDs most which will be digitized, and a lot of items which belonged to my bower bird wife. My energy has been very low lately so normally don't have the energy in the evenings by the time I get back from work, so it seems the weekends will be the only times when I can work on this task. I hope I can get my energy back as I get back on a healthier diet courtesy of the fridge, but with that Saturn influence in my chart, it will take a while. With a two-year lease on my apartment I do have plenty of time, but being a Virgo, I like to get things done NOW, we don't like to procrastinate, not like the Gemini's like my wife, she'd always leaves things to the last minute, and it shows in her items from the storage unit, many of them being unfinished projects, things she started but never gotten around finishing!!!! When I start a project, I like to finish it ASAP!!!!! But if my energy is low, well not much I can do about that, just wait until my healthier lifestyle begins to kick in.......

Now the week ahead, with a Solar Eclipse happening on Friday in the last degrees of my 12th house in Aquarius and very close to my Ascendant point in Pisces next door!!! Eclipses are always chaotic for me, so remains to be seen what will happen this time..........

How pragmatic Virgos handles relationships......
When Chiron enters Aries with the Chiron Saturn square happening......

When fortune telling for puddy cats.....

When the Saturn Complex in your chart kicks in......

The Australian govt on their promise for income tax cuts as the economy picks up.....

Speaking of my efforts to declutter my abode.......

Life of a Virgo on Valentine's Day.....

It will probably include a birth chart test designed to weed out Virgos with hard Chiron influences.

My effort to lose weight while contending with the Saturn influence in my chart.....

Petrol stations in Perth should have these......

The secret life of my girlfriend....

During the catastrophic year of 2017 when I quit my dancing and artistic expression..... and bracing for Chiron's entry into Aries......

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