Sunday 28 January 2018

Virgo Self Sabotage Thwarted By Goddess

We Virgos are masters at self sabotage. It stems from our self loathing. It is said that Virgos are very judgemental creatures, that we tend to judge other people. However the most harsh of our judgements are reserved for ourselves. We are so good at self criticism, we totally loath ourselves. Especially those with no Leo aspects in our charts. Most Virgos has at least some Leo aspects which to a point balances out our self loathing. However my chart shows no Leo aspects whatsoever, and with four planets in Virgo, I am more typically Virgo than most Virgos, and I just totally and utterly hate myself. It has manifested as self harm, risk taking, and self sabotage.

Enter my Goddesses. During my Bali trip over a year ago I went and saw the Bali Healer. He knew nothing about me, nor about my abode, nor about my altar and where it was located. Yet he picked up that there are four spirits in my abode, and these spirits tends to hang around on the north side of my abode. It turns out this is exactly where my altar is located, and on my altar are the figurines of four Goddesses. So putting two and two together, I figured there are four Goddess spirits in my abode, this being in line with previous experiences, and nowadays they appear in my dreams, and sometimes tangibly, and mostly through synchronicities and things that happens not normally expected to be happening. They often influence my horoscope readings and my card readings. Each Goddess has a different personality. One of them is a fiery red hair who doesn't beat around the bush!!!! It is usually her who steps into my life and changes things even when making me feel uncomfortable!!! And she designed those pyramids in Mexico, which is why I am being sent to the country!!!!

Last week I mentioned about doing an online application to rent a fridge after being without a fridge for over a year. However when it came to submitting details of the referees, they wanted the referees to be local family members. None of my local family members knew about my lack of a fridge, and I had wanted to stay that way. We Virgos are fiercely independent creatures, much of it borne from very hard lessons of the past, being badly let down by everyone from family members to governments. So we figure that we trust no one, that there is none who has integrity, and so we are forced to depend upon our own selves to get by in life!!!!

Not wanting to involve any of my local family member, I did not submit my application. I promptly shut down my browser which would normally work to wipe out my application process. I then resigned myself to life without a fridge for the foreseeable future.

This was where I ended last week's blog.

However the next day, Monday, while I was at work, I was shocked and surprised to receive a call from the fridge rental company!! They called to confirm that I have indeed ordered a fridge!! I was so in shock, all I could say is..... Ummm.... Yes!!!!

And to cut a long story short...... the fridge was delivered to me last Wednesday. It is a brand new fridge, still in its packing box. It is a bigger fridge than was advertised, and was offered to me at a cheaper rate than advertised!!!

OK.... just how in Hell's name did the company get my information when I did not submit the information to them!?? The application process was not even completed let alone submitted!!!!

Someone must have somehow taken over the data on my laptop, and made sure it was sent to the company!! This has the hallmark of Niandarah my red haired Goddess. Only her would do something like that. None of the other Goddesses would have done this. Only the red haired one. We all know what red haired women are like!! Such personality traits also applies to red haired Goddesses!!!!

Needless to say I have been busily adapting to my new meals regime, going back to baking my pasta dishes, dividing up into portions for putting into the freezer, so through the week I have these portions with my veges. And of course stocking up on very much needed icecream, including some ice cream sticks - you can get a pack of four of them at the supermarket for the price of one from a deli or convenience store. And so I saved quite a sum of money by not visiting the convenience stores nor fast food joints!!!

So what did I do with the money saved over the weekend? Put it towards my trip? No!! The stars and my Goddesses had other ideas!!! Especially my red haired one, she is "Goddess who must be obeyed", a twist on the old joke about describing one's wife as "she who must be obeyed" - very apt descriptions for red haired women!!!!

Firstly the stars..... Mars has just moved into Sagittarius, where my "Mid Heaven" is located in my chart. The Mid Heaven is basically where the meridian intersects the ecliptic. The meridian is the line that connects the north pole to the south pole, and the ecliptic is basically the path in the sky that the Sun follows. And in Astrology, it speaks of one's career or livelihood. Not necessarily one's paid job, but the vocation that we most enjoy. For me it's travelling the world and performing energy works at the energy vortexes around the world, usually where the ancient sites are located, such as the pyramids, temples, etc.

Mars is the planet of taking action, often forcefully. In mythology, Mars is known as the God of War for this action. Taking affirmative action can lead to war!! So when Mars visits my Mid Heaven, which it is doing this weekend, I am compelled to take action on my calling. My Goddesses especially the red haired one confirms this.

The tools I use for my "job" on these ancient sites are my crystals and my crystal pendants, and also my Goddesses figurines. I have a crystal grid, which is basically crystals arranged in a set format. My crystal grid on my altar is pictured below......

A slight variation of this grid is used on my trips.

I also wear crystal pendants around my neck, these help to direct the energies when at the actual ancient sites such as the Mayan pyramids, and I also wear them in everyday life, such as at work, as a means of dealing with energies around me!!!!

Unfortunately, my pendant had spontaneously shattered just prior to my previous Mexico trip. It usually happens to my pendants after they have been used on my trips, so I end up having to acquire a new pendant, always different, prior to the next trip. What had happened to my last pendant, it had spontaneously flew off the table and smashed itself on the floor. I did not knock it off, I wasn't anywhere close to it!!!! This happened a week or a couple of weeks before my last Mexico trip last year.

So I went to the crystal shop that I had always visited to get a new pendant. This time however I had a "feeling" that the crystal shop had shut down, or at least radically changed, and I would not be getting my pendant from there!!!! And as always my feelings always proves to be correct, for indeed when I visited the shop, I saw it had downsized, cutting its floorspace in half, assumedly to save on the rent. Consequently, there were a lot less items in stock, and just as my feelings indicated once again, they were no longer stocking the pendants!!!

Being so close to my trip I had no time to find another shop that had pendants, indeed I visited a couple of other shops I knew but none of them had the particular pendants. So I went to Mexico without my pendant!! I still was able to perform my energy works, but wearing a crystal pendant would have been ideal.

So my red haired Goddess told me to go visit the new markets down south in Mandurah which were open today!! So I took the train down, the train that goes to Mandurah, and went to visit those markets hosted by "Sacred Earth" which in itself seems a very appropriate name - my energy works relates to the energies of Gaia, the name given to our planet Earth.

And I found my pendants, or as is the case, the pendants found me. My crystals talks to me, and when I go to a shop to acquire crystals, I listen to them and see if any speaks to me...... it is those who speaks to me that I get. Indeed I don't get them immediately, I often spend time browsing around the shop, or walking around the markets, and if the crystals are still there after a while, that no one else had gotten them, well that means those crystals are meant for me.

These are the Dragon Blood Jasper and Red Jasper. The Dragon Blood Jasper works in the healing process and to strengthen us, connecting with out heart and increasing our ability to listen to that deep small voice in our heart, and strengthening our resolve to act on the messages. The Red Jasper, considered sacred to Native Americans symbolises the blood of the Earth. Used to ground Earth's energies, also used in healing. So both of these stones are added to my grid, connection between me and the Earth. I didn't know this when I first chose the stones, or as I say, when the stones chose me!!! I just go with my feelings. It is only after I purchased them and the lady gives me the information on these stones that it all makes sense!!!!!

This is the Moonstone. When I saw this stone I didn't know what it was, there was nothing to indicate what it was, yet I was so strongly drawn to it. So I asked the lady at the stall, she told me it is a Moonstone, and is good for feminine energy, and connection with Goddess!!! When she told me that, it suddenly made sense why I was so strongly drawn to it...... me and my four Goddesses!!!! Needless to say, I just had to have this stone, so I bought that one too, and added it to my grid - you see it at the top of my grid as in the photo that I posted here.

My pendant!!! This is clear quartz, basically one of those stones that everyone has!! Clear quartz does basically everything, it is often regarded as the foundational stone. Anyone who wants to begin his crystals collection are often advise to acquire clear quartz, and pretty well every crystals shop has them in stock. You will see a lot of clear quartz in my crystal grid. So to have one for around my neck seems very appropriate. Most of the pendants I have worn had clear quartz. On this occasion, this is pretty well the largest specimen of clear quartz that I had worn thus far, and will come in handy on my upcoming trip. When in the Sun this stone makes rainbow lights inside it.

However the pendant pictured below at a different stall was also calling out to me!!!! There's a story behind this one!!! By the time I reached this stall I did not have enough cash left over to cover the purchase of this pendant, and the markets being just stalls set up in a parking lot, there would not be EFPOS facilities. So I needed to go out and find an ATM. There's a petrol station next door, so I went there to the ATM. However as I walked to the station I had a feeling that the ATM would be out of order. And guess what!!??? When I walked into the shop and went to the ATM, my feelings proved to be correct!!!! The ATM was indeed out of order!!!!!

So I had to walk into the town centre, about a 15 minutes walk, to find an ATM!!! This would be the ultimate test. I mentioned before that I spend time browsing the shop or around the markets before coming back to a crystal or pendant. It is usually only like 15 minutes or so. This time however, it was going to be a lot longer than 15 minutes!!!! Nevertheless, I just took my time in walking to the town centre, knowing, that if this pendant was meant for me, it would still be there when I returned to the markets..... as it turned out, almost an hour later!!!! And indeed the pendant was indeed still there waiting for me!!!!! So armed with extra cash, I gotten this one too!!!!

This is Orgonite, containing a mixture of various crystals such as clear quartz, and also organic materials such as resin, and also some metals. This works to attract and transmute negative energies, from such things as wi fi and phone signals, power lines, dark psychic and dark paranormal, and just negative energies in general. Very much needed for those Mayan sites, when the Mayans fell into dark times with human sacrifices, etc. They didn't do these things at first, the Mayans were at first peaceful. But after a while, through stresses such as climatic conditions, and those from other cultures, they descended into such practices as human sacrifices to try appease the gods. Of course it didn't work, and is why the Mayan civilisations fell...... and people like me, working with these energies, are left to pick up the pieces and restore the original energies of those pyramids.

The Dragon Fly on the pendant is also symbolic. Dragon Flies are often regarded as the manifestation of faeries, it is what faeries turns into when they want to send us messages. Faeries are known as "elementals" who basically inhabits nature. The saying "fairies at the bottom of one's garden" actually contains elements of the truth. Indeed where there is a garden, or even just pot plants, there are faeries. It's one of the reasons why I have pot plants on my balcony, so there can be faeries around.

Over the years, I often had dragon flies appearing to me giving me specific messages, usually giving me directions. Many years ago it was a dragon fly who led me to a park where I would meetup with the ETs who were a part of my star family in the ship above. In more recent times, dragon flies often shows me the locations of the ley lines, such as the Merredin Line. 

So it turned out to be a productive weekend!!! My quest to clear out my storage unit is also going well. I managed to give away my washing machine and dryer this weekend, indeed yesterday, which frees me up to continue on with my task to clear out my storage unit. I am on track to complete the process in about three weeks or so. I had already made the last ever rent payment, and this will represent a major saving on my budget. This was my largest expense aside from the rent of my apartment, so even with just only six more weeks until Mexico, this will make a major difference to my savings plan!!!!

This week we look forward to the Full Moon on Wednesday night, known as a Super Moon because it is when the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, thus it appears bigger than usual, indeed actually 14% bigger. It is also known as a Blue Moon because it is the 2nd Full Moon within the calendar month, we already had a Full Moon just after the New Year at the beginning of the month. And it is also known as a Blood Moon because there will also be a Lunar Eclipse which turns the Moon a red colour. The eclipse will be visible from here in Australia, indeed everywhere in Australia, so be sure to go out on Wednesday night to have a look at it!!!!! These three events happening at the same time is very rare, and therefore will be very energetic!!!!

Then this weekend marks the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, and is known as Lammas or Lughnasadh, one of the 8 holidays on the Pagan calendar. A very important day!!! I will light candles and do other things in honour of the day.

And here ends my lesson on Paganism and working with Earth's energies.......

Time for my quirky sense of humour........

The ones never in relationships, or otherwise in karmic relationships, tends to be Virgos!!!!!

Meanwhile at the Telstra exchange in Perth......

Dealing with the Saturn in my chart. Saturn in Roman mythology is often referred to as "father time" who makes us wait for things and imposes restrictions on us.....

Have to say..... this is exactly how it is !!!!!!!

Dealing with the printer at my workplace !!!!

Probably the approach I would need to take if I ever go on dates again.....

Virgo reasonings.....

Virgo in teen years prior to being wise enough for reality checks!!!!

Meanwhile back in the olden days......

Now my favourite girlfriend..... and new tactics for the Magpies in 2018......

Bracing for Chiron's transit of Aries....... how will the next 8 Xmas's be??

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